


The curse of our age. The reason why millions of lives have been and are being ruined. I don´t understand why people take them and why they are seen to be “cool”. I´ve recently visited places like Cracolandia in downtown São Paulo and the Tenderloin/Soma district in San Francisco where junkies are literally dying in front of your eyes. These people have lost their self-respect and human dignity – all for a blast of crack that gives them a sensation that lasts a few seconds. While they are the human face of suffering, there is an enormous economic cost.

The Investopaedia site says that Americans buy $150 billion worth of cocaine, heroin, marijuana and meth annually and that the federal government requested $35.1 billion for the National Drug Control Budget for this year. It also highlighted a 2014 report by the London School of Economics called “Ending the Drug Wars.” It said the global strategy of drug prohibition had “produced enormous negative outcomes and collateral damage,” including “mass incarceration in the U.S., highly repressive policies in Asia, vast corruption and political destabilization in Afghanistan and West Africa, immense violence in Latin America, an HIV epidemic in Russia, and an acute global shortage of pain medication,” among other “systematic human right abuses around the world.”

I don´t see anything has changed since then. I´ve never taken drugs even when I was a student. I certainly don´t approve of them but it´s obvious that the current campaigns to combat them have failed. I wonder if it´s time to legalize them or bring their use under control. After all lots of legal drugs are also harmful and addictive.

Nominated by Mr Polly

76 thoughts on “Drugs

  1. Good un Mr Polly.
    Drugs are at the heart of a lot of suffering, violence and debt in this country.
    I dabbled with drugs as a cheeky youngster,
    Smoked dope, tripping on mushrooms & acid,
    Took Es and whizz, coke.
    What a daft little fucker I was!
    Enjoyed it at the time.
    Never got dependant or addicted, never any drug debt.
    Nowadays I touch nothing, dont even smoke, knocked that on the head too!
    Like that gambling thing says ‘when the fun stops stop’.
    Each to their own I wouldnt preach or tell others what to do but im all for clean living,
    Except my undercrackers.
    Theyre a disgrace.

  2. On a certain major Forum I used to visit, that shall remain nameless – which I gave up on as it became so obvious that it was a breeding ground for the hardcore left – they regularly used to trot out the chestnut about ‘legal’ drugs and how destructive alcohol is. Funnily enough, those types almost all to a fault tended to be cannabis advocates. They could never get the distinction that alcohol is only ‘misused’ by choice of the user, whereas ‘drugs’ drugs have one and one purpose only.

  3. Drugs are not that bad but when it comes to cocaine
    you’ve got to draw a line somewhere.

  4. I’m not sure legalising the recreational drugs mentioned is the answer. Alcohol is legal and that kills and ruins lives to a far greater degree. Depending upon which sources you care to believe.

    I think governments get pissed off about it not so much for the illegality of it, but more because they can’t tax it. If it were made legal tomorrow, does anyone actually think the violent/murdering/arms dealing/human trafficking drug cartels would close up shop? Nope, me neither.

    I have zero tolerance for people who allow their lives to be controlled by legal or illegal substances. The argument is always the same….but but but addiction is a disease. No it’s fucking not. It’s a choice. A disease is something which happens to you over which you have no control . The first time you injected heroin into your arm, was it at gun point? No it wasn’t. Fuck off and die.

    • I think it was a channel 4 discussion panel about addiction that had Peter Hitchen’s holding your view, versus one of the male actors from that dross yankie comedy called ‘Friends’. You’d probably enjoy it. The actor was so washed out, looked fucking derelict, but Hitchens was having none of his self pity bollocks.

  5. Tried LSD when 17yrs old what a fool. I thought it would be like a cartoon boy was I wrong. I have never been so Terrified in my life, I still get panic attacks and I’m 65 now. They do fuck up lives. Fucked mine up. Cunt.

    • Sorry to hear that Whymeforfucksake. LSD and psilocybin mushrooms changed my life for the better.

