Honourable members

MPs and their hatred for their own social distancing rules.

After being ordered back to Parliament, MPs had to face the kind of tedious and blinkered realities us mere plebs have had to endure for nigh-on 3 months, and they don’t like it one fucking bit!

The idea of queuing and keeping a 2m distance really didn’t go down too well with these pampered two-faced, do-as-we-say cunts. They even moaned and whinged to the Leader of the House, old 4-eyes Moggy himself!

And of course when all this is over and done with, and millions are unemployed or dead; or will be facing a very bleak future when VAT and income tax rocket to pay for it all, these guilded cunts will be safe and sound back in the House of Cuntminster, pontificating and shouting “hear hear” while struggling to stay awake.

Proof positive, as if we didn’t already know, that they live in the world of unicorns, 2nd homes, fiddled expenses, cushy gold-plated pensions and future directorships; while the rest of live in the shit they build for us through their lack of joined up thinking, and being far too busy sucking up to big business and the odd brown envelope to care about us – until election time of course!


Nominated by Technocunt

65 thoughts on “Honourable members

  1. Nothing honourable about any of them. Terrys Oven for the lot of ’em.

  2. Look at that scruffy old shitbag Magic Grandpa queuing up, the senile old wanker probably thought he was joining the line for a free bowl of vegan slop at his local soup kitchen.

    • That old cunt is over 70. No not his IQ! So he should have been shielded. What’s he do, out with his mates, rattling pots and fucking pans, also going to the HOC Corvid must be fussy randomly takes medics, decent people but not cunts. But he still doesn’t get me wound up as much as BLIAR

    • Jeremy probably thought he was joining the bread queue in his communist utopia.

    • Fuckin cracking bit of film that Cuntalugs!
      And as relevant now as then.
      Jack The Cunter will like that Oliver Cromwell is his hero.?

      • Yep Miserable.
        His actual words. Need a leader like that now. Start building scaffolds now. I’d pay good money to see some of these cunt’s heads roll! ?

      • By God Sir! We need Cromwell back! I compliment JTC on his thoroughly good taste – Oliver Cromwell and Guy Fawkes are the only Men who have entered the House of Parliament with honest intentions.
        The full film is absolutely superb, probably the performance of Richard Harris’ life and IMO compulsory viewing!
        It is my contention that “the honourable members” have no concept of honour and are treachorous greedy self serving rats.
        Get rid.

      • Evening Mr Fox
        Yes an excellent film. Should be compulsory viewing in schools.
        New Model Army, Republic – the snowflakes would screech FASCIST!

      • Evening C – the snowflakes would be screeching when Fox Cromwell marched my Yorkshire army in – all I have to do is start a rumour the Government are increasing the tax on chips, it would be a bloodbath Sir! ?

      • I would start with blocking Instacunt and Twatter then cancelling Love Island. They would probably be eating themselves by the end of the week.

      • Great film.
        I always feel sorry for King Charles having to say goodbye to his children then asking for the second shirt so he wouldn’t shiver on that cold day-for if he didnt wear another against the cold it could be interpreted as him trembling with fear.
        In an earlier scene he has a meeting with Cromwell. Listening to his demands patiently. All about the ‘righteousness’ of his cause, the Will of God. Charles slowly lifts his eyes to him, looks at him -‘zealout’ unsaid.

      • Your too nice, Miles.
        Know what you mean though.
        But when clearing out the rot hard men make hard decisions.
        You winning Miles?
        Hearty, healthy and full of a lust for life?

      • Fine thanks Miserable. No not a fan of Cromwell. I think many were glad to see the back of him by the end. I’d havd been a Cavalier of course. I fancy Mr Fiddler would as well with his sartorial elegance.
        Richard Harris was great in the film. Alec Guinness of course as King Charles. I suspect the personalities of both actors fitted their roles.
        As with Clint in Paint Your Wagon Harris burst into song in Camelot. I think maybe Clint had the better voice.

      • Miles@
        Check out Richard Harris as king Richard in Robin & Marion starring Audrey Hepburn and Shaun Connery.
        Vain, unstable, and unreasonable as a king should be!☺
        Great actor.

      • Indeed he is one of my heroes MNC. Unfortunately, all my heroes are dead, twere it different, and they were by my side, along with a New Model Army, this country would be born anew !
        Anyway, enough of wistful romancing.
        In memory of Steve Priest.
        Good evening

      • The Sweet were a group ahead of their time Jack.
        Vernon will be well aware of a “fox on the run”. He’s been running ever since.

      • Good evening Bertie. They were indeed underrated.
        Very enjoyable, nonetheless.
        I suspect Vernon is a Naughty Boy.
        Watch him !

      • Andy Scott is now the only surviving member.
        He calls himself “Sweet light”

      • Evening Jack,
        Yeah only Clint Eastwood left from my childhood heroes, was inconsolable when Ali pegged it.
        The Sweet were a great band, as were Slade, I like a bit of Slade when sticking to the speed limit on long country roads!☺?

      • When the policeman shows you the reading on the speed cam, does he say ‘Look Wot You Dun ‘ ?
        Evening MNC .

