Race riots, financial collapse,over-egged “pandemics”, looming mass unemployment,erosion of civil liberties,climate change hysteria,weak Govt,…
If what we’re moving into isn’t the fruition of someone’s long-term scheme to totally destroy the “British” way of life I’ll show my arse in Harrod’s window. We are being manipulated into destroying ourselves.
The Perfect Storm is gathering and I suspect that this Country will be a very different place in 10 years time….I’ve got no idea who is “behind the curtain” but I think that I can guess what the outcome will be, and as a gambling man I wouldn’t like to put my money on the future being too rosy for the likes of us.
“Do not go gentle into that good night
Dylan Thomas – 1914-1953
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,**
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light”
**…not too keen on that particular suggestion obviously.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
Mrs K was on about this subject the other day. The fact that this once great nation was being stitched up from afar. She said a lot of the social media posts for the BLM protests were fake from Russia and China. They were organising false things for the protesters to attend and cause havoc. Whoever is behind it all must be mightily impressed with the stupidity.
Well stated Dick. I fear your words are true. This has been on the cards for a long time. However most of the general population are blind.
I don’t care any more. I reckon that the people that are the useful idiots in this are the ones that will ultimately suffer the most after they realise that they were helping the enemy. There’ll be no Middle Class White Lives Matter to help these cunts and good. Fuck them.
Fasten your seat belt Moggie, it looks like our collective cause is receiving an extra helping hand.
BBC News – Blackpool Airport suspends banner flights
I used to live round the corner from the airport and I’m not surprised they closed. I look forward to these cunts going down the toilet too, along with every premier football team.
Amazing double standards on show if Lancashire police are looking into whether an offence has been commited by a plane towing a banner saying White Lives Matter Burnley, how this is different from a Black Lives Matter banner and worse that have been on display at the various Black Loooting Matters protests I’ll never know.
Cunts better be careful as there will be a backlash if the police decide to try and prosecute to appease the virtue signalling cunts!
Or Moyes Out lol!
What a load of crap, what the fuck, it’s like the police who investigated Harry Miller, no crime has been committed, unless the plane didn’t have an MOT!!
It’s a political statement, if you can’t have an alternate view to black lives matter the fucking Stasi have definitely taken over.
I have a good idea who or whom are behind this agitation for change but society and its adherence to certain historical events and facts prevent me from saying my thoughts out loud.
It’s revenge based.Revenge for history.
Would that certain event have anything to do with 1930s Germany by any chance?
I have a friend who talks conspiracy. Added to all the rest this last time ‘They are trying keep us apart’ (Covid).
About half way through the second bottle of wine I can’t help but ask-Yes but who are THEY?’
He smiles knowingly. Sometimes says (something like) ‘that information would be too much for you to take’.
He doesn’t get up to see me to the door. I leave him there with his sunglasses on, fingering the wineglass.
Your friend knows that history has been re-written and we are seeing the resurgence of that now.
The gloves are off and our 5th columnists don’t care if we know them,they are controlling the situation.
Tribalism is at the heart of this all, divide and conquer the ‘wrong’ tribes then sit back while it all goes to shit.
That’s the plan.
That made me laugh Miles!
Casually say as your leaving “whos is that van parked up over the road?
Its been there for days”…??
“Every single time”??
“Fellow white people.”
…. and caravans will shortly be encapsulated in the current frenzy of racist abuse. You never see a black one.
Goodbye for now.
Hotpoint, Bosch, AEG etc. all stopped from trading for peddling white goods.
Goodbye for now.
saw a really funny twitter on Richie Allen
“Dyslexic Lives Mattress”
The beginning of the BLM bollocks was manipulated in the US. By whites. The normal black looting and violence was a by-product. The same loons are pushing it worldwide so we get to a stage where any criticism is howled down by the media. (see Burnley football) and virtue seekers. Anyfucker standing up to it will be ostracised.
This is the aim. Year zero. A society of woke fucking halfwits to start with. Who know nothing. Socialism in any form to follow. Even more chaos in the blacklands, as if there could be more.
‘This is the modern world.’ to quote Weller. Not quite Dylan Thomas but I am a dull Welshcunt.
And not a shot was fired. Excellent nom Dick. This is an insight as to how wars will be fought in the future. In this age of technological advancements, countries such as the UK will be identified as targets for easy attack. First of all, identify a country where social cohesion and moral fibre is breaking down. Add to that a weak government with no sense of purpose or direction. Throw in a MSM who delight in distorting and wishing to overthrow the status quo, aided and abetted by a politicised legal system and this country is rife for the picking. The only countries to survive will be those with strong nationalistic leadership or those with a strong existing sense of belonging or patriotism.
The Left are pushing their little project but i think this will backfire. Their promotion of trannyism, LGBTQ, abortions on demand, will be resisted by the very people they love to see in the streets, muslims and African Christians. The business-minded Hindus will reject Leftist economic policies.
