
Ingeus are cunts…

An old mate of mine has age and ill health catching up with him… Basically he used to work his bollocks off, but now his kidneys are fucked… Paid in all his life and all that and he is now looking for a job with less hours and to work around his routine (he’s now on all kinds of pills and stuff)… He doesn’t want to give up work and do fuck all, but he wants to wind down a bit and take his declining condition into account… Those lovely people at JCP (cunts) told him to go to these people: claiming they can help him with his health issues and ‘work’ with him…. Only one problem with that though… It’s total fucking bollocks…. Here is the lowdown (from him to me) on these buffoons…

1. Did not know what CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) was. His ‘Key Worker’ (whatever that is) simply asked ‘What’s that?’

2. Showed little to no concern when told about CKD and what is was.

3. Did not even look at any of the Hospital or Consultant paperwork, official symptoms list (done by GP) or Doctor’s dictation he brought with him as evidence of health condition.

4. Did not ask about any symptoms or medication, or how it effects day to day life.

5. Because CKD is an unseen physical condition – as opposed to a visible disability or a problem like drug addiction, alcoholism or anxiety – he did not feel it was taken seriously. In fact, he knows he bloody wasn’t.

6. Although the scheme is titled the Work and Health Programme, he felt that little to no emphasis was put on actual health issues (which he does genuinely have) and was told that medical records, Hospital paperwork, medication details and test results were not needed. The ‘Heallth’ part of the scheme’s title seems to have little to no relevance.

7. It appears blatantly to be more about fulfilling targets and getting people into work – any work – regardless of health issues or individual cases. My mate was made to feel more like a ‘rank and file’ nobody and malingerer, instead of a person seeking employment as best and as suitably as possinle in his situation (which he does and has done).

8. Saw another ‘health professional’ there (separate to the clunk he had already seen) and they also didn’t know what CKD was and ignored any official medical notes, tests or paperwork. All but ignored his list of symptoms and did a stupid ‘ice breaker’ session where the silly cow wrote ‘key words’ on a board… For fuck’s sake, eh?…. Absolutely useless….

9. Every time he goes in there he is greeted with a ‘friendly face’ i.e: false bonhomie, and the minute he sits down he is never asked how his medical situation is. He’s then immediately shoehorned into either taking a job he either can’t do or doesn’t want. When he mentioned his health, all he got was ‘Well, if you can walk here, you can work’. He attempted in vain to explain that CKD is much more complicated than that and all he got was ‘Well, you should apply for ESA then’. Naturally these sods offered him no help and advice at all with this statement and my pal knows only too well that claiming for ESA is harder than pulling teeth… Only smackheads, pisspots, ex-cons, transbenders and foreigners get the fucking thing… The English working man or woman is at the bottom of the list….
Now, this pal of mine is a good old boy, a nice lad and has been a grafter all his life… But when he needs help like he does now, he’s not getting it… It’s simply filling quotas, setting targets and he could die for all this lot care, as long as they have ‘done their job’ and crossed him off their list… Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Great Britain and how it now treats its people… A combination of the workhouse and the scrapyard.

He was also told by these fuckers to lie to potential employees and businesses. My mate was told to keep his medical issues from firms to ‘get his foot in the door’. Which basically means be dishonest and if he dies on their premises then it’s tough shit on them (the company) and him. Obvious they want hin to lie so he will get work -any work- and they can cross another off their quota list. Morally bankrupt corrupt pigs.

And now with this virus thing going on, my mate is officially in the high risk category. But these Ingeus fuckers are still mithering him about ASDA needing extra staff to help with the demand because of Covid-19 and asking him about ‘online courses’ when he has told them time and again that he is not interested. He did tell the daft bitch that the Doctor told him in writing not to leave the house and that he had to self isolate… What part of that didn’t they fucking get?! Cunts!

Nominated by Norman

22 thoughts on “Ingeus

  1. Does Crapita have a role in this setup? They are total turds; I have spent eight months trying to get a refund on my TV licence after moving. The term ‘Not fit for purpose’ seems to be their mission statement.

    • Don’t start me on Crapita.

      They are the SS of TFL and TV licencing.

      A useless bunch of jumped up goat felching cunts who like to threaten and intimidate people who aren’t in a position to fight back.

      Except I did.

      I think they took exception to me offering to send whoever they send to threaten me back to them in black bags. Care of DHL.

  2. I had to look up Ingeus, I’d never heard of it.
    Their website is proudly fronted by some hijab wearing foreigner. No need to look any further, it says all you need to know.

  3. Can he try cleaning or start up as a cab driver so he can work his own hours?

    This ignoramous company sound like complete cunts.

  4. It doesn’t take a genius to work out what ingeus is an anagram of. They couldn’t make it up.

  5. Global provider of people related services. Does that mean they give blowjobs?

  6. These are my least favourite cunty vermin ever. Lower meddling class tin Jesus, obstructive, indolent, obstructive , rather dim and inept functionaries that bullshit their way through life with an air of vainglorious snide condescension. They need a brick in the face, twice.

    • Daft drunk cunt. Said obstructive twice, should’ve wrote indignant and officious.

  7. Welcome to the state employment tribute act, the bottom of the pile will find placement in government office, as then as always. The only requirement skill is the ability to tick boxes.
    Crayons will be provided, please refrain from eating them.
    Sorry to read about your mates fuckery issues, he is one of hundreds of thousands of decent tax payer.
    The sick ship Britannia is taking water rapidly and the bilge rats are popping up everywhere there is a government gateway program.
    Dirty, fucking cunts.

