Greta Thunberg [8]

Greta Thunderthighs.

Yes, the spoon faced halfwit is back to thrill the hysterical bandwagon jumping morons in her thrall. I picked up a couple of salient points from her latest inspirational utterings:

The response to covid should also be the response to climate change. Yes, worldwide bankruptcy is the way to go. And The BLM movement is part of the challenge and support. Not sure what the fuck this means, but as it is also hysterical fucking nonsense I suppose it makes sense to Greta and her fellow morons.

Anyway, as soon as restrictions are lifted Greta will be bunking off her special school and coming our way. In an environmentally friendly multi million pound yacht no doubt.
Rejoice. At safe distance. On the first Friday you should be back at school.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

79 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg [8]

  1. On a serious note, a Libyan man has killed 3 people in a park.
    Here’s to more diversity please Home Secretary.
    Hopefully our ring and ride Navy and RNLI are on alert for more this summer

    • I am trying to work out which is worse, all these snack bar types as terrorists or mental cunts, whichever it is the result is still the same.

      Cure, stop letting them in and kick out as many as possible!

    • I doubt if his race or nationality will see the light of day in some media reports. And even if it is there will be a suggestion he had “mental issues” probably due to whitey

      • The Black Broadcasting Corporation will not say a word about it and the Grauniad wiill blame the victims for breaking lockdown rules and provoking the camelshaager in question.

        And wither Black Criminals Matter? Where is their anger and upset at this atrocity? If it had been three chiggun munching bur-lack armed robbers or drug dealers they’d be wetting themselves and saluting them as they did their childish statue defacing for the fuckteenth time as Cressida Dyke’s army of fannies looked on doing nothing.

  2. It’s probably part of her treatment, keep talking bollocks because everyone is sympathetic ?
    Maybe she will be woman of the year and George Floyd will be man of the year, in the world of the woke.
    The media will never leave her alone, she is pure gold, cunt!

  3. Fuck it.

    Let’s put her and Kehunte Andrews in control. Let’s really go full retard. I was watching a video (I must be a masochist!) of him just now (via Akkad Daily)

    He doesn’t want racial equality. He wants ‘racial justice’ (his words, not mine). He doesn’t let on what that is exactly. but I’m guessing it’s revenge (genocide probably) of the honky. He also said that there can never be a President in the USA that would be good for blacks. I think he’s saying he wants some kind of dictatorship then? One that he and his ilk run, of course. He (and he said it) wants to abolish the police in the UK. No problems there then.

    And then we have this mong who thinks ‘Hey, you shut shown everything for a pandemic, so let’s do it for ‘climate change’ too’. Yeah, well fuzzy britches, you many be able to stay at home and not go to school because mommy and daddy can support you. but soon, if we all stay home, no fucker will have any money.

    And all that attention you get from tweeting on your iPhone or laptop will be over because no fucker will have electricity anymore, you massive mong.

    Just let them have at it. Give it six weeks and the public will fucking lynch anyone who promoted all this shite.

    • If the UK police were abolished would anyone notice?

      Mind you, we’d all feel a lot safer expressing ourselves online.

      Useless, useless bastards.

      • I think Katie Hopkins had the right idea when she was taken in for questioning over some hate speech; Take the piss out of what they’ve become.

        She said the ones who arrested her had barely any grasp of the law and seemed like teenagers; awkward and out-of-their depth.

  4. It remains a criminal offence to exploit , sexually or for financial gain a person considered “vulnerable” . Safegaurding Rules apply.
    So how come this fuckwit is allowed to traverse the globe, attracting an income ( speakers fees ) and other “promotional benefits “, and is now reportedly worth several millions. Mummy and Daddy of course are handling her finances, and she does rceive some ( occassional ) pocket money with which to purchase her favourite comics.
    Apart from being a fuckwit, what about the other vacuous halfwits who laud her speeches and prophetic gobblespeak. Politicians who else?

    The whole damned theatre is a shithouse, and she is little else than a programmed stooge.

    Its her parents, and the followers who are the cunts.

  5. By “BLM movement is part of the challenge and support” I suspect she means that, like her, BLM is anti free-enterprise, trade and wealth creation, and want to turn this country into a shithole akin to those in Africa. It’s all grist to her ‘Back to the Middle Ages’ mill.

    • And does any of the BLM crowd give a thought on where they’d be if we were ‘Back in the Middle Ages’?! It could mean they are wiped out forever!

  6. Is there nothing this desperate cunt won’t do for a bit of attention-seeking publicity?

    • Coronavirus, now BLM. Wait until the UK go WTO and she’ll have a triple-whammy!

