London Anti BLM/Antifa UK Protesters

Can I please nominate a massive drunkin,loutish cunting please for the wasted opportunity that was the demonstration today in London.

I was hoping that the crowd there was going to be peaceful and not live up to the predictable rabble of drunkin football hooligans…but I was wrong.

They have just made a complete and utter cunt of it by attacking the police and shouting the rather boring stereotypical slur….”Ennggarrluunndddd”

Well what about the rest of the UK folk that have had enough of their crap as well?
I guess we will never know now as this shower of cunts has probably ruined any legitimate cause for any future protests now.

On behalf of the rest of the UK.

Thank You. You complete and utter braindead & embarrassing WANKERS!

Nominated by: Barney


60 thoughts on “London Anti BLM/Antifa UK Protesters

  1. They showed up, if there had been even 10 thousand average white English people turn up to defend the statues let alone our way of life they would of been less likely to kick off.

    Brain dead wankers they maybe but they showed up when the rest of us sat at home carping about it.

    By staying at home we left the lowest common denominator to speak for us.

    Not sure if I can cunt those who at least bothered to show up. We don’t have to fight or run rampage, just face the Antifa cunts with stoic determined silence.

    Enough and no more

    If Churchill was around today I doubt he’d be talking about fighting on the beaches, he’d know he was writing a cheque we can’t sign.

  2. Sadly, the silent majority who do the right thing are let down by the police, the lager mob had an excuse to kick off and did so.

    The previous week the police trying to show ‘sensitivity’ to the BLM backfired and as we know the BLM cunts are driven by the extreme looney left so took the opportunity of no cunt standing in their way to vandalise our colonial racist past.

    All the media focus on these ‘far right thugs’ attacking the police but neglect to say that many more police were injured by the peace loving BLM.

    The cunts have only themselves to blame if a few ‘footy lads’ kick off.

    • The “far right thugs” and terrorists BLM and Antifa were behaving like savages, they received swift and (from what I am told – I was in church at the time) painful payback where I live recently.
      The much mentioned “far right” are the ones who hide behind fake liberalism to act like vermin, they are every bit as bad as the nazis and should be treated as such.
      But the stereotypes did fall right into the trap the MSM laid – what we need is a few Million people who do not get drunk and shout – just quietly march in unison, through every major city with the banner “being white is not a crime” – let’s see how the MSM spin that one.
      Take some machine guns, obviously! ??

  3. Have to agree with Sixdog. When the police refuse to protect us, the politicians and their propaganda machine abuse and demonise us, this is what we have left. Nobody likes it but the libtards have forced us to choose sides and these cunts are on our side.
    It’s the same in any war…….people who normally we would want locked up become very useful and we pin medals on their chest. This is where we are now.

  4. Ok, the next time this issue erupts, I will put on a suit and tie and join the local anti BLM protest, if I can find one. I doubt shouting “I would be very much obliged if you gave my views the respect you would show your own” will earn me much traction, but perhaps it’s worth a try?

    • You’d be there, you’d be counted.

      Same as the brexit thing, thousands marched for remain, when it came to leave marches it was Nigel, an old couple and their dog. It made the remain narrative that no one really wanted brexit look plausible.

      We won’t get a vote on this, our strongman PM is indeed the weak egotist many feared he’d be.

      No one in government wants to be called a racist so the political class have abandoned us and we become racists if we dare to debate the BLM narrative now.

      Lots at stake, if we, I mean the indigenous people don’t make a stand now, there will be fewer and fewer prepared to by the time it’s too late. By that time making a stand will make you an easy target.

      This is not about race, it’s about subjugation of the population to left progressive agendas.

      • Good points. In summary, it’s the numbers that are important (as well as clear recognition that aBLM covers the same political spectrum as BLM, apart from the hard left…yes, even in Labour.)

        Also, reacting to BLM protests is probably much less effective than having a dedicated aBLM protest. That way the media would have to mention the purpose of the exercise rather than simply saying ‘counterprotesters’ and documenting their evilness if possible.

        But this requires a good bit more organisation than can be offered by Millwall Casuals* on Twitter. Large numbers of people with only one probable common interest have to be informed and catered for logistically. Social media experts and influencers are perhaps the only way of accomplishing a turnout of any newsworthy size. BLM knows this. aBLM doesn’t seem to.
        Not me, sorry.
        I am shit at social media, and I suspect that many people favouring aBLM are liable to be twitterphobic too. But there’s an opportunity for someone!

