Women’s hour


St Georges Day but a “ladies first” ‘frailty thy name is woman’ cunting please for today’s episode of the misandrist radio show beloved by lesbians both in and out of the closet, male self-hating feminists and left wing soy-boy poofery slaves.


This ghastly shit heap of a programme overseen by elderly fatarse Jenni Murray and Robin to her Batman, Jane Garvey, a sour middle aged old fart who still resents being divorced from Adrian Chiles have really exceled themselves on Shakespeare’s birthday by claiming in todays farce that where PPE for NHS staff is concerned wimmin are discriminated against because (according to the “tempter” before the 1000 news, “PPE equipment is designed for the male body”.

Really? I didn’t know a mask had a codpiece designed into it. YOu live and learn. Then you die and forget it.

I am sick to death of this ancient programme still trying to claim victimhood for wimmin. The radio went off immediately after the news summary, but I should just like to say to Jenni and Jane: shut the fuck up you pair of gormless Guardian reading cunts – and Jennie, where a fucking good corset there’s a good girl.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

97 thoughts on “Women’s hour

  1. PPE designed for the male body? That must be why the batch we bought from the Turks were no good. Or could it be that the Abduls have ripped us off with their poundshop tat yet again?
    Can’t ask for a refund……..that’s raaay-sist.

    • I agree… How can you fit a trout-pout into your average Joe’s face-mask??
      I really would’ve thought that Wimmin’z Hour would’ve been ditched as patronising, along with What’s My Line, The Brains Trust & c.
      After all, when so many wimmin are surgeons, GP’s, dentists, CEOs & c., how would they find the time to listen?

  2. Like my lousy father once said “Listen lad, if women didn’t have cunts they would be stacked ten deep at the local tip!”

    Mr Boggs. Why are you listening to a women’s program at 10 O’clock on a morning? These features are designed to kettle all the women in to one place for an hour thus leaving them with a feeling of self-worth and empowerment.

    These are emotions are both somewhat distorted from reality. The world of business, sport, media, military and politics all belong to men. Women are there merely to produce and raise our off spring.

    • I listen to the 10.00 a.m news usually, prior to starting work in the garden or workshop, then work through till lunch. The radio goes on about one minute to ten, so I don’t hear the misery memoir (the second one is just after 12) and if the tale of woe finishes early they go over live to La Murray or Garvey, assuing they have finished their pipe of baccy and have their jockstrap on, to tell their listeners of todays perceived outrage to wimmin – that one was a pippin. I can’t be doing with commercial stations because of the pop crap, so Wireless 4 it has to be.

      • Mr Boggs. I too cant listen to commershul rayjo. The fucking adverts every 5 mins.
        R4 is long gone for me….now, its R3 and the world service. Far far less uk woke shite, only just tho.

      • Might I suggest you invest in the wholesome and resplendent album “Onward and Upward” by the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Plymouth under the direction of Maj Huw Williams RM. The collection should be played on high so that you may surround yourself and, neighbouring properties with the uplifting and inspirited sounds of our fine British military band. Then flick R4 on at 2 mins to 11.

      • A good suggestion, but – there is always a but – if you listen to the 1100 news summary there is a dreadful programme on some days called The Listening Project where a couple of twits talk about the most banal things with all the gravitas of a Reith Lecture – Doris and Ethel discuss their 1950s ballroom dancing experiences – that sort of thing. Or Gemima and her mummy talk about the difficulty of living on only £800 a week since daddy died. On other days they are finishing off yet another wimmin friendly story with the main protaganist sounding like a poofy Victorain poet. I only listen to the 1000 because the 0900 usually just repeats the Today bollocks.

    • Feckin brilliant!!
      Has given me an idea for a new TV prog…
      A wimmin or mincer goes round council tips, picks a few of said females, takes them off for “repurposing” with 200m2 of 60s formica , Jenni Murray’s gob could be turned into a cement mixer on the back of a truck.

  3. One good thing about the current shenanigans is that we have heard less from the usual wimminz/arse-bandits/dark-keys/ etc. who constantly bang on about their “rights”…..in this spirit I plan to write to “Women’s Hour” to point out that Govt. death figures only mention statistics for Male or Female…..where are the figures for the non-binary Sam Smith “he/she” types etc?….is WuhanFlu not just attacking more Dark-keys than Whites,but also completely avoiding our sexless population?

