I’ve just been reading the thoughts of a 30 odd year old teacher from the village. She is one of the “we need kinder politics” type who sees nothing wrong with calling for a more caring,sharing form of Govt. while referring to “lying.stinking Tory scum” or “thick Gammon Brexiteers”.
Her latest wheeze is “epistocracy” a Govt. which is run by those with “political knowledge” apparently…..of which she obviously includes herself…but not anyone with whom she disagrees…they must be disenfranchised because they’re not up to her levels of “wokeness”. Now I might be a right Cunt but even I don’t think that the only political views that should be considered are my own.
Her finest however was after several weeks of banging on about “Covidiots,” she was exposed as being a “covidiot” herself. While “lockdown” was still in force she and her husband had driven over 150 miles to pick up her student brother-in-law from a house of multiple occupancy. It was apparently necessary because his “Nana” had died and he wanted to go to the funeral…he then stayed for several nights in the (covid-free) village with “teach” and her husband. Unfortunately someone must of got wind and confronted her on facebook after she had written a scathing post about Dominic Cu mmings…she explained herself by saying that she felt really guilty about doing it but felt that it was the “humanitarian” thing to do….when pushed by the woman who had confronted her she chucked out the “bullying” card and promptly blocked her accuser. Her remaining friends rushed to comfort her with the “you did the right thing..(your accuser) is a heartless bitch….typical tory scum” etc.
People wonder why I detest so many of these incomers?
PS…Her latest cause is the Dark-Key thing…she even gives a list of recommended reading so that us racists can understand our “white privilege”….I really can’t understand why she has chosen to live in a 100 per cent white occupied village…I’d have thought that a nice flat in some Bongo Tower in Newcastle would be for more suitable….she could tell Rastus that she “really really understood” his anger at her whiteness as he mugged her and her equally woke husband.
Utter Cunt.
Nominated by Dick de Pheffel Foxchaser Fiddler
Sarah Millican gone proper SJW? There goes my morning horn…
Good nom Dick!?
I like it that you spy on your neighbours, shows dedication.
With this type you realise their greatest fear is being denounced as a racist/homophobe/ meateater, whatever.
Find/plant something incriminating and call her out at a village hall meeting!
Name and shame her for buying Nazi porn, or accuse her of being a slave owner!
Sit back & enjoy the meltdown.?
I DO enjoy spying on them. They think that I’m too much of a yokel to understand Facebook and often let slip their plans for “Family Fun Days” and the like. I’ve managed to ruin several of their “Community Events” by keeping a close eye on what they say…I “coincidentally” decide to burn all the old plastic bale-wrap and shit upwind from them or shift stock through the middle of their “sports day”.
My finest however was chucking them off the field that they used to use. It has been used as a bit of a football/cricket field for years but those Cunts didn’t even have the decency to ask me if it was alright before arranging some silly “Wacky-Olympics” on it. I waited until they’d got all set up and then told them to “Fuck Off” or I’d drive the County over the lot of them.
Morning MNC
Morning All
Dedication, as Roy Castle used to sing, Dick, dedication. You’re to be commended.
Aye seconded, ‘Services to Cuntitude’ or something. Not surprised to see she is a teacher and filling kids heads with lefty bollocks and no doubt one of those advocating schools stay shut so she can slob in front of her laptop teaching remotely.
Hahahahahha thanks for that. I can’t get that bloody song out my head now.
I should also add that this bitch is a teacher who is refusing to go back to work until the Govt. can guarantee 100% her and “the kids” safety….how will the brats ever manage without their music lessons ?
At what point does the daft tart realise that the money will run out? Fine, stay at home…on no fucking pay because that’s where it’s heading. Mind you, if that’s her pic the Rona will kill her I think.
But hey..what can you do?
Music Lessons? I assume that’s being told about drill rap and how iit’s more ‘vital’ and ‘real’ than the music of the ‘dead white man’.
The last time I saw a creature like this it was being hauled from the sea by some Japanese fishermen.
Could I suggest a response of “shut the fuck up, make your Wifes tea and keep your hideous snout out of things you are too thick to understand you munting sow”. Diplomacy is all you see!
Failing that you could just bag her with the 12 bore and tell the Police she was cycling (very slowly and exuding a trail of perspiration by the looks of the beast) on your land illegally! ?
She’s actually got one of those electric powered pushbikes Vernon… I’v often thought how far electric motors must have advanced if they can shift her…I’d have thought a 500 horse-power diesel would have been grunting.
