Silence Is Violence


A quick nomination for the latest slogan of the woke left and BLM activists.

‘Silence is violence’.
I thought it just signalled indifference but apparently simply not speaking up against racism 24 hours a day equals a violent action.
To be a good person you must mKe sure others see your condemnations and hand-wringing online via social media and vlogs, otherwise you are a racist, a bigot, a white supremacist, and probably a misogynist and transphobe as well.
You may also harbour a secret desire to keep black slaves, or have ancestors who owned them.
In the religion of woke, whiteness, the Y chromosome and straightness are Original Sin.

A year or two ago the same febrile gimps said words were violence,, so not only wont they hear a contrary opinion, but now they wont tolerate you remaining quiet, even after also telling people to ‘stay in their lane’ and that they cant have a valid opinion if they’re straight, white men. They dont have ‘lived experience as a terminally oppressed W. O. C.

The best solution i can come up with is stamping your feet, shrieking and screaming while using actual violence against your opponents, especially if they succumb to your demands, shower you with free money from the taxpayer, including arts council grants for making films about stabbing your little brother, and take a knee.
Taking the knee means, as Larry Fox said on radio the other day, there’s now a master/servant relationship.

They are rolling over. They are offering you a paw. They’re soft and can now be attacked.

Whatever happens, don’t let anyone frame your actual violence as such. It is an ‘expression of righteous anger at injustice…. racist!’

Then proceed to batter the person who dared disagree with you, then decided tthey were subservient, to a wet pulp while claiming moral superiority.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

89 thoughts on “Silence Is Violence

  1. In other words, if you’re not with us, youre against us.
    Err… isn’t that fascism?

    • I like them….Facists. I think for all there faults the Italian Facists are the best. They do make me smile.

  2. All part of Loony Left Newspeak, CP.
    As far as I’m concerned, the Loony Left can fuck itself up the ringpiece with a jackhammer.

    • Most of the soppy sods would not know how to work a jack hammer. Happily this site can provide operators at a very reasonable cost.

      • If white silence is indeed violence, I’m happy not to be quiet. I’m very happy to shout ‘go fuck yourselves with a jackhammer’ at every loony left fucking cunt in the world.

      • On thinking about it we would have to charge that Owen Jones chap and his ilk extra as we would need extra large tools.
        Frankly, I am out of my depth here. Where is Kravdarth when we need him?

      • I have a 5” core drill and the drill to operate it. Mind you the picky little poof would complain it ain’t big enough.

      • Working a jackhammer?
        Lifting one would be a miracle for those wet cunts.

  3. They seem to want the world to be just like a health and safety video made by Lambeth council.
    What a set of pathetic cunts.
    Fuck off.

  4. Lame fucking reboot of that old library favourite:

    “If you aren’t part of the solution then you are part of the problem”.

    Bullshit sound bite from the bullshit left.

  5. So if whitey takes a vow of silence for say 3 months?

    Stabbing is violence, burning down buildings is violence, pulling down statues is violence.

    Remind me when were we asked if we wanted millions of immigrants and when were we told once here they would need wrapping in cotton wool once they got here?

    I’ll tell you what’s violence, war, like the one fought from 39 to 45 to ensure the liberty of this nation and it’s people. The one fought to liberate Europe and keep the free world free.

    Stupid liberal cunts don’t realise the enforced silence of the white folk could come to an end very soon.

    Free speech, use it or lose it!

    • True that

      I may do a cunting on ‘More needs to be done’ (regarding this BLM shite).

      I keep hearing this from esteemed thinkers like former footballer, Dion Dublin.

      Yes, Dion feels that more needs to be done. Racism gave him a cushy presenting job on a home auction show for the rich on the BBC (some man of the people eh?). Oh, and he got a TV presenter job despite having a fucking speech impediment and no qualifications for broadcasting.

      Yes, he was really held back.