This is why I think the white liberals and far-left are a bigger threat to our country than Islam. They might be different in 20 years but the facillitators of that are again, white liberals like Sir Kweer.
Then again, will all of the Hindus, Sikhs and Jews, the white and black Christians put up with Islamists shrieking.
Personally, I think the left are pushing their luck as it is, and I expect a mobilisation of far-right activism, particularly if the economy goes to shite.
Say Aufweidersehen to Boris’ Tranny Weimar.
Bill Gates, the Clinton’s, Pelosi, Bolton, the Bushes, Buffett, Kissinger, the UN, the EU. Just a few of the globalists that believe the west has to fall.
Around 20 years ago I read an article from the UN that stated there had to be equality of wealth to bring about a world government, it wasn’t possible to bring the entire 3rd world up to western levels so raise the 3rd world (China and India) by shipping jobs there and then crash the western economies.
In the late 90s the project for the new American century laid out the need to attack Middle Eastern counties to maintain American power.
They’ve been telling us what their goals are but when people try and point it out they are called conspiracy nutters.
Enjoy some music——
I kind of hate the poem. Too wordy, declamatory, signifying very little.
Acceptance is more poetic. Especially death in old age.
Slip away with the dying of the light.
#MeToo Miles. ?
I’ve been moderated! It’s a conspiracy I yells ya!
The writing has been on the wall – or is the fucking wall – for a long time. Our way of life is out of balance and the game is rigged by forces we can’t see or change – Dick votes for the Jews being the puppermasters, I vote for the Catholic Church and its silent partners.
I don’t see much hope beyond an actual miracle. The only redeeming factor is that at least in death silence will prevail over all this horseshit.
And only a few weeks ago myself and another Antipodean observer were lambasted for thinking and writing we thought that dear old Blighty was fucked….
A few weeks ago? That’s nothing. I’ve been posting that this country is finished for the past three years. And have thought it since the 1990s.
I’m Brian and so is my wife.
Funny enough, the real life Brian who was the inspiration for the title lives in the area and sells garlic.Not this year though, no travel to Southern France where it’s grown.
1996? you don’t know you were born lad. I was predicting this country would be finished in 1958, a good 8 years before I were born.
Seriously my old man was saying this in the 70s, he even tried to start an action group once.
1958? Fucking johnny come lately.
I sais we was fucked after t’battle of Hastings.
The cunt Normans accidentally invaded Hastings as they were trying to get away from the advancing Krauts.
I knew this country was finished in 1953, but was in denial until the 1990s when I could not delude myself any longer. Blair’s election in 1997, and his subsequent taking of a £1,000,000 bribe from Bernie Ecclestone to exempt formula one from tobacco advertising, put the tin lid on it.
Right after John Major sold our soul to the EU ? (by sold I mean he gave it away)
I stopped following the “news” recently, and I’ve never fallen into the social media trap, and I have to say life is much nicer. In the real world people don’t talk to me about any of that bollocks -because that’s just what it is: bollocks!
Most of this shite: race riots, financial collapse, over-egged “pandemics”, looming mass unemployment, erosion of civil liberties, climate change hysteria is sand in your eyes to divert your attention from things that actually are happening.
The morons who get caught up in this bollocks are what the Americans would call jackasses – noisy, useless animals.. and be assured that they are a noisy, useless minority. Fuck ’em.
I have to say I don’t agree with the weak Government argument. In the background there’s plenty going on and the poker game with Washington and Brussels over future trade is important and very interesting although you won’t hear much about it from those useless dickheads at the BBC.
And there’s plenty to be cheerful about too
– race riots: this’ll be forgotten once everyone goes back to work. The BLM/Antifa mugs don’t have a single voice, much less a reasoned charismatic one like Dr. King’s
– financial collapse: Only if the EU fucks everything up (which they might) UK can and will print it’s way out of a crisis
– over-egged “pandemics”: we’ll be better prepared next time, or if this kung-flu shit comes back
– looming mass unemployment – why? Govt’ aren’t paying 80% aren’t they, and they can keep that up for a while
– erosion of civil liberties: Ok, don’t have a good answer for this one.
– climate change hysteria: It’s just hysteria. A distraction for morons. The reality is that the Western world keeps getting cleaner and more efficient so it’s a non-story. Go and bother the Indians or Chinese or something.
Giving it 10 years is quaintly optimistic in that plucky Brit sense.
It’s over. Done. Finito. ‘BOVID’ 19-84 is here to stay, to be ramped up and down as and when necessary. If you’re not vaccinated/RFID chipped, your ability to even merely subsist with your head down within this ‘new normal’ utopia will be increasingly compromised until you succumb to the stranglehold altogether. B(lacks)L(ooting)M(urdering) is the new ‘correct’ right. In 40 years there may a few of us left here and there, still retaining a vestige of critical independent thinking, who will fleetingly think how odd it is that 130-year old Soros is still alive and still spreading his philanthropic love, before reminding themselves that they’re just remembering a dim and distant time when they used to believe all that conspiracy rubbish.