    Jenni and the gang need to know and I feel sure that they’ll manage to build themselves into a frenzy at this latest act of bigotry…hopefully the fact that my letter will be smeared in snot from the local WuhanFlu ward won’t put them off too much.

    Unfuckable Harridans.

    • Is this the programme with Nadia Sawalah or is that “Loose Women”? Either way,I’d have given that tart a serious porking a few years ago….bet her fanny looks like Sideshow Bob has climbed in feet first and then got jammed with only his hair left sticking out.

      Obviously I wouldn’t touch her nowadays…past-it old trout.

      • I wonder if Jenni Murray shaves her minge or just lets it grow wild in support of the Sisterhood?….probably difficult to trim with it being obscured by the rolls of belly-blubber.

      • Im a fan of a hairy oyster Dick, that 70s retro bush does it for me.
        Black spiders legs poking out from the knickers✔

      • MNC – As a kid, I remember seeing my mum’s bush poking out from her knickers in the bathroom……It looked like my old man had stuffed an open packet of contraband Golden Virginia tobacco in there…..Darker pubes would have been Old Holburn i suspect…Black spider works.

      • Daz@
        In the early 80s I remember finding my dads wank mags, some would have been 70s stuff one had 2 lezzas getting it on, big hairy minges both!!?
        They wasnt lookers by todays standards but for a 14yr old lad it set in motion a lifelong appreciation of a woman as god intended!
        Needed to go on a drip for a weekend I almost died of lack of fluids..?

      • My addiction to wanking began with the knickers and bra section of the Littlewoods catalogue ….mum wanting it back for our Summer holiday clothes and it all being stuck together….

      • I reckon Murray’s Minge resembles a black standard poodle with its guts slit open.

      • Breaking news… A Netherlands super trawler has just sunk.
        Murray was out for a swim, got caught in its nets.

      • Nadia Sawalha was on my Up The Wrong ‘Un list for several years (& Julia was the A2M clean-up girl, obviously…)

      • I used to think her sister was worth a turn, she always came across as innocent and wholesome but with a filthy side.
        Then I found out she was part foreign, so wouldn’t touch her with a barge pole. You never know what kind of tropical disease you may catch.
        Feminist bastards want shooting, after you’ve fucked them ( so long a they’re British of course )

  4. Cannot abide this red rags to a cow show. Back in the day when people(they were called men and women then) were normal i could listen to it and get a gentle perspective of womans,not wimminz, views.Now its misandrist bbc woke man hating shit that i wont listen to.
    Must be said tho that as women in the media present as ugller and more bovine the screeching hatred victimhood level has rocketed exponentialy. In my day NO ugly women were allowed in front of a microphone or camera.Good morning fellows.

  5. Look at that bint on the left with her “I’m a university graduate” spectacles at half mast and is that a Hindu style sash to show sisterhood with some S.E Asian kitchen wallah?
    Cultural appropriation you evil white oppressor….such rank hypocrisy, oh how we laughed.
    Wimminz hour,BBC.

    • I dont listen to womens Hour, I dont listen to the radio full stop.
      Thats why god invented television.
      I prefer the radio in my van with the button firmly turned to ‘off’.
      Noisy cunts.
      Fancy letting women have a hours show anyway, is it always late for them ‘just getting ready’ ?

      • I heard it was originally scheduled as a 15 minute show but the wimminz were constitutionally unable to shut the fuck up.
        It was eventually confined to an hour having been recorded in a hermetically sealed room with limited oxygen reserves.
        If you listen carefully to the intro music you might make out the vestigial strangled wheezing as the first attendees desperately tried to prattle on about more inane piffle before eventually succumbing to hypoxia.
        In my dreams.

  6. I listened to a load of shit on LBC ladt night about how the virus is “racist”. Seems like an argument to lock down a certain demographic and let the rest of us out.

    • They have cancelled the Notting hill stabfest, it’s a start I suppose.

      • That’s a shame I have been practising my limbo dancing since September, and Mrs. Boggs has been taking lessons on the steel drums. She was going to black up in the hope that a policeman would kiss her. Maybe next year……

      • There’s more chance of a policeman kissing you, in these LGBTXYFUCKINGZ times.
        Morning Mr.Boggs.

