Folks who cry Sheeple

I do my own thing though, obviously…

People who say sheeple.

Mostly you find these twats on websites like the David Icke forum. For example, if you think anything different to what their leader, David Icke thinks, then you’re a sheep. Irony is not their strong point.

I was one that was suspicious of the McCanns early on too. But I was never (unlike the loons at the Icke forum) certain that it was a Jewish peado ring conspiracy. It’s starting to look like a German peado who could be the one who did it. The Icke followers don’t think that could be true? Just the three countries’ police forces seem to think the Kraut did it. But hey, If you go on their forum (good for a laugh) you’ll see them using the word ‘sheeple’ constantly for those that think their could be something in this.

Yes, you think differently to most of us. Because you have massive brain spastications. Fuck off.

Nominated by Cuntybollocks

59 thoughts on “Folks who cry Sheeple

  1. Ah the McCanns, I’ve seen more honest looking Somali Pirates than them!, David Icke is on to something I think, if he dropped the reptilian shite!

    • Hehehe, good. Nom Cuntybollocks!?
      Made me laugh.
      Doesnt bother me particularly but know what you mean.
      Always think for yourself
      Dont just follow the majority, if you don’t agree say so.
      Youll be as popular as a floater in a swimming pool but youll have self respect.

    • Wasnt it after V was aired that he started talking about the lizard folk?
      I suppose it sounds a bit better than Ewoks.

  2. I wondered what all the fuss was concerning David Icke. So I listened to him on Youtube . He tends to waffle incoherently for what seems like hours without getting to the point. Perhaps I’m just thick and don’t know how to get on down with Icke and his followers because at the end of it I didn’t have a Fuckin clue what he was on about ???

    • FF, might be because hes fuckin puddled and talks bollocks.
      Conspiracy theories are entertaining I suppose, but always a swivel eyed tinfoil hatter at the end of them.
      Icke was right about the lizard people though.

      • Afternoon Miserable, I mean how do you explain Prince Philip living openly among us? (by that I mean his several palaces and country estates)

      • Evening LL, yeah Philip has a big rock to bask on in Windsor and Balmoral.
        Hes only rude when hes shedding his skin.

      • F*cking puddled? Talks bollocks? Any idea what user name d he uses on this site?

      • Your name never entered my thoughts, MNC. It was some other big, bald headed, bushy bearded, Lurch look-alike I was thinking of. Honestly?.

      • Admin!
        Dick Dribblers bullying me!
        Saying hurtful things about me!
        Yellow card him.
        Ohh your for it now Dribbler, Admin will be furious!

  3. 10 million immigrants and were we asked? we are told it’s a good thing and lots of people buy it. Watch eastenders, believe everything the BBC tells you, pay your taxes and shut up.

    The comparison to sheep predates Icke, government relies on it. The BBC for instance repeats shit to infinity, true to shaper they narrative with obvious bias and rarely produces any quality programming, ask the average Brit and they will tell you it’s the best and most trusted broadcaster in the world. Is it unfair or inaccurate to call the masses the sheeple?

    Come polling day the political class rely on herd mentality.

    • He attracts some nutters, there’s a glut of factions out there with nutters too. For example,look at that black eyed loon bloke who presents the fraudcasting news at 6 or whenever and tell me you’d be pleased to see your daughter turn up with that on her arm?
      I don’t know what the glazed faced cunt is called and I can’t even find an image to put a name to.

      Icke of fraudcast? Icke every time, sheeple believe the telly, the only worthwhile and publicly available source of information is online so Icke, while I only rarely look in, serves a better purpose than MSM. You can sift the bullshit out with Icke and the other sources, not so the BFC, they’re full to overflowing with the stuff.

    • I wrote to BBC look north to ask then not to use the picture of Majid Majid wearing his Immigrants Make Britain Great T-shirt every time the interview him because it causes me offence!


  4. Quite happy using “us and them”.
    After all, one does need a collective term for all that meat.
    I certainly don’t want them all “waking up”. Good grief there’d be bodies everywhere.
    Best kept in front of a telly for sure.

