House husbands

House husbands

‘Men’ who stay at home and look after the kids so the wife can have a career are cunts. They are a disgrace to the male of the species. I will add the caveat that it’s acceptable if the bloke has been injured in a war (or something) and can’t work.

But I keep seeing TV shows where it seems a normal thing for a bloke to be the woman in the relationship while the woman goes to work. Even happened recently in a series called ‘Liar’ where a dark key male played the role of a faithful housewife. Never seen such a thing. Doesn’t happen.

We do have plenty of honkies who do it though. Have an old mate who does just that. Pathetic to see him on Cuntbook wearing an apron and ”getting the kids’ lunchboxes ready”. What the fuck is all that about? I sometimes wonder if their wives strap on a huge dildo and roger their ‘men’ half to death of an evening. He didn’t take too kindly to me saying that he’s making himself look a tit by being the woman in the relationship and posting such shit. And that it’s a man’s job to provide for his woman. Truth hurts. Fuck it.

It’s a fucking disgrace, as others are wont  to say.

Nominated by Cuntybollocks

50 thoughts on “House husbands

  1. These “men” have no sense of shame. Unkle Terry should sort them out.

  2. Well if you’re mate is on Fuckbook, apron or otherwise, that makes him a wanker anyway. I see nothing wrong with being a house husband if that’s the practical and economic thing to do. There’s nothing emasculating about it……it’s a hard world but if you go on Facefuck you are just a no dick wanker. That’s it.

      • Hod carrying? Piece of piss!
        Try being a chartered accountant , back breaking!!

      • Morning Miserable, number crunching sounds painful, proper workout that.

      • To be honest LL not sure I really know what a Chartered accountant does, was just having a daft laugh an teasing.
        Ive hod carried in my younger days, not much fun.??

      • Accounting pfft!!

        Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o’clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing ‘Hallelujah.’

        Don’t see the woke going after Monty Python for taking the piss out of Yorkshire folk.

      • If that was all you had to put up with, you’ve had it easy. Some people have no idea what it means to have a hard life. And some people don’t even get born. What kind of a life is that?

  3. I don’t mind doing a bit of washing up but also fuck right off.
    And stick Facecrook up the Mayor’s arse.
    The Daki cunt.

    • If the mans been made redundant or the missus has a job where she earns a fuckin mint and theyve kids just seems smart thing to do?
      Man & wifes a team, do whats best for you as a team, fuck what anyone thinks.
      Although I wouldnt do it who the fuck do you think I am?
      Freddie Mercury?
      Go Fuck yourself.

  4. I feel sorry for these pussy whipped feminists. They probably started out on their road to serfdom as toddlers. mincing behind mummy with a feather duster at her instruction.

    I feel sorry especially for Mr. Jess Phillips – apart from a ten miute elevenses when he can enjoy a homemade skinny latte and a fairy cake, I bet Jess has him on the go all day long, phoning from the House to ensure he has done his chores and got the mince on for dinner – and to make sure he hasn’t slipped out of the house to meet one of those disgusting male friends of his.

    Then, after inspection when she gets home on Thursday nights from her 3 and a half day week, she will run a practiced finger along the paintwork to make sure he has done the dusting, check how much Fairy liquid he has used all week (she makes a secret mark on the top of the bottle before she leaves on Monday), and if all is well she will march him off to bed and fuck the living daylights out of his arse with her Ann Summers leatherette special Strap-On (as recommended by Cressida Dick)

    • Morning WC!
      Think your giving Jess and her hubbie to much credit!
      She doesnt even wash her hair never mind checking for dust.
      Bet her house is like something off ‘life of Grime’!
      Overgrown garden with a mattress in the weeds,
      Black binbags everuwhere.

      • I remember there used to be a TV series called How Clean Is Your Home, there was a big Scottish broad and a wizened little English woman. They use to inspect filthy lavatories and kitchens and the little biddy would shreik “Oooch, Aggie…”.

        I read the other day that they fell out in the end and are now sworn enemies, and don’t speak to each other.

        I can imagine the Kweer Charmer house being like that, but I bet in the Phillips house she makes it quite clear she wears the trousers…..and the string vests, rugby boots an jockstrap.

      • Good Morning MNC, WC and everyone,

        I don’t why everyone on here has a go at Jess. I find her quite fragrant (at least until she opens her gob) and would take one for the team. Happily.

  5. Any woman who had me as a house-husband would be severely disappointed at my lack of “nest-building” qualities….and that’s the way it should be.