      • I had loads of bad trips Ruff, im either stubborn or a slow learner, decent into Hades nearly every time.
        But, it definitely effected my imagination and sense of humour, my Art work improved, and love the surreal/ absurb,
        Dont regret trying things,
        But was just experimenting in youthful hedonism, cant be arsed now prefer a early night.?
        As for alcohol, I love a pint, always have, but I have no drink issues, and leave it alone when busy with work, its strictly for the weekends.

      • I can relate to all that Miserable.

        Re acid & mushrooms: it’s not all fun and games. It’s not supposed to be. There is the fun side, but also a huge amount of hard thinking involved. I had some uncomfortable trips but thankfully never a bad one. Over one month I learned more about myself and what I perceived to be reality than in the previous ten or twenty years put together. It’s where I got my doctorate in psychotic enlightenment from. ?

        Done most substances in my time. Except heroin – wouldn’t go near it. Do nothing nowadays… don’t feel the need. Not even alcohol.

      • I am glad to hear that. Wish it done the same to me. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind. It was my fault.

  6. If class A drugs were legalised who knows what the next wave would be, you can bet all these cunts asking for them to be legalised would never take any responsibility for the outcome.
    Zero tolerance in my book would include no access to health care for Drug users, fuck them, people have to take personal responsibility. They are illegal so there is no excuse, if you take them then suffer the consequences.
    I know you can point to alcohol but it is legal so until it isn’t then society has to deal with it.
    And while we are on it, any fucking celeb that dies from an OD shouldn’t be lauded in the media, they are cunts.
    Fuck them!

    • I would like to mention the claim that when/where alcohol was/is illegal the harm is/was worse. One way I look at this is to ask myself what harm resulted from specific intoxicants when they were NOT illegal? Opium dens are an obvious minus but marihuana tea less of a social ill. It’s not that long ago, less than a century, and I was persuaded to look at it this way due to Betty Ford. You don’t want crooks running your distilleries.

  7. Drugs are the scourge of mankind, even affecting the upper echelons of society. A police superintendent has been caught doing drugs and masturbating on duty.
    No name has been given yet but they say he’s a high wanking officer.

  8. Reminds me of that Sacha Baron-Cohen film where he tells his kids off for doing coke as it’s a gateway drug to heroin (or something like that).

  9. I thought I was hallucinating last night.
    It was one of those moments when from being in a deep sleep, I was suddenly wide awake.
    Something didn’t feel right and when I switched on the bedside lamp I could see a horse standing at the end of the bed staring at me.
    It stood there for several hours but suddenly bolted out of the house and disappeared the moment the sun rose.
    Just a night mare obviously….

  10. Heroin is a curse where I live, along with cocaine. I figure that what informed consenting individuals do in private is by and large their own business but I cannot do with the scratter tramp scroungers who live like and in filth and expect (demand in some cases) that I fund their choices so when I hear “mate, can I just”.. I want to beat them into a bloodied heap. (Heard it sooo often).
    I have had them all – “my girlfriend has just had acid thrown on her and needs a taxi to the hospital” – ring three 9’s mate.
    “Me and my young Son have come from (insert town name) and I’ve lost my bus ticket and can’t get home” – you are classed as vulnerable – ring the Police and they can deal with it.
    Leeds railway station is just as bad – lines of them congregating outside whenever a train pulls in, harassing, intimidating, threatening – one began his spiel once and I said “pay for your own drugs fella” at which point this huge dirty looking character began to become threatening and aggressive and got in my face.
    And got nutted. (I do not like people in my personal space).
    Take what you want, do what you want – but don’t expect me to fund it and society to sort it.
    And every smack rat is inadvertently filling the pockets of the terrorists in Afghanistan.
    Soma for the proles. (Random Huxley/Orwell mash up there) ?

    • Where I grew up Foxy, Heroin was rampant, from early 80s, loads of lads I knew jossed it messing with the shite.
      Nobody likes a smack rat,
      Not even other smack rats im guessing?
      I can pick them out in crowds, dont pity them a bit, its of their own doing.
      Responsibility for your own choices in life eh?

