Coronavirus money appeal adverts

Those fucking adverts are really cunting me off watching and listening them mealy mouthed cunts pat themselves on the back about how they’ve provided thousands of new ventilators and PPE for hospitals then asking us to text a number to donate money . Those cunts have some nerve don’t they not preparing for pandemic then when they fuck up ask us to pay for it ? The cunts receive enough money through taxes and want more ? They can fuck right off from where I’m standing what do you get for donating a text back saying ‘thanks now stay at home’ and no doubt any excess cash from the donations will be pocketed by the government as if to say what a good job they did handling the virus, why don’t they donate their fucking money rather than asking us to give ours however from the state of Johnson it looks like he’s more in need of the money for himself the fat odious little man.

Nominated by Lord Cuntington

51 thoughts on “Coronavirus money appeal adverts

  1. Surprisingly enough this is one appeal that won’t be getting a donation from me.

    • Afternoon Fiddler, that’s the thing with this country, we always seem to be caught flat-footed by a crisis through lack of preparation or investment in services and rely on an army of volunteers and charitable donations.

      • Afternoon LL
        Well if anyone is relying on me to volunteer or give a donation to some “crisis”,they’ll be sorely disappointed.

  2. Lord C, your mean spiritedness and skinflintery does you proud!
    They can fuck right off.
    One of the highest rates of death and infection in the world, a island community?
    What the fuck?
    Get rid of the multitude of pencil pushers and management types .
    What else do you fuckin want?
    Taxes are going to be eyewatering when the great depression pt2 hits,
    Its going to be a genuine tighten your belts time.
    Only consultation is some of us are survivors by nature, we can weather hard times, some are used to a soft easy life and wont be left standing at the end.
    So Tarquin sell the luxury car, youll be siphoning fuel for it next year.

      • I will do a roaring trade when the snowflake fuckers have their veganmobiles repossessed and need a bicycle!
        And Sir Fiddler will be able to test his marksmanship skills as the filth cycle away squealing!
        Let the good times roll! ??

  3. I flat out refuse to give anything to charity, anymore! Paying the fucking CEO’s £90k a year for doing fuck all. I give to the veterans I see sleeping on the streets. At least most of them have done something to earn it! I could give a fuck about that cheeky faced cunt Umboko M’wengwe and his legendary trek to get water every fucking morning!

    • If it’s such a long way for Umboko to get water why doesn’t the little fucker get a Taxi? Thick as shit some of these buggers and if the water is all shitty then drink Umbongo, they all do in the Congo.

      • Why the fuck doesn’t he just order it in via Amazon, or pick it up at 7/11? Velcro headed fuckwit!

      • Join the rioters and he can get all the Umbongo his little heart desires and a TV to stare at while drinking it. The flip-flop wearing cunt.

    • 90k ha ha ha

      Some of the charity senior execs get more in the range of 450k plus.

      It always makes me chuckle that, how many chickens or fresh water springs could you buy for that chunk of change?

      Another truly warped system.

  4. They are not charities – they are greedy corporate vampires pretending to be charities, they will get nothing from me, ever. (They already snatch enough, without my consent, from the taxes I pay).
    Cunts, one and all.

  5. And the RNLI can fuck off if they think they will see any money from me ever again.

    • Too right sir.
      Squandering money on “birkinis” for kaffers.
      They can’t swim so whats the point!


  6. The government have spent untold billions on this furlough bailout bollocks; plus they’ll be ramping up VAT, NICs and income tax et al to pay for it all.

    Inflation and interest rates could go through the roof; unemployment will rocket; foreign investment will grind to a halt (not helped by uncertainty over Brexit negotiations), and yet the begging bowl is out again aimed at those very same cunts who are going to be trashed by some or all of the devastating problems listed above!

    Meanwhile, all the rich cunts safe in their countryside mansions, will no doubt pontificate on Twatter how ungrateful the plebs are for not donating, and that they should be taxed to the hilt anyway. But not these cunts of course because they’re special!

    I just want Islington to turn into a ghetto when house prices slump and all the woke, social media influencers and soy boy cunts living there will turfed out of their homes when they lose their jobs and can’t afford to pay back their mortgages and credit cards.

    Fuck them all!

