Clementine Ford


Nope, nor have I. Apparently she is is an Australian feminist writer, broadcaster, public speaker, and man-hater. This fine example of the fairer sex wrote on twatter that, ‘Coronavirus Isn’t Killing Men Fast Enough’.

She has since been forced to publish a non-apology but only after the Melbourne City council threatened to withdraw a grant they had given here under their arts budget. She has form on twatter for making previous comments such as “All men must die” and has written a book called ‘Boys Will Be Boys’ which focuses on toxic masculinity and the patriarchy. Apparently she has a 3 three year old son who really should be taken away from her and put into care because fuck knows how she is going to bring him up. How much longer can this continual abuse and hate-speech continue until one of these feminist cunts is prosecuted? At the moment they can say what they like, be forced to apologise and that seems to be the end of it.

Nominated by, Cupid Stunt

57 thoughts on “Clementine Ford

  1. The ugly whore would be holding a demo in London if “men” was to be replaced in that slogan by “wimmin”

    I can just picture all those lezzies and Wimmins Hour listeners marching along “bravely” while wearing their jockstraps over their big mouths,

    Unkle Terry – your oven needs you!

    • I see the miserable cunt still likes cock when the mood takes it.
      Full oven.

  2. Tits like slate layers nail bags. Fuck off you stupid attention seeking cunt.

  3. I probably would drop a magnanimous load into her gob but only after a few as she’s clearly a five-pinter. She’s too ugly with whom to play ‘hide the sausage’ so it’d have to be a gobble which would fortuitously also prevent hearing that dreadful Convict accent.

    Now shut up and put the kettle on, babycakes.

    • 5 pints?
      You can seriously knock back the sherry Captain!
      Oh your not allowed to play hide the sausage as a vegetarian you should substitute a vegetable,
      A cucumber or something!

      • Ha ha, even my magnanimous pole might suffer the curse of the ‘Playdoh knife’ after that much sherry. She looks like she’s used the odd Asian radish for a substitute.

  4. What mental people do is secondary to the fact that the taxman threatens me with violence if I don’t pay so they can fund them.

    Imagine being forced to pay someone to kick you in the bollocks, you wouldn’t do it (actually some of the freaky cunts on here might).

  5. Before we misjudge the cunt let’s make sure her father didn’t fuck her up the arse. Er no. Was she raped abused or murdered by Muslim Jihadi rape gangs. Er no.. so the cunt is middle of the road middle class desperate for attention no mark. Nuff said. WARNING. Never have anything to with the daft cunt. RED WARNING. RED WARNING.

  6. Oh my darling,
    Oh my darling,
    Oh my darling Clementine!
    Got a blister, fistin sisters
    Scampi breathe, mad Clementine.’
    She hates men?
    What white ones too?
    She just needs 2 things
    1) a fuckin good uppercut to calm her down
    2) a good hard lenth and a kick up the khyber.

    • Having (finally) just got rid of a Man hating feminazi gaslighting sow I think we should introduce “Unkle Terrys Branding service” – burn into the forehead of every one of these misandric sctatters “Evil psycho bitch, run while you can lads”!
      And as a well known medical expert I can confirm that every single member of the female sex is born with a chemical imbalance that makes them mental – and the only cure is regular and vigorous injections of semen!
      And a further one – foreplay is a myth invented by lesbians to make the superior species feel inferior – as every Man knows foreplay consists of unfastening your trousers and shouting “brace yourself”! ??
      On other news my self proclaimed medical expertise may not stand up to the strictest scrutiny..

  7. You’d probably be risking your life spending an evening with a mental like this, as she’d be the sort to want you to do her up the arse while she hangs out of the bedroom window shouting ‘Kill me with your cock, Satan!” . She’d the get the knives out and chase you around wearing a 10 inch strap on while wearing ‘Hello Dave’ blackface. She’d end the evening by doing a huge dump on the bed and eating it.

    Looks like she might have a nice rack though, so might be worth the risk if you’re in a drought.