      Anyway, ‘more needs to be done’ will never end, and that’s the problem with it. And there is no big fucking problem anyway in the UK with racism. I heard another great mind, Jamie Redknapp, say ‘People are sick of it now and it needs stamping out’ when talking about ‘racism’ (by which he means a cop in the US killing a criminal probably by accident as they showed a pic of Saint George Floyd).

      I am surrounded by utter retards!

  6. Oh well that makes half the population racist and half of them hail from warmer climes so thats another bollocks point that these fucking retards are trying to use so they can carry on playing the victim, its very sad and its done your average coloured guy no favours what so ever, it just amounts to a form of terrorism and like the mudslimes have found out the shit sticks and poeple who were sympathetic before are not anymore, so in making thier point they have shot themselves in the foot, and a hell of alot of people no longer give a fuck about BLM, i know i dont anymore, so as far as the new wave of terrorist shit goes fuck em…..stupid cunts

      • If silence makes whitey violent, then why, when there is a jihadi terrorist incident do the dominant majority wait for collective condemnation from the peaceful communities and their mosques only to be met with silence. When do we hear them make explicit statements against violent extremism other than the usual “He/she was a law unto themself. They don’t represent islam”

        Why the fuck is whitey expected to virtually self flagellate by his dominant peers to prove allegiance to people of colour after a white policeman commits a serious error of judgement while apprehending a black criminal. Or are we all guilty of pre-meditated murder by association because we are white?

        This is a one way street that’s going to result in the exact opposite of what the lefty apologist crawlers want it to. The short sighted Lily livered cunts.

  7. Silence is golden.
    And I haven’t achieved it today. The fridge is playing up, Mrs Plastic has got he telly on upstairs.
    And all I want is absolute silence.

    Discussion point (from A Man For a Seasons)

    Now, Sir Thomas, you stand on your silence.

    Sir Thomas More:
    I do.

    But, gentlemen of the jury, there are many kinds of silence. Consider first the silence of a man who is dead. Let us suppose we go into the room where he is laid out, and we listen: what do we hear? Silence. What does it betoken, this silence? Nothing; this is silence pure and simple. But let us take another case. Suppose I were to take a dagger from my sleeve and make to kill the prisoner with it; and my lordships there, instead of crying out for me to stop, maintained their silence. That would betoken! It would betoken a willingness that I should do it, and under the law, they will be guilty with me. So silence can, according to the circumstances, speak! Let us consider now the circumstances of the prisoner’s silence. The oath was put to loyal subjects up and down the country, and they all declared His Grace’s title to be just and good. But when it came to the prisoner, he refused! He calls this silence. Yet is there a man in this court – is there a man in this country! – who does not know Sir Thomas More’s opinion of this title?

    Yet how can this be? Because this silence betokened, nay, this silence was, not silence at all, but most eloquent denial!

    Sir Thomas More:
    Not so. Not so, Master Secretary. The maxim is “Qui tacet consentiret”: the maxim of the law is “Silence gives consent”. If therefore you wish to construe what my silence betokened, you must construe that I consented, not that I denied.

    Is that in fact what the world construes from it? Do you pretend that is what you wish the world to construe from it?

    Sir Thomas More:
    The world must construe according to its wits; this court must construe according to the law.

    • Amen.

      Silence is bliss. Silence of thoughts is actual bliss, especially those of a contradictory and nonsensical nature belonging to cretinous windbags.

    • Sorry Miles, under new guidelines under the CINO regime, Sir Thomas More and Cromwell have been depersoned and their words and deeds forgotten bt all official record keepers, curators and librarians.
      Chuck them in the bin labelled ‘Dead White Men’

    • Silence is eloquence. In its very basic form. Great read. Remember it from school…

  8. It’s bang out of order. It seems as though honky is being pushed into joining identify politics.

    The honky man has kept quiet and accepted his people being blown up by peacefuls, blacks tearing down statues and then rioting in our streets over events on another continent.

    He has kept quiet and been told ‘Don’t look back in anger’ and that it would be racist to judge all Muslims/blacks the same way.