  5. Poor David. Ex professional footballer who becomes a sports presenter on the BBC. Hmmm, who does that remind me of?
    Started dabbling in politics (Green Party) and starts mouthing ridiculous ideas. My god! Exactly like old jug ears!!
    Er not quite. David was ahead of his time, whereas Gary came along when the ridiculous ideas had become mainstream.
    Another difference is that Linekunt always made filling his pockets the number one priority. Let’s face it, when David Icke was presenting BBC sport who would have predicted this country would be in the mess it’s in now?
    For that reason alone I don’t dismiss the likes of David Icke out of hand……lizard people or not.

    • Not you Freddie. I meant MNC.
      I keep getting my posts in wrong spot due to fat fingers.
      The fear of now getting summoned to Head Admins study for a good thrashing ‘coz of his snitching isn’t helping my typing either

      • Hahaha! Fuck me Dribbler, you overdone your meds?
        Posting all over the place!!
        Admin said to knock it off being rude to me, and you should apologise.
        Maybe send me a gift.

      • T’other way round actually. I’ve underdone the meds so far today. Thanks for the reminder.
        Funny, Admin tells me I can be much ruder than I was. Said something about a special exemption for me when dealing with a certain base individual and, I quote, “its about time he got a taste of his own medicine”. It shows that Admin, people of extreme good taste and breeding (like myself), can’t stand snitches. My gift to you will be to forgive your false accusations and other misdemeanours.

      • Thank you Soi. I’m glad I’m not the only one who notices these things.

  6. That silly old cunt Icke insisted that Covid-19 was spread via 5G transmitters. Christ almighty, from the day he old old Tel Woges that he was the ‘Son of God’ to this 5G bollocks.

    What a cunt – site technicians are now being injured by booby trapped 5G transmitters. No doubt, in no insignificant part, thanks to Icke, the fucking lunatic.

    Many people (myself included) love a bit of conspiracy bollocks, but this cunt has dined out on it for over 20 years.

      • I think you ‘ll find, FtF, that call me Tony has such a high opinion of himself that he considers Gôd his son and Jesus his grandson.

  7. That’s the trouble with those internet forums things…they give a bunch of cranks,weirdos and the certifiably-insane a stage to spout their gibberish and insult in the vilest possible terms those whom they consider “Cunts”.

    It’s a fucking disgrace.

    • And they come from everyday life too, you might innocently hire a removal man in Stockport for a job and be subjected to his thoughts on “mithering ethnics and t’ trans weirdos”….

      • The fucking Mentals should all be locked up, LL…..if he turned up at my castle I’d lean out of the East Turret,tell him to “Fuck Off”,fire my elephant gun at him and then Release the Hounds…I can’t be doing with The Mentals.

      • Watch it, LL. Someone from Stockport will be trying to fit you up for something you haven’t done. He’ll be crying into his pillow tonight if you’re not careful. I suppose that will make a change for him, not the usual pillow -biting?.

      • Mr Dribbler!?
        Im already crying into my pillows at your cruelty!
        I walked away not guilty with my head held high.
        Innocent man.
        I think you should get those fat fingers of yours to type a full confession of how you slandered a English living legend.
        Hero worship sometimes turns to anger at the fact the fan (you) can never be the one they idolise (me).
        Its blatant you adore me,
        But youll just have to accept you can never be me.
        We cant all be superhuman!!!

      • Thanks for the heads up DD, if there is an anonymous call about me violating the two metre rule in the local p*ki shop and terrorizing BAME’s with Covid, I will know who it is.

      • MNC, The only reason you’re free is because miscarriages of justice happen all the time. Although you might be holding your head high it’s a pity your trousers weren’t high when I’m told Derbyshire police found you behind the dry stone wall in that sheep pen in the Peak District. The old dears on the jury may have taken pity on you because of the copious crocodile tears you shed but no-one believed your tale about looking for a wool colour match for your knitted boxer shorts.

      • I was airing my considerable tackle the jury clearly saw I was a man of strong vigour and of impeccable character.
        The sheep you speak of had lost its virginity before I arrived on the scene, possibly to a itinerant welshman?
        And I offered the rosey cheeked farmer reparations.
        Those who walk in the path of righteousness have nothing to fear from the law.
        P.s. Are you hinting youd like a signed poster?
        I do two,
        1) me saluting the Union Jack
        2) a topless one for the ladies.
        You want 2 dont you?