    Wouldn’t say No to checking Gemma Arterton’s laundry for “stubborn stains”….still wouldn’t wash them,mind.

  6. The trouble is alot of women will pay lip service to stay at home husbands and what a fabulous job he’s doing etc but then get their knees turned to jelly by the bloke at work who winks/jokes/smiles at them and end up getting a boning/ sucking cock in their lunch hour.
    Pretty well human nature i’d say.

    • Of course there are men that find themselves at home through no fault of their own, and if they’re normally used to work and being productive then obviously they step up to the plate and do the stuff normally done by women as illustrated by the fine ISACers above. I don’t think Cuntybollocks has an issue with that.

      I think this nom is actually about the guys that revel in the role reversal and mince around the house in their marigolds with a big smile boasting to their ‘new man’ friends that they did the ironing without burning a hole in their partner’s blouse. These beta males may think they’re impressing their women, just like the ‘nice guy’s’ that agree with every utterance their new hot date makes and then tells her how beautiful she is. Mistake.

      While this type of guy is on his hands and knees in his apron with a bottle of Vanish, his other half will be wetting her knickers over ‘Mr mean frown’ that smirks at her when she hands in her report at work. It’s a simple fact that the willing and eager house husband, no matter how much he says he loves wiping babies bums and the smell of fairy liquid, will be an object of amusement in her eyes and that makes him, not really a cunt, but more of a wally I would say.

      Sorry, New Age Man, but real men sniff their socks and leave them on the bedroom floor all day. Also, real men leave the toilet seat UP and let their women get pissed at them for it, because that’s what women enjoy ok. Moaning like fuck to their girly friends about what a selfish bastard her man is with a twinkle in her eye. Opposites attract, subservience sucks, fact.
      Ain’t life a cunt for pussies?

  7. Well after doing my manly duty and drinking my own bodyweight last night it would appear I have to make my own bacon and eggs this morning.

    I shall not be wearing an apron.

  8. I’m glad someone else thinks like I do – I thought it was just me. I used to design oil and gas facilities all over the world – a more bloke environment you couldn’t get. Very few birds in the business then. However, industry has become fucked and large contractors mostly full of Indians sneaked over here on the back of iffy visas. So, I find myself at home for the last 4 years with Lady C the breadwinner. I will do any work, but find I don’t get a look in at most things as a) over-qualified b) white c) make d) over 50.

    I do look after kids, although only one at home now and she’ll be off soon. Yes, it’s all very fucking depressing to be a bloke at home while the missus brings back the bacon. Well cunted.

    • ”I’m glad someone else thinks like I do – I thought it was just me”

      Well, I am pretty much a caveman. I wouldn’t take this nom too seriously. When I go somewhere new, like going into somebody else’s home for the first time, I get a huge urge to urinate in the corner. I’m not kidding here, I usually need the bog anytime I go some place new.

      For me, ‘the good old days’ would be living in a cave and clubbing my food for the evening, then ravishing a few Raquel Welch types from in that dinosaur film she was in, while I beat my chest and chase off anyone coming near my territory.

    • Feel for you mate, not only the housework ( I do a fair bit) but the knowledge you have that’s being wasted. Yeah overqualified, white, over 50 been there done that, plowed my own furrow after that bollocks.

      • I am lucky n that I have been retired a fair few years now, and I was lucky, but years in the RN has since sickened me of “rules” (like piecrust, made to be broken) and I still remember we were issued with “housewives” – little kits of thread needles and all the accoutrements available to keep us Jolly Jack Tars need and tidy. There were times me and the lads looked like we had joined the wimmins sewing circle.

        After I left the service it was fuck rules – and a domineering wife would have been out of the question.

        I am not suggesting our honourable ISAC members who find themselves through no fault of their own at home all day – a total waste of talent because most companies prefer twentysomething snowflakes, are to be regarded as house husbands, but any man who enters into an arrangement like this by giving up his job in his 20s is more than likely a pussywhipped feminist, who votes Labour, married to an aggresive harridan – in a few years time he will be going into a mens refuge, and there will be Samaritan campaigns such as #chinnedbythemissus.

        Wimmin, like so many other loudmouths in society (especially the why-am-I-treated-so-bad? cunts who have crawled out of the woodwork in the past few weeks), must never be allowed to gain the whip hand.

  9. There have been a few house husbands out recently “taking a knee” for the Yank criminal who was in and out of jail. Yes, take a knee and later take a photo while your new master takes your wife. Too many cunts too eager to apologise for nothing.