    However, when it’s honky man doing something they don’t like, they want to judge all honkies as being complicit, due to our skin colour.

    Well, I for one am sick of it. I’m trying hard not to be pulled into identity politics, but if the fuckers keep pushing then I will become a full on racist, just like the cunts at BLM. If they’re saying keeping out if all this shit isn’t an option…then guess what…we won’t be on your side you commie racist cunts!

    If they don’t want silence from the honky man then try can hear this:

    If you don’t like it in the honky man’s land, then get the fuck out of my country.

    You’re welcome.

  9. I must be one of the most violent in my area, because I’m certainly one of the quietest. Immature people make these slogans up. They’re like these teen gangsters in the States who say ‘You either ride with us or collide with us’.
    Fucking children.

  10. Silence is violence, “er no its not”, The black drug gangs with knives killing and injuring the guilty and not so guilty are the screaming loud violence which we all hear. Black lives matter though not in their own communities it seems. Collective Black silence creates untouchable criminal gangs and raw recruits for the next generation of untermensch.

  11. Silence is violence. The only merit to that statement is the statement rhymes. I suppose with the state of the education system this was about the limit for the fucking mongs out protesting. The commie plot to destroy our society From within seems to be coming to fruition fucking near 30 odd years since European communism vanished up its own arse. Loads of white people apologising for something they had no part in white guilt flowing like a flash flood through the media, taking the knee soon to be compulsory. What a wonderful new World.

  12. I have a Facebook account (yes I am a cunt) I don’t use it much just to stay in touch with a few people, I have noticed that one of my former colleagues has gone all ninja over the last few months using the cliche like ‘saying All Lives Matter means you don’t get it’
    All this shit about you just can’t be ‘not a racist you have to be anti racist’ is bollocks, by definition if no one was racist then being anti racist wouldn’t exist, cunts.
    This silence is the same shit Meg the missing Princess said in her little video, ‘the only thing worse that saying something is saying nothing’ , yes fuck off you white denying whore.
    My White isn’t silent I think I BLM are cuts and am happy to tell anyone who asks.

  13. I don’t think they quite get violence, they maybe went special schools or something?
    Think they need more exposure to violence?
    Because keeping your gob shut while they smash up the country isnt on the cards with some!
    I think soon theyll get the real definition of violence and I for one cant fuckin wait.
    Enoch was a visionary, whod of thought itd be so soon?

      • “Back in 2020 i fought in the BAME wars, lost my dreadlocks in that horror, thats why I want you Tarquin to never go to war like your father”…

      • “….and your brother Jonty, crushed by the toppling of the Eric Morecambe statue, the secret white supremacist. Tragic, only months away from graduating in ‘Black lesbian feminist studies’ and ‘Alternative British history’ “.

  14. Where’s the model example, at what point do we arrive at when these cunts show harmony…..I’ll tell you when, never it doesn’t exist. Read this shining example of a Ghanaian lady, and I use the term Lady correctly, sticking her head above the parapet. Let’s forbid any black persons saying ‘ actually no you don’t speak for me I’m happy to live in a reasonably tolerant society which is the uk’. She’s got a mind and opinion of her own and it’s deeply unfashionable, never mind it’s true to her, it’s invalid and racism is not up for debate on any count. My guess is after this campaign they will succeed in riling tolerant people into rascism and an even greater divide ruinous cunts

    • Get the fuckin lines drawn, if its a war no point sat on the sidelines!
      They keep pushing, lets push back!
      The cunts Im angry with are the Antifa, plastic anarchists stirring it up,
      The MSM, and the useless politicians.
      Teresa the appeaser,we called Mrs May,
      Well shes legion.

      • War or extermination. We have faced this before, and the same traitors and appeasers came out of the woodwork then.
        I do not think Antifa will be too pleased when the dam bursts and the silence ends.
        Well, back to cleaning the Lee Enfield.

