Banksy (4)

A quick painting by numbers cunting for Banksy – there’s only one colour to fill in and the colour is cunt.

Much like a children’s painting by numbers picture book, Banksy’s spraypaint by stencil ‘artwork’ is the most overrated political artwork in modern times. Consistently wanked over by media hacks and edgy teenage anti-authority minded cunts alike, it offers the viewer nothing significant and majestic. Not like say the surrealism masterpieces of Salvador Dali, actual fucking paintings, not this two-bit attempt at art by some super mysterious cunt who refuses to show himself.. how edgy.

His latest creation comes off the back of the George Floyd murder and protests. On his instashite page he stated, “People of colour are being failed by the system. The white system. Like a broken pipe flooding the apartment of the people living downstairs. The faulty system is making their life a misery, but it’s not their job to fix it. They can’t, no one will let them in the apartment upstairs. This is a white problem. And if white people don’t fix it, someone will have to come upstairs and kick the door in.”

This little wankstain, like other celebrities and bandwagon pushers, is happy to fan the flames from the security of their gated homes or in his case from the anonymity of not being known. People of all colours get shafted by the system, and the system is not ‘white’ either. It’s called the natural evolution of society towards civilization, which is messy and barbaric, and favours no one in particular except the cunt at the top of the pile. His skin colour is irrelevant, as is the colour of those under the cunt.

When his bell end is known I suggest someone spray paints a giant cunt on his front door, so everyone knows where to go, and kicks it in.

Nominated by: The Big Chunky Cunty

52 thoughts on “Banksy (4)

  1. Why it whitey’s fault every time a black person commits a fucking crime?

    If they blame poverty, then why is there less violent crime among non blacks living in the same areas on the same incomes?

    No, it’s a cultural issue within the black community and only they can fucking fix it Banksy, you great lemon.

    Too many of them glorify gangster rap and the gangster lifestyle. Perhaps they need to start there? Just a thought.

  2. Only dorks think this cunt is any good. The same fuckers who clap when stupid pricks pay over the odds for absolute shite. More money than sense.

    • I must be a dork because I think hes genuinely talented.
      Just despise his bullshit politics.
      Hes from Bristol where everyones a leftie marxist dreadlock wanker.
      Multimillionaire anarchist.
      I liked the one he did of the house of commons as chimpanzees, and Constables Haywayne with cctv cameras everywhere, thought it was good, think hes a talented artist but I wouldnt blink to pull the lever and watch him make a quick drop.

  3. I didn’t mind this chap’s pictures.
    Up until now that is. If he’s yet another apologist blaming white people for the world’s problems he can get fucked.
    you never know, he might turn out to be a black man. Or woman.

    • Bristol is fucking woke central of the UK so it’s 50/50 that he might be a scrawny dreadlock pasta white boy.

  4. I much prefer the exquisite artwork in the Giles Annuals to anything this itinerant tag painter has completed. I rather feel his talents could be best developed with a Government Funded Scheme for Painting & Decorating. following a 16 week course he may just be eligible to paint doorframes.
    BTW. Am I right in hearing that some of his “work” is paid for in Millions ? Jeez, That is bad, just bad.

    • Cheers RTCP. Hope ye having a relaxing afternoon watching the nonsense in London ?

      • Just switched on. First thing I’m subjected to is Tulip Siddiq’s ugly mug (Shadow minister for summat pointless) arguing that the UK should pay Iran £400million ransom for the wretched Ratcliffe woman.

        Maybe it’s my imagination but Sky News appears to have been taken over by sub-primates.

        Switched off again after 5 minutes.

      • That’s a bit much for an immigrant, don’t we get them for free on the south coast.

        Maybe give then a couple of grand take fucking Richard, he comes across like a right soft cunt, if it was my wife (and I actually wanted her back) I would be kicking off big time.

        Extreme far right had a mild confrontation with the police, nothing to see, well not compared to last week, considering the BLM show was peaceful 80 officers injured, only two (at the moment) with extreme right wing thugs.

      • If she was my wife I would have punched Boris very, very hard in the face.

