I’ve just been reading the thoughts of a 30 odd year old teacher from the village. She is one of the “we need kinder politics” type who sees nothing wrong with calling for a more caring,sharing form of Govt. while referring to “lying.stinking Tory scum” or “thick Gammon Brexiteers”.
Her latest wheeze is “epistocracy” a Govt. which is run by those with “political knowledge” apparently…..of which she obviously includes herself…but not anyone with whom she disagrees…they must be disenfranchised because they’re not up to her levels of “wokeness”. Now I might be a right Cunt but even I don’t think that the only political views that should be considered are my own.
Her finest however was after several weeks of banging on about “Covidiots,” she was exposed as being a “covidiot” herself. While “lockdown” was still in force she and her husband had driven over 150 miles to pick up her student brother-in-law from a house of multiple occupancy. It was apparently necessary because his “Nana” had died and he wanted to go to the funeral…he then stayed for several nights in the (covid-free) village with “teach” and her husband. Unfortunately someone must of got wind and confronted her on facebook after she had written a scathing post about Dominic Cu mmings…she explained herself by saying that she felt really guilty about doing it but felt that it was the “humanitarian” thing to do….when pushed by the woman who had confronted her she chucked out the “bullying” card and promptly blocked her accuser. Her remaining friends rushed to comfort her with the “you did the right thing..(your accuser) is a heartless bitch….typical tory scum” etc.
People wonder why I detest so many of these incomers?
PS…Her latest cause is the Dark-Key thing…she even gives a list of recommended reading so that us racists can understand our “white privilege”….I really can’t understand why she has chosen to live in a 100 per cent white occupied village…I’d have thought that a nice flat in some Bongo Tower in Newcastle would be for more suitable….she could tell Rastus that she “really really understood” his anger at her whiteness as he mugged her and her equally woke husband.
Utter Cunt.
Nominated by Dick de Pheffel Foxchaser Fiddler
A teacher throwing around words ending in -‘cracy’ needs to be careful.
One such fool thought Britain should be a ‘pedocracy’, i pointed out this was rule by children.
Rather than admit his mistake he doubled down and asserted it meant rule by teachers’
I may have suggested the woke bitch meant a pisstake-cracy if she ‘d appointed herself as ‘knowledgable ‘.
Looks like papa Smurf’s daughter gone bad!
She looks like Robin Day had a daughter that he shut in a cupboard because it wasn’t the full penny.
whoa whoa whoa… did I read that right? …husband…??????????????
Fer fuck’s sake chaps I’ve not long eaten; can we please have a (split cock) warning triangle posted above any similarly emetic future images. Jeezus H. how does that lard based life form even function as a human? The feed bill alone….
Epistocracy was a new word for me, but Google was my friend. It looks as if the model for half of The Fat Slags would be bitching loudly if it actually became a thing. The Grauniad hates it, probably because it addresses the weaknesses in democracy that SJW centrists love to exploit…so perhaps it’s worth checking out in a little more detail? I don’t know.
The rest of this scintillating nom is indisputable, of course.
She rides a bike? How many saddles has she lost?
She she must use tyres from a quad in order not to leave ruts in the tarmac.
I wouldn’t want a fat, left leaning cunt with blinkered Marxist views, that looks like that teaching my kids……if I had any…