      • Tell you Foxy, im mild and old nowadays, a family man, a man with a business, and not as prone to wild behaviour as I once was,
        But if when the pubs open some cunt walks in with a Antifa badge or BLM I’ll put the cunt through a wall.
        The stain will be in the brickwork longer than Colsons statue stood in Bristol.
        The manky cunts.

      • I believe they prefer wine bars MNC! Wouldn’t happen in my local, they are pretty feral and a moment of silence would be followed by a significant amount of violence!
        Have to move the drinks first of course – there’s no greater crime than spilt ale! ?

      • It needs some of their own to speak out and calm the fucking exaggerated nonsense down. I’d expect more than Lawrance Fox from the thespian end of the celebrity industry, some more voices of reason….john Cleese, Harry Enfield and Ricky Gervais from the older made money generation. Nobody prepared to go fuck it I’ve no mortgage a secure pension fund I’m not having it, preferably black or immigrant, Jewish would do! Fuck all of any note not like brexit cunts!

        Check this amuse bouche

      • Esther Krakue recently interviewed Nigel Farage. You have to watch it simply for her jugs alone. Can’t keep your eyes off them. Look it up, you’ll thank me for it.

    • If that is her picture in the daily mail, yep would definitely give her a go

  15. Turns out the stabby Libyan terrorist was known to MI5. Lessons had been learned.


      • Known to MI5, eh?
        Just like the cunts who killed Lee Rigby.
        Or the human fllth who bombed Manchester.

        Fucking useless.

  16. Beautiful irony……..libtards go to a BLM meeting in a park for an innocent bit of virtue signalling. Sitting around with their vegan picnic and Sainsbury’s wine they get stabbed to fuck by a goat shagging immo they love so much. I must be a cunt because i’m pissing myself laughing. No silence here.
    The Jellyfish and Starmzy are as one on this……..lessons must be learned. Not by the libtards they won’t.
    Don’t worry, in charge of the investigation is Chief (racist word, have to change that) Inspector (Clouseau) Neil Basu, world famous supersleuth.

    • Commisioner! Commissioner!
      Scotland yard on the blower!
      Peesident Macron has requested our best officer to find the diamond….someone sent Basu!!
      Calm down commisioner, your having one of your turns again”…???

  17. Combine this with what is happening in chop or what it’s fucking called this week, if it starts to get too close to home, the libtards will soon be forgetting the knee, forgetting the vacuous sound bites and screaming for the police to protect them.
    The only thing worse than a cunt, is a “plastic” cunt.

    • Yeah, more good news, the commies shooting each other. Not quite the peaceful street festival the libtard media would have us believe. You can’t put lipstick on a pig and make it a thing of beauty.

      • I dont know anymore. The lockdown is making me look at Fern Britton and think ”i fancy some of that arse!’

  18. Fuck me! I have heard it all now. The Radio 4 headline at 6pm said that the Reading Stabber was known to MI5 but no action was taken. If MI5 had taken preemptive action against this cunt the BBC and our ‘very own’ Owen Jones would be screaming ‘Waycist’. Besides, there are so many of the cunts here now there is no way to track all of them.

  19. Smarmer talking the usual bollocks, should have said WHITE LIVES MATTER. Never mind the RNLI will ferry some more in tomorrow. Never give those cunts another penny.

  20. I’m not a white supremacist. I’m a black inferioricist.

    I would ask the left to get their facts straight before labelling everyone.

  21. as the criminal tendency of lockdown take a breather first we get BLM to fill the void and now we have ‘tewwowist attack’ – all handily communicated to the bbc with a rugby tackling copper on screen – funny how there’s always someone on hand to video this shit – plus the press know all about the ‘killer’ before anyone else – the repeat tyranny of the establishment is getting too obvious now, even for mask wearing cunts – what sort of cuntry is this anymore – with handycock rabbiting about masks in pubs and people sitting back to back having registered first with personal info (which he has already given to the yanks without our permission cos of the naughty virus) – when is somebody interviewing this fucking idiotic cunt going to pick him up and throw him out of a window? – enjoy fathers day if you can – silence is only violence if we don’t at least try to stop this treason, tyranny and torture – my fucking brain hurts wit it all

  22. After the Reading stabbings/murders, surely “White Lives Matter Too!”

    But of course that will never see the light of day because, well you know… it’s racist and misses the point.

