Wow, the guy just can’t help himself. Alistair Campbell, once again, deserves a nomination. My second nomination of this dickweed in 24 hours. He put out a video on Twatter taking the piss out of Boris and Dominic. That’s fair enough, I’m a firm believer in free speech, even if the person exercising it is a complete and utter cunt. Unfortunately, in his rush to be a funny fucker, he’s managed to insult the military family. In the video, he plays Boris as a veteran, complete with regimental tie and a full size medal and a smaller one. He brags that he received them from the Queen, one for the “battle of Brexit” and the other for the “battle of Durham”.
Like his fellow Labourite twat, Naz Shah, Campbell’s level of ignorance over matters military is staggering. Regimental ties and medals are to be worn only by those who are, or have served. The ONLY exception is when someone is wearing them in memory of a relative. Even then, medals are worn on the RIGHT side of the chest. Now I’m sure some veterans won’t be particularly bothered. Like I said, Campbell probably didn’t intend to cause offense to veterans and serving personnel, but he has. And I’m one of them. I’ve been to a lot of Remembrance day parades, including several in London, and over the past few years, I and many other veterans have noticed an increase in the number of Walts turning up. They are also cunts. Unlike them though, Campbell helped his mate, Blair, start a war that didn’t need to be fought. A war that cost a lot of British service personnel their lives, including two close friends of mine. So for Campbell to put out a video wearing a regimental tie and medals, he is a cunt.
Forgot to mention, the tie was Scots Guards and the medal was the General Service Medal. Apparently, he was left them by his late brother who was medically discharged from the regiment with schizophrenia. Still doesn’t give him the right to wear them. In typical lefty fashion, he hasn’t apologised, but has issued a statement telling us all how much work he’s done in support of the military over the past few years. Big fucking deal.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Another has-been cunt who thinks his views on anything are still seen as relevant and welcome.
A dickweed indeed, Quidk Draw.
He lost Brexit. He lost the election (as a guest libdum). He loses every battlw and every argument. Now he is reduced to having a rather pathetic dig at Boris and the military. The guy has no credibility and no class. Cunt.
LOL…But wait, this mendacious, old soak isn’t amusing at all. Having watched his video three times, I’m left pondering if Alastair is in need of psychiatric help or is merely drunk at home again? It is distasteful to be wearing a military tie and medals having never served in the Armed Forces. LOL!
Mrs Alastair “last bastion of metropolitan elite” Campbell helped start a war in Iraq that cost the lives of 179 British service personnel, over 600,00 Iraqis (2003-2006 source lancet) and £9 Billion that could have been spent on spreading love, light and peace. LOL!
Alastair, your actions have contributed to a legacy of Islamic terrorism in the UK. The first of which, (7/7 bombings) happened 2 years after the war in Iraq started. LOL!
Wetherspoons is opening soon, why not drown your sorrows down there and leave political foolery to the pr*cks we elected!..LOL..LOL…I’m LOLLING ALASTAIR!
He lost Brexit. He lost the election (as a guest libdum). He loses every battle and every argument. Now he is reduced to having a rather pathetic dig at Boris and the military. The guy has no credibility and no class. Cunt.
There are many cunts in this great country of ours but Alistair Campbell must be about the biggest. He was responsible for the ‘dodgy dossier’ being ‘sexed up’ (what a bloody awful phrase) . What a fucking press secretary was doing anywhere near a security document has never been explained. That dossier was a lie and as QDM has said cost British servicemen their lives. Campbell is beneath contempt and cunt only begins to describe the loating I have for this pathetic excuse for a man.
Well done QDM if he was cunted every day it wouldn’t be enough.
No wonder he suffered severe depression. Even his own mind realises he’s a total cunt and would rather remain out of it.
No sympathy for this cunt at all. He knows exactly what he’s up to.
Farage has the patience of a saint.. but every time I see the footage of Alastair Cuntbell get in his face during that heated debate on the GMTV sofa, I remain hopeful that I will witness the uncut alternate version, where he removes his shoe and proceeds to beat Cuntbell violently on the head with the loafer heel until the war criminal’s skull collapses into a lifeless mess of blood, broken bones and shit.
He sits upon the Mount Olympus of cuntdom along with Blair, BBC et al. The duplicitous turkeyfucker.
I am struggling to understand why this fuck-knuckle has been cunted a mere 4 times and is not sitting atop the Wall of Cunts.
