The ex-Floyd windbag is now moaning about how he is not allowed access to fans In a message via his twitter account, Roger Waters has today complained being denied access to Pink Floyd fans via the band’s website and social media accounts.
Waters starts the five-and-a-half minute video announcement by saying that he “rarely speaks to Pink Floyd fans [directly]” and adds “but that is what I am doing now.”
“David Gilmour thinks I’m irrelevant” claims Waters in another gripe.
Well, isn’t this the same man who used to purposely ignore fan mail of any kind in the 70s and 80s? Didn’t he also gob at a Pink Floyd fan once? And as for his moan about Gilmour? Didn’t Waters think Rick Wright (RIP) was irrelevant? So irrelevant that he sacked him?
Hypocritical old cunt.
Nominated by Norman
… and as Ruff Tuff points out, the cunt left the band 35 years ago
I Cunted this arrogant pompous prick recently.. I have been a big Floyd Fan but only through their trippy period up to DSOTM. The Wall was Waters album, dull and depressing.
The Cunt sacked Richard Wright , Left the band and had the audacity to sue them if they kept the name. The Judge saw what a pompous Champagne Socialist cunt Waters is and sent him off with a flea in his ear. And Now he wants to share the Floyd website. Gilmour should tell the fucking old Leftie to go fuck him self and get his Daddie issues sorted.
“All in all it’s just another prick in the noms”.
Waters is an arrogant champagne socialist talentless irrelevance who has treated the bandmates who made him undeservedly famous and the fans who made him undeservedly rich with utter cruel, arrogant contempt.
Egotistical fake hippy clown – I might send Marcus Rashford round to cut off his water! ?
Roger is indeed a cunt.
I havent been influenced by other people, mojo magazine or owt, I saw him interviewed and thought ‘what a arrogant, over priveleged, hippy fuck’.
Only good thing about ‘the Wall'(yawn) is those marching Hammers!
They made me quiet moist!!
Id use one to dash Rogers brains all over his posh mates.
Yours awfully
Syd Barrett
Pink Floyd are irrelevant now. One of my favourite bands but as often is the case the cunts need to let the music do the talking for them. I’ve worked security and stage crew for band over the years and ma y musicians rate high on the cunt scale.
Get over yourself you prick, your an old man, you could leave some of he best rock music behind you, why be remembered for being a bitter old tart?
To be fair though, he wrote ALL the best Floyd tracks and had a stronger voice than Gilmour.
And he hasn’t had the honour of having his entitled, over privileged son desecrate the Cenotaph like that rancid khun of these times.
Yeah, but I’ll go along with cunt anyway, most cunts are cunts.
No “Waters under the bridge” with this one then.
Bitter old irrelevance.
Come to think of it ? What has old Roger done that’s of any note since leaving Pink Floyd ??? Except for endless performances of The Wall ?
Never over keen. Liked Emily, and Arnold Lane had my kind of hobby. (moonshine, washing line) Sid seemed ok, for a bampot. Saw the cunts once and wasn’t impressed with their hippy dippy cuntitude.
Liked them when younger, never listen to them now.
Always preferred Hawkwind for getting off my nut.
Led zeppelin and the orrible WHO are my constant go to bands.
Toss up between going to see this cunt do the Wall?again or chippy tea and a early night?
Plenty of salt & vinegar please luv!
Oh and a waiting sausage.?
Fine taste in music you have there, recently I’ve been listening to free a lot.
Evening Sixdog.
Yep, like Free too.
Like all kinds of music, go though phases on different things, but when driving need something to counter road rage!?
So at mo its Neil Young.
I was a PF fan since Arnold Layne. Then this cunt wrote Another brick in the wall. Fucking total utter shite. Still listen to the early stuff. His dad was killed in the war, still a cunt.
Firstly, I am a Roger Waters fan. Seen him live on many occasions and his solo work is every bit as good as Floyd. Amused to Death ranks along side Animals/wish you were here and Dark Side. Roger’s lyrics were missed after his departure from Pink Floyd.
Having said that I do agree with the cunting as Roger is a monumental twat. His grievances with the other members and the way he treated Rick Wright was nasty. He’s also an antisemitic/pro Palestinian champagne socialist, who ruined his last tour with anti Trump bullshit.
I can’t stop listening to his music though, he’s a musical genius. THE CUNT.
Cuntakinty, your views echo my own.
Apologies to all if I let the side down earlier-the sun was out and the birds singing , almost made me into a pleasant cunt for a moment, almost….
I agree 100% Cuntakinty.
The Wall. Fuck me, what a pile of shite.