  7. These sick fuckers are trying to starve use to death. Here is the truth, we are in carbon deficit!
    C3 plants which are the ones that feed us grow at the optimum carbon concentration of 1050ppm, ask any out of season vegetable glasshouse grower who uses a carbon generator. C3 plants start to die at 180ppm, we are at about 405ppm. Draw a line and mark it out, where on the scale are we? the fuckers are purveyors of death, uninformed wankers. When was the last time they mentioned the plants are now reclaiming the deserts?
    Stupid bitch and her kind are only pawns in the carbon trading scheme which is the big boy’s cash cow.

    With whats going on these days it’s just like the it’s a Frankenstein Syndrome, he made the monster with good intentions but now it’s running amok blindly destroying everything inducing it’s maker which happens to be us.

    They run amok because there are no consequences to their actions!

    • Racist.

      ERROR: Your comment was too short. Please go back and try your comment again.

      • True!
        ERROR: Your comment was too short. Please go back and try your comment again.

  8. Why can’t we just pay more taxes and make this Corbyn19 shit go away?
    Oh no. That only works for climate change don’t it Greta, you woke little spazmo?

  9. Never mind Greta. We will soon be handing over the keys to The Bonobo People as recompense for our years of exploitation. Once they take control there’ll be no more need to worry about pollution and the like,we’ll all be happily ensconced in our caves with nothing to worry about except groups of Dark-keys chucking their shite at us from out of the tree-tops.

    PS….there’s something almost reassuring about seeing her mongy face pop up again..are we slowly getting back to the Old Normal ?

  10. Shouldn’t she be back at home watching Sooty or some such shit? Mind you Sooty will be censored soon, today Sweep burst a water pipe by putting a spade in the ground.

  11. Progress.

    17 year old special needs girls proposes communism to fix climate change.

    Protestors propose communism to fix racism.

    The answer to the depression will be communism.

    Communists infested the education system since the war and to a degree pre war.

    Something suspicious about all this but I can’t put my finger on it.

    • The trouble is, these dopey cunts have no real conception of what real communism means.

      Perhaps if they fucked off to North Korea or Dinkland for a year or two, they might just take on board what lucky cunts they are to live in a mildly democratic country such as the UK

  12. Greta sucking off BLM?

    When BLM say they want to abolish the police and to have the community police itself, they mean African tribalism.

    Think armed militia in the back of pick up trucks with gun turrets and local warlords running things.

    What a fantastic contribution to western civilization.

    One can only imagine Greta going up to the local warlords and telling them to stop using their polluting pick up trucks. Only the pigtails would remain.

  13. The kids full of shite.
    If shes a enviro-mentalist surely she should be opposed to mass migration?
    Just a downs puppet jumping as the strings are pulled.
    She needs to show commitment to the cause and doggie paddle out to sea, hug a shark.

    • Well judging by her facial expression I think something from the ocean has already crawled up her chocolate starfish!

  14. This little fucking meddler was on the telly yesterday.
    Before I rushed to switch the cunt off I carefully noted that her luxurious town house had many lights on many plastic furnishings and a giant HD TV.
    And don’t mention the deranged mobile phone.
    A woke bullshitter.
    Fuck off to North Korea.

    • She’s just another champagne environmentalist – quick to tell others what to do in order to save her childhood, and yet surrounds herself with capitalist luxuries probably produced by cheap slave labour and not at all environmentally friendly.

      It’s just a shame our wishy-washy media do not have the balls to take her to task. But since they’ve given the BLM marxists plenty of airtime I wouldn’t hold my breath.

      • I recall that some cunt did question her once and she went full spaz and stuttered and froze.

        The cunt questioning her was vilified and called all sorts for ‘bullying a child’.

        But then, the same clowns tell us she’s an important genius of our time and must be listened to by all, including adults.

        Well if that’s the case, she needs to justify her fucking arguments. And ‘listen to the scientists’ isn’t a fucking argument.

        Look at how that worked out with Covid 19/the WHO. If I listen to a scientist on this subject (climate change) I first need to know who funds their research and how much they’re getting. It seems many are compromised. And most refuse to reveal such information which means I can ignore anything they say, you daft tart.

      • She is a genius… relative to the adults who take her seriously. Some of them have an IQ as high as 80.

      • As the little tard says ‘Listen to the science’.

        Ok, you little spoon faced window licker, I have.

        To be more specific, I have been listening to Dr. Judith Curry. A Climatologist who has published over 140 books and papers on climate change.

        She says its all a hoax.