Of course, there is another – ONE other way. However, it involves rivers of the blood of our enemies – and we all know loud and clear now who they are, since they’re not even pretending to hide it anymore.
For the US, the question is will it be able to cling onto breath until November, in the hope of an un-rigged recollection that will return enough of a mandate and power to DJT and his base for them to truly go to work. For the UK, the litmus test will be our first officially ‘cancelled’ Christmas, due to ‘saving lives and staying safe’, and how many of the hordes are willing to obey when they have to queue for 4 days to get in to the shop to fill their trollies with the piles of shit they NEED, and then realise it was all wasted money anyway because no-one will be allowed to visit each other over yuletide.
Let’s hope then that tempers really do fugit.
‘Oh conspiracy’ Brutus says when he learns of the plot to kill Caeser. How many do stab him? About eight I think. My point I can imagine a conspiracy to effect something but the conspirators must be small number to keep the secret. A conspiracy theory (like 9/11) (or Covid now) with thousands of people involved is just infeasible.
Spot on Miles. All this concurrence between us is getting embarrassing.
Certainly worrying RT.
I wouldn’t bet on that. If they can keep the development of spy planes, weapons, and other goodies secret when those projects involve thousands of people, then 9/11 is feasible.
Compartmentalization. And having a laser dot occassionally shine through the bedroom window of those involved who pulled triggers themselves.
Sorry. I didn’t have a clue what old welsh Windbag Dylan Thomas was on about.
Sounded like he was pissed or regretting a life of sheep shagging.
Afternoon Fenton.
My dad thought that poem was great. Someone read it out at his funeral.
Me and my mum thought it was rubbish.
Fenton. Thomas was a Welsh pissartist of some repute and capacity. I am proud to call him brother.
Bible Black Lives Matter. Isnt it?
Oh PS, there are encouraging signs here and there of the fabric of the Marxist Left/Islam alliance beginning to fray. Remember the three blokes knifed in Reading the other day? A group of three gay men friends. Not that you’d find that information reported unless you knew you were looking for it. So, over to LGBTXQJ2J2JMZM, over to you on how you want to address that one with your Muslim Council For Britain and BLM ‘allies’.
Maybe Julia Hartley-Brewer should invite Wankstain Jones for a ‘reunion’ interview.
Anyone with terminal cancer should now put themselves up for the Judean people’s front of England.
We’re doomed I tell you!
David Icke’s space lizards put something in the water which is making the honkies suicidal and ultra meek towards other races.
Soon, the honkies will be throwing themselves over puddles for the dark keys to walk over. Lord Fiddler will be shoe shining for the dark key government ministers outside 10 Downing Street, home of supreme leader, David Lammy.
I’ll be the bell boy for Chancellor of the Exchequer, Diane Abbott in her ten story mansion. I’ll be her son’s carer too and regularly assaulted and flashed at.
The rest of us cunts will be in chains if we’re lucky.
Cheers Boris!
It’s the Russians. They’ve been spiking the bottled water for years.
Drunk by the MSM, Woke middle classes and both Houses of Cunts.
And by appointment to the Royal Family.
I’m sorry CB but I can’t take your post seriously. Diane Abbott would never fit in a ten story building.
Goodbye for now.
Erm wasn’t Jesus a Jew?
“ Not content with pulling down statues of former Presidents, and attempts to erase history, the left now has a new target… Jesus.
Notorious race baiter and BLM agitator Shaun King, demanded Monday that all statues, as well as murals and stained glass windows depicting Jesus as a “white European,” should be destroyed because they “are a form of white supremacy.”
Jesus must of been more Sammy Davis Jnr than I’d realised.
He probably had a funny tinge.
Tango orange
Good nom Dick!?
Like the marching hammers at the top!
Although they dont realise..theyre just tools of the far right!??
Ow! Stop throwing!
What the hell, he was a Jew, someone needs to tell those Catholics pronto.
Sammy Davis Jnr was a Satanist.
what’s wrong with being surveilled? what wrong with anti-social distancing? what’s wrong with wearing a mask all day and in bed? what’s wrong with matty handycock sitting in the corner behind your telly? life is wonderful in the best of all possible worlds – I think I’ve caught the beebskyitv virus – aagggghhhh – help – is there a cure or am i doomed?
white potatoes matter
A great nom.
Certainly there is foul play at large,albeit covertly for now.
Happily the eventually enraged masses don’t do nuance.Commie skulls will get cracked.
The woke trash will all kneel before the new Hitler that their sickening weakness created.
Fuck them all.
Do not go gentile into that dark night?