      • ‘Not even other smack rats im guessing?’

        Yeah Miserable. Smack heads smack each other’s heads.
        My mate a black eye then the next week another black eye on the same eye. Later a broken jaw.
        Nice lad. Died in a ditch. In Brid.
        Added he had ‘174 convictions’.
        More positively he could draw. Still have his drawings of his cell.
        And the around the time of Damien Hirst’s Dead Sheep. Found a dead sparrow in the street. Drew it on our kitchen table.
        More dignity in that drawing than cunt Hirst’s sheep.
        Maybe you can tell written a poem about him.
        Called ‘Darren’.

    • Spot on, Vernon. I share your views on this. Btw, can one infer from your post above that you hail from Leeds, West Yorkshire? If so, I have family there (one cousin lives in a wee place called Wortley and the other cuz recently moved from Wortley to another place about 20 miles further away. . . forget the name).

      • Think Foxy lives in the cotswolds?
        Sure he told me he runs a ‘spiritual awakening’ yoga retreat in the cotswolds.

      • All vegan menu MNC – it’s most popular! ?
        Working on getting a place in the middle of nowhere – if I can manage it I am calling the place “Whiteland”! ?

      • Hehehe!?
        Yeah vegan food, mouth watering!!☺
        Do you do ‘gong therapy’? (Real thing!)
        My mate has Bad nerves and im thinking some hippy constantly twatting a gong might help?

      • I live near York FB – I spent Years commuting to every place in Yorkshire for work, Leeds is bad but Doncaster is the worst.
        Got a Brother in Leeds but he works around the World so is very rarely home – I know when he is – he turns up at mine, we go out and get bladdered, good form!

      • The last time I was in Leeds was circa July 1999. I actually stayed with my Aunt and cousins back then (my aunt was going through a divorce at the time and was needing a lot of family support). Fortuituously, I had just finished college and thought it would be a good chance to not only catch up with some relatives who I hadn’t seen in some 20 years, but to try and get a job in Leeds, too. At the time, Leeds was under a huge regeneration and was considered by many to be THE place to be as far as getting work was concerned. The place was booming — they even had a good football team at the time, championed and shepherded by David O’Leary. Enjoyed my 3-month spell there (not least because of frequent visits to the Yorkshire Dales) but had to head back home because my Aunty was basically stressed out to fuck — her mental health deteriorated badly, unfortunately — and plus, as much as I liked Leeds, couldn’t settle there (home is where the heart is, I guess). Interestingly, as recently as 2 years ago, my aunt finally mustered up the courage to tell me that I had gotten a job offer down there, as a car salesman, just about 2 or 3 weeks after I had left to go back home. As much as I love my Aunt from West Yorkshire, that makes her a massive cunt!! I’m not even joking about this! Murphy’s Law, I guess. ??☹️

      • There’s a marvellous statue in Leeds-


        When I worked there I used to get pissed at the pubs round the station but would always drunkenly gravitate towards it before getting the last train.

        The Black Prince it is called. Fuck all to do with Leeds which I like.

        The ‘Black’ might well do for him in these febrile times.

      • That statue is just outside the railway station near the Queens hotel – it is truly awesome in real life.

      • Perhaps they’ll erect a statue of Leigh Francis in Leeds to celebrate enrichment, diversity and multiculturalism.

  11. The UK drugs market is worth £5.3Bn a year.

    The cost in policing, heathcare and crime relating to drug use is £10.5Bn.

    If weed were legalised and sold through licenced outlets, it could be taxed and the money wasted on busting Jamal for a £20 bag of green could be used for fighting hardcore nasty fuckers, like the Turkish Mafia, who import all the smack.
    Or the Albanian Mafia, who have the coke market sewn up.

    Weed is no more harmful and a lot less addictive than alcohol or tobacco.

    Compare these two scenarios:

    Lad A goes to the pub, has 8 pints of wifebeater, kicks off with anyone who looks at his bird and then punches the bloke in the kebab shop queue for no reason whatsover.