        * if they haven’t been declared unpersons by now – I don’t follow footy.

  5. Brainless cunts, as are most football fans. But I hope they turn out for a White Lives Matter march. Or have they learnt from it. Sitting here drinking Hobgoblin ruby, fuck em, fuck em all.

    • Im not cunting them.
      I totally support them.
      Know theyre football hooligans blah blah,
      But I did fuck all, at least these lads showed a face and said NO.
      These marxists arent going to sit down for a civilized debate, theyre bully types, jackals when in numbers, only thing they respect is a show of force.
      Good on anyone who turned up in my book.

      • Agreed MNC – while their methods were questionable they were out there and we were not.
        Anyone up for organising/attending a “being white is not a crime” march?
        Count me in, especially for the “show of force part”!

  6. I agree with the counting only in so much as the more damage the antifa lot do while the senior police pull their peckers the more likely the wider public will kick back properly against all the woke cultural Marxist SJW bollocks. At the moment Joe public isn’t bothered enough to do anything much about it.

  7. Tricky one this, on the one hand yes these lads are on our side and they were there and we weren’t. On the other hand they’re such easy targets for a biased MSM and their cronies.
    What we need is an organisation that speaks honestly and objectively for the vast majority of ordinary uk citizens. Now ordinarily that should be the government we voted for! But I’m not overly optimistic on that score.
    May I suggest the NRA.

    • Well the Brits had their last electoral chance with the BNP and unfortunately they stood in the booth with a pecil stub in their quivering hand hovering over that BNP tick-box… and they bottled!

      Personally I see no political route now. Should some catalytic event bring forth a party that did manage to scoop a UK election (and remember we’ve only got about 9 or 10 Parliaments left till we are a numerical minority, 7 or 8 till we’re an electoral minority) then international financial and/or external military forces will be mobilised even to the point of physical occupation maybe by some hastily assembled and cuddley named “EU Combined Containment & Stability Service. or some such piece of cuntery stacked with 20% newly accessioned Turks!

  8. To be fair, the MSM portrayed a very different series of events, than actually took place. There were a few twats, mostly just good, patriots putting the rest of us to shame.
    A land fit for heroes……

    • They showed up.
      What have we done?
      Moaned? Tutted? Wrote a strong letter?
      We have no politicians on our side.
      The media doesnt air our point of view.
      Whens the silent majority going to do anything?
      Talks cheap.
      And im ashamed to say im selfish I worry about my family, business, because I do something these cowardly cunts will take it out on them while im on my way to Strangeways.
      Not only do I support these lads but if something more orgsnised legal or illegal emerges ill support that too.

      • I’m on it MNC – my campaign slogan is “being white is not a crime”.
        We need to do more than point out the wrong in our society – we need to be on the streets, in force, shouting so loudly they cannot ignore us.

      • Afternoon Foxy!?
        What are these Antifa and co scared off?
        Pointing out weak points in their arguement?
        Loaf of blokes who aren’t middle class students, who arent going to run when some pushing and shoving start.
        Who will hit back.
        Theyre snakes and need dealing with mate.??

  9. I don’t agree with loutish behaviour either, but I suspect a lot of people are riled by the site of the police, politicians, and dime a dozen TV “personalities” all pandering to the BAMES, and BAMES like David Lammy, a pompous, pious heap of self regrding shit pretending he has “suffered” (well he was certainly never starved as a slave) and it is a red rag to a bull.

    At least they showed some resistance to the BLM motherfuckers, unlike the supine authorities.

    • Well the BLM are about as loutish as can be and they are winning, sitting at home tutting over your cuppa makes you a looser, violence has always won wars, disagreeing with violence only gets you whipped, conscientious objectors didn’t win any war, violence did

  10. They really let the side down didn’t they?

    You can’t really march against “BLM/Antiracism” without implying that you are racist. What it was supposed to be all about was protecting statues. But they were boarded up so what was the point in going? Some ex-army guys I know called it off because they knew it was a trap. The rather less bright football fans fell right into it and thus become the violent far right extremists that the BBC wanted to portray them as.

    What a spectacular own goal.

    • How far do we allow Antifa to go without resistance? Take over an area and declare its independence? If it happens in London Khan will undoubtedly do nothing.

      Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

      Christians fed to lions because they refused to turn on their faith.

      English eradicated because they feared being called racists and sat on their arses complaining to themselves.

      When they came for………..

      History is full of examples of those who fought at great personal risk and those who submitted.

    • “You can’t really march against “BLM/Antiracism” without implying that you are racist..”