  8. Interesting outfit. Its CEO, Jack Sawyer, is also the boss of something called Reducing Reoffending Partnership, currently involved in a huge controversy about poorly performing privatised probation services. Also of ITL Training, Ltd, provider of vocational and technical education services (Ofsted, 2016: “Requires improvement”, nothing since) and other outfits inserted between government cash and public needs. Absolutely right about its being target-driven, without reference to whetgher the targets are in any way useful; Glassdoor reviews indicate that it’s a cunt to work for as well.

    This kind of story is unacceptably frequent, but as long as market solutions are promoted for social ills, nothing much is going to change. Antifa and the New Left might do a bit of good in this direction, but that would involve hard work and planning, while removing monuments isn’t so taxing.

  9. This bunch of cunts is one of many who specialise in taking public money. Bearded grinning hippy cunt Branson is another along with Crapita.
    Their performance is fucking disgraceful and Norman’s example is typical.
    The cunts.

  10. There’s something empty about modern made up names for companies. Not the name of the founder or something original just a lazy made up word from another word.

    It comes from ‘ingenious’. How ingenious.

  11. Reliance on state funded or delivered services is never a good place to be. It used to be that families looked after themselves, what’s now considered a chore was once seen as duty.

    Everyone has their part to play, I’m not sure I can think of many things the state has improved since the 1950s and I’m. sure if the government has a place in personal care. Theres many people on benefits through choice which squeezes the system to a point that those who really need it and haven’t got a long history of playing the system are the ones least likely to get help when they need it.

  12. What a set of cunts.Comes as no surprise unfortunately.
    The corporate version of Stalin is beloved by government officials.
    The more you pay in the less you get out.
    Full oven.

    • Ingeus are one of hundreds of outsourced parasite fly by night companies (anyone remember A4E?) – all it takes is a generous donation to whichever political party is in charge and a profitable new contract is coming your way.
      I used to work for Capita – they are fucking vermin – lying greedy lazy dishonest incompetent bullying gutter rats. (Fun issuing legal proceedings though, and even funnier finding out that all the managers involved in my illegal dismissal had been booted!??)
      And Capita have the contract for BBC licence enforcement.
      Anyone not wishing to pay for a TV licence just needs to go on google and fill in the online BBC form – any attempts to access your private property by Capita can legally be seen as trespass and harassment after this is done – and filming the Capita monkeys and exposing their illegal bullying tactics guarantees a swift exit. Capita’s CEO is called Jon Lewis, and he knows me well, shall we say.
      The ONLY way any third party can come onto your property or in your home with regard to a TV licence is via a Court order issued by a Judge, and any snoopers at your door and asking “are you the householder” should receive the standard reply which is “what the fuck is it to you, nosy cunt – who the fuck are you and what do you want”?
      I REFUSE to fund the BBC.

  13. After being made redundant three times in a year, attended the hellhole that is the DWP office. “We’ve got a job for you as an HGV driver”. Me: “I haven’t got an HGV Licence, I’ve worked all my life in customer services”. Them: “Oh right”. Next time I went a Pole (fucking unbelievable) was signing my fortnightly pay form. Him in pigeon English: “20th today, pay day for me”. Me: “Lot more than me I’ll bet”. I know this isn’t really related to the Ingeus story but it annoyed me that much I thought I’d share my story. Hard working class people are just a fucking cash cow to spend on gimmegrants, scroungers and lowlifes. They will have us working till where fucking 90. Another thing to thank the great Tony B Liar for, the cunt,

    • A lot of DWP work is outsourced to Capita. Capita do not bother checking CRB information, which is why a lot of our peaceful friends work for them and get their peaceful friends to check the doctored forms.
      Which is why I spent 5 Months working – unbeknown to me – with a serial peaceful sex offender (one of over a dozen with undeclared criminal records as it turns out, all but one a peaceful) until he was investigated and sacked by head office for “inappropriate behaviour towards a female work colleague”. Diplomatic term for attempted rape that one. (When he finally got sacked some rotter duffed him up outside, but nobody saw a thing)..
      Outsourcing is a joke – if I need anything sorted I want to know that people are doing it with the relevant skills and experience, not some clown with an afternoon of training and a bonus structure.

  14. It appears that the bitch who pesters my mate on the phone on behalf of these cunts is only interested in her pay bonus and that’s why she does it. That said though, from what I have been told, her arrogance and attitude are astounding. My pal told me that this Ingeus cunt had the brass neck to mither him about what he did in his spare time. It is not her place to do that and it is none of her fucking business. What really pissed him off was this bitch ‘told him off’ for something he doesn’t actually do. Apparently this cow said over the phone ‘Well, you find time to play on your computer games, young man;’ The fact that the slag spoke to him like he was a schoolboy was bad enough. The fact that she thinks she can tell him what to do in his own private and personal time was even worse. But giving a grown man a ticking off for something he doesn’t even do?! He has never played a computer game in his life. Obviously a generalisation that all white lads sit around on Playstations and smoke weed and suchlike. Even if he did, it is no concern of this arrogant bitch. But the truth is he doesn’t. I have told him to put in an official complaint and that such condescending bullshit and intrusion is simply unacceptable.

    Anyroad, his old lady answered last time. She told the bitch her husband was ill, was isolating and she then told her to fuck off. Lovely stuff.

  15. Oh, and apparently peacefuls and bogo bogos get the red carpet treatment, interpreters and even taxis paid for from these cunts.

    Fuck them.

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