      • Reparations? That’s not what the farmers affadivit said. That said you offered him a dodgy Scottish tenner if he’d swap places with the poor sheep. I heard the whole flock had to be put down due to trauma.
        And thank you, but no, I do not want a poster of you to put up on my wall. I’ll stick with the cheap Lincrusta Italian Renaissance stuff I’ve got at present (FYI £220 a roll and if you’re interested I can let you have 2 left over rolls plus free adhesive for £300 so that your outside Stockport khazi can be the envy of your neighbours). When the Grim Reaper comes calling for me (he’s due anytime soon) I want his mind focused on the task at hand and to do a quick clean job. I don’t want him doing a messy botch job ‘cos he’s sh*t scared of a wall poster of you staring wild eyed over his shoulder.

      • Hehehe!??
        Dribbler if the farmers frigid sheep cant take a lenth they shouldnt flirt!
        All come to bed eyes till the party starts, then its second thoughts?
        Sorry but once ive started I finish.
        £220 for crusty Italian wall paper?
        Hes ripped you off Dick!
        Hate people ripping off pensioners and the feeble minded!
        Ive a good mind to phone Esther Rantzen and report him.
        Dont set me of crying again, grim reapers nowhere near that fuckin camp wallpaper will scare him off.
        Youll outlive me!
        Ill drop with hard work
        Youll go tripping over your wallpaper.

      • Sheep legging it from a bloke chasing them round a paddock on a quad bike is not flirting. Nor is chucking themselves off Striding Edge.
        From what I hear your start and finish times are virtually identical (thanks to Mrs MNC for her insight on that one?) so at least the sheeps physical ordeal was mercifully brief.
        £220 a roll is the going rate I’m afraid. I checked it out online so this pensioner hasn’t been ripped off at all. As for ripping off the feeble minded they’ll be in touch with you soon?.
        Love the sentence starting “I’ve a good mind…”. Bet those 4 words haven’t been used to describe you before?.
        ‘Phoning Esther won’t do you any good. With her J*wish heritage she’ll only congratulate the salesman on a good bit of business.
        I fear Mr Reaper may be on his way right now. The way its thundering, lightning and raining outside it sounds like he’s coming on a Harley Davidson and is flashing his lights to beckon me outside to walk through the heavenly tears being shed for my impending demise. Woe is me?.
        My entry in St Michael’s records of the virtuous ruined at the end by consorting with certain ne’er do wells on this site. Woe, woe and thrice woe.
        Mind you, having been born a Catholic I can always use the get out of jail card and say I was led astray by a Protestant so I’ll be alright?

      • Your rambling Dick.
        Get them to up your meds, your getting gloomy over a bit over of thunder!
        Look the reaper right in the face and tell him to do his worst or fuck off.
        Right enough advice, done my bit for help the aged im off to take the dog.
        Go to bed pop the choppers in steradent and relax.

  8. Those who use the term ‘sheeple’ really mean ‘you’re incapable of independent, clear thinking; unlike me’.

  9. I have a theory that in 1990 David Icke had a bang or more likely several bangs on the head, why else would anyone wear a turquoise shell suit (unless you lived in Liverpool).

  10. I just thought …….David was born in Leicester just like the Taxdodger. The similarities are getting eerie now. Do you think they could have sprung from the same bewitched womb? I’ll have to take a closer look at David’s ears.

  11. I watched Icke give a speech a few years ago at the Oxford Union and it was like an unintelligible series of staccato non sequiturs, basically gibberish. He actually seems much improved these days and can speak coherently, less prone to tangents and is more on point – probably been coached or have I just acclimatised to Icke? I like his take on a lot of what’s happening, however, the 5g and lizard theories are off the scale of lunacy. Then there’s his theory that the moon is hollowed out (that deserves an ‘omg’ surely?) Perhaps he is a mercenary conspiracy theorist i.e. he just does it for the money? We’ll never know.

    I don’t object to the word ‘sheeple’. Not my favourite word, have used it occasionally in private conversation depending on the company I’m keeping. Better words exist for sure. I think my go to words are ‘idiot’ and ‘cunt’.