      At this point I couldn’t give one third of a flying fuck about their implied insults. Where’s the news? People who have always hated us still hate us? yeah yeah whatever. If it had been manned by pensionable elders of the W.I. the antifash would not have held back the bile, in fact they would have been nose to nose screaming at the old dears with the spittle dribblng from their foaming mouths. They wouldn’t have dared try that shit with some pissed up/off 18stoner! Drop the knut, pop the nasal bridge, NEXT!

      “But they were boarded up so what was the point in going?”
      Don’t think a bit o’ crap shuttering would have posed much of a barrier or deterrant.

      “Some ex-army guys I know called it off because they knew it was a trap.”
      Obvious that the place would be swamped with media but regardless they should have said bollocks and gone in uniform and I venture they would have been a sufficiently heartening sight to the assembled patriots that they would have been happy if not actively keen to acccept some ad hoc military discipline and direction from them.

      The British have always been a bit tasty and never afraid of a bit of argy bargy should the need arise but what’s lacking is the intellectual guidance for that collective fist. In their gut they know that what’s happening is a fucking wholesale sellout of their homelands and futures but they don’t have the vocabulary or enough history and underpinning theory to tuck their shirt in and stand in front of a camera to put our greivance/s to the country (remember the “muslamic ray guns”?…) The current dispensation wouldn’t allow it anyway.)

      “…and thus become the violent far right extremists that the BBC wanted to portray them as.”
      Pretty much anyone to the idealogical right of A Scargill will be summarily labelled thus, goes with the territory, pffft so what? The term has lost all currency outside of the London media bubble.

    • That’s what they wanted you to think, by the time they’ve had us all wondering, shall i protest or’ll be too late, the 6 trillion club will have won

  11. If there had been nothing but quiet stoicism the meedja would have still found some stick to beat these people with.
    Calling them yobs or whatever, is just using class status as snobbery, the same way that fat Jabba the slut Thornberry did when she twatted about someones house with the English flag and a white van in the driveway. ” Oh look, a lager lout, how frightful the hoi polloi are, disgusting peasants blah blah blah.
    Well many of us weren’t born into privilege, white or otherwise and that’s how we talk, we never had time or money for elo-fucking-cution lessons, this is how we live, in a real world, not the lofty refined heights of social status and money.
    The genteel types said nothing,did nothing and all this bollocks about having a cup of tea and keep calm carry on achieves sweet F.A. Our enemies know this so they see it as a weakness which it is. You don’t debate with mentalists.
    If a brawl does start,do you want a librarian or a builder on your team?
    Pantyfa were instructed not to attend by their controllers, otherwise they would have counter rallied, well, as long as they had greater numbers and police protection anyways. Then it would have kicked off and they would have been pummeled.
    The police knew this, hence the riot kit.
    No genuflection to the rest of us citizens on that day were there?

    • Well said Cuntles and we all know inside that given the choice between a handful of these lads and a party of local gov’t data clerks I know for a fact who I’d want next to me on the barricades, in the trench or at the breach.

      “He that hath no stomach to this fight
      Let him depart!
      His passport shall be made and
      Crowns for convoy put into his purse.

      We would not die
      In that man’s company who
      Fears his fellowship to die with us.
      The cunts

  12. Whatever you think about footy fans, they have passion. Passion is what is being displayed in the picture above. So what if they enjoy a skinful of lager? They were there along with some of our veterans and there’s no shame in being patriotic.

    goodbye for now.

    • And I’ll bet the ghost of Keith Palmer was quietly saying “Don’t mind me mate, finish yer piss and get back in the lines, we need you there and we need you now ’cause no other cunt’s bothered to put there money where their mouth is… oh and give the cunts one from me!”.

  13. Just heard this phrase on the radio, “as the country marks Windrush Day.” Oh really? Since when? When was that invented then? Stick it up your arse you media traitor cunts!

  14. A real shame if they’d have gone there and been model citizens to get the greater point across the msm and the police would have pushed for a reaction and have made something up to show the country their doctored fucking bollocks that we are the problem not these spearchucking cunts and their soapy white middle class cunt mates there are some people suggesting the rescue of the chap by the black blokes was maybe a set up, we’re up against msm blm antifa lib cunts and the police a proper mob of shit cunts

    • 95% were civilised-the MSM cherry picked “moments” to portray the counter protect as a fascist, baying mob, more akin to the Antifa/BLM mob?