    • Slightly baffled how a virus can be described as racist, more baffled that people are allowed to say this sh*t.
      Sick and tired of this constant bombardment of bollocks, and just (briefly) watching AL-BEEB explaining how racist we were fighting the poor Hun – if they had painted their faces brown and come across on dinghies we would have welcomed them with open f*cking arms!
      “Hands in ze air Tommy”!
      “OK, and here’s a load of money and a free house – along with our apologies for being so racist to that nice Mr Hitler”.
      Winston Churchill was repeatedly accused of racism for trying to get us to understand the n*zi menace, didn’t realise magic grandpa was that old!
      And to celebrate VE day I am putting a massive sign in the front garden saying “Bollocks Fritz – come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough”!
      That should keep me well in with the snowflake neighbours! ??

      • Yep Vern, we should NOT look back on the victory in Europe with pride – it was a shameful act, thought up by racists & so unnecessary when the whole thing could’ve been settle amicably by just running the n*zi flag up over No10 & Buck House. No doubt the fucking BAMEs & peacefuls will be up in arms about the indigenous population having the sheer fucking audacity to celebrate a victory that’s saved those cunts from the ovens. Old Adolf wasn’t planning on stopping after he’d finished off the Tottenham fans, he had bigger designs.
        Fuck the BAME cunts, the bunting is up around here & if they don’t like it they can get to fuck.

      • The local Council made me take down the portrait of me driving round Nuremberg in my Panzer – doubly disappointing as Grandpa Adolf had spent ages doing it! ?
        Poor sports.

      • Lady Creampuff’s done her bit – put the bunting out at sparrow’s fart.

        I wouldn’t have bothered. Feel quite proud of her for once.

      • Vern,
        The German nation viewed 8th May as a day of defeat. I worked with a German lad years ago when I globe trotted and asked him one evening over a beer what did he learn at school about the 2nd World War?

        “We learned we should not have tried to invade Russia……” OH…

  7. I once heard that cunt Murray describe herself, in her plummy southern tones, as ‘a simple Yorkshire lass’. Stupid bitch.

    • “Ones had it hard,
      Pass the advocado please darling”…
      Maybe she just meant shes simple?

  8. Our Phase 1,2 and 3 PPE fits everyone. It adjusts, (apart from the Tyvex suits, they come in different sizes), you see. Perhaps these screeching harpees should do a bit of research before spouting forth on subjects other than cooking and kittens. And a racist virus???? Are there no fucking depths these cunts will stoop to to extol their ‘victim status’? We’ll have Doreen Lawrence on next claiming that if the caller was white, the ambulance would have got there quicker and the crew would have tried harder.

    BBC? A stain on the Devil’s gusset.

    • “We’ll have Doreen Lawrence on next claiming that if the caller was white, the ambulance would have got there quicker and the crew would have tried harder”….being fair, if I was the ambulance driver or on the crew,she’d probably have a valid point.

      “Justice D’Wayne Umbongo here..Me needum white screechy bus go to Ju-Ju man mud-hut for da racist Whitey potion”.

      ” Just hold on,Mr Umbongo…we’ll be there just as soon as I’ve taken a drive through the picturesque Northumbrian Hills,had a picnic and walked the hounds….have you considered removing the chiggun bone from your nose….you remember that KFC bargain bucket caused you endless breathing problems last time……Oh,and Fuck Off”

      • Dick, surely “Ok, I’ll be round with the gun shortly, one barrel or two??” would be a more suitable response?

      • Don’t forget to finish your book as well before setting off Sir Fiddler – war and peace!
        And I have had a word with big Tone at the BEEB, Kirkwood the mad old cat lady has done one to be replaced by the delightful Sarah Keith-Lucas – but to my singular disappointment this gal hasn’t got her lovely tits out once! ?

      • ‘being fair, if I was the ambulance driver or on the crew,she’d probably have a valid point.’

        I almost spat my coffee out???

        Morning, gents.

      • Can’t smile wide enough, Jack, and, I hope the same applies to you?

    • “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story” said everyone at the BBC. Always.

  9. Why just one womans hour? This all men are bastards shite is on BBC radio and tv all day everyday.
    Still, at least for one day the beeb have to pretend to like servicemen/ Spitfires/Churchill etc with old film of thousands of disgusting overwhelming ly white crowds cheering with sheer happiness and relief long before we were improved by our new vibrant and diverse neighbours.

    • Yeah I saw that “VE Day in Colour.” last night. Fuck me there wasn’t a single BAME face anywhere and every cunt had one of those fascist Union Jack flags. Fucking raaay-sists.
      Still that was a long time ago……..1645 or something innit?

