Mayor Marvin Rees

I wont mention the fact i havent tried to have said statue removed before now

I want to nominate Marvin Rees, mayor of Bristol, who whilst being interviewed (ie fawned over) by the obnoxious Kay Cuntley of Sky News, said that people shouldn’t display selective outrage and condemnation. Yet he, just like the BLM movement are totally selective in their outrage over deaths of black people and only ever protest when a black man is killed by some thuggish white cop. But there is no sound from them when black men and boys are being murdered by the 100s every year by other blacks. He perfectly demonstrated the hypocrisy and double standards of BLM, but naturally, Cuntley did not challenge him, I’ve yet to see any so called journalist do that.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

54 thoughts on “Mayor Marvin Rees

    • Marvin! Marvin! Fuck off to any “well run, non corrupt and democratic” African Country.
      Take a few Million with you. Don’t come back.
      Thanks Marvin.

  1. Theres never a meteorite around to wipe these cunts out when you need one.

  2. The media may (as predicted) have blood on their hands.

    I’m hearing that a BLM protest in Reading has seen three killed and many injured. It may be honkies that were targeted by black mobs.

    If so, the government and MSM need to declare BLM a terrorist organisation immediately and reclaim all its funds in this country. Its leaders should face prison.

    The heads of the BBC and Sky in particular should be put on trial for incitement to murder and terrorism.

    If not, the gloves are off son.

    • Cops are saying it’s nothing to do with BLM. Just a coincidence the rally had just ended :/

      Even if it’s s peaceful, it’ll be honkies getting killed by dark keys again.

      And they’re the victims? Piss off!

    • I have no idea what’s happening in Reading and really don’t care but wonder how long it will be before blacks are targets of white gangs, rather than the usual black ones.

    • Peaceful.
      “Mental health issues”.
      Lessons will be learned.

      Somebody loves a bit of chaos,divide and conquer,martial law.
      Couldenhove Kalergi in full swing.

      • Aye I’ve just read that. One person managed to kill 3 and injure many more with one knife.

        Either the guy was special forces or something doesn’t add up.

        Either way, it could be a dark key killing honkies again. But if they were protesting in favour of BLM, I’m finding it hard to care really.

      • Libyan cunt, presumably given unquestioned refugee status and maintained at taxpayer expense. Fuck this, folks. Oh God of Battles, WHEN are we going to see sense?

  3. What is most striking about Burley is how much of a corporate automaton she is. In the early noughties she was very much a foaming attack dog of the right, when Murdoch owned Sky. Now Sky’s stance has been changed to be more in line with the beeb (wet liberal) she has become just as much a brainless liberal wanker.

    She went from right wing loon to sanctimonious woke identitarian without blinking, or thinking.

  4. Lets build a forty foot, gold statue of the slave owner Mohamed. No one will defend it and we all embrace its destruction.

  5. How did this twat get to become mayor of Bristol in the first place?
    I have several friends from Bristol who can no longer return as the place has gone upmarket along with all the house prices. They have been priced out of the place they were born and bred in.
    It puzzles me as to how this half British, black promoting, son of a bitch could be allowed to gain any power in a place that sounds so right wing.
    Surely he hasn’t already got the equality that he claims to be fighting for, the two faced, hypocritical, Jamaican cunt.

    • One word: Token
      Not skills
      Not charm
      Not track record
      Not financial success
      Not trust
      Not mediocrity

      • Not black either. Another mulato clinging to one side of his ethnic orig. In the past they claimed to be from the other side.

    • A large part of Bristol is a huge shithole. I’m guessing your mate lived in the nice part.

      • I imagine that must be the case then, although three people I know are saying the same thing.

  6. I went out with a bint who was at Bristol University. She was an absolute terrier in bed. I used to take the train to Templemeads then go straight round to her gaff, a dingy flat full of posters of female models, and spend the weekend in bed. Occasionally she’d take me to this pub called Cadbury’s but mainly she wanted the Magnanimous pole. She walked round the flat naked, even cooking in the nude. She absolutely loved it. We even had a weekend with her Scary Mary university colleague though she was Scottish and a tad witchy. I used to return to London exhausted, eyes bright, my growbag as dry as a dead dingo’s dongler.

    Nonetheless, this mayor Rees is a cunt.

  7. Token.
    This Uncle Tom is the sanitised, acceptable face of Africa in the the libtard strongholds-cause he us not black. He is fucking halfe-caste you cunts.
    Take him, the chief of poo-lis and all those other gobby, woke, Bristolians’ and chuck the cunts into the harbour, preferably attached to heavy statues of Mandela.

  8. Bristol used to be a great town. Us Welshbastards would go over for a night in the pubs on the docks. It has now become the Brighton of the west, full of woke fucking halfwits, benders and entitled trannies.
    You still wouldn’t go into St Pauls at night though. Cant think why. Oh, I remember, it’s full of gentle repressed folk. Dealing. Mugging. Stabbing.

  9. A Libyan refugee. Security services say MENTAL ISSUIES most probable cause. Yes he hates US. Double cunt

  10. A simpering bedwetting fool.
    At least on the surface.
    I suspect he has another agenda,like many,to see everything whole and respected subverted.
    A traitor.
    I recommend rooting them out and deporting the cunts.To the oven.

  11. I like big Bristols but not so much Bristol.
    Full of lefties that talk like wurzel Gummidge.
    Students, dark keys, white cunts with dreadlocks.
    Once diverted on my way out of Bristol to look at Portishead because I quite liked the music of the band of the same name.
    It was rubbish.
    I went to wookie Hole, no wookiees and didn’t get any hole either.
    Cheddar gorge sounded nice, a cheese orgy to a simple Northerners mind.
    But no, it was rubbish.
    Pointless going anywhere below the midlands its all empty promises.