    • I’m sure that ‘rescue’ was a set up, there was an interview later with the saviour and 3 of his bruthas on tv. Yeah, right.
      Media manipulation, now where have we seen that before? Boycott the news.

  15. ” Brain dead” men defeated the chivalry at Agincourt. They were there at Naseby. They did the same thing on the thin red line at Balaclava. They went over the top every time in WWI and held the line and waded ashore at Dunkirk and Normandy. War is only possible with men throwing themselves with violence into the fray. I’m with all of them sober or drunk.

      • For the floating “brain dead “drunks with their tots of rum. They stood by the guns while everyone around them were blown to pieces at Trafalgar and Jutland and San Carlos Water.

      • Well he’d better bring my uniform back – Hugo Boss’s slaves worked hard making that for Grandad Adolf!
        I can of course sooo still fit into it! ?

  16. Tragic thing is those Antifa and BLM vermin didn’t even get a kicking. If this had been in Russia only 30 or 40 of their ultras would be needed to turn both Antifa and BLM into strawberry jam.

    Oh and I hope Cressida Dildo goes to Hell.

  17. This was inevitable after the pathetic display by our police forces in London and Bristol the previous weekend.

    They might not be that educated or articulate, they might not have the right words or slogans to call on, or the right motives for turning up, and there were nasty elements making monkey gestures and launching fireworks, but they dont represent the chaps protecting the statues.

    Besides, what does being ‘educated’ in this wankrag of a country even mean anymore? All the educated people seem to get everything wrong nowadays.

    Ive seen a couple of videos made by condescending student hipster types for JOE or Vice, interviewing the least articulate, drunken lads there to skew the narrative, and i wrote I’d still have them at my shoulder in a tear-up over the smarmy prick holding the mic to their face anyday. They werent being racist, they were trying to tell the reporter history is a process and we need to protect the memories of the past. They have hearts, unlike our psychopathic media class.

  18. They maybe drunk and fucking angry but at least they had the balls to attend and defend our Liberty. What BLM don’t seem to get is they have by there actions created more racism and a lot of anger.

    • Thats exactly what they wanted Fenton.

      BLM is organised by 11 Antifa / communist knobheads. All of them white.

      The blacks have fallen into the Stalinist trap and have become the useful idiots.

      The football enthusiasts had their hearts in the right place, but also fell into the trap.

      Had the football enthusiasts stayed off the Stella and just stood there, together in their respective team colours, it would sent a much clearer message.

      And the fat old slaphead that was dragged out by the jam spoon is an undercover copper.

      • OB, I was wondering about that!
        MSM should be mithering him for a interview!
        “How does it feel that BLM black guy saved you?”
        Its fuckin rigged.

      • The takeover of the UK accelerates with every day.
        We need to collectively stand and fight this, every day, every way – because if we do not white people (who dare to disagree with the agenda) will not be a footnote in history, we will be removed from not just history but existence.
        The greatest Country in the World brought down by the very worst in it – not on my watch I’m afraid.
        Right, back to polishing the SLR – laaarvly weapons with plenty of punch, and much better than the sissy, sorry SA80!

      • Odin-have you concrete evidence that he was an undercover cop? That could be very, very significant if true.
        Please elaborate.

      • Odin-have you concrete evidence that he was an undercover cop? That could be very, very significant if true.
        Please elaborate.

      • Its well documented, Cuntfinder.

        At first it was thought he was just a football enthusiast.
        Then it turns out that its was an undecover copper who got too close to the firms he was investigating.

        Have a little think about that. If the people he was grassing up found out he was a narc, they wouldn’t exactly welcome him into the fold, would they.

        Ergo, it is still an undercover copper.

        The whole thing was a set up.

  19. I have done a nom on the kneeling shitweasels of Burnley FC, I very much hope it gets through – what they have just said is an absolute damned outrage and cost me another 20p in my swear box – as a Yorkshireman I am understandably devastated by losing money (cwied and everything I did!) and at this rate my swear box will soon need concrete reinforcement under it.
    And where’s my statue – I want written under it “25 per cent Irish, 25 per cent Welsh, 50 per cent English of Nordic origin – what the fuck of it”?
    Aaagh – another 10p in the swear box – fu, er I mean “dash it all” – I’m off to weave a basket! ?

  20. So now we are cunting off patriotic white British lads and calling them racists louts, tossers and wankers are we?…How the little worms have turned to sucking Marxist cocks on their knees….well I’ll chant Englaaaaand in solidarity with our WHITE patriotic wankers & louts untill I die and fuck any cunt that doesn’t

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