      • ‘Fuck me there wasn’t a single BAME face anywhere’.

        Just wait until the BBC, or any fuckers in the media to be fair, do a re-make. It’ll be like the United Fucking Nations. They already big up the role that wimmin played, now, comparing the albeit superb female ATA pilots to Fighter Command, calling them ‘Spitfire Pilots’. I heard a BBC interviewer do this to one of them and she tore her off a strip. Put the wimmin interviewer RIGHT in her place.

    • We’ve had our hour Jack, it’s all over for the male sex. Gradually, cock & balls will disappear & we’ll all be oestrogen rich & reproduction will be a fanny-mashing asexual thing.

      • All over, until something needs doing.
        These sad bitches aren’t a fucking patch on the women of yesteryear.
        You only have to look at the photo in the header, never mind listen to the programme, to see that they’re fucking useless.
        Morning Gussers.

      • Guten Tag Jack.
        It’s highly selective, this feminism thing & Wimmins Hour has always been a steaming bag of piss. I like to tune in now & again, just to hear what the enemy are thinking.

      • Intelligence gathering. That’s the spirit.
        Good work, keep it up !
        Carry on, men.

    • Because unfortunately we are irrelevant JTC. We have a Minister for Women, families, children but no Minister for Men.
      More discrimination, as per f*cking always.

      • Morning Vernon. It is as you say. That’s why they can all Fuck Off.

  10. I’ve never had the misfortune I’m afraid, but OTHER tart orientated crap spring to mind. One particular is Loose Women or as I call it Moose Wimmin. One look at ANY of these old harridans is enough to make me reach for the whiskey bottle, But Janet Street Porter is definitely the supreme cunt of them all. And you know what … there would be a public outcry if there was a program called Lads Together or some such – you wouldn’t hear the last of it.

    • I won’t hear a thing against the fragrant Janet – she’s my go to thought if I get too close to the vinegar stroke too quickly, then I’m good to carry on for another 15 minutes.

    • Agree Mickey.
      Those loose women talk purile shite. Oh my fanny itches a lot this month. Anyone got any lard or tallow I can slap on it.

  11. Queens on later (the old woman lives in a big house not the band)
    To give us a speech on VE day.
    The day the referee said the might of the English fighting forces beat the nazis.
    But Ive seen photos of her and her family giving nazi salutes?
    When did she change sides?
    Well when she finally came round she backed a winner.
    We won.
    Nothing on earth like the British at war??????
    Oh and thanks to our yank friends, know you got there late but your help at the end was a nice gesture.
    WW3 try and be on time, itll be China.

    • We should sack the postman first MNC – idle b*stard delivered Winston’s letter to Roosevelt 3 Years late!
      Lazy Royal Mail slackers.

    • Morning MNC. It is said, that that generation was the greatest. I, for one, wholeheartedly agree.

      • Morning Jack, #metoo.
        From the lads fighting on land, at sea in the air, the Home Guard, to the landgirls, that generation had a firm backbone and was the best of British.
        Nowadays Hitler would only need one tank and 15 men to take this country.
        Fuckin joke weve become.

    • The thing is Miserable, our Royals are basically Krauts with a Greek immigrant thrown in for good measure.

      Their name was Saxe-Coburg up to 1917, when they Anglicised it to Windsor due to anti-German sentiment among the plebs for some reason… ?

    • Bang on MNC & Jack. It puts the current shit into perspective – the snowflake cunts are all contemplating suicide because they haven’t been able to go out for a month or so. Christ help them if something like a war closer to home happened & the fem-boys were given a uniform, 30 rounds, a rifle & a kick up the arse then sent out to face a million screaming rinkies paratroopers! That’d give Sam Smith something to shit his girly pants about.

  12. It’s not just Wimmin’s Hour. It is now the whole of R4.
    Listening this morning to Today, they had the head of the Armed Forces on to talk about VE Day. And what did they slip in?
    ‘How do you feel about veterans in care homes dying from the virus?’

    I used to listen to R4 regularly. It just winds me up nowadays. The BBC just doesn’t get it. We are not all woke London cunts, who inhabit a different fucking planet.

  13. Morning all! Slightly off topic, but if I hear that fucking Vera Lynn song one more time!! Cunt!!

    • Particularly when some teenager does it with vibrato so wide that you could get Jenni Murray through the gap, and with a horrible nasal whine. DVL was NEVER like that.