    Lad B buys £20 of weed, stays at home playing Sonic the hedgehog, ploughs through a family pack of kitkats and a tube of pringles, while giggling his tits off.

    Which is more of a danger to society?

    Legalise it, tax it and… Ooh, are you going to eat that last chocolate digestive?

    Sorry, where was I?

    • Weed is a cunt, smoked by losers. More people are killed by stoned drivers than drunk drivers over here, so yeah, legalise the reeking stuff, sit back and watch the carnage.

      • Before anyone asks, I’m talking about the recreational stoners, not the poor bedridden cunt dying of cancer who has medicinal grade marijuana oil to use.

      • I do not recommend or agree with driving under the influence of anything.

        Sitting at home, minding your own business and enjoying the occasional spliff in front of the TV with a bowl of snacks has never killed anyone.

  12. Interesting nom. I look forward to reading the insights of people who have an in-depth knowledge on these issues — from scholars, autodidacts and armchair detectives alike — with all alacrity. I have only experimented with drugs recreationally (i.e. cocaine, acid, magic mushrooms and marijuana; have only taken cocaine about 4 or 5 times in total and that was in my thirties, have taken acid only a handful of times when I was ages 16 – 17, have taken magic mushrooms only once m, when I was 16, and have only smoked marijuana about 10 times in my life, between ages 16 – 30). All of them did fuck all for me; no heightened state of euphoria, contentment, elation, awareness, insight . . . no panacea; in fact, each of them, with the exception of cocaine, made me feel paranoid as fuck, and cocaine merely gave me a quick charge that lasted for about 20 minutes in total. I want my fuckin’ money back!

    As regards the crux of the matter here — i.e the havoc drugs wreak socially and economically — well, who the hell knows?!! There are no easy answers, quick fixes or silver bullets here, and obviously it is an extremely complex issue that is, paradoxically, induced by existing (or underlying) social, economic and political problems. Some people take it as a form of escapism, some take it because it’s trendy or fashionable and some take it for reasons even unknown to them. We are all flawed, living in a flawed system, living side by side with billions of other people, and each of us is literally made up of billions of nerve cells and neurons . . . with this in mind, it was never going to be easy, was it? Struggle and strife was always — and always will be — inevitable. I guess, too, the world is really just one big cunt, full of cunts who do cunty things for cunty reasons, or for no cunty reasons, as the case may be. Be careful out there. Cunts!

    Btw, alcohol is a drug too, but it deserves its own separate thread as it causes more deaths than any of the aforementioned drugs. Another thread for another day, I suppose.

    PS: Talking about drugs, I would quite like to smear my pink torpedo with cocaine and have a vigorous session of horizontal dancing with Holly Willoughby!

    • Decriminalise heroin for addicts, they can get time release capsules at the chemists, they have to take them at the chemists to stop them selling them and it has to be combined with a six Month compulsory rehabilitation course. Increase the sentence for dealing heroin to life – this will immediately stop the dealers, who buy from some serious Turkish guys you do not play with, the money is then used to pay people to steal 4WD vehicles which are shipped to Turkey and then throughout the Muslim World on false registrations – it comes from Afghanistan (predominantly), transported through Pakistan to Turkey and onwards to the EU Countries.
      70% of “nuisance” crime (IE – the stuff the Police don’t bother investigating, just give you a crime number for the insurance) is committed by addicts wanting money for the gear and it costs a fortune and takes up ridiculous amounts of Police time.
      The money saved could fund the rehab, they get one chance but after that no more.
      I have lost lots of friends and friendships due to the blight of heroin and cocaine, and a few have died.
      Each to their own, but open Pandoras box at your peril.
      The Governments only issue is they have not yet found a way to tax it, and a medicated population (prescription and illegal) are easier to control.

    • Coke makes everyone a cunt but fucks sake you end up smashing the life out of your Mrs like a pair of professional porn stars…..see ron Jeremy is in trouble.