An aggressive, bellicose, bullying, mendacious, spiteful, destructive man whose only aim is to inflict either his own righteous world view or that of his beloved ZanuLabour Party.
Every time he makes little film on Twatter, the cunt looks pretty over-refreshed. Alcoholic Ali; the wanked-out Labour bigmouth.
Fuck off and die, like all those people who lost their lives (military and civilians) as a result of your fucking lies. A cunting shagnasty. One day the world will be free of this abomination and he will enjoy eternity sucking satan’s cockcheese.
Probably using his spin doctor skills to conceal the Everest sized cunt that he is. He has an unfair advantage.
I propose that further nominations should have a cunt multiplier applied, to push him up the league table and more accurately reflect this visible from space cunt that he is.
Campbell say he did a lot of work supporting the military is akin to Jimmy Savile saying he a lot of work for children’s hospitals. Proof that Campbell, like Savile, is a CUNT of the first magnitude and a warmongering hypocritical cunt at that.
As if more proof was needed that Liberalism is a mental disorder, he cannot see the irony in that statement.
Yes, he did do a lot for British service personnel, sent them away to die in an illegal war and resource theft. How many pieces of silver crossed your greasy palms for your lethal duplicity you raddled cunt?
Fuck off and die in a ditch.
Campbell is a cunt, he’s a cunt, he’s a fucking cunt. Goes on about mental health but only his own, being a cunt to everyone else is fine.
Cunt cunt cunty cunt.
This shit weasel needs an aerial tour of Afghanistan.
Throw it out of a Chinook on fire.
The locals will enjoy the show if nowt else.
Mega cunt.
So his brother was a schizo? Obviously it runs in the family. His daughter is the same, a typical, white privileged, woke little princess who passes her credit card bills to Daddy for him to take care of. No doubt she has been out and about in Londonistan crying over a dead Yank druggie criminal.
Hope she’s got a good dose of Corbyn 19 and passes it on to this arrogant piece of camel puke.
Talking of the dead yank.
“Shocking video shows man in blackface disrupting George Floyd protest before being arrested”
He’s got some big balls I thought but then read that this was a Canadian protest so I guess it was Justin leaving a party.
Alistair Campbell is the type of bloke gets punched in a pub.
Know it all,sneering, talks over others, never wrong type.
Insufferable little shitehawk.
Id sew him to Afua Hearse to teach the daughter needlepoint.
I would like to see this alcoholic bellend choke on vomit – mine preferably.
Sending men to their deaths abroad as their daughters are raped , abused and murdered at home is par for the corse for this cunt. I hope the cunt dies in agony of some yet to be invented chinky bio weapon.
The wanker looks like Napoleon in that photo, another cocky, war mongering cunt. Letting him rot on an island in the Atlantic would be too good for this fucker though. Prolonged torture and the noose would be my preference. ??
A bad smell from a bad history. Shut the fuck up Alistair, open a bottle. And insult our armed forces at your peril.
I would enjoy crushing this reptiles facial bones with one hard hit.
I think caught speding, Bunsen honeydew ect are Alistair Campbell, especially those ones when he is definitely pissed.
You can stick my £5 in a legion collection box.
If your asking a pound each you’re avin a laugh. Tuppence and not a penny more.
Poor Alistair – riding the wave as part of the Blair/Mandelson/Campbell triumvirate of evil, now reduced to talking shit for fools.
Undignified old drunk, bully and fool.
Be gone.
I went to school with that cunt and he was a cunt then too, always scrounging ciggies at break time. Also had the joy of Gary Linekunt in our classes.
Pair of cunts.
Fuck off.
I hadn’t realised he went to City of Leicester and I didn’t believe Linekunt went to school at all. So pleased I went to Wyggeston.
Washed up old piss head with hair like Steve McDonald from Corrie, spent his career hiding behind the jug eared dog fucker. You had you 15 mins now get to fuck you irrelevant shit stain.!
Thinks people are laughing with him, not at him. Sad, sad little weasel.
He should be in The Hague, standing next to B’liar, Bush eat al.
A thoroughly deserved counting.
“et al”.
Auto predict almost as much of a cunt as he is.
He’s a fucking bully who can’t handle his drink. And a cunt of epic proportions.
Started watching that documentary about depression he was in. Gave up after 3 minutes. The man has no redeeming qualities. What’s clear as well is a complete lack of self awareness. Along with all the blood on his hands he is toxic individual. He must suck the positive energy out of any room he enters. When they write the great book on the history of cunts he will have a chapter.