The BBC yet again.
Have just listened to Today, R4. The were talking about the BLM protests in London and the need to take care because of the danger of ‘far right’ violence. This conveniently puts all those opposed to BLM lunacy in the BNP category. This was not challenged, accepted as fact.
Earlier they had a tory MP talking about the EU trade talks. As a counterpoint they put up an Irish MP who was totally opposed to Brexit and had nothing constructive to offer re the EU viewpoint.
Do the cunts at the BBC not realise that people outside the M25 might be listening? Normal people who see through the BLM bullshit? Who accept Brexit and don’t need some thick fucking Mick to tell us we are doomed? Was Geldof not available?
I know cunters on this site get wound up about LBC and suchlike, but at least it offers alternative views. The BBC has one lefty, metropolitan, snowflake agenda with no dissent.
Oh, and yesterday they had a mamma with a thick Nigerian accent bemoaning the lack of BAMEs on some thing or other. Again no challenge as to why a fucking Nigerian should feel so aggrieved when their choice was obviously to fuck of back to paradise. And that was the TV.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
I just don’t think the BBC care what we think anymore. They ain’t going to change now so the only possible action from me is to turn them off.
Feel alot better for it too.
I think that is the best answer Steaming, just turn the idiot box off, though it is a little bit like a car crash, you can’t help yourself looking at it, even though it might be wrong and I get that same odd feeling with our unbiased left wing media.
Fuck knows where all this shit is going to end.
Im starting to think your not a fan of the Beeb Cuntstable?
Yes if you dont agree with them and their agenda your a far right threat, which is polite slang for a nazi.
Theyre playing on peoples fear of being called ‘A RACIST!!!??
Like 50s yanks called anyone a communist
16th century=witch.
Its bollocks, and why I happily admit if asked yes of course im a racist.
As for the BNP?
Them Liberals!…
Beeb coverage was whites scuffles with Police and black bloke carrying injured white bloke. Any black rioting was filmed by a spastic cameraman who missed it by panning very quickly. Good old beeb at it again with the propaganda. Cunts.
Saw a news clip of some white fella, quite rightly, removing the stupid childish notices on Churchill’s statue. Made me laugh, all the little weedy white student types shouting “wacist” like it was some magic spell. Things took a turn for the worse when the planet of the apes security division (aka the Gorillas) started to weigh in.
I finally cut off my financial oxygen to the Brainwashing Corporation a couple of weekends ago. Now awaiting the inevitable doorstop Stasi visit.
Video the cunts if they doorstep you. And tell them they can’t come in and that you cancelled due to their bais. Get the cunt’s name, write it down in front of him/her and say that unless he/she leaves right now, that you’ll be contacting your solicitor to sue or indeed. charge him/her personally.
Wouldn’t worry too much. Cancelled mine about 8 yrs ago, no-one’s ever been too check
Cancelled mine too. Thats £150 less the cultural marxists will have to spend on employing the BAME.
Don’t worry about them turning up on your doorstep.
They are not allowed in, unless you let them.
They can only request to come in with a court order and a copper present.
Give them no personal information whatsoever and DO NOT sign anything.
Apparently one of the Capita shit weasel’s favourite tricks is to ask you to sign their PDA to say they have been there. It is actually a declaration that your are guilty. So SIGN NOTHING.
Don’t even confirm your name to them when they ask.
Just ask them what their name is (backed up with approriate ID), which company they represent and what their business is on your property.
If they don’t respond, simply close the door on them.
Bonus belligerence points are awarded if you convince the thick cunts that you reckon their Capita ID is fake and demand to see their drivers licence.
Take a photo of it, including their home address.
I’ll let you decide what kind of mischief you want to rain down yourselves.
For all the nightmare YT vids of the Beeb’s Hit(ler)-Squad conducting their door to doors in predictably combative manner, it’s easy to lose sight that there are some who do their job respectfully and unobtrusively. I have, and will if subsequent need arises, follow the advice of the genial chappy below about doing it ‘nicely’:
Of course, the real problem is not the clipboard and hi-viz wielders, but the little impact cancelling the licence fee actually has, since $oro$ will substitute the lost revenue to him, the amount being equivalent to an atom’s stain of piss in his globe-sized undercrackers.
*to them, not him
I would say the last thing they can’t take from me is my marbles, but I seem to be doing a good job of that by myself!
But where is the fun in being cordial and polite?
Put the fear of Odin into them.