Morning DF – I can’t realistically see this beast being pulled along by anything that did not have “Royal Navy” on it!
Methinks she got the “Diane Abbott workout” DVD for Christmas.
Like Rick Waller on a Raleigh Tomahawk.
@ Lord Fiddler – excellent nom.
@ admin – great pic!
You can thank Dick for the picture as well. He suggested it.
Clearly the victim of her upbringing and typical of so many purple haired chubsters of ‘woke’ up and down the land. This nom was such a hearty and salubrious composition that I have decided to make it in to a short film. “The Trials of Kitty Meringue” or something equally unoffensive jocular. Have emailed Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson and my offer to buy the rights are in the post Dickie my dear boy.
What a revolting beast. Fire, pitchforks and chasing off the nearest cliff is what is needed ( I don’t see it making its way to the top of a windmill). Cleanse your villiage before not come Sir Fiddler.
Before more come, sorry.
That pic at the top?
Wonder why she thought to dye her hair vivid blue?
Pointless if you look like a half inflated bouncy castle, nothing you do will make you remotely attractive, like sprinkling glitter on dogshite.
Fuck me, a pig with blue hair, every one has a right to be ugly, but that’s taking the piss,
‘Husband’? The cunt needs a VC being married to the fat, ugly woke trollop. Then again, just picture the cunt. Fucking loathe cunts like her. ‘You don’t agree with me so you’re wrong and you’re racist etc’. Cunts should be shot.
Husband? This beast is married? Did she just roll on him and refuse to move until he gave in?
Hells teeth I pity that poor Man!
She won’t be married to no man. A massive cuck more like. Probably as thin as a rake. Cucks that marry planetary sized females are usually about 6 stone wet through. Weird.
Have any of your ambulances had their chassis reinforced for cunts like this?
Ive seen they have a few in America.
Yep and Fat Cunt Stretchers.
Dear lord.
And you’re paying for it!
Paying for the grub they are shovelling down them too. And everything else. Let em starve.
Sub human scum.
One word …. teacher. Says it all really, most of my teachers at school were cunts but the breed today are supercunts, left, liberal, sjw blood running through them. No kid stands a chance of developing their own opinion when they are being brainwashed by these scum. They should be fooled into a teacher training camp…. at Unkle Terrys.
That’s a bit unfair Mr Knott – some of us are proper cunts…!
The thing I would really love to know is how many village idiot types like this pudden faced dribbler sounding off about ‘white priveledge’ live or work in places like Lewisham, Brixton and Croydon in London I wonder. Walk down the street and you will hardly see a white face, I know because I’ve worked in these urine scented ghettos that 50 years ago were safe, middle class towns. There’s no going back for those places, they’ve fallen. Fucking finished. I could assure this wide eyed sophamaniac that white priveledge only exists in the type of rural Eden that she’s lucky enough to espouse her oven fresh bullshit from.
When she’s been told by a local ‘bruv’ that has parked in her small business’s customer car park to do drug dealing, that “Dant bavver ta ring da paleeece, we own dis area, iss ourrh rules namsayin” she’ll know the Britain she craves or thinks she craves exists and is growing without her help and advice.
Teacher eh? I wouldn’t take any lessons from someone that wants to look like a fucking parrot anyway. Cunt.
Dai, where does one actually obtain this white priveledge that seems to be the new “in” thing? because I’m white but I seem to be lacking any privelidge’s of any kind. The Gubbermint hates me, the Cops hate me, the wife fucking hates me with a passion and I reckon this fat blue haired trog would hate me too if she ever met me. Am I the wrong kind of white?
Brixton has come a long way in the last 10-15 years. Lewisham and Croydon are shitholes and only getting worse.
The fat cunt needs a dose of Ebola.
Family fun time in oven.
Fuck off.
Why does she wear make-up?
You can’t polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.
Does she wear makeup??
She’s got a look of an over bloated Sarah Millican, the unfunny cunt, also from that part of the world.
Because she is fucking hideous, but being rolled around in a cement mixer wouldn’t help this one.
Bag on the head.
Why don’t the rest of the villagers descend upon her cave with pitchforks and torches like in the old days?
More likely that the rest of the village’ll descend on Fiddler Towers with pichforks and torches tbh,S.V…..the place has become a rat’s nest of SJW types.
