Doctor Who (5)

The current bunch of cockwombles who run Doctor Who need a serious cunting.

Oh boy. I knew being woke meant that you were clinically insane, but I really didn’t know just how insane it would make you. Well, I’ve just read something about Dr Who that reveals it. Are you ready for this? Apparently, Russell T Davis, who according to people who don’t know that Dr Who has been in existence since the 1960’s, is the original showrunner, has retconned the show yet again. Now, as well as the Doctor not being a Timelord, HE has now had infinite regenerations, all well and good. Here’s the kicker though. The Doctor can’t just regenerate into a man or a woman now, HE can also regenerate into… animal. Yep, you read that right. The Doctor can regenerate into a fucking ANIMAL now. I can’t wait for the next attack by the Daleks.



This is so pathetic, I’m not even angry. How much coke do you have to snort to sit in that writing room and say, “Y’know what guys? Having the Doctor played by a humanoid is sooo Y2K. Why don’t we get a donkey to play the role instead? And how much do you have to snort to actually agree? Fuck the BBC.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

71 thoughts on “Doctor Who (5)

  1. Words fail me. In fact anything BBC led tends to do that to me these days. Cunts.

    • Dr Who was my favourite show as a child. The one ‘celebrity’ I would like to shake hands with is Tom Baker. But it was a daft kids’ programme. It was not meant for adult re-education.

      It was possible to make serious moral points without beating people over the head with BS. ‘Genesis of the Daleks’ makes the point that racism and fascism are bad without making it the focus of the story. Davros is one of the most brilliant villains in science fiction history

      I stopped watching regularly during Peter Capaldi’s time. Capaldi is a gifted actor but his scripts were crap. The one where they made the Cybermen boring was shit but I haven’t watched a single episode since the Jodie Whitaker climate change one. Utter wank.

      I am well pissed.

      • I mostly watched up until Paul McGann, saw one Christopher Eccleston and a handful of Tennant and that was it. I read in bed whilst my wife watches TV and, from what I vaguely heard, I thought Jodie was totally woke bollocks. I like Bradley Walsh and can’t understand why he joined ‘the gang’, the money must have been good.

  2. How about a fucking big black Donkey? Could get Jabbot the Hutt to do the voiceover!

  3. Better a donkey than a bame disabled transsexual, which is far more likely from the beeb. What shit are they pumping into kids heads?

  4. Dr Who up to and including Tom Baker is Doctor Who.

    The reboot has been a load of woke shit.

      • Interesting, it was permissible for the doctor to wipe out the entire Dalek species, genocide on a grande scale.

        The Daleks of course are tin Nazis, the daleks were based on the Nazis and of course beating the Nazis were for the greater good. But problem is with the extreme left it’s acceptable to the bogeyman because he’s the bad guy, the definition of Nazi has been allowed to creep until it includes anyone who doesn’t agree with the woke left. The woke call for the beating of Trump voters, some even saying voting trump voids your right to live.

        As soon as you can convince masses of people that a section of population is evil, you can convince them that eradication is the right and good thing to do.

        How far away are we from the thinking in pre war Germany?

  5. Preferred the comic strip in Viz “Dr Poo. Travelling the galaxy to find somewhere to take a shit”.

  6. You know what? I smell Transbender….
    They want a Trannie Timelord, the depraved deviant cunts.

    Davies sort of did a good job the first time round though. If he’s back and cunts like Chibnall, Whittaker, the ‘big black momma doctor’, the Parking Stanley Master, and the wokecunt companions are disposed of then that can’t be a bad thing. If he gets near his time with Eccleston and Tennant it’s a step in the right direction. However, I don’t think the Beeb woke dictatorship will allow him to do that.

    Change into an animal? Like Catherine Schell in Space 1999? One of my first ‘Hilary Swanks’ was over Catherine in the Guardian Of Piri.

    • “I am the ghost of Danny La Rue
      My show is always neuter you…”

      I’ll get my coat.

  7. I was discussing with a colleague my time travel experiments and revealed that I had managed to travel back in time, but ended up having sex with my own grandmother.
    He looked concerned.

    He said, “Have you any fucking idea how this could effect the space time continuum and have you considered the fact that you could even be your own grandfather..?”

    I said, “I doubt it, I only went back to last Tuesday”….

      • I liked Dr who as a kid, it was John Pertwee then.
        He went on to be Wurzel Gummidge which was much nicer.
        I liked the daleks for their far right outlook on life but nowadays theyd be disability rights campaigners wanting ramps put in everywhere.
        I stopped watching Dr Who when it was that bumboy from All Creatures great and small.

      • This.
        Although I strongly suggest anyone over the age of 14 who obsesses over Dr Who, Star Trek, Star Wars etc should have their name added to the sex offenders register, I can sympathise here.
        Doctor Who is as British as the Queen, Fish and Chips, warm Bitter and crappy seaside resorts: thus making it a target for change, from the good old British Bashing Corporation.