    • Taking the knees bad enough imagine doing it in a pinny?!!
      No shame.
      The only thing I’ll give BLM is the finger ?

      • Morning Misers

        One minute you’re taking a knee in a pinafore outside the village hall, the next you’re singing in an am-dram H.M.S. Pinafore inside the village hall.

        I bet Starmer the Farmer likes Gilbert & Sullivan.

      • Morning Cap,
        Oh Kier the Quëêr definitely likes a musical and a pinny!!
        Likes pegging too!
        (See below)

  10. “I sometimes wonder if their wives strap on a huge dildo and roger their ‘men’ half to death of an evening.”

    They do, it’s called pegging and women are being encouraged to try it, along with sleeping around and having hubitch watch.

    • Don’t like those hubitch watches, far too garish. I’ll stick with my Breitling.

    • Well im not up for pegging.
      Sounds like it hurts?
      An the missus is tiny shed need the stepladders from the loft to bum me.
      Seems like a lot of inconvenience.

      • A stool will be provided, clench your teeth and become a modern man MNC, first the dusting!

      • I struggle to keep up with these modern crazes Sixdog.
        Tried hula hoops, yoyos,
        Rubiks cubes, may as well try this!!

      • You are truly a progressive man MNC. I’m not sure if I just insulted you, not my intention.

      • That would depend on wether or not you were cowering at her feet in the foetal position, which I’m sure these pinny wearing soyboys are.
        Morning MNC.

      • Morning Cuntflap
        Morning all.
        She might dislodge something!
        Hit a nerve or rupture something!
        Shes gonna have to break me in gently,
        Maybe oil my ricky and slide a cadburys finger in me?
        White chocolate obviously!!
        Im a racist after all!?

      • Lol, yeah.
        I get the impression the soyboys got broken in with something rather larger, like a baseball bat. Then, when getting their chores list in the morning the boss can rest the bat on the bridge of their nose to keep trembling obedience at the forefront of their minds.

  11. I am not a house husband but I cook and sew (even have my own sewing machine).
    I am well up on house hygiene because I have better eye sight and strip and service the vacuum cleaner ( which is due a massive cunting in its self because it does not perform like the one in the advert at all).
    Why? I hear you ask, because I like my food, dinner is not a lottery I want steak and chips, I cook steak and chips how I want it when I want it.
    Sewing machine, simple it is a 1950 singer job, it will sew up to 3mm of leather with no problems, I have made dog beds, car roofs, dog toys, taken up my jeans with it, because I am a tight cunt.
    Cleaning, simple, I dont like living in a shit hole, I wear a black uniform for work and have a white dog, as you can imagine the two do not mix very well.
    However when at work I leave at 6am and return at 6pm.
    I dont see any sacrifice in doing this.

  12. White men are being increasingly cucked educationally, economically and inevitably, domestically. All this whilst enduring an avalanche of propaganda reinforcing this ‘new reality’ … This is not natural nor is it an accident.

  13. A cousin martied one of these, except he didnt do any housework. He played video games and watched TV

    He used to work for the HSE then quit his job when they married.

    They were divorced within two years.

  14. Limp-wristed cuck dads are the most detestable of cunts, prevalent in lefty regions like North London and Brighton, of course.

  15. I´ve got a relative who has been a house husband for over 20 years after his wife became seriously ill. Although not a gay, he always had a rather “Oooh, hello Mr. Horne, I´m Sandy and this is my friend Julian” manner. I think the prospect of giving up his job to don a pinny and fuss about the house, plumping up the cushions, tut-tutting over the dust on top of the pelmets and standing with his arms folded, glaring at visitors (like me) and saying, “Just look at the state of my kitchen floor. We didn´t brush our muddy shoes on the doormat when we came in did we?” suited him perfectly.

  16. If it works for you then crack on – I live alone (nobody will live with a cunt like me!), can cook, sew, clean (I can’t be doing with living in a dump), sort any DIY that needs doing because I don’t see the point of paying someone else to do something I can do myself – a true Son of Yorkshire!
    And Tiny Tom Cruise is a huge fan of pegging and (allegedly) has injunctions against his former Wives to stop them telling everyone.
    Dirty Tom!
    On other news I am considering buying some cheese.

  17. One of my friends is a house husband. On a night out on the piss another friend mocked him for it, endlessly, so much so that my house husband friend stood up and smashed his fucking teeth in, interesting evening that one.

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