These cunts often don’t want to live in the utopia they’ve created. It’s an outrage Dick. She looks likes she’s an eat the rich type, she’s already eaten a couple of local landowners by the looks of it. Her husband is probably a particularly butch rug muncher.
The ultimate hypocrisy- creating a shithole society and then running away to live in one of the few rural idylls remaining-Fiddler notwithstanding.
It is called the Billy Bragg manoeuvre.
Aye. I have no issues with living in a nice ‘non diverse’ area.
Funny how such areas have the most expensive properties? It’s almost as if they’re better places to live.
It just bothers me when people who live in these areas tell those who don’t how fucking wonderful it is to live in a ‘diverse’ area.
Personally, I will say to people that I live in a nice area because I don’t want to live near all that diverse criminality and filth on the streets. Best to be honest.
Sir Fiddler – it’s a fucking disgrace!
Get it on a spit on the village green.
The fallout from all that roasting blubber would be worse than the Mount St Helens eruption!
Anyway, just off to cut Marcus Rashfords water off ??
That’s not a photo of her, is it?
My eyes!
Whoever, or whatever, it is it aint no f*cking oil painting thats for sure. What does it think it looks like? It has to be using psychedelic drugs or corrective mirrors (a bit like the opposite of those “hall of mirrors” at a fairground) if in its own mind it thinks it is fit be seen in public (whether in the day or night). Can’t someone call social services to prevent cruelty to the sprogs it is indoctrinating?
Mr Fiddler could revive his families old traditional trade of witchfinder and put her on the ducking stool in the village pond but this heifer looks a challenge.
Perhaps a reinforced ducking stool made from leftover JCB parts…
Possibly a submarine hoist.
Stuff it down a well and tamp it’s fat arse down with a jackhammer.
It seems to me that some of the esteemed members of this site are even grumpier than usual this morning.
Need a JCB.
You have to wonder how the right on blue haired types get so fat when they are vegans (compulsory) and spend every weekend marching through the streets on some virtue signalling cause. That’s when they’re not running around the countryside saving badgers and hugging trees. It can only be because every salad is followed by three vegan cream cakes and a packet of chocolate digestives. (plain obviously)
Not that I would be involved in fat shaming , especially where non binaries are concerned.
Anyway, i’m off down Brixton to dole out some compo for hundreds of years of the slave trade.
Yeah how do these types get so fat?
Dont do any physical work, only eat hummus,
Yet the cunts bloat up?
Theyre eating ‘forbidden Fruit’ methinks!
Always adopt foreign kids dont they?
Little may pong orphan from vietnam, we’ve adopted her!
Work the kid doing housework, fatten it up on a bowl of rice krispies a day, then May Pong goes Awol!
Just a few small bones licked clean in blue hairs back garden.
They feed on the misery they spread. How the hell do these nutcases get jobs teaching?
My teaching career was short – “Morning Sir” – “Fuckoff or I’ll strangle you”.
I still thought it was mean of the SS to fire me though! ?
Carbohydrates and sugars making up for the lack of meat they secretly crave.
Fistfuls of cake, doughy pizzas, biscuits and crisps and gallonsc of pop are always the big culprits in those documentaries about the laughably obese.
Compare that with diet of that huge bastard in Game of Thrones. Chicken, beef, fish, a bit of rice and steamed vegetables
I know one like that too (not blue hair but she dies it orange or red sometimes). She’s fucking enormous. I’ve mentioned her before. Says she’s Scottish but speaks like the Queen. About 25 stone and about 5 foot 3. Age mid to late 20s. Right horrible cunt (similar to the one in this article). Even salgs her own mum and dad off for ‘stealing her future’ by them having lower housing costs and free higher education. The fact she went to private schools and is a pampered cow (and will probably inherit her parents’ property and savings..but I really hope not!) is lost on the fat cunt.
She’s also a vegetarian. A mate of mine told me and I said, ”Well what does she eat then? Fucking oak trees?”
If that mutant at the top of the page is a teacher then how the fuck do they square blue hair with the school dress code?
Any pupil with hair dyed a similar hue would be suspended before they could say ‘social justice for all’.
Lady at a previous school I worked at got a bastard letter from the (female) headteacher about the way she dressed. She did have fantastic tits and they were regularly on display. She was rather popular with the Year 9 lads for some reason.