  13. Sorry to hijack the the thread, surely a few hundred bales of smokey-the-dope dropped in hotspots and voila-BLM protests 100 sorted.
    It worked in South America via the CIA?

  14. Wasted about 6 or 7 years myself. Party stuff. Thought I was fucking clever but almost cost me everything. Some of my old mates never got out of it. One cunt sits in his flat with his curtains drawn all day paranoid about who’s knocking at the door.

    Had some great nights but the comedowns made them not worth it really. If I pulled I was usually too out of it to do much too. Waste of time and money in the end.

    • Bang on, cunty. Been there myself. And I know a lot of old mates who still live that life well into their 50s and 60s (though, most of them seldom reach that age) and who lead a vampire existence with no structure to their lives. I’m not judging them at all. As long as they are not bothering me, live and let live, eh? ?

  15. I take a quitw libertarian view on drugs. Take benzos, dope, cocaine, MDMA, if you must, but dont expect that state to take care of you.

    That goes for stinking alkies as well.

    They dont get taken to Aand E.
    If some liberal bedwetter wants them looked after, set up a charity and get spat at and punched in the eye.

    I got drunk plenty of times and never ended up in A and E. I slept in the park.

  16. Heroin, cocaine, alcohol. All a fucking scourge on society. The majority can’t handle them at all. Even functional alcoholics slowly erode themselves until inward issues become outward problems they can’t ignore.

    The issue with all drugs is that they put you in a state of mind or fog that you can’t see out of until you’re dried/cleaned out. The fog becomes a mood if you stay there long enough or instantly if it’s potent like skag, and eventually the mood becomes a state of being where the drug is doing you and you’re, well, possessed.

    The fog is dangerous because you can still see land and think you can backtrack at any time. Before you know it you’re lost and up to your waist in shit. Many young and foolhardy think they’ll do better than the last man..

    I used cannabis for years, experimented with psychedelics. I think there should be special spaces that allow explorational use of mushrooms or other natural plants once a year for those who meet certain criteria i.e. not dumb, young, mental, and demonstrate a real yearning for answers. But beyond that, I don’t think the masses are able to handle it. Even cannabis.

  17. As girlie as this sounds…most weed today is too strong for your ‘new to weed’ smoker.
    It’s mong out when it should be chill out….


    • When I lived in Denmark, Christiania was the place to go if you fancied a smoke.

      Back in the old days it was like a street market with stalls, brands and every kind of hash and weed you could think of.

      I used to do trade with one guy who specialised in weed, not heavy duty skunk. Just weed.

      His stuff was better at £4 a gram than the skunk they sell here at £10 a gram.

      Not hectic, not total headfuck, just nicely mellow on a Friday summer’s evening. Followed by a slow stroll back to the station as the sun went down, watching the scandi beauties on their bicycles going out for the night in their party dresses.


  18. I do like a cold lager or cider.
    I also tried them magical mushrooms.
    No harm done.
    Just take personal responsibility.
    No Gayness is permitted.
    Thank you.

  19. True story. Saved the life of a junkie that had overdosed. Respiratory arrest. We gave him narcan and bagged him. He came round, cursed us then thanked us and walked away. And I’d do it again.

    • To finish what I started before we got a job, and now stood down… Drunks, not all, mind, on the other hand are absolute cunts. Aggressive, rude, obnoxious and vomit all over you and the back of the truck. Yep, I’d rather go to an overdose any day.

  20. Legalise certain drug classes, because quite frankly the war on drugs will never end in a victory for governments. They’ve been pounding away for decades, even with the “Just say no” gig back in the 80s/90s.

    Trying to fight the battle against drug warlords is a joke; for every little victory there will be someone else willing to pick up the mantle and carry on distributing drugs around the world.

    • Prohibition didn’t work the first time around and it isn’t working this time either. If people want to swallow / smoke / inject something then they’re going to do it whether it’s legal or not. In fact if it’s illegal, that’s just another reason to do it for some people.
      Anyone these days can get drugs if they really want them, so the best thing to do is legalize, regulate and put the unscrupulous dealers out of business. Yes there will still be deaths from overdosing but much fewer caused by impurities, and the police would be able to concentrate on crime that’s not drug related.