  5. Crucify the poncy meddling class cunt to his front door then plasticise him in the style of Professor von Hagens(nasty Gestapo cunt that works for the CCP). Might make a few bob for his chosen leftwaffe cause.
    p.s. Not mine but I fucking love the term ‘leftwaffe’, it sums up these shouty libtard fascists so very well.

    • I’ve been to 2 of von Hagens’ exhibitions: one based on humans and the other based on animals.
      If anybody wants to have a mindfuck experience without the aid of drugs have a gander at the human exhibition.

  6. I like pictures with a bit of tit…until Banksy can draw a tit like Reubens,he can fuck off…wouldn’t hurt to put a bit of bush in either.

    Tracey Emin is an unfuckably ugly slag.

    Fuck Off.

    • The whole spectrum of art covered in three lines.
      Pure ( or in your case very impure) genius.

  7. Ok, so the choice of images can be relevant and provocative.
    Doesn’t make him an artist.
    For all we know someone else has created the stencil and he just runs out and vandalises some wall in 2 minutes flat.
    1) Banksy is a vandal who will be fucking savaged if he ever makes the mistake of getting caught vandalising my property (I’ll make my money from the tabloid interviews “how I terrorised a cultural icon”)
    2) Thick cunts with no culture have elevated the value of what he does (I refuse to use the term work).

    He’s a bloody prat.

    • Must say I got a real kick when this state endorsed vandal got his mural in Bristol vandalised on 15th February, 48 hours after it appeared. Someone sprayed ‘BCC wankers’ in pink spray paint in a reference to Bristol City Council. Although I think they could’ve done a better job and really bollocksed it up, it certainly brightened up his usual depressing style. Cunt.

      Anyway, here’s hoping more of his eyesores gets the Halfords Special treatment now he’s effectively encouraging BAME’s to wage war on whites. His art, if you can call it that, might be the fastest depreciating investment that those fancy pants art collectors have squandered fortunes on. Bunch of wazzocks!!

  8. The most important thing he has drawn is the line in the sand. Cunts like him have forced us to choose which side of the line we are. He ain’t on my fucking side.

  9. I don’t buy the fact that this cunt is ‘unknown’. Celebrity cunts have bought his crap for obscene amounts and he must have money to pay for all the shite. There is no doubt that he has got rich from his ‘work’ or he is rich already. Bank details can be traced and the police could easily collar him that way. There is also CCTV and filming by phone. He can’t be fucking invisible. So, I reckon the little cunt is either well in with somebody or he’s paying people off. Either way, he is a cunt and his ‘work’ is fucking shite. Any cunt can use a stencil and a spray can. And the little twat is a vandal. It’s as simple as that.

    • If the cops don’t know who he is then I’m a Lammy’s uncle!

      That said, they’re fucking hopeless, so maybe not.

      The Inland Revenue must know who he is though. Or maybe not… what’s one more multimillionaire socialist tax dodger to them?

      • Absolutely RTC. Although if one of his childish daubings was considered RACIST or TRANSIST etc they’d be right round his house. With a TV news crew. And helicopter.

    • Quite so Norman,
      we can put a navy seal team in Osama’s front room when he’s relaxing in front of a good bit of porn but no-one knows who “banksy” is?
      And what’s this lame addition of the “y” on the end of his name that appears to identify with most working people’s nicknames?

      FUCK OFF.

  10. So it turns out the Banksy is a woke sack of shite?
    What a surprise.
    Tar the little bastard then gas mark 500 for one hour.

  11. Breaking news!!!!!!!!
    The President of Burundi has just pegged it.
    You may not give a fuck but the BBC are getting all excited.
    YT hasn’t been blamed yet but I think the BBC bloke who writes the ‘it’s all the fault of the whiteman/ Brexit’ reports is having 5 minutes’ to steady himself due to the the trauma.

    • Did the President of that well known stronghold of democracy and anti corruption Burundi slip on Banksys snowflake tears and fall headlong into the (BBC and shitty Patel description here) “Thugs and far right activists claiming to be there to protect monuments”.
      No Priti you daft bitch – the far right thugs and Antifa activists were last week, remember, when the coppers got fuck kicked out of them and did nothing – and just as I predicted the cops have been very heavy handed and the BLM nazis didn’t turn up because they knew they would have had the shit whipped out of them.
      Perhaps Banksys next epic effort will be a toilet with white Men being flushed down it.

