Queuing for hours

People who queue for hours to get into a superstore are total cunts. Saw this on the news this morning, a huge queue snaking all around a massive IKEA car park.
You have to be a particular kind of cunt to stand for hours in the baking sun just so you can buy a new plant pot. Cunts.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

55 thoughts on “Queuing for hours

  1. All the usual fast food chains have just recently reopened their doors up here in Cu.m.bria (drive-thru only), and already there have been massive tailbacks of cars waiting over an hour to be served with some Maccy D shite!

    They’re like addicts desperate for their next fix, and don’t mind looking like cunts queuing up for it!

    • Surised any McDonalds are open what with all their BAME staff dropping like flies…CUNTS! Yorkshire Lives Matter!!!

      • I can just about figure why people might need something quite urgently from the likes of Ikea and B and Q. But queueing up to get into McDonald’s, and causing traffic chaos in the process?
        Fucking mental!

    • I’m partial to a Maccy’s every now and then but I certainly wouldn’t wait that long for it.

      • I have some of those dodgy coffee stickers, only reason why I go to a McDonald’s, but I’m not waiting longer than 5 minutes even for a free coffee.

      • I went to McDonalds. Once. There was “a difference of opinion” with the skank calling herself a “manager” when I asked to see her and asked why I had been waiting 28 minutes at the counter and still no ratburger – her reply, and abuse was so nasty and unpleasant (aahdon’t af ter tell yer mah fuckin’ name etc) that I ended up making a complaint to the area director of McDonalds and she was given the order of the boot.
        I refused to go to McDonalds for decades as they (before 9/11) used to contribute money to NORAID which was the fundraising wing of the IRA.

  2. The cunts causing gridlock to get a McDonalds made me question whether humanity is worth saving.

    Police required to marshal the traffic because cunts needed to get a McDonalds as soon as it reopened. Makes a change from the food bank I expect.

    Possibly it’s people grasping any sign of normality, I’m a cynical cunt and part of me preferred the world when these cunts locked themselves indoors.

  3. In the first photo, I’ve never seen so many cunts who’ve forgotten where they parked their car.

  4. Costco is one of the worst; my Mrs asked me to ‘just pop in’ there last week. Upon arrival (6:30pm on a Thursday evening), I saw the queue for the entrance had snaked around the car park, like some multicultural Agadoo tribute.

    Bollocks to that, I thought. And off I drove.

    Cunts queueing up for bumper packs of arsewipe rag. Fuck off.

  5. IKEA – I only ever went in once about ten years ago and it took me fucking hours to get out….It was like being on a Christian Aid sponsored walk….queue to get in??? Fuck me. CUNTS!

    • People that want to go to Ikea are cunts, the place is a vision of Hell even without queues and crowds. Arthur Harris should have flattened Stockholm as an example to collaborators, the creepy blonde cunts.

      • Moggie, I went to ikea once many moons ago. Had to follow it all the way around in one direction only. Those whom deviate will be punished!

        I think (long time ago, it might have changed since then) you walk around, see the items you like (the furniture on display etc), then take a card with the item number on it, (or note it down), then go to the warehouse bit to collect the components, pay for them then go home to put it together. I think.

        Never again. You might like it though.
        Mind you, I’ve not seen them do a scratching post.

  6. It appears that rioting has now begun in Ireland where a gang have raided an Argos store and are now queuing at Collection Point C….

  7. Its the same everywhere.

    I used to pop out to Tesco for a few bits and be back in ten minutes.

    Now I have to queue 10 meters apart for half an hour just to get through the poxy door.

    Once inside, you now have to follow the one way system through the entire store to pick up a case of ale.

    Then its queueing for another 20 minutes to be assigned a checkout.

    Total bullshit that is putting me in contact with every other cunt in the store.

  8. Wait until they open the gay bars…….then you’ll see some queues. There won’t be much social distancing either. You know what the benders are like. ?

  9. My local M&S is brilliant. Nobody standing at the door barking orders, no stupid arrows. You might pay a bit more but the food is nice and generally less riffraff around. I’m not queueing up to get in a shop but if I absolutely have to then I’ll pay them in cash just to fwighten them.