Ah, reminds me of Miss Barton the computer teacher during sixth form college. Imagine a prime Catherine Zeta Jones in her early 20s, but with an even better figure and prettier face.
Miss Barton :”Who can help me put the trolleys (with the computers on) back in the cupboard?”
About 10 lads with hard ons: ”Me Miss!”
In a way i was quite lucky that I had very few sexy teachers, and practically none after the age of twelve.when I started to experience reactions to prominent tits.
From memory I don’t think I had any good looking female teachers at all at the time the ‘ol hormones were stirring. The only two female teachers I remember having had in the early w*nking years were a maths teacher who had the appearance and smell of a carthorse and a history teacher who looked like she’d lived through most of it. I think all the rest were mad monks & pee-dough priestly types with a caning fetish and deadly aim with the blackboard duster.
That tart looks as if she should be stripped to the waist wearing sparkly Speedos and competing in a heavyweight wrestling match, possibly with Emily Thornberry as her opponent.
CP, is that the sound you make when throwing up or have you had a joyous sexual experience in the front of your trousers at the mental picture Mr Boggs has given you?
So it’s true about escaped big cats. Just shoot it dead for public safety.
Speaking of teachers I read about a school principal in Yankland who wrote this on her personal Facebook page……..”people should not be made to feel they have to choose the black race over the human race. Just because you don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean you are a racist”
Needless to say the School Board immediately sacked her.
This is what happens when you aren’t smart enough to understand that there’s a commie witch hunt going on out there. Be careful what you say and where you say it my friends.
The Stasi have ears.
Freddie please send a link
Don’t know how to do that fancy shit but google…..Windsor principal on leave after black lives matter comments.
I picked one of the results at random:
Here’s some interesting info. Vermont is the second least populated state in the Union and the second whitest state at over 94% white. It’s also one of the wealthiest states.
Conclusion……it’s full of well off, white middle class libtards who live in nice all white enclaves but care so much about blacks…….as long as they’re a fucking long way from me.
Does that sound familiar?
Despite the creaking bones, failing organs, reduced financial circumstances etc, being a pensioner has its benefits as one has no job to lose and they can’t legally stop your pensions (yet).
Like most people were in the old days, I was brought up and taught to try and be polite, respectful of my elders, respectful of another views etc or expect, and get, a damn good hiding if I wasn’t. Therefore, as a rule, I don’t (usually) set out to be offensive yet sometimes it unintentionally happens and you have to apoligise.
However, times have changed and the old social rules have long gone with the bath (or is that now jacuzzi?) water. These days the kids seem to be taught the mindset its all about me, me, me and that their ‘ooman rights and views trump all others and an apology is never to be offered.
They say one never stops learning. I haven’t when it comes to these new morals. Whilst I’ll still try to maintain the old ways, if provoked enough, for example by persistent chuggers, then its no holds barred gloves off and all about me, me,me and my views. I don’t care what I say, to whom I say it or when and where I say it. In fact, the more offensive the views (and riper the Ango-Saxon), the more inappropriate the place and the louder I say it the better. Telling the vicar he’s a f***ing queer and God doesn’t exist over the tannoy at a packed wimmins institute summer fete is a wet dream fantasy of mine.
I couldn’t care less if the PC Stasi are recording or filming anything I may say or do. In fact I’d welcome it as long as they film me in sympathetic lighting conditions (near darkness before some wit says it) so that I look good if it the footage gets played back in court as evidence against me.
Long live free speech and thought. Bo**ocks to anyone who thinks otherwise.
For those of you who are not yet pensioners and are shackled by kids, employment, financial concerns etc you have my sympathy.
Pôôp! Been moderated. Quěêr I assume.
Your a naughty man mr Dribbler an no mistake.
Id like to host a lavish meal for all the black celebs, champagne, the works.
Then come on the tannoy and say
“Did you all enjoy your meal?
Pause for a polite clap.
“Well I wanked off in it!
Hope you fuckin choke!”
Made me smile just typing it.
What wine would you recommend serving with your special range of “béchamel” / velouté / mornay sauces, MNC? A simple Chardonnay? Sauvignon Blanc? Maybe a Chenin Blanc for something a little sweeter?
I hear that you can get good deals on a crate at http://www.buffalowines.com. The label name should bring back happy memories of what they used to drink from the watering holes they used as children before the naughty, bad, white saviours forced them against their will to drink plain H2O.
