English Premier League

The premier league was suspended 3 months ago because of a pandemic which in those 3 months has killed over 40000 people in this country. The NHS along with other key workers have put themselves at risk to treat those with the virus and to keep the country supplied and running. Doctors, nurses, bus and train drivers, supermarket staff to name a few, have died as a result of working through this pandemic.

So as the premier league returns from this unprecedented time they will sport the NHS rainbow on the front of their shirts, replace the players names with the names of the NHS staff and key workers who have died on their shirts, and the grounds will have advertising boards and screens with the names of all the people who have died, all 40000 of them.

Well you would think so but no instead they will wear shirts with Black Lives Matter emblazoned on them because apparently the killing of one convicted armed robbing, thieving, junkie, waster by police in a different country 4000 miles away is far more important than the lives of the above.

The mind absolutely boggles!!

Nominated by: knobrot

115 thoughts on “English Premier League

  1. This is the reason I cancelled my Syk contract, it expires on the 8th July. No more money from me scumbags.

    On the 9th July I will be cancelling my licence fee.

    Black lives matter my ringpiece, stick it all up your arses morons.

    Goodbye for now.

      • …and a far more accurate news source than amy terrestrial/sat network will ever be short of my selection as Home Sec. A constant revelation too; I mean i’ve been on this planet a good while and thought I’d seen some fucking cunts in my time but sheeesh!… IsAC reveals depths of cunterosity I never thought imaginable never mind possible or actual!

        As for the PFA, FA, EUFA et al… well I’m a cricket boy so could never give a fuck. I’d watch the odd FA cup final or Engurrrlund game 20yrs ago if there was fuck all else to do that day but that’s about the limit of my interest. Its evolution into the ‘modern game’ was a jaw dropping car crash to watch as an outsider looking in with insane salaries, match fixing, the Newcastle team looking like a police line-up in Burkina Fasau, WAGs and all the celebrity kulture that came with it, £60 fackin’ quid fer a poxy chinese made team shirt with some foreign cunt’s unpronouncable name slapped across the back…oh just fuck off!
        But what boggled and deeply impressed me was the utter devotion of the fans to their club. That a group of whites could show such unity to one cause I found hugely encouraging. I hope that that same unity still prevails and manifests in their universal disgust at being fucking shafted for the past three decades and finally told that their lives just don’t really matter after all. Then perhaps we’ll see these overpaid, overhyped, coke headed, Wife slapping spit roasters having to deliver takeaway flyers as befits their actual worth. Fucking ‘national treasures’ my hairy arse!

    • Excellent, may many,many others do the same.
      Here’s a link to the nasty,racist banner:

      WTF are Burnley FC apologising for, does this mean they had a hand in it?
      If I was a millionaire footballer I’d have stood proud, fuck them,I can retire easily and look after my family,pop out a few more sprogs as well to up the population.
      Submissive coward cunts,shit or get off the pot.

  2. White Lives don’t matter in Burnley!

    Cunts, total cunts!

    White lives don’t matter to Burnley, they need to take a look who’s coming through the turnstiles.

  3. Just watching Mahyar Tousi talking to young Tory MP Ben Bradley-his thinking aligns with many on here with this BLM shite-as long as the flame of freedom burns …?

  4. Just heard that smarmy cunt Jason Cundy on the radio…….” The vast majority of Burnley fans are appalled by this.”
    How the fuck would he know? Because he read Alastair Pisshead Campbell’s twitter that’s how he knows. Fat fucking one bollock greasy cunt.

    • My piss when nuclear when that cunt Cundy and his boyfriend Andy Goldstein had a meltdown several months ago when some drunk Chelsea fans in a pub were chanting “Salah is a bomber”. Their meltdown was because – according to them – it was racist.

      Some radical mud slimes do bombings. We know that. Suggesting Salah does the same on the basis he’s also a mud slime is offensive, potentially slanderous and possibly incorrect. But it ain’t racist because mud slime isn’t a race. FFS those two are absolute cunts.

      • Fucking right Mr Yank. And when is somebody going to pull them up about their appalling sexism……..constantly sniggering about their clever Jack the Lad double entendres? Oh, but that’s not flavour of the month among the libtards at the moment is it?
        Pair of arselickers and total cunts.

    • He obviously did a poll lol.

      I think the daft cunt might be in for a shock if they did one.

  5. That cunt Piss Morgan as stuck his oar in. A large majority of the country agree with that banner.

  6. I wonder if the Reading stabber has strong feelings against men of a fruity persuasion ?
    No suggestion of it in the media or from the LGBTXYFUCKINGZ community.
    One of their beloved, peaceful immigrants couldn’t be homophobic, could they ?
    Of course not, stick with the Mental Elf narrative.
    As for the footy match. Well done to Eagle Thrust for his amusing jape.
    Get you a case of beer for that one ?
    Good evening.

  7. As a lifelong football fan I am absolutely sickened to the pit of my stomach at the pandering to a Marxist rent a mob that’s not even representative of most black people.
    Absolute fucking cunts.
    Greed is good league.
    Sly fucking Sports and the rest of the completely corrupt media.
    Thick virtue signaling fucking players.
    No spectators adding more ingredients to the Orwellian dystopia.

    All lives matter is apparently racist so flying a banner saying that white lives matter could carry a ten year prison sentence in 2020 Britain.

    This country is an absolute joke

  8. I knew it!

    This week, the BBC has opened a comments section for every Premier League game a few minutes after the final whistle. Every game.

    But not the Burnley v City game for some reason. It’s almost as if they don’t want to show how many people would like to know why black lives matter but white ones don’t. I know and you know that 90%+ of fans would agree with the banner.

    Court case will be interesting. If they say white lives don’t matter, then the establishment has officially declared war on white people. Get out of that one you cunts.

    By the way, huge round of applause from me for those that organised this. People are fucking sick of this bullshit.

  9. After more games than I care to remember from 1974 onwards, I shall never go to Old Trafford again. I also know lads (older and hardcore blues and not the post Abu Dhabi wagon jumping set of cunts) who have vowed never to go and watch City again.

    I hope Sky and every other twat who has collaborated over this Black Thugs Matter shit know that they have now killed the English game now and for good. I only hope Ole has the guts and decency to resign and tell United to shove it. And keep on keepin on saluting black terrorists, Rashford, you little cunt.

  10. Now that is a grand cunting, probably the best I’ve seen here.

  11. Here here. Any cunt organisation supporting blm are ignorant and thick as pig shit. Don’t these cunts bother to do a bit of research and take a look at the objectives of this pox ridden organisation? Clearly not, but it’s the current pc, in thing, to do so that they can be seen to be “oh so caring” and apologetic for us nasty whiteys and what we’ve done over the last 300 odd years. Well I for one apologise for nothing, they can fuck off. BLM only care about black lives when it suits thier agenda of rioting, looting and anti establishment behaviour. The whole charade and taking the knee bollocks makes me puke. As for the football they may as well have ISIS plastered on the shirts.

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