A real depressing yawnfest, PF at its very worst. They should have called it a day with Animals. Similar to Roxy Music who came back with the disco-tinged Manifesto, the same year as The Wall in 1979. Roxy should have let go at Sirens.
Rogers is a snidey-faced, socialist old cunt. Imagine that wanker as your neighbour; nowadays he does look like someone who you should be on your guard with if you have young children.
Talking now Paul.
Love Roxy music.
I did too up to the point Paul Thompson left them after Manifesto and then Ferry’s music lost its menacing edge and went all minimalist ‘lift music’, which the Americans loved.
For Your Pleasure and Stranded are two very good albums.
He’s like a woman. Hates attention when he gets it, then when no one cares about him, throws a hissy fit.
Floyd are my #1 band of choice. Unfortunately both Waters and Gilmour just don’t add up to much individually – Waters writes good lyrics and concepts, but has the emotional maturity of a deprived Scouse toddler.
Should have been more like Rick, quiet but effective on stage and in studio. My favourite track, Echoes, has minimal lyrics, not political, written but not sung by Waters.
I do like Animals though, particularly Dogs.
Love some of their stuff, but Barrett was the man.
As a young lad it was an ambition to bang an accommodating lady whilst blasting out Dark side in my (locked) bedroom-as a teen, I managed just that.
Slamming a young stunner doggy style, her head buried into the pillow to muffle her cries, whist Great gig in the sky is shaking the windowpanes-a seminal moment in a young mans life???
Them were the days. I still push my wife’s face Into the pillow but only so I can’t see the miserable hag. I usually play ‘Dogs’ at the start of our love session. it’s 17 minutes long so I usually get to listen the last 16min 30secs on my own while she sobs downstairs.
I did like the division bell- not recommended for making the “ beast with 2 backs “ to-when Professor Hawking starts talking , the thought of him dribbling in his chair is a right turn off☹️
This equestrian-faced has-been sure is a joke when it comes to politics and social issues. As soon as he begins to speak about said issues, you can bet your left spherical and your house that the ensuing rhetoric will be insipdly left-leaning and will promptly induce much frustration — even incredulity, at times — and have you reaching for the skip button. His monotone political ramblings grate on my nutsack, for sure. Undeniably a talented bassist and songwriter, but, for fuck’s sake, shut your massive cave, Rog’!
I am far from PF’s biggest fan. While I own several PF albums, I subscribe to Jack Bruce’s (R.I.P, old bean) belief that the band’s material can hardly be described as music; it’s a pretentious prog rock band whose concept albums were suffused with an ethereal ambience and a dreamy, whacky mystique, imo. In addition, the band relied greatly on elaborate, fancy stage shows to carry the music. I do like the albums Meddle, DSOTM (an undeniable masterpiece) & WYWH. ‘Echoes’ is probably my favourite Floyd song (absolutely love the funky jazz section of the song that begins about 7:00 into the track) and love David Gilmour’s soulful minamilist playing. That being said, DSOTM is an absolute masterpiece and the tracks on the album just segue into one another perfectly and tackle themes of everyday life. You have to listen to DSOTM in its entirety to fully appreciate it. Oh, and ‘The Great Gig In The Sky’ is an absolutely mind-blowing piece.
Never liked the official released version of Great Gig In The Sky. Clare Torry sounds like her knickers are on fire and it gets irritating after about a minute. The ‘Apollo XVII’ version was much better. Rick Wright put this version together as Apollo XVII landed on the moon in 1972.
As for Waters? He now wants attention from Floyd fans. But in the 70s he refused any mail or contact with them. Saying something nice like ‘Once you let the buggers in, you won’t be able to get rid of them’. Basically telling every person who helped make him rich to fuck right off. Hypocritical old bastard.
Rick and Syd RIP
Cunt though he is, after Roger left there was no more Floyd as we knew them. I can’t listen to Division Bell or Momentary Lapse as Floyd albums. Rick and Nick were all but hired hands as Gilmour carved up the empire and the royalties with is wife. Polly Sampson Fucking Ono.
He’s a cunt for sure he has the excuse of producing fine music whereas Elton John on the other hand is just as rich cunt but that’s where the similarities ends
Pink Floyd?…
Racism. He was black.
Very good.
Comment too short! Ok, your comment was very good.
His face looked fucking pink with that coppers knee on his throat the, drug fuelled robbing cunt
His face looks like the dark side of the cunt.
I dont care about his politics. He is an egotistical cunt that had zero talent. He just wrote about himself, his dead father and his loser of a childhood friend that took too much LSD. He managed to convince the suicidal goth generation and sad depressed spotty 6 formers that he was some sort of genius and prophet for them. Without Gilmour and Richard Wright he was nothing. Total self obsessed talentless arrogant twat