    • If you like Bristols, you’d love the Suspender Bridge.

      Afternoon Les Mis.

      • Afternoon Cap!
        To be honest, Bristol the place is quite interesting, shame its a cesspit of woke types eh?
        Been out househunting with missus Miserable today working on her to convince her we shouldnt have neighbours, and if we must, only one or two! Found one I like that backs onto the peaks!☺
        Im removing myself slowly from this hideous modern world Cap!?

      • Good Luck with the move, it sounds delightful.I’d sell you one of my properties but the Customs might reject your passport to move South. Anyway, the Northern pound is only worth about 50p in real money, isn’t it.

        (I’d better put an emoji else some cunt will take these insults literally)


      • I’m sure you have a nice terrace between Mustapha and DeShawn for the Miserable clan Cap.

      • Hehehe, yes, for a pound you can still go the pictures with the family up here!
        (I always have to put a emoji too, some cunts take it serious, and had tears in the past, they dont realise im a innocent adrift!)?

      • Liqs, the best I can do is a two-bed in an ‘up-and-coming’ area. The previous tenant was a Slovakian and his night-working “maids.”
        I have got a tiny, one-bed apartment but the kitchen sink hasn’t been expunged of fecal matter from the previous tenants, Mubarak, Achmed, Jahinda, Hamza, Usman, Mùhamed, Rashid, Ibrahim, Hussain, Yadir, Malik, Adeel, Usamma, Sadiq, Luqman, Rahim, and Jeremy.

      • Captain M- that last list of names sounds like the Liverpool squad for next season???

      • Up-an-coming Cap? I hope that includes the peaceful taxi office, fried chicken shop(s) 24 hour P*aki newsagent, Euro foods minimart, nail bar and Turkish barbers. Any more local delights?

      • Albanian Delivery services, Romanian Hand Car Washes, Iqbal’s Legal Services, Pavel’s ImportExport, Huang Chung’s batty Takeaway, Paddy’s Plastering Inc, two Lithuanian gun shops, three halal “taste the cruelty” shiteholes also selling mangy vegetables, several Polska rat nest groceries, and a few dozen nail bars full of Vietnamese whores fresh off the lorry.

      • CF, Jeremy’s just on loan. He tried to fake it with a wígger cornrows haircut but he was just too British.

      • Ha ha! Perhaps Aston Villa will take him into the Chimpionship next season-of, harsh but fair!

      • He’s awful, rubbish, absolute toilet. Still too good for Villa though.

        Da doo Ron Ron Ron, da doo Ron Ron.

    • During a holiday in the region, I WAS fortunate to get plenty of Hole and Cheddar cheese at the gorge.
      Weston-super-mare (or super-mud as the locals call it) has end of pier “ entertainment”, a description under which the town council should be prosecuted under the trades description act☹️?

    • Hardly any cunt in Bristol wants a mayor but we keep getting them. We used to have a cunt called George something who was mayor for a while,he was given to wearing red corduroys which are one of natures warnings that you are in the presence of a cunt,same as bow ties or glasses on a chain. Anyway the daft cunt was always coming up with daft ideas to spend our money on,like converting Concorde into a giant tram ( I may be exaggerating slightly). Marvin Rees turned up at the central Bristol jobcentre a few months ago,to grace the staff with his presence but sadly was not recognised and was sent round to the public waiting room,this went down like a shit sandwich,my friend said.

      • George always bungles?
        On the boat with him!
        Boat sinking? – Call the coastguard – for quick and efficient service just tell them you are coming in not going out! ?

  12. Fucking minorities calling the shots, fuck them and their cause, fuck BLM UK and it’s looney leaders.
    This country has gone soft, this cunt in Reading is a Libyan asylum seeker just like the arse wipe who blew himself up in the Manchester Arena

    When will our useless government get the fucking message, none of the cunts can be trusted…. If the wankers want asylum send them to any of the Muslim countries.

    British lives Matter, deport the fucking lot!

  13. Starting to get fed up with the black footballers doing the black power salute a la The Black Panthers. The Black Panthers were akin to a terrorist organisation. What if it were ‘White Lives Matter’ and one does a seig heil salute? Both seem the same to me. Will anything be said? Of course not.

    • Totally agree-fascism being openly practised and endorsed in sport. In-fucking-believable.
      I caught a news story on YouTube the other day, a crowd being lead by a megaphoned cunt, call and response, this:

      I am not joking, it fucking sounded like “seig-heil” and the counts were saluting the fist.
      It really had come to pass:

      “Anti-fascism is the new fascism!”


  14. kay cuntley – i prefer kay burleyhuman

    blm is sponsored y the democratic party of amereeeka (ActBlue) and georgie boy soros

    they can all fuck off – i reckon the extremely poor quality of politicians in this cuntry has made it even easier for globalists to subvert our democracy – mps and councillors are merely placemen for the elites – this guy is a shill – and don’t get me started on fucking footballers and their labelled shirts – fucking cunts the lot of them

  15. I’m sure that in it’s day Bristol used to be a classy city with a proud history. Now it’s full of brotha-lovin woke , white weed-addled slags with dreadlocks prancing about in the nude during the WNBR, wiping their chlamydia /gonorrhoea-infected cunt-slots all over the saddles.For this they really do deserve this cunt as their mayor.
    I sometimes wish that I was an A&E doctor in Southmead then I could walk into the crowded waiting-room full of the cunts and tell the time-wasting sacks-of-shit to fuck off.

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