    • Just who are ‘those most affected’ anyway? We’ve all been affected, and particularly small businesses that have rightly been helped with financial support. Clearly, the government now want advance money in the coffers before they start taxing us all into the shithouse and given that the british public are quick to whip out their debit cards when there’s people suffering need they can be pretty sure their signal red advert will hit the emotional hot button.

      I for one won’t be falling for this one either. Crafty cunts.

  7. The worlds going to hell, virus (over egged) race riots(agitated by media and the left) and an economic crash like we never dreamed of.

    Some people are celebrating it all.

    • There are vermin that would go through this times ten if they thought it would get rid of tories\Trump/Brexit. The anarchist skum are ramping up the hysteria, hoping for a total collapse. They need cleansing, in more ways than one.

    • 6DV, when will you understand that Black Lives Matter!? The welfare state depends on it.

    • ITV gave about 3 seconds to “looting by a small minority”…Cunts.

      No money from me will go anywhere near these Lalique begging-bowls. At the moment, I am spending any spare dosh on Beethoven CDs. (Also a 50-CD box of Willi Boskovsky, complete with original LP covers. Anti-depressants now seem to be kicking in, or maybe my inner bastard is just telling Civil Service to fuck off.)
      Great music, two years younger than me when he died (aged 56), miserable git but ace music. I keep discovering more that I haven’t heard.

      Am much relieved that ISAC is still going…my mobile said “This site has been removed by the author.” Was seriously concerned.
      Carry On Cunting.

  8. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if these charidees bolted coin slots onto the side of the ventilators, well buckets, homeless shelter doors etc.
    Then they could get paid twice.

  9. Another vote winner would be to only allow charidee ads on one channel called the Charity Channel.

    Then we can all easily fucking avoid images of animal cruelty and starvin’ Marvins when eating our tea.

    • Post Corona, it’ll still be hard to avoid the clipboard charidee cunts on the high street.

      My favourite line is, ‘Ask your CEO before asking me. He’s on a six figure salary.’

    • Never thought id say this but ive just eaten salad and enjoyed it!
      Jacket spud buttered, trout, chive cottage cheese an salad with grapes in.
      Awfully tasty, simply wonderful.
      Sorry what was we discussing? Oh yeah charity,
      Starving africans?
      Know the feeling pal, sorry, best go ask Steve Coogan.

      • That salad would have fed Lenny Henrys mate M’tebh for a week Miserable, I bet the goldfish was better fed before its passing in mysterious circumstances.

      • If mtembe wants a salad I’ll happily make him one,
        He likes a walk so he can walk the dog for 15miles.
        Hes welcome to earn his keep at mine, all the piss tainted water he can drink and as many flies on his face as he wants.

  10. Covid, the only game in town. Meanwhile, my dad, who turns 80 tomorrow, is in the late stages of dementia, which has got markedly worse of the last few months. He lives at home with my mother, who basically has a 13 stone baby to look after. They used to get some help, but that has all dried up since this fucking chinkyflu crisis. He fell over the other day, and he can’t get up by himself, and my mother is in no fit state to pick him up, so they had to phone an ambulance. After some time, a St Johns ambulance turned up. Really? Yet A&E locally is quiet, so what the fuck? As he isn’t coughing, no one gives a fuck.
    The only ventilator I want to purchase has Mossburg, Franchi or Remington written on the side of it.

    • My dad had a Greener, but gave the fucker away. Not to me though, probably didn’t trust me with it (rightly.)

      • My uncle used to lend me his Franchi auto. What a piece of kit. Confiscated after some nutter went doolally with his gun and the law changed.

  11. Sorry, these cunts can tap up the likes of Bezos, Branson, Musk and Gates. The cupboard is bare this end. Sorry, goodbye and fuck off.