And then erect the whicker man to contain the cunts.
cancelled mine years ago, i did get one doorstepper though, i opened the door and told him to ” fuck off of my property’ as he started to walk away he thought he would get a little bit brave and decided to come back up the path and confront me
forehead up against mine staring into the one and only eye i now possess, so i said to mrs nonuts nip down the shed and get ‘Hazel’ for me dear! (my favourite axe you see) when she came back and handed it to me i said now what cunt, the cunt was running like an olympic champion down the path and through the gate, never to be seen or heard of again… the cunt.
“far right” is anything slightly to the right of Trotsky, according to the media. Quite convenient that picture of a “far right” protestor pissing up the memorial to that copper. We’re all being stage-managed folks. I’ve stopped listening to LBC and now don’t watch any BBC news, although sometimes have Radio 4 on in background at home (until I get mad and switch it off).
R.e. thick Nigerian accent (not sure if that is a Nigerian with a thick accent or a thick Nigerian with an accent, but never mind – same difference), when I used to travel on the tube, one of the stations had some sort of African who could barely speak English – fat lot of good he would have done giving out emergency instructions, but then a) there is no-one English left in London, b) at least TfL could tick their diversity box.
Sorry for length of rant, but something odd happened to me when looking at Youtube t’other day. I admit that I had searched for “rioting niggers” or something the previous day. However, this time, in the ads before a clip, there was an advert for some organisation to help people “get out of far right groups” – I can’t even remember the name of the charity. So, be careful – they’re watching.
Huge terror attacks in Nigeria. Black on black mass slaughter.
I wonder if the BBC will be asking for BLM’s comments on this?
Remember the BBC insisting;
-remain we’re going to win the referendum vote by a landslide and only a handful of oldies and racists would oppose this thinking?
-labour would be forming the next government?
They are triers, that’s for sure.
“BBC NEWS host Victoria Derbyshire was forced to read out on live TV a tweet from an angry BBC viewer who criticised her interview with Tory MP Tom Hunt for being “biased”, in a bizarre moment.”
She’s the epitome of lefty BBC presenters. She should be forced to state her political leanings upfront.
Outrageous! The BBBLMC biased? They should appoint an impartiality executive .. oh ..
Not an institution.
Not a national treasure.
Not impartial.
Not representative.
Just unaccountable left wing cunts.
Worry ye no more good people.
On such as:
BLM Marxists
Brexit saboteurs
Climate change eco brats
Or sundry other Woke wankers
Listen no more to the BBC doomsayers.
I say on to thee
Primark is now open.
So are the betting shops. ?
I see a bad moon rising here.
Thank fuck there’s this site on hand to redress the balance
I’m actually wondering who is going to be the first cunt to call for a re-run of the referendum as the bat flu has killed so many old racists?
Watch this space..
I ain’t dead yet dude!
I don’t watch or listen to anything remotely political, anywhere, and mentally switch off the radio news as well. The definition of right wing appears to be anybody to the right of Lenin.
Leave the Beatles out of this Moggie.
Lenin & mcCartney wrote fine songs.
I remember seeing a programme years ago which rather patronisingly, was about attempting to determine the political knowledge and insight of ‘the man in the street’.
The interviewer asked one bloke, a ‘working man’ with a fag adhering to his bottom lip, if he knew who Lenin was. ‘Yeh, corse ah do’ said the geezer. ”E’s wun er The Beatles, inne?’.
I could never figure out whether it was a put up job or not.
Lenin was a pretentious 4 eyed cunt and his wife was an ugly divisive slapper, even then.
And Lammy. On R4. Again. Droning on that “something must be done!”, then shouting and getting hysterical like the flabtastic black queen he is. And he was preceded on Today by Lord Woolley of Black Sheepdom urging the same thing.
Just what should be done?
Far as I can make out, positive discrimination in favour of blacks (not women or asians or immigrants). So becasue slavery was abolished “only” 200 years ago, whitey has to take second place now and in future, no matter how poor or underprivileged he or she might be.
Apply for a job as many millions will be this year with unemployment set to hit 4.5. million, and if ANY black candidates have also applied you have to stand aside.
Is Boris going to listen to this crap? His latest newspaper article gives the impression that he IS in addition to encouraging people to conclude that tearing down national monuments is a good way of getting your (black) voice heard. Whites of course, just get arrested.
George Orwell’s words “All are equal but some are more equal than others” is becoming reality.
I have a better solution to rid our country of racism.
Mass deportation of every last BAME cunt who rocked up post 1945.
Problem solved. Well, kind of. We will still be racist, but we won’t have to hear all the BAME and their race traitor white bitches whining about it.
Send the lefties with their pets and every humsn rights lawyer with them.
Hey presto! We become GREAT Britain again. ?