  14. My memory is a little vague but when I was in industry and required to wear a dust mask (the 3M type) the legislation required the employer to provide a mask fit testing.
    Various types were available and if one wasn’t suitable the another could be tried, the usual issue was the fit around the nose to get a good seal.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if these ‘women’ aren’t getting the fit test done, my neighbour who works in the NHS was wearing this type of mask and his glasses were steaming up so he was given a fit test.
    No one should be asked to wear a mask until the fit test has been done and the fit test applies only to the particular mask tested.

    • You’re correct, Sick. We FIT test, and, even if none of the masks are suitable, which is rare, we have powered hoods – hopefully two to a truck, soon – but one on each bus, which even John Merrick could wear.

  15. I’m not a sexist cunt, but more of an old fashioned cunt in a young cunts body…but seriously who the fuck would want to be a woman?
    Don’t get me wrong I think women are greatest thing the Creator designed and I want to fuck as many as possible before I die but the poor cow’s are in a constant battle.
    They turn psycho once a month for most of their lives.
    They grow up wanting the fairytale wedding and happily ever after and all that… doesn’t really happen.
    They stop giving the Man what he wants (Blow jobs and anal)…the man messes abaaaaaht and she finds aaaaht…
    She ends up having kids losing her figure and wonders why her bloke is eyeing up some younger lady.
    Constantly worrying abaaaaaht ageing and getting fat.
    Then the menopause.
    Spare a thought for the poor old cow’s and it’s no wonder they end up confused, sometimes lesbian, man hating, Feminists.
    Thank God I am a man, we get better with age (although in my case it’s hard to get any better).

    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Morning B&WC,
      As a proud sexist myself, I have to say that I agreee with all of your points.
      However, wimmin are such insufferable cunts in every conceivable way that they deserve to be miserable throughout their lives.
      Nothing is ever good enough for them in every facet of life, so their eternal state of wretched frustration gives me a warm glow.

      • From a non embittered man, looking at what you have said objectively TTCE, you are 100% right.

        Women are never happy with their lot, always pushing for bigger, better and more expensive. And God forbid one of their friends acquires a better car, house, handbag, etc.

        They seem to be in eternal participation of the world’s biggest pissing contest. My missus must be one of the world’s worst.

        She probably says I’m a miserable, indifferent arsehole.

      • Have to say, my missus is quite the opposite – no keeping up with the Jones’ for her, very non-materialistic.

        The most unreasonable thing she’s ever wanted is a new kitchen. Unreasonable because I do all the cooking!

        She was even willing to pay for it with her own money.

      • Evening TTTE,
        True words, I think they would be miserable on their own or if everything was how they wanted it anyways.
        I like to add to their misery. ?

    • I take it ‘hard to get better’ wasn’t a euphemism B/W? Or was it a play on words?

  16. Jenni Murray certainly has a face for radio. Same as that Shelagh O’Flabberty on LBC. Both of these obese monsters remind of the fat lady in Total Recall.

  17. I’ve never had the ‘pleasure’ of listening to Women’s Hour and don’t need to. The picture of the two harpies at the top says it all.

  18. Fuck BBC Radio 4 and fuck their Man Hater’s Hour. How the fuck can a plague be ‘racist’? What the fuck will be next? Nuclear bombs are ‘racist’? A telephone box has ‘sexist tendencies?’ A wheelie bin is ‘against diversity?’ Fucking madness. A virus like blue mink bat flu is not a living thing with a brain. It doesn’t have any thoughts or opinions. Are some women really that fucking stupid? Yes, they bloody well are. And as for those who aren’t sticking to the lockdown rules because they ‘No understandy Engerlish’? Fuck them. The bastards have been here for years and not bothered to learn the language or integrate and just hoover up all the welfare and other stuff, then it’s their own fault. Happy to take the money and everything else though, eh? The damn cunts.

    Oh aye, this and all…. Will all the ‘pride in Britain’ cunts who have up rainbow pictures and flags and who clapped the NHS like seals last night be commemorating or even thinking about the anniversary of VE Day? Nah, course not. They probably don’t even know what it is, never mind when it is. The cunts.

  19. An hour, the average time a man can tolerate a woman post ejaculation.

  20. Women sour with Dame Jenni Fucking Pashmina

    Anyone leaving the radio on when this turns up is a fully paid up member of the RFMBOAAT* Club and deserves everything they get.

    *Radio four must Be On At All Times

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