  8. How about the next Doctor being ” deep breath “…. A wheelchair bound paraplegic, double leg amputee Irish traveller refugee ,albino transsexual non binary epileptic Muslim lesbian black dwarf with a hair lip, badly fitting glass eye,no arms and a stutter.

      • Rest assured Ron, you have not been forgotten. I am assured that they are working on a vegan series this very minute in which the Doctor is in mortal danger from his arch enemies – the Garlics.

      • I’m one of those part-time vegans Bertie; got a nice bit of sirloin for tea tonight.

  9. In all honesty, it sounds more like a huge Ketamine bender with a side of dodgy LSD.

  10. They’re only trying to appeal to their new fanbase; tumblrinas, furries and freaks who list their gender as ‘demiqueer dragonkin’.

    Anything else is exclusionary and thoughtcrime.

  11. Dr Who isn’t from Earth, just because he likes running around the universe with Earthlings doesn’t mean they can treat him like one of us, maybe on his home planet they didn’t have ‘other colours’ Keep Gallifrey White!!

    Russell whatever his name is, what a cunt!

  12. A friend of a friend thinks its only right the latest Ms Who promotes woke shit, as people need to be ‘educated’.

    Needless to say he joined the police straight from taking theatre studies at university.

  13. All went wrong after Jon Pertwee went loada shite now has been for years americanised inclusive bollocks

  14. So they’re turning Dr Who into Jeff the talking mongoose rather than have a bloke?

    Silly fuckers. Who’s going to watch this bollocks?

    • Manx Cunter?
      If so, love your reckless road races, bushy’s brew pub (is it still there?) and profiliferation of rural wenches of low morality???

  15. Used to watch William Hartnell from behind the settee as a kid, loved it.

    Just thinking about the animal option!
    It could just be that the talking weasel from His Dark Materials has a bloody good agent.

  16. Dr Hu? He wasn’t a real Doctor – tried to get me to eat some bat based remedy then sold me a dalek that fell to bits in a week! Then turned into Judi Dench!
    As Sir Fiddler would say – it’s a fucking disgrace! ?
    Doctor how – as in how the hell did anyone think this was a good idea?

      • Fuck all wrong with hanging around school gates MNC. My only pleasure.

      • Ive stopped since mudslime kids started attending!
        Not a looker amongst them Cuntstable!

  17. I can see a great story opener; just as the Doctor as oinked and screeched his/her way into regenerating into a pig, the Tardis accidentally morphs its way into a mosque full of praying peacefuls, the doors fling open and the doctor (now a swine) wonders out looking for effnicks to be assistants…that’s as far as I’ve got for now, but working on the rest

  18. I had a crush on Sarah Jane, have a personally signed pic of her. She as gone and so as the Doctor as I knew it
    Still remember the first episode. Now all cunts.

    • Louise Jamiesons Leela!
      Leather clad & lithe!☺
      Fancied her as a kid,
      Just googled her and the 8yr old miserable had good taste!

    • Elisabeth Sladen (RIP). She was still great looking years later when her character Sarah Jane made her comeback.

      Some crackers back then: Elisabeth, Katy Manning, Nicola Bryant, Louise Jameson, Anneke Wills, Wendy Padbuty.

      What did we get years later? Catherine Fucking Tate,


    • The new Dr Who regenerates into a strange World where all the white straight working class English Men are in danger of extermination – a bit far fetched I’ll grant you..

  20. Turned to shite when they introduced that K9 character.

    The giant robot stuff was bad and made worse by K9.

    BBC pandering to the woke generation.

  21. Davies is not returning to Doctor Who, that cunt Chibnall is still in charge, Whittakunt and the cast of Different Strokes are still there, and the new Dalek ‘design’ is complete and utter shit.

    This show will not be saved now. Fuck the BBC.

  22. But it was always shite, surely? I’ve never understood this cult. DH didn’t even attempt to be realistic or plausible, clunking stories any SF writer would have disowned (and maybe did?) and clunking cardboard and tinfoil monsters. It was aimed at 14-year-olds, and never grew up. Nice theme tune, though.

    • Yeah it never made an impression on me as a kid, having grown up with Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. McCoy was the first Doctor I saw but the production values were fucking awful; more on the level of a series you’d see on Children’s BBC before Neighbours was on.

      More of a Red Dwarf fan. They made an effort and it was more a comedy than sci-fi so if it looked a bit cheap they created a joke about it (Kryten’s comment about the monsters on Waxworld).

  23. Watched Dr Who occasionally several decades ago. The Sonic Screwdriver always intrigued me. Never had one personally, but hey ho, tomorrows Fathers Day.

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