Lay off Lammy – he had a friend who died in the protests you know.
What a fucking bedwetter Lammy is.
He never said that. The pigs did, he just wrote it down.
There are signs the BBC are still agitating to stop Brexit – any obscure idiot who pleads for a delay (or in Sturgeon’s case. “demands”) is gleefully reported. I can see Hilary Gladys Benn and Chickaduckie Umunna becoming the new Today presenters – one dark key and a nancy – ticks all the boxes.
Keep saying this guys, so excuse me for repeating it.
Sign the petition to ‘Defund the BBC’. Get on to ‘Contact the Conservatives’, complain like fuck about BBC bias, and demand the abolition of the licence fee.
If small stones start to roll, it can set off an avalanche.
The licence fee is decades out of date. We need a level playing field in communications. If people want to buy your product that is fine but do not make those who do not wish to consume your product pay for it.
Signed on the first day.?
Yesterday, R4 was consistently referring to Team BAME as “anti-racism protesters” and everyone else present as “far right activists”. And if the latter have spokesmen, I have yet to hear one, although mamma wiv Nigerian accent seems to be consulted on an hourly basis.
In other news, Andy Banks, arrested for taking a piss NEXT TO the Keith Palmer memorial stone, has been jailed for 14 days. As previously suspected, according to his father, he didn’t know the memorial (a small stone plaque at ankle level) was there, the public toilets were closed, and he’s certainly not the first to take a wazz against a pillar. He has no connection with the genuine far-right, although that is how R4 was describing him yesterday.
What is most comical, perhaps, is the constant complaint of the far-left (not necessarily the Antifa crowd, but if generalisation is in order, who the fuck cares?)
that the BBC is biased to the right!
PC Palmer was killed by Pikeys. Not a group universally loved by the ‘Far Right’.
If his intention was to show disrespect why didn’t he piss on the plaque rather than next to it?
He didn’t know it was there.
You reckon Khalid Masood was a pikey Miles?
FFs there’s no similarity between peacefuls and pikeys. One lot are stinking, inbred, thieving bastards who ruin every area they move into and the other *fill in punchline*
Have a look under every BBC YouTube video. The only place you can directly comment on them. They get an almost continuous cunting the cunts.
It would be rather exhausting commenting on every one! Here you go
Check the heading ‘BBC Alt History’, and be sure that will be ‘BBC Authorised History’ very soon.
Still waiting for the BBC to tell us which and how many of their employees covered up for Savile and maintained the Top of the Pops supply line of teenage girls. Too busy promoting commie propaganda. They really are the lowest form of shit.
Defund the wankers
My understanding of the disturbances by the “far right” protesters on Saturday is that six police officers sustained minor injuries. No broken pilice ribs or horses this weekend…..
I plan to attend the next BLM rally. I will stand in the crowd in front of a statue but do nothing else. I shall then sue the arse off the BBC and the papers if they show my picture under a “far-right extremist” headline.
Fuck them.
What a damn good idea. Noted with thanks. Not that I like giving lawyers money, but sometimes it might be worth it.
Watch this piece of footage (not shown by the BBC) before it’s taken down:
Fucking chimps.
Cowardly evil subhuman shite.
If they invent a time machine should torpedo the fucking Windrush.
Fucking savage vermin, and of course not one arrest.
Any chimp tries that with me they may well be joining their hero criminal George.
Too late, it’s gone.
Surprise surprise.
The Biased Bolshevik Corporation. Yet again. Peddling lies, distortions and falsehoods, permanently. I cannot put into words the hatred I feel for them.
Smug smirking arrogant overpaid Marxist Socialist rats. I do not pay for a TV licence, haven’t done for Years – Capita have the contract for enforcement and have no legal right to be on private property – doing so is trespass and can be viewed legally as threatening behaviour. They have no right to be in your private home, and always start with “are you the householder” which begats the response “who the fuck are you and what are you doing here? – can I see your ID”?
When they refuse to identify themselves (as they always do) the next response is “you have five seconds to stop illegally harassing me and fuck off or I will beat the shit out of you”.
They cannot enter your property unless they have a Court order and they know this, they are bullies and scumbags of the highest order and if you spot them snooping about on your private property you can legally remove them with justified and proportionate force after one warning, although my definition of justified and proportionate force probably differs from their definition.
I will never pay for a TV licence again, and am prepared to go to prison over this one (free telly in prison – winner!).
Remove the TV licence charge, defund the BBC and let them see how many viewers they get when it’s subscription only.
What was in the twatter linked video? Whitey taking monkey slaps?