    On another note, my little ‘un was watching CBeebies. Tonight’s bedtime story was read by the fudge-nudging Will Young in dungarees. The cunt was reading a story about a boy with two dads. Fucking telly almost got the kicking of its life…

    Fuck the BBCUNTS…

  12. All that cash thrown down the shitter , and some cheeky cunt wants more to 1) Pay their Champagne Bill 2 ) Whore Hire 3) Fuel for their Yacht

    Old feller raises 33 million seemed to be the inspiration for “pass the bucket”

    Fuck right off,,,cunts

  13. Charity. I had some so-clever, young, up-his own-arse cunt knock on my door wearing a UNICEF vest one evening. He informed me he was arranging charitable donations for said organisation & also that I probably didn’t know what the initials meant. Cheeky little cunt! I told him what the initials stood for …then also informed him that on the lead-up to Gulf War 1, my mate Miles & I spent a good deal of time hurling boiled sweets from our compo rations out of the cab of our 4-tonner at the little fucking sand-jiggers trying to scrounge stuff off us at the side of the road in Saudi. The aim was to ping one off their foreheads, delivering an instant bee-sting, whilst the sweetie was recovered & scoffed by one of their mates. Instant pain for zero gain – welcome to the way it is, cunt.
    Took the wind right out of the clever cunt’s sails that story did, he fucked off quite quickly & I didn’t set up a monthly contribution to UNICEF either…
    On reflection, me & Miles might have been cunts for doing that, but we were young and it was a sort of war.

  14. Like all corporate business the charidees have realised that tv advertising is the way to go. It’s easy to walk past some old Doris rattling a tin outside Sainsbury’s but not so easy to avoid the carefully designed, heart rendering images of big eyed Umbongo children pumped into your living room. It’s the only way to go and it becomes a self perpetuating cycle. How much of your pound goes to the junior Umbongo? 5p maybe 10 if you’re lucky. But that doesn’t matter…… have assuaged your carefully manufactured guilt and all sorts of cunts have had their cut. Everyone’s a winner! Except the little Umbongo…..but that was never the point in the first place.

    • It’s a pertinent point FtF. Natural selection takes it’s toll. The medical advances in this world have led to the old living forever (nearly.) Along comes Covid 19 to fuck that up & kill a load of the 70+ off. Sorry if that’s harsh but why do we prolong useless life?
      Little Umbongo has zero shit to offer, he/she just makes your average sleb feel good by making a money-begging ad, whilst, as you have accurately identified, your average do-gooder feels assuaged at giving fucking thruppence to his eye-treatment & water-seeking quest. It’s bollocks of the first order.

  15. Why the fuck should I pay for some fucks kids school fees. Fuck em. Stick your charity up your arse Rupert. That goes for The cunts in Green peace too.

  16. The only charidee I would consider supporting would be one that facilitates the removal of the trash washing up on the south coast.
    Back home to original shit hole or anywhere that isn’t here!

    A worthy cause.

    • Please forward your business plan. I will be glad to contribute both time and money..

      • And I shall further place my stout vessel The Black Pig at your disposal! ??
        Fuck “charity” – real charity is kindness of the heart, not loosening of the wallet.
        And as a commie student bastard found out last Year, don’t get in the face of anyone who knows what they are talking about – after ten minutes of “tenacious interrogation” and seeing his snowflake bullshit ripped to bits the poor fucker looked like he was about to cry!
        Probably in a padded room now rocking back and forth shaking and having nightmares of psychotic Foxes! ??

  17. Like local government, the BBC and government, where you get free (not earned) money sloshing around you will attract freeloaders, crooks and people taking advantage.

    Any person who is at the top of a charity and takes a 500k+ salary should be ashamed (the won’t be) and should toast on the firs of Hell.

    • But Little Harry Hewitt is doing veeeeeeeery nicely from his fake charity “Parasite aid”.
      50p for them, two Million for me – think that’s how it works.

    • Surely as CEO of a “charity” they should be working voluntarily?
      Fucking thieves.

      • Ex Labour twat David Milband is head of International Rescue Committee, which sounds like a shit Thunderbirds rip-off based in New York and on a salary of almost $1m. His equally wet lettuce brother beating him in the leadership race must have been something of a godsend, having to survive on a MP’s paupers wage.

      • All the same, always. Pigs slobbering away at the slop.
        We need Unkle Terry to arrange a hog roast! ?

      • I can smell the burning flesh now…Washed down with gallons of scrumpy, applejack and a plate of Stinking Bishop.

  18. Talk about persuading us to become orchestrators of our own doom.

    The people who paid for all this to happen in the first place now want us to refill their coffers.

    Because they know that, amongst the swathes of us who are now never going to be able to balance income and expenditure again, there are still enough sheeple to fall for it.


  19. Any charity which can afford to advertise on TV is bloated and inefficient.

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