        Dr. Judith Curry has been vilified and ignored by the MSM, who would rather listen to a slightly abnormal kid who needs reminding not to run with scissors.

      • Climate Change is now an INDUSTRY! Thousands working in it at Uni’s and other establishments, getting paid large salaries to keep it all going, and a fucking super pension at the end of it. Why wouldn’t you say it’s all true?!

  15. Good morning, all! Well, look on the bright side. After the redistribution of wealth to our dark skinned brother/sister/non specified gender/gender fluid etc, at least that little cunt Umboko won’t have to cycle 5 miles to get water. He can drive his Bentley to the nearest purveyor of fine mineral waters, or just order online. However, it will take a heavily tooled up white guy to stop Umboko being knifed and robbed by his similarly colored bredren!

  16. Was wondering when the self centered manipulative little mong would show her rubber face again.

    Wonder if any of the world’s media are going to quiz her about her bare faced lies and publicity seeking stunts about saying she had the virus when she didn’t?

    No, I don’t think they will. She is their little pet gimp, after all.

    Mind you, the little windowlicker might be a nice diversion. Once the extinction rebellion bollocks starts up again, the novelty of Black Criminals Matter might wear off for the llook at me woke fuckflake cunts.

      • Too true. First it was those Me Too Cunts and their Time’s Up celebrislags. Then it was Mongberg and her climate shite. Now it’s Black Thugs Matter. These woke cunts just need some bandwagon to jump on and something to get offended about. I only hope that the climate change cunts topple Black Twats Matter off the top of the woke hit parade.

  17. Here’s hoping she starts up a community like those wankers in Seattle…

    Swedish People’s Autonomous Zone….

  18. At least she don’t have to walk to school, courtesy of Crystal buses. Greta Monghead is a Blue bus window licker of the highest order. Patron saint of dried pasta artwork and finger painting.

  19. I wondered how long it would be before (now) multi Millionaire Greta left the cabbage patch and resumed her screeching.
    So, going back to the stone age is fine by Greta the sweater and bedwetter – but only for the silly little people, not for Greta – she neeeeds her mansion and massive television!
    Shut the fuck up, stupid hateful child, and stick to rummaging through skips for your next set of clothes and rummaging through sewers for your next soundbite.
    And keep counting the money ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ you rancid little hypocrite and champagne socialistenvironmentalist fraud.
    And get a fucking bath!

    • And don’t forget to order your official (made in China by slave labour, shipped around half the World) Greta merchandise! ?
      She is clearly too stupid to grasp the concept of irony, or the meaning of hypocrisy.

  20. I can’t add anything to what has already been said about this little creepy looking doll (she emanates all the charm of haunted tupperware and a rotting teddy at a graveside), other than the fact that she looks like the type of object that Airmiles and Jeremy Irons would like to get their grubby Lolita-seeking paws on. *shudders*

    • Don’t do what soap-viewers often do and confuse the actor for the character.

      • Jeremy Irons seems a bit noncey to me, squire — notwithstanding the deep, cultured voice. Additionally, I don’t watch soaps, and I most certainly don’t drop it.

  21. Oh NO! I thought the virus had got her! She’s like the person that always turns up at parties and no-one wants!

  22. “Ding Ding! All aboard the Bandwagon please!”
    This Toytown Harridan is feeling the glare of publicity pass her by. For all her rantings she is awfully quiet about the rape gangs sweeping Sweden since they opened the doors to the peacefuls. Pensioners forced out of their homes to make way for the rapefugees and gimmegrants. Sweden has also been enriched with epidemics of grenade attacks and bombs in addition to shootings and stabbings as the peacefuls make the place lok just like the cess pit they left.
    Not a word from her, does not fit her narrative the ignorant commie cow.

  23. Gwettaa Tunnbeeeergh.

    Take away the script and expose her for what she is: a special needs cabbage patch kid with less vocabulary.
    She should be in school-special fucking school.
    Her parents (handlers) should be prosecuted for child abuse and the media brought to account for championing her.
    A full financial audit is needed- I suspect Mr Soros will feature prominently.
    Cunt. Cunts. Deserved counting.

  24. it seems all the cunts come out at the same time – fuck off greta – get back to school and social distance from everyone – for ever

  25. I used to think that Greta had good intentions and she meant well.
    But lately I don’t think she knows what she’s saying and is probably doing it out of promise for something.
    I’m not sure what though.

    Also, would people listen to her if she wasn’t young and sweet looking?
    A twelve feet tall ogre? The elephant man? etc etc “Boo! Get off!” ?

  26. I so want to bang her hard and then explode onto her face.

    Right I’m off to bed for a five knuckle shuffle…

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