  23. Moss side Manchester, two dead from gun shoot wounds, let me see…..

    Any bets on the colour involved?

    • Is it some tourists from Jamaica?
      I might be way off.
      Libyan Islami.c terrorist? Today your judge is Mr Justice White Phosphorus Grenade.
      Thank you.

    • Moss Side? That’s a very diverse area is it not? Sounds like some extreme right activity to me. Those Brexit bastards are everywhere.

      • Moss side is manchesters Brixton or st Pauls in Bristol.
        A shithole that needs flushing.

  24. I believe Boris said if lessions ate to be learned…

    Hopeless dozy blond cunt.

  25. What we’ve got here gentleman is a civil war, wrapped up in a race war coated in lefty progressive submission in order to advance the communist revolution.

    The week ahead is going to be hot in London and the tinder is very dry.

  26. Reading Borough Council leader Jason Brock said the town was “an incredibly strong community” where “people will come together and they won’t allow themselves to be divided”.

    And round and round we go. Nothing brings us together like a good massacre, eh.

    • With bullshit soundbites of “community” no wonder these savages see us as weak and free to do what they like. I suppose Reading FC will be taking the knee and then holding a minutes silence next game, they might even play a game of football too.

      • Yeah, get the candles out…..more hand holding and weeping. More fucking virtue signalling. These cunts deserve everything they get.

      • Maybe Blur’s ‘Parklife’ as song of choice for the vigils and hugging?

      • Some of the players took the knee after they scored against Stoke City LL.
        No longer will I support the club I grew up with for nearly 50 years.
        Not sure who is the biggest cunt, me for spending vast amounts of money on the club or them wankers for backing BLM……

      • It’s them not you.

        I know how you feel. Arsenal fan for about 40 years and I feel the same.

        I have tried watching both the games to they’ve played this week, but I feel nothing (apart from anger seeing them doing the black Nazi salute and the virtue signalling of that useless vegan cunt Bellerin on Twitter).

        They lost both games and I almost felt good about it. Sad really, but im not supporting a team that supports the BLM movement. I have no issues with players supporting anti racism, but BLM are a bunch of anti white Marxists.

        Not having it. Will probably still watch the odd game but as a neutral.

  27. Speaking out on any SM platform seems to anger a faction of society and creates division. Just look at Katie Hopkins who’s Twatter account was “suspended for life” because she responded to a comment about being attacked by a man whom she said would need to be “hung like a baboon” (Ref Blackadder circa 1987). Presumably Twatter thinks she means to hang someone. The reality is that middle England is afraid to speak out for fear of disproportionate reprisal. Be that being attacked by some Libyan, or being banned from a SM platform. Free speech and debate are dying. 1984 comes 36 years late…but it’s coming.

    • Libyan asylum seekers murdering people? BANG! Sorted.
      “We need to learn the lessons” says Boris the narcoleptic traitor. Yawn, yet again, light a candle, take a knee etc.
      The first, second and last lesson we need to learn is STOP LETTING THE BASTARDS IN!
      Give me fucking strength, and the islamic apologist organisation is already pulling the “mental health” bullshit – if the Police had a shoot to kill policy with murdering thieving p*edo terrorists I am sure this will deal very adequately with any mental health fabrications, sorry, I meant “issues”.
      Run the fucking rats into the sea – cowardly appeasement does not work – how much longer can the tide of anger with every ongoing atrocity be held back?
      The UK is NOT a muslim Country, get them out.

  28. If silence is violence then I’ll keep my mouth firmly shut you shower of Marxist cunts.

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