Off piste, but I am enjoying my first cup of non-BLM supporting Clipper Tea. I was a Yorkshire Tea man, but they have now lost me as a customer after 25 years.
Anyway, Clipper makes a lovely dark, full-bodied cuppa. Knocks Yorkshire Tea into a cocked hat.
Have joined you on that one
I’m confident that should the good lady visit the beach for a swim she would almost certainly attract the attention of a Japanese whaling vessel.
Problem solved.
Honestly, if I were PM the first thing I would do is have all these NIMBY pricks sent to live in a tower block in Brent, Brixton, Birmingham, Leicester Bradford or Hackney. One of those full of the diversity they want more and more of.
Twelve months and then give them the chance of admitting that they were wrong or staying there forever until they fucking do.
It’s why I don’t bother with Arsebook anymore. I use an account for personal messages to those very close to me but that’s it. I made the mistake of popping in once covid hit to see if people were being more normal now due to such a huge crisis. Not a chance. Made the cunts even worse, if anything.
She sounds like a fucking moron. Give it a wide berth. I’d wind them up for a laugh, but these cunts will call the cops on you for ‘hate speech’ at the drop of a hat (after calling you ‘scum’, ‘racist’ and ‘gammon’ at will). And our police farce (not a spelling mistake!) will entertain them, of course!
I’ve never put a single message up on facebook,CB…I just use it to spy on them and leer at some of the better looking ones bikini photos….although must admit some are ruined by them holding a brat which obscures the view.
Dick, this is beautiful work there are so many of these cunts out there and a direct expose of one of them has warmed my heart.
a quality cunting by a quality cunter
Funny you mention that Sir Fiddler. About 5 years back, an old work colleague had a half Vietnamese Mrs who also modelled part-time. Proper hottie (lucky cunt),. We (mates and I) all knew her as we saw her now and again in the pub. Nice bird. She was always posting pics of herself on shoots (tasteful). Anyway, she made the mistake of posting a link to a photographer’s site after a bikini shoot and he had pics of her on a couch in the noodie! Leaning a bit forwards but you could see (a nicely shaven) bush and definitely see a nipple. Well, I did the decent thing and told all the lads in a private message at what I had found and not one of us, I’m sure. had a big wank over it. She must’ve realised that she’d linked to the website with a nudie photo of herself as it was soon deleted.
Spoilsport 🙁
My reply was modded 🙁
An “epistocracy”?
I’ll take a guess that this system doesn’t bother with such trivialities as elections, to save less “enlightened” types from the terrible burden of voting…
Yeah, epistocracy is a fucking good word. I will remember that for the next time some remoaner shitsack tells me “you don’t understand.”
I had to take a second look at that picture as I didn’t believe what I saw the first time.
So did I ,and promptly puked my guts up.
Go and catch Covid -19 you horrendous monstrosity.
It’s the sort of thing that used to get a wail and ‘go away, you hideous creature!’ From Dr Smith in Lost in Space.
An excellent “Cunting” from His Grace ( for I know his true identity )
This specimen of detritus who escaped the disposal shute at birth. seems the type of product that will do well and go far in life. ( However, not far enough, ( away ) in my opinion.) The ability to contrive junk words and give a defining value that is cleverly intended to conceal shit as something else, is the hallmark of the Left, the Ultra Left, and the Retarded Moron Brigade. Her Obesity and gravelling (road surface ) beauty shows little to comfort to the timid observer.
She is indeed ( Your Grace ) a worthy specimen of Agranular Cuntus Majorus.
I have no idea why the stupid fucking fat cunt has dyed her hair, if I looked that ugly I would desperately try to seek as little attention as possible.
They want to look as obnoxious as possible to validate their ‘misogyny’ narrative. These beasts have given up bothering to attract men years ago.
It never ceases to amaze me that these cunts think they know best when in reality, they know fuck all. She should try living in areas full of diversity or allow a few male ‘refugees’ to stay in her home (on their own money).
Part of me wants the place to go full libtard and give them what they want. You want BLM’s wishes to be put into place?
Fine. That means you want NO police whatsoever and instead want a local gang to ‘community police’ the area. Of course, the drug gang leaders won’t take over and put guns to people’s heads for cash every five minutes. And some within BLM want all black prisoners to be released from prison, Perhaps let’s put Lee Rigby’s killers in you home then if you’re up for all this? And they want segregation. But with black people on top and white people under them with ‘less privileges’. Which means apartheid like in SA but with whites as the second class citizens. Oh, and whites need to pay reparations. To the point where you need to hand over your savings and property to any dark key who is ‘worthy’ (drug gang leaders in probability if the house is a good ‘un).