  21. When my kids were teenagers, Mrs B asked me would I give them a talk on drugs?”

    “Ok” I said “but I warn you that I talk a lot of shite when I’m high.“

    • In the nomination picture at the top, is cod liver oil tablets!
      Think they sell them at illegal waves! ? ?

  22. I was going to like make a vicious cunting but I forgot what the subject was man, look at the colours, oh look a pigeon, heavy man.

  23. The biggest problem with drugs is that they’re smuggled into this country by “Big Men” in suits who have the entire legal system in their pockets. Have you ever noticed that whenever we hear about a ‘massive drug bust’ in the news it’s always on a shitty sink estate and never involves any of the “Big Men” at the top?!

  24. When I was younger I found myself living in a house (Withington, where else?) owned by a female doctor.
    What annoyed me about her and her druggie pals was their arrogance and air of superiority.
    I also found this fucking hippie type ritual of pulling out an album cover (e.g Fairport Convention) and using it as a worktop on which to create their Moroccan-Black spliffs whilst sitting cross-legged on the floor and grinning inanely’ highly annoying.Ok I tried the fucking shit once and guess what,it did fuck all!
    I had more enjoyment from my B&H and beer.Not only that but one of her druggie mates (a nurse married to a doctor) used to order these suspicious looking pills called “blueys” which ,judging by the effect that it had on the jibbering cunts,must have been some kind of”speed”
    Indeed these fucking (illegal) chemicals fucked them up so badly that the bitch doctor asked me to drive her up to the hospital where she worked so that she could use her position to persude the sister in A&E to give her a large bottle of Ativan to calm the cunt down. No-one ever reported her aberrant behaviour because she was “popular” and came from a good family.
    Actually the family can’t have been that great because the whore had the most appalling skid marks in her pants!


    • You smoked Moroccan hash and it did nothing? I dunno bout that man. It should of had a mild effect at the least

      Hash is better smoked in a pipe anyway you could mix it with tobacco and roll a joint but its really just a waste of good hash imho

      • A pipe is more convenient with hash but hot knives work well too. I’d argue that honey oil, black oil is ideal for hot knives tho that stuff doesn’t work so well in a pipe.

        Unless of course you drop cig ash in and drop the oil in using a sewing needle but you need a good low flame lighter to smoke it proper

  25. Shit cunting, drugs are fucking ACE!!! Moderation is the key. I battered the pills and powder when i was a youngster and had a fucking blast, if i could do it all again i would, at the drop of a hat!!

    • Exactly absolutely right, the world right now is messier then a shit fucked cunt. I need drugs to survive the shit abyss and shitsunami tidal waves we call life! No we need more drugs not less of them

      Also ever notice how anti drug cunts are the most hypocritical biggest cunts alive? Fucking dumb stunned cunt I was talking to the other day was telling me how horrible drugs are guess what she was somehow unknowingly consuming them drinking a massive coffee mug and sucking down a cigarette ffs

  26. Hey now heroin, cocaine and marijuana are great drugs especially marijuana. The real problem is crack, fentanyl and meth those are real boring drugs with a capital B and they just cause nonstop problems. They are just stupid type cunt drugs with a fun factor of 1 out of 10 fucking Boring shit m8

    We really need to legalize almost all drugs to crack down on gangs cutting purity and running amok on there other illegal activities. Government are also real cunts here too because they want to prohibit you from having them or want them high taxed which is just greed. We also need to legalize growing and manufacturing your own drugs Fuck big pharm they are crooks and cunts

  27. Lots of good points from both sides here.

    My main issue with drugs is that the users are such fucking bores.

  28. Here’s an interesting article. Certain folk over there in that vast nation are trying to promulgate a society of ‘functioning drug users’ (that’s an oxymoron, isn’t it?). One of the organisers said the atmosphere at one of the demonstrations was ‘infectious’. I’ll bet it fucking was! ?


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