    • I actually did brandish cash at a local clown burger barn and the woman jumped back in fright

  10. Flat pack fuckers!!
    I know many people are bored with this pandemic crap but standing in a car park In any weather for hours shows a distinct lack of imagination, and the prize for doing so is making your house look like every other cunts , equally bad are cunts who are furloughed and bimble around all week doing diddly squat then go to Tesco’s at the weekend for no other reason than it’s routine and End up standing in a mahoosive queue?
    Try dragging your carcasses out of fucking bed Monday to Friday early doors and you may find you don’t have to wait outside Moaning for 45 minutes plus

  11. I read somewhere that some cunts were queuing for 3 hours for a McWank burger. 3 fucking hours. Ffs you’d need to join the queue again as soon as you were served as you’d be hungry again when you got back to the front. Utter madness.

    • Imagine queuing for 3 hours, and you’re about to be served when the cunt in the kiosk says “Sorry, we’re now closed. Good night!”

      • I once spent over an hour on hold for fucking the Virgin broadband call centre only to be cut off. When I immediately rang back I was informed, by a recorded message, that the cunts had been shut for over 50 minutes.

      • This is prevalent throughout the industry Moggie – I have worked for BT and Plusnet and take it from me – the last thing they ever consider is the customer and the last thing they spend money on is customer service, and they never, ever have enough people answering the phones unless it’s sales.
        Of course, along with the esteemed Sir Fiddler I never queue – that’s what poor people do! ?

      • I figured that out a long time ago, when going through the options I often select the sales one even though I’m only seeking service. Just for the pleasure of quickly hearing a human. Sometimes I get helped quicker but they usually send me back to the existing-cuntstomer-on-hold queue.

      • That has put me in mind to listen to Rush: 2112 and drink wine, it’ll be a good night.

      • Superb piece Moggie. Peart’s drumming is fucking unbelievable. ?

      • Your saying that made me listen to opening bars of the overture in my head, and it occurred to me the silences between the notes are just as stark and dramatic even.

  12. It’s quite easy to fill your day with meaningful stuff without bothering to queue for anything.

    Take yesterday for example:
    Get up
    Fry up
    Back to bed
    Get up
    Oodles of home brew
    Back to bed for the night.

    I don’t know how people have time to go to work.

    Goodbye for now.

  13. I go to Tesco’s full of anger and rage because every cunt I pass , mostly middle class mask wearing virtue signaling cock suckers walk out in the road when I’m walking towards them, as if I have Leprosy . One Cunt this morning reprimanded me because I was walking the wrong way up an isle. That did it ….. Listen you Cunt , what are you the fucking Corridor Police ? Its these fucking busy bodies and snitching Neighbours that get my Piss really boiling.

    • Sainsburys is where the mask wearers congregate in my area. Funny enough though Waitrose have been brilliant – we usually take my brother down there and he loves it.

  14. Can’t believe the amount of idiots queuing for junk food and junk furniture from Ikea.

    Btw why do McDonalds ‘restaurants’ have a strange and unpleasant smell? Is the food actually Soylent Green? Haven’t had a McDonalds in years.

  15. Haven’t these stupid cunts thought about ordering online and getting IKEA to deliver a few Swedish meatballs to them?

    • MFI from Sweden – I do not shop at Ikea because I prefer to buy used good quality wooden furniture and restore it – I do not have the patience to queue for anything, it is sometimes necessary for food but I refuse to do it for anything else – I just work out which are the quietest times and go then.

  16. A particular kind of cunt? Yes, l believe you are referring to a gormless cunt.

  17. You have to have some sympathy for the dregs that will spend hours queuing for a McDonald’s. It will be the nearest thing to actual food they’ve had since the bullshit lockdown began. There’s only so many pot noodles you can eat before your shit comes out looking like cheese strings. Cunts.

    • And the silliest part of all is you can make a beautiful burger at home with basic cooking skills.
      Yet another skill our chav and snowflake generation lack.

  18. I had moussaka for my tea,home made by Mrs Terry.
    There was no queue.
    Fuck Ikea.

      • Whew just checked, moussaka is a baked dish that looks rather like a lasagne without the pasta. So it does need an oven. Lucky it’s not a salad or summat that’s not needing baking else I’d look more of a berk than normal

  19. I’d love it if a mpv-load of fatties spent 3 hours queuing and when they got to the window,were told that all the food had run out.
    Learn to cook you lazy benefit cheats !
    Fuck off and wipe your shitty arseholes.

    • Remember when Cuntucky fried chicken closed due to lack of fucking chicken, cunts were all over the news going into meltdown at the thought of eating something healthy or, heaven forbid, cooking something for their families!
      People really are fucking stupid-maybe a Kung-flu cull of the “lower orders” would be a blessing.
      We can but hope.

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