  3. I bet they don’t like that, queuing up like common trash like us. If I had my way they’d be lining up for a fucking good kicking every day of the week.
    Bunch of arrogant bastards.

    • I’d make sure there were more than enough people available to give them a kicking that there’d be no need to line up.

    • Its a shame some demented camel jockey didn’t come along and hack some of their heads off Lee Rigby style, especially the lily-left arse wipes who love diversity so much. In fact it might actually be an improvement for some real fuglies like Jess Phillips and Flabby

  4. I remember cues Everyone cued for a bus. Then diversity meant it’s everyone for itself like in Mogadishu.

    • The only way I want to see them queuing up is in front of a firing squad.
      Might have a little mid afternoon wank.

  5. Queuing is a very British thing. That’s why MPs don’t like queuing. They despise this country and its inhabitants.

    • Because the inhabitants of this country are mostly a load of foreign bastards. I despise the fuckers too.

      • Queuing up is British and good for you.
        Foreigners and famous cunts and politicians think theyre exempt fom it, because theyre ignorant and rude.
        Those daft cunts queuing up at IKEA in boiling hot sunshine to buy shitty flatpack? Good for them!
        Least theyre doing the right thing as they drop to the floor with heat stroke.
        As they fall face first into the melting tarmac I salute them!
        They totally deserve their flatpack wardrobe.
        The tasteless cunts.

    • Seconded YCD! These overpaid underperforming vermin make me sick – not content with all the money, expenses, holidays and luxury in the World they show their utter sneering contempt by stealing an extra (untaxed) ten grand each to spend on “coronavirus related expenses”.
      Get rid of all politicians and political parties and replace them with 500 members of the public on a blind selection system, replaced every five Years.
      Greedy, thieving, arrogant incompetent rats.

  6. Lovely work,thanks.
    These spineless wankers need a wake up call and it’s long overdue.
    Round them all up for a tax payer funded jolly straight into the oven.
    I’d rather have General Franco running the shit heap.
    Fuck off.

    • It’s one of the great oxymorons, ASA.

      Honourable member
      Democratic Republic of Congo/Korea
      Peaceful demonstrators
      French military
      People’s Republic of China
      Christian science
      Scottish cuisine
      Government intelligence

  7. Check “all the above” for my opinion. And note that ex-MP and pushy nomark John Bercow(itz) will be audible very shortly on Radio 4, having travelled there rather than having to phone his negligible opinions in from home…


    Gone from the House, but not forgotten. I’ve got him on my list.

  8. I imagine standing and queueing in the street will do the fuckers some good. Especially when normal uninfected people hilariously cough as they walk past them.
    A major part of these cunts problem is the lavish isolation from the plebs they seem to perpetually enjoy.
    FEAR is the answer. Lavishings of delicious, soul shaking FEAR.

    • And a flamethrower.
      Never forget the flamethrower.
      That would bring some fucking order.
      Smashing !

      • Ah, the trusty flamethrower….
        I’m also a fan of the bubble pronounciation challenge.
        The goal is for the student to learn how to get you to clearly hear the words “I’m sorry” through the medium of escaping air bubbles whilst both your hands hold their head in a bucket of water.

      • Evening Jack, where is a filthy carpet rider barelling a Ford Transit of peace right into a queue of these parasites when you need one?

      • Good evening Thomas. I don’t know, it’s one of life’s mysteries I suppose. I fear we shall never see dear old Jezza being flung into the air by a speeding hire van .
        Still, we live in hope.
        It’s what keeps us going.

      • Jack, I trust you did your civic duty and “took a knee” on your doorstep yesterday evening?


      • Hehehe!
        If any asian gentlemen of faith are reading and fancy this but are unable to drive large trucks im willingvto offer my help for a fee and some disclaimers signed.
        Any politician of your choice apart from smashing lady of colour Diane Abbott.
        Im not writing off a perfectly good vehicle.

      • If my memory serves me well, I think I took a shit around that time. Does that count, being on your arse ?

      • I think Fiddler ‘took the knee’ but only to get a better aim at a passing rambler.

      • Where is Dick anyway?
        Hed sometimes abide of a evening and chat.
        How’s tricks LL?
        Strong as a bear and lucky in love?

      • All well here thanks Miserable, got a date of the 19th for a haircut finally so might go really short in case of a second spike and they fuck off again. Worth every penny of my £7, cheap bastard.

      • Having got pissed off waiting for a clippers or a hairdresser I took my solingen cut-throat to my scalp.
        Well pleased with the result, guaranteed to take my friends tally even further below a count of zero.

      • Good idea Miserable, Bertie’s effort from the early 70’s set the standard.

  9. The only “honourable member “ that I respect is in my pants.
    All the others can fuck off.

  10. They are all so deep into the political bubble that they believe they are actually the good guys.


  11. How about a remake of “The Running Man”-MP’s have to work their way through a series of warehouses armed only with their wits.
    The chasers could include ex servicemen who have been fucked over, angry pensioners, disgruntled public sector employees, category A prisoners, Tommy Robinson and representatives from this site.
    Pay per view. We could clean up.
    Fucking cunts.

  12. I say we flood both Houses and install rows of braying sea-lions in the Commons and stinking fat walruses in the Lords.
    Nobody would know the fucking difference.

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