    • Indeed they don’t. Neither do they have connections with the establishment, I’ve never heard of a UK Chancellor o t Exchequer supporting the cause of some Chav Tracey of Shit Street who would most likely have been charged with child abuse for abandoning the kids.
      Ho hum.

  12. If i get called one of the sheeple/zionist shills/ aanti-truthers I say I ‘m not into sheep but i am the goat demon Azazel.

    If the Red Sea Pedestrians were running things they wont be for long. Winny the Pooh fancies a bit of World Domination.

  13. Icke turned his delusions into a money spinner when he worked out that some dull cunts actually believe the shite he spouts, and there in no truer adage than ‘a fool and his money are easily parted’. Talks a load of abstract shit that explains fuck all in the hope you will buy his books, or pay through the nose to see him wave his weird looking hands about in the flesh.
    People who use the term sheeple, shill, and other words like that are the three am loners and stoners, chemtrails and 5G are gateway causes to a whole world of shite. And, they will only look at ‘evidence’(YouTube) that supports their delusions, nothing that challenges the conspiracies. Confirmation bias, we all do it to a certain extent, but these bellends have no other way.
    And, they all hate the Red Sea pedestrians. Especially Icke.

  14. Guilty! I use the term “sheeple” from time to time.

    There are a LOT of people in my industry who seem to hang on every word, utterance and tweet of the self appointed know-it-alls, never ever thinking for themselves or striving to be their own ‘expert’. Preferring instead to lap up the pontifications of said elitist, scum sucking, cockroach infested, tongue-up-the-vendor’s-ring piece wankers. Yeah, I have a bit of a ‘tude about those bastards and their fucking ‘fan clubs’.

    My regular go-to put down is “Kool-Aid Drinkers”, but sheeple has been known to be used too. Cunts.

  15. I’m guilty of listening to some of Icke’s podcasts and interviews over the last 10 years here and there.
    He certainly does talk some outlandishly bizarre shit such as the hollow moon and the shape shifting reptile stuff. Just plain crazy.

    However, he has for those 10 years spoken of a not too distant future where society is an Orwellian, Fascist – Commie dystopia.

    All you have to do is look around to see we are there.

    LGBT lessons for 5 year olds
    Orange man bad
    Greta Thunberg
    Climate change/Extinction Rebellion
    Covid 19
    Black Lives Matter (Covid what??)

    Welcome to 2020

    Where’s my tinfoil hat


    • Whether it’s been a conspiracy theory 2000 years in the making or not, one thing is certain. We’re now fucked and there’s no going back. And the truth about what Soros, Gates, the Clintons et al have been and very much still are up to is also not one.

  16. I do not do social media, but one of my “Nom De Gere” was “Sam Vuk” it means lone wolf, never been sheeple, and avoid them when I can.

  17. David Icke? Madness! What lunacy will he come up with next? People living for hundreds of years? Walking on water? Coming back from the dead? Parting of the sea? Immaculate conception? Surely nobody would believe him!

  18. All those scruffy, pink and turquoise coloured haired Honkey BLM tramps pulling down statues etc are Sheeple
    And CUNTS


    Completely off topic I know (and apologies to Cuntybollocks for again hijacking his nom) but, in light of some of the events in London and Bristol over the past couple of weeks, the above story shows in a strange sort of way just how soft on proper crime the UK is.
    A fart can get you arrested and fined nearly £450 quid in Austria yet criminal damage in the UK gets tacit approval from the mayors offices while the police do sod all. Our justice system stinks (sorry – couldn’t resist the pun).

  20. I must’ve been a bit pissed when I wrote this nom, because I think I meant to say ‘People who are part of a conspiracy cult (of sorts) and call others sheeple’ – i.e. those who follow Icke on his forum call others sheep for not believing in mad shit, but they will follow (like sheep) everything Icke says like it/s gospel.

    My point being, they’re usually massive sheep themselves.

  21. I don’t think we should completely dismiss David Icke and some other conspiracy theorists . After all when Blair sent the troops in to find Sadam’s WOMD I remember saying at the time it’s an excuse to seize Iraq , everyone around me said I was a conspiracy loon.
    Well looked what happened there.

  22. Sheeple? Easy living in a fantasy World.
    Icke? Kerching – I talk nonsense every day – when do I get paid? ?

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