    • I like her catchphrase though ‘sunrise get fucked’
      I feel the same.
      Admin looking to recruit new admins?
      I can hand on heart say I wouldnt trust a single one of you with that responsibility.
      Maybe RTC?
      But the rest of us? Not a chance!

      • I’m offended, I’m the least biased most levelheaded person I know, ah yeah not what ya want from an admin.

        I think we should be informed of the candidates and have a vote.

      • Thats a spiffing idea Sixdog!!
        Democracy in action!
        Candidates for ISAC admin, in a close race ?
        The polls show CS/Bunsen in a 2point lead!!

      • Thats a spiffing idea Sixdog!
        Democracy in action.
        Candidates laying out their pitch infront of their peers.

        Ps wasnt you I was talking about Sixdog, thought of Fiddler as admin and my blood ran cold!!)

      • RTC would be a good admin, agree with others on that. He seems almost sane. Imitation Yank is another who seems like he’s not criminally insane, unlike most of us.

        Sir Fiddler would be ok, but you’d need to send in your title deeds to prove you have at least 400 acres to post on here.

        Me? I’d be a fucking disgrace to myself, my family and my nation (as always).

      • Rtc is as you say sort of sane.
        IY holds grudges for years and has a gun, Fiddler is like Caligula now without encouraging, no id go Rtc or CS!

      • Would you understand if you were getting a bollocking off CS though Miserable?

        “Ordo ordo you cunts”

      • Well said MNC – I would be a truly terrifying individual with the slightest bit of authority!
        And my speling isn’t up to much either! ?

      • A bit harsh ?

        On the subject of untrustworthy sorts I am watching the ‘new’ voting system in the commons, it confirms what we have all know for years, they are pig thick.
        Instruction from the speaker, to vote MP’s need to, one by one approach the relevant dispatch box in the main chamber (left no, right aye) stop, state name and confirm the vote. What a shambles, it’s not fucking difficult!

      • But it’s still great to see our hard working and underpaid Politicians back at “work” ?????

    • Eating the shit off her bed would still be tastier than most Australian meals.

      • I dont know what aussies eat? Like BBQ, shrimp,
        Vegemite butties, thats all I know?
        Shackle dragger, whats a great aussie meal, sport?
        Bit hot out there for anything but a cold drink isnt it?

      • Aussies love their fish, Chicken Schnitzel sold in every boozer or Parmesangna if your a bit of a posh cunt.
        Given the fact there is loads of Asians here, there is loads of Asian food and of course the Aussie BBQ which has gone from sausages on a bbq to fucking whole sheep on rotisseries, steamers that hold 20 chickens and pigs roasting on spits.
        Hard to get a decent curry mind.

      • Kangaroos steak, insects, poor man’s Marmite, junk food, crocodile penis, witchetty grubs, wombat bollocks, and shit off a bed, apparently.

        Basically the same awful diet as you, Mis.

      • Evening Cap.
        I had salad tuther night!
        Enjoyed it too.
        I DO have a shite diet to much fried and sweet stuff.
        Working on improving that, got to take care of myself now getting older.
        You been Australia?
        Dunno what they eat?
        Know they have a meat pie called a growler!!

      • Yes old boy, I’ve lived there a couple of times. Same neck of the woods as this harpy.

        I thought a growler was a hangover. Either that or a nickname for the great Robbie Fowler.

  8. Someone ought to smack her in the gob to shut her up.
    Also it would teach her how the world works, get back in the kitchen you brazen hussy and know your place.

  9. Just read her Wikipedia page. Best given a wide berth; she really needs help.

  10. Sounds like a case of that ‘toxic femininity’ to me.
    Also sounds like what would be labelled as a ‘hate crime’ if someone twittered ‘Coronavirus isn’t killing wimmin fast enough’.
    Absolute nut job.

    • Well articulated RK – we can kind of tell which little girl is bitter and twisted by the lifelong lack of attention/interest from Men!
      And watch two Women who fancy the same Man if you want to see real violence and brutality! ?

  11. Hope she gets fanny cancer and that her poor kid is fostered by a kind, loving couple.

    • I hope she gets what she deserves – nobody, and a lifetime of loneliness and misery.
      Sorry to sound nasty, but you reap what you sow.