Bring it on, you fucking clowns! A short and very sharp shock might be the only thing to wake these cunts up.
Sadly it doesnt work.
A woke white liberal woman got raped in Africa some time ago.
She blamed white men and the west for creating the conditions where black men feell they can rape women.
She’s right, we do everything to encourage the cunts, look at the riots, errrr protests, last week, the fucking lot of them should be in jail, or on a small island in mid Atlantic, preferably one that’s on fire.
Absolute moose and a cunt. Morning all
Any man who manages to get a boner and shag that thing in the photo is a superhero in my book.
To me, it would be impossible to get a boner with that thing in front of me. She probably stinks of rotten arse and fanny cheese as well. For me, managing to get a stonk on with that thing is like seeing in the dark. Or flapping your arms and starting to fly. An impossible deed.
How the fuck do they manage it?
Cuntstable Cuntbubble will be with you shortly to explain how he manages to overcome his sub-conscious fears and sustain a horn in these circûmstances.
Add to that what Viz dubbed ‘feastings’ in its profanisaurus.
Flecks of grease, meat and crumbs that have been dropped on a sofa or bed and rolled into the folds to ferment and then picked out and greedily licked from their trotter-hands at a later date.
I google-image searched “cunting shit-sack” and this pig was the top result.
With the change in lock down rules I traveled an hour and 10 mins by car to see my Godchildren, that was not the purpose of the journey as I needed to have “Grown up talk” with their dad but the little fuckers would not go away, and with 2m distancing we were going to have to talk loudly and the little fuckers would not get out of earshot.
So the eldest came out with the BLM crap, He is an intelligent kid, but the educators seem to have missed out a number of historical facts, so once he had his say we had a little history lesson that was well accepted.
the following topics were covered, who was the first country to abolish slavery and how did they do it?
Next when did sudan abolish slavery (2017) why is no one complaining?
why are people not protesting about Libian slave auctions held today?
so we then had a little chat on where the money was, so it was best to concentrate on the free west for repatriations, despite the fact your cousin may well have been sold by a relative last year.
Then Mr floyd poped his head up, we discussed his criminal record, his history of violence against people of colour and his sainthood after his death being arrested by 4 police officers of which 2 were white.
we then discussed police killings in the US last year and the percentage that were Black, after that we then did a comparison of a drunk driver who ran from police, video footage shows his surrender with both hands out of his open car window, however the two officers opened fire killing the passenger, his 9 year old autistic son. Both officers were black.
No body rioted about that and I am sure as dam that a 9 year old is not likely to have a criminal record.
The down side was quite simply his dad had not bothered to explain some of these finer points to his son, I very much doubt that the school would have either.
What chance, her school producing well rounded, free thinking, future captains of industry with heffelumps like this libtard poisoning there impressionable young minds.
Time to go full “lord Summerisle”, Foxchaser:
Midsummer, time to bring out the fool, black up the faces, build the (reinforced) wicker man and show this lardy malcontent the difference between “teachers” and “educators”.
Dyke haired, salad dodging cunt.
When she says people with political knowledge does she mean those who have some kind of degree in politics? A Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) degree from Oxford University perhaps? For example David Cameron (C), Danny Alexander (Lib), Ed Milliband (Lab), Rory “the chimp” Stewart (who knows). Yeah, all political “giants” who were so good at politics that none remain in the HoC having badly misjudged what the majority of people want.
Or does she mean, as Dick implies, only those who share the same thick as pigsh*t views that she has?
P.S. Pardon me for a list of political giants that is all male. I could add, again from Oxford, Jacqui Smith (Lab), the Eagle twins (Angela & Maria) and others. Also, other M.P.s with PPE degrees from different, inferior, Universities also exist (I just couldn’t be arsed to look them up).
I think Parliaments problem is there are too many University types who think they know stuff but in reality know f-all about real life. Better to just have people who admit to knowing f-all but have bags of common sense.
I think it’s those who share the same thick as pigshit views that she has. The ones who know they’re right and feel a compulsion to make everyone else think likewise, whether they want to or not. It’s for their own good.
David Starkey has some interesting things to say on Oxford PPE.
Mainly that’s superficial wank.
What a fucking munter!