Dawn Butler MP

The mouthy, fat lipped old cunt, famous for her expenses swindling has done a Russell-Moyle today by claiming Boris is sending her constituents “out to catch the virus”.:-

This Corbyn loving old slagbag is famous for her “emotional” outbursts. No doubt she is still pissed off by being the least successful of the would-be Labour leadership candidates, and she is still having a girly petulant strop, but why does she have to be as ugly as she is dishonest. The oversized old trollop almost makes Jess Phillips shagable. Would anyone be prepared to atick their tongue up her cavernous arsehole?

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

78 thoughts on “Dawn Butler MP

  1. ‘Is a racist’ is thrown about with gay abandon these days. It is about time that people replied ‘Justify that statement, apologise or meet me in court’.

    • I have GG – the look of shock and petulant outrage on their faces is priceless!
      Their should be a law in place where anyone making an accusation of racism should have fact and evidence to prove it, or be prosecuted for racism.
      Free speech comes with responsibility – but there’s no longer such a thing as free speech for whitey.
      Oops, nearly forgot – Butler! Butler! I’m talking to you – if whitey (only whitey, it would seem) is so racist why don’y you fuck off to any African Country and never come back?
      On other news – Labour BAME MP apologises for breaking rules to go rioting, sorry, protesting – “lessons have been learned”, three televisions and 9 pairs of trainers have been acquired.
      No Labour MP as yet calling for their resignation..

  2. What a bitch, why single out Boris, I thought all us white folks is racist init!

    • Put it in some pants with comedy moustache and fetch John Wayne Gacy.
      No more tripe.

  3. ‘’Right argumentative twat’ yes, that is how your fellows on this site would describe you. Well Done!

      • Very fair comment MNC but I do have a very large todger which is some compensation.

      • Im cursed with the same thing Guzzi.
        Like kojak in a turtleneck jumper in my undercrackers.☺

      • We should form a club MNC , the Big Boy’s Club, BBC for short. We are bound to get admirers.

  4. The Fart Sniffer of Old Brent Central Town strikes again!

    (Referencing the Two Ronnies there)

    • From the picture it appears Dawn has joyfully dropped her guts and the blonde lass is suffering.

      • She ALWAYS has that smug, self-satisfied expression that always makes me think that she’s just smelt one of her own farts.

      • @Beemack I described her recently on here as having the most repulsive sneer face I’ve ever seen, this is why I call her Fart Sniffer. Butler served as Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities but her real job was to sit next to Compo and make a fart sniffing face, constantly!

      • Absolutely, Cuntologist.. Butler, Flabbott, Jess Phillips… Imagine the fucking stench in the house of commons. They really should have supplied gas masks.

    • Hi Cuntologist, wondered where you was!
      Good to see you posting!??

  5. Posted this yesterday, but more appropriate here.

    Lardbutt blaming Cummings (white man) and the Government (white racists) for the behaviour of 500+ of her ignorant as pigshit constituents flouting social distancing rules partying in the street:


    “It has come to my attention from several social media clips sent to me that an illegal block party was held in Brent yesterday. For something that started at around 30 people and ended up with around 500 people, I was stunned but upon reflection, not too shocked. Recent reports in regard to how the Prime Minister’s Chief Adviser Dominic Cummings blatantly broke the rules whilst he was suspected to be infected with the Coronavirus, and has been protected by the Government, has irked a lot of people – myself included. A Government that is morally bankrupt when it comes to following their own rules, and when it comes to issues of race, lacks any moral authority to tell people what to do. I understand this more than most.”

    (Dawn Butler MP CUNT)

    Naturally she spent the rest of the day (at taxpayers expense) tweeting in support of Blick Lives Matter and pontificating about St. George Floyd.

    • Are blm looters and ‘protesters’ be charged with social distancing rules? Or no Can’t have that can we now

    • Looks like a drug dealing conference, swapping lockdown stories and looking for new members ?

    • Hev-ery-ting dey do wrong is da fault of da honkey, innit? Bumbaclart!

  6. Lardbutt tells us that Boris is sending us all out to die by easing the lockdown but has nothing but praise for the thousands of virtue signallers who gathered to demand that the self same racist Boris do something about some cunt who killed some other cunt 4000 miles away.
    So what happens when all those middle class Labour voters come down with Chinky Flu, not to mention the coppers they abused and assaulted? Who gets the blame for that Lardbutt? I notice you weren’t there Mrs.
    Too busy soaking your racist commie arse in that whirlpool we bought you no doubt.

    • I find it highly amusing that ALL of these protesting cunts are endangering their lives by gathering together like this. It isn’t Boris who is sending them out to die it IS the black racists themselves!

  7. Yet another, yet again.
    Airports that way Dawn – fuckoff.
    Can’t really add to that, think it covers it.

  8. It would be absolutely terrible if all those agitators in London protesting about a Yank cop caught the rona by gathering in large crowds.

    Absolutely awful.

    • Those protesting idiots I do not care about – it’s the people they could potentially kill with their selfish stupidity that bothers me.
      And the froth of Khan has sold all the water cannons (at a massive loss) – filling those with pig slurry and letting loose would have been top form! ?

  9. An absolute racist cunt, an embarrassment to the Black community and an ugly fucker.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  10. I am a proud racist…I hate white cunts and black cunts, asian cunts, oriental cunts, Latin cunts. They can all fuck off. ?

      • Best just to hate and not question it BWC.
        Dawns ok, great bass player when she was in Aswad, and good in Tarzan in Manhattan.