      • A lifetime of loneliness and misery with a spot of light-hearted fanny cancer to break up the monotony of a meaningless existence!
        Eeuurrgghh…modern feminists. Everything handed to them on a plate and they still can’t stop fucking moaning.
        One wonders just why they hate men so much?
        This bird here isn’t bad looking, I would. Lucky her!
        She ought to compare herself to some unfortunate Um Bongo in Sierra Leone, being forced to pop out a junior Moon Cricket every other year.
        Or some bird in Pakistan who’s had her face annihilated by acid after rejecting some psycho carpet-riding suitor.

    • Probably in her last will and testament that it has to be a blik, non-binary, pansexual, vegan pair of gay cunts couple.

  12. I’ve just had a quick troll on her arsebook page. I predict a minor hissy fit and a metaphorical pursing of lips followed by a ‘my page, my rules” type of statement.
    Get fucked sideways by an abo didgeridoo you vanity riddled twat.

  13. She has that vacant soul and shocked look of a woman who maybe was bothered by an overly amorous uncle doing an energetic Rolf Harris impersonation with his didgeridoo when she was a minor.


  14. can’t get legit work, needs an art grant. End the article at that point and kick her cunt

  15. If I lived in Melbourne my main concern by far would be which fucking pen pushing cunt is responsible for bunging 20 thousand dollars of my council tax, or whatever they call it, to a fucking lunatic in the first place! Heads must roll!
    On the other hand if we really knew what governments, councils and Suckdick Khunt blew our money away on there’d be bodies swinging from lamp posts all over the country.

  16. Art that has shock value is usually rubbish, infantile pretentious shit. What an empty life she must have to be so angry over fuck all. Hopefully she has an ample supply of sleeping tablets and vodka.

  17. Just checked out her Wiki page and some tweets.

    As mad as a waggon load of bumholes.

    Assuming her whelp involved a member of the male species putting his dick up her (and not a self-administered turkey baster), I couldn’t think of a more unpleasant and potentially mind-fucking thing to do. Christ, I’d rather root a ripe water melon if things got that bad!

  18. The question i’d like to ask this fucking retard is, ‘if as you say Covid-19 isn’t killing men quick enough please could you tell me how many deaths per day are acceptable?’

    You fucking cunt

  19. Just another miserable, attention-seeking man-hating femtwat on Twitter.

    These people are two a penny.

    ‘What can I tweet today to get myself noticed and distract me from the horror of my existence?’

    Unremarkable bint.

  20. Apologies for going somewhat off topic but well known champion of free speech Rebecca – Bongs Daily has blocked me on twitter for asking if she will uphold her socialist principles by taking a 20% pay cut and returning the £10,000 Politicians stole – er, sorry “needed for covid19 related expenses”.
    I love bonkers Beckys take on democracy! ?

  21. I’ve lived in Oz for nearly 20 years and i can safely say i have never heard of this ugly cunt.

  22. Got to remember that she’s getting oxygen from media and alike. The sick and unbalanced congregate towards each other so look who’s giving her oxygen because they are also sick cunts and she’s the mouthpiece.
    I thought my dad was over the top when as a teenager he told me the general population are narcissistic muppets, I wish he was alive so I could apologise for he is so right.
    When I had unruly heifer on the farm I would put her to the bull and after she calved she usually settled down. Well this ones calved and hasn’t so off to the meat works with her, stupid bitch.

  23. I’m a cunting atheist-but on the miniscule chance that there really is a supreme being, the droughts, bushfires, insect plagues, bat-flue pandemic and lots of cunty poisonous bity cunts in Australia would be proof that God gates CUNTS like this even more than we do.
    What a cunt!

  24. If she had etched that message to Sunrise on her chest with a rusty razor blade i might have given her a bit of kudos, but she didn’t, so she is a cunt.

  25. We keep being told how important feminism is, but has anyone ever seen an instance of it which wasn’t essentially “MEN! TCHOH!!!!!”.

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