    • Sadly the far-right thugs didn’t do anything too terrible* within shot of an Antifa camera, so the BBC was forced to ask the World Service if it had any news.

      *Except this:

      Now Ellwood isn’t a bad cunt, but this incident very obviously is of someone taking a slash with the limited privacy his surroundings afford, half decently concealed. (I assume the public WC’s, if any, were closed.) He is not pissing ON the monument; it is unlikely that even a passing gust will project a droplet onto the monument. He probably hasn’t even noticed the fucking monument. And what a coincidence that the only person close to him ( in the crowd of far-right thugs we are invited to imagine) decides that this private moment merits a photo.

      If cunters would care to google “far right” they will find numerous media reports of this instance. In every case bar the Telegraph, the lad’s described as ‘urinating ON the monument’

      No he fucking didn’t.

    • When are we having a clap for him? Or is it giving the knee? Perhaps it’s a combination of both knock out knees together.

  12. Maybe he should have been on the BLM march last week and spray painted a few of the whitey supporters, a nice shade of black and called it art.

    Oh the irony

  13. I don’t mind him though it’s more political satire than “art”, isn’t it. It’s about as close to “art” as a Steve Bell cartoon showing Pritti Patel as a cow.

  14. Anyone seen any of his stuff?
    Once years ago, I was in Bristol and had some time to kill and had a walk round,
    Stranger in a strange land,
    And seen some of his stuff, just before he become massive and well known, tbh I was impressed.
    Was getting a coach back to Manchester, and was a Sikh bloke sat behind me,
    Said “alright pal” as I took my seat and the cunt had a meltdown on me!
    Telling me about the breakdown of his marriage, crying his fuckin eyes out!
    I was embarrassed to fuck.
    The fuckin menace crying from south west to North west, tried to feign interest but the mithering boring bastard wouldnt shut up!
    His missus made the right decision.

      • Miserable, i’m surprised you didn’t say “why don’t you kill the bitch, that’s what all you ragheads do innit?”
        So at least you did your bit for race relations. Well done sir!

      • Tell you Freddie, I was genuinely lost for words,
        Only said hiya and he unloaded his life story,
        Proper sobbing his fuckin heart out, loads of people turning round staring,
        Bet they thought Id upset him?!
        I can be a callous fucker sometimes but this bloke was that tragic didnt have the heart to tell him to shut the fuck up.

  15. I saw an old Indian woman sitting on the edge of a seat on the bus.
    The road was quite bumpy and I was concerned that she’d fallen asleep and might fall from her seat.
    I managed to move and get a better look at her face to see if her eyes were open.
    That’s when I saw the red dot and realised she wasn’t asleep, just on standby….

  16. When I lived in an apartment in London, the top floor penthouse was occupied by a black couple. Him, obviously a drug dealer, parked his top of the range Merc SUV in the disabled bay. Yeah, black lives matter, but only to themselves. Cunts.

  17. Going by his stencilled ‘art’ I suspect him to be a fairly talentless wannabe who is quite possibly connected – wouldn’t surprise me if he was expensively privately educated and trust-funded. You could find ‘work’ like his being made in the sketchbooks of teenage art Foundation students around the country 30 years ago, it’s ordinary and banal, further devolved from the crap Damien Hirst was producing with his spot paintings 20 years back. He is to art what Love Island is to cutting edge TV. Just another small part of what feels like a continuing degradation of the culture.

  18. Indeed job website is another woke cunt.
    My we are getting a long list of wokiness.

  19. Banksy is all about the cock.
    I do like his early work, unfortunately, the middle aged twat, woke version is a bit of a cunt.
    On balance, a fair cunting for the receding hairline, I “do” know exactly who you are and your political affiliation cunt?

  20. I’ve seen better quality artwork created by those weird fucked-up cunts who smear shit on the walls of public toilets and underpasses.

  21. If silly bastards want to pay a fortune for his scrawl then more fool them, but now he’s doing the self-loathing whitey routine he can fuck right off.
    And it’s “flat”. Like your silly pictures.

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