      • Wait while Blakey catches up with her!
        “I ‘ate you Butler – I’ll get you Butler, you see if I don’t”!
        If England is so racist and awful Dawn – fuck off back to Ghana, sorted.
        Wonder if Boris is up yet.

      • I hate Londoners and Bristolians regardless of race, colour or creed.

      • A shame BWC. The Cornish are one population that needs an injection of new genes.

  11. Racism is here and will never go away, as long as cultural and behavioural differences/stereotypes exist then so will racism.
    I was in a restaurant in Barcelona a while ago and a table of abaaaaaht 7 darkies from fuck knows where sat down to eat and of course one of the cunts gets up and starts demonstrating to the rest when he’s trying to articulate…why not sit down and be civil you cunt? Nah I’ve got to be a typical noisy black cunt and act like a cunt in a restaurant…I laugh or feel embarrassed.
    Your in a club and a whitey starts ‘Dancing’ (like good old Teresa May) and I look and wonder if there is a delay between ears and brain to tell the body to move in time…I laugh or feel embarrassed (although some whiteys have rhythm).
    Your aaaaht and abaaaaaht and walk past some Asian house and notice 30 of the cunts living in there…I laugh or feel embarrassed.
    You spot a Somalian and realise that he/she is a cunt like most of them.
    Same with Dooshka’s etc.
    Racism is a cunt, but sometimes an unavoidable cunt.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Confusing Teresa May and Theresa May on a google image search is one of the highest stakes wanking gambles a lad can make.

  12. The sight of those coppers down on one knee outside Downing Street tells you everything you need to know about our brainwashed libtard society. How can you police a demo when you blatantly identify with the cause? This is the inevitable result when you allow coppers to skateboard with road blocking tree huggers and mince with poofs at pride parades. Why don’t we just issue them with those starry blue flags at the next remoaner march?
    Who was in charge of those coppers yesterday? Heads should roll for that.
    Lot of good it did them. The libtard commie bastards picked a fight with them anyway.

  13. Bojo isn’t racist he is a subversive conman tho Did you know he currently ok’ing a program for 3 million hong kongers from hong kong will get instant path to uk citizenship for that sweet sweet cheap labour? Wants to put the majority of them in Scotland, Ireland apparently

    Bronald Blumpf wants this same program for Americans but doubled thats how phony these populists are but go ahead keep sucking at there teats they need to be milked for the Gdp phonies that they are while libtards call them white nationalists lol who knew the future would be this gay?

    • Aww fuck I was planning to retire to the Highlands to get away from the dog eaters. Cunts!

  14. Know what? I dont hate Dawn.
    Dawns just a silly cunt.
    Certainly dont hate her because shes black/ a woman.
    But I hate all politicians as a group, labour and tory.
    Theyre the enemy as far as I see it.
    Its their shitty decisions fucking things up.
    And undoubtedly Dawn is a cunt, moaning, everythings racist, but shes in a line of cunts that stretches as far as the eye can see.

    • Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
      If the demographic most at risk from cunt-flue behave with the least personal responsibility and are contaminated, I for one will piss myself laughing.
      As said above, it’s the innocents they could infect I pity.
      Selfish fucking cunts.

    • Why were her ancestors’ photographs on jars of jam? Was it like lost kids on milk cartons in America?

    • Toxicbob-you obviously watched to much Tom & Jerry in your formative years.

      • Lovely pair of funbags but she looks a bit too loopy, Bible-bashing wacky-cut-your-cock-off, to shag.

  15. I am getting really pissed off, how the fuck can I enjoy my White privilege when people like Dawn and the libtards keep having a go.

    It’s no fair!


  16. I never thought it was possible but this fucking steaming dog turd is thicker even than The Flabbot (seems to be a common denominator there but not being a racist or even sexist I won’t mention it). Not only accusing the PM of being racist, she is now more or less implying he’s also a murderer. At what stage, for fuck’s sake, is it deemed that she has overstepped the mark and at the very least she should be reprimanded and reminded of her responsibilities as an MP?

    • She’s a black wimminz from Lahndan Tahn. Can say ennyfink wot she wonts an get awayy wiv it innit. We’re fucked.

    • There’s only one explanation. She’s a clone of Abbott that underwent further mutations.

  17. Dawn was placed in a constituency where her colour and political leaning guaranteed her election.

    She’s a shit MP, she should duck off to ASDA.

  18. You came last in the campaign and probably don’t cum in anywhere when shagged – fuck off.

  19. Now we’ve got metoo cheerleader and wimminz flag-waver MeAgain Markle getting her rather strange boat race on camera to champion a rapist, woman-beater and criminal. The same dusky bint that accuses Trump of “misogyny” (hate that stupid fucking word).
    Well done MeAgain, you stupid squinty fucking splitarse.

  20. Monkey stew, M’dudu M’didi, Ghanas favourite chilli condiment is called Shito, I kid you not
    Boil this mong in a cauldron of the fucker.

  21. Huffington Post are upset because some tv news channels last night had pictures and reports about Madeleine McCann instead of wall to wall coverage of the BLM bollocks.

  22. Well cunted WC. In answer to your ending question; my tongue, no. A red hot poker, with huge razor sharp barbs, yes.

  23. The World’s 3 biggest lies…rewritten.
    1.The cheque is in the post.
    2.I promise that I won’t come in your mouth.
    3.Black lives matter.

  24. Dawn Butler the female Sid James and about as ugly This thick as pigshit darkie is a total insult to anyone’s intelligence ??

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