Whispering in Films

Whispering in Films

This is brief and perhaps flippant but it really gets me….. whispering in films.
Why do people think that whispering in films makes it more dramatic? It doesn’t, it just makes me put the fucking volume up.

When did this shallow dramatic craze take hold and who started it?

I remember old TV dramas and movies where no one whispered unless they were sneaking up on some Nazis or robbing a house. But now every chance a so called actor gets they talk in a low husky voice because they haven’t got the acting talent to convey ……drama.

Whispering in movies, you are a cunt.

Nominated by Mac McCunt

58 thoughts on “Whispering in Films

  1. And what compounds the problem with all this whispering bollocks is the irritating background music that overrides what they’re trying to say.

    Plus when you turn the volume up so you can hear these cunts, the next thing there’s a loud fucking explosion or thrash of music that almost blows your eardrums!

    • Exactly right and the American accents don’t help, they tend to mumble along with the whisper.

      I don’t understand why the mood/tension music needs to be so loud.

  2. Sure you dont need a hearing Aid Mac?
    Maybe theyre shy? Low self esteem? Watch something with Brian Blessed in he booms and roars no whispering with Brian.
    Also, other deaf people stick subtitles on!

    • Mac, your not the girl in the Maltesers advert are you?
      If so ill be a £5 up!?

      • Every film ever made should have Brian Blessed at volume, swords, beef and beer!
        Nothing less is acceptable – and funny to see the Hollywoke snowflake films bombing at the box office time and time again – is that a libtard bubble I see bursting?
        Zombies and n*zis in films are also acceptable ??
        Whispering in films? Trying to prop up a shocking script and lousy acting with fake drama.
        Jeremiah Johnson is an old film, but superb.

      • Jeremiah Johnson?
        Robert Redford or Donald Trump isnt it? (I cant tell them apart)
        Yeah thats a good film.
        Im waiting to hear back about a script I wrote Foxy!
        A heroic SS officer rounds up some dangerous evil gypsies in WW2, while saving a beautiful blonde girl from the communists.
        Heard nowt yet though.

      • Waycism MNC – that’s why they’re no-platforming you! Monsters! ?
        I have just written a nom on gypsies – really hope it makes the grade, it’s fucking brutal! ??

      • Yeah read it tickied it.
        Good un that mate.?
        One we surely all agree on.

      • Can’t wait to see that mom Vernon. Anything ripping Pikeys apart gets my vote.

      • Vernon. Often, when I am filling in forms, i have Brian Blessed shouting the answers at me in my head…..brilliant!….
        Male / Female – “BLOKE YOU UTTER CUNT”
        AGE – “OLD ENOUGH

      • Works for me Daz! Whenever I have to fill out any forms it really makes my blood boil when they have every choice of nationality except “English” – so I insert it myself with a little note saying “I’m English – have you not heard of England”?

      • Or nationality and you have to scroll through 290 of em. Including Bouvet Island FFS, too remote rugged and cold for penguins or plankton

  3. I used to be able to hear cunts whispering but a lifetime of self abuse has put paid to that.

  4. I find whispering in adverts irritating too. And also those fucking adverts where noises are amplified are fucking irritating too, e.g. water being poured from a kettle into a jug or the tapping of keyboards. The people who make modern adverts are cunts. In the 1970s, it was said that the adverts were better than the programmes (The Sweeney, The Professionals and Minder amongst the exceptions). Now the adverts and the programmes are shit.

    • Don Estelle was a top little bloke!
      Nice voice too, died poor as fuck, feel sorry for him, those cunts at the BBC never helped him, hope he fuckin haunts them.

      • Fuck him…plenty of work available if he’d signed up for the “D.warf-chucking” circuit…..you’ve no idea the difficulties I had finding some for the last Rugby Club Dinner….selfish little Sods.

      • Warwick sure, launch that fucker the lenth of a playing field, but not Don Estelle!
        Poor little Don?
        I hope those qüëër cunt bosses at the beeb are backstage one night an a ghostly Don in pith helmet comes for them!
        And a spectral Windsor Davis.

      • Listen out for the whispering grass AL-BEEB – wooooo, he’s behind you! ?

      • Outrageous Sir Fiddler – this PC nonsense has gone too far, next thing you know they will make clubbing Women and dragging them back to the cave illegal!
        Dismal form.

      • I’d like to club Diane Abbott…not so sure about dragging her back to the cave….the cost of the diesel involved in towing something like that along behind the tractor would be ruinous…..and I wouldn’t dare Fuck her in the open for fear someone saw me and laughed.

  5. That cunt Bradley Cooper got two modes of acting….The ineligible whisper…or the elongated deep burp. Both for dramatic purposes both making him look and sound like the poncey Hollywood cunt he is.

  6. And to add to this Cunting…… showing text messages on TV screens as
    part of the plot, and the phone always held at an angle, bloody well nigh
    impossible to read.

    • ???✋?☝???✌.
      Sorry just a message for our deaf readers.

      • .. …. … ….. … . .. …
        Sorry cant leave the blind our can we?!!

    • Now they have started with gloom.
      I mean the lighting. Even police at a crime scene or doctors at operating table mumble and fumble about in Dickensian night time gloom.
      Time was that video was shot through a blue filter because that suited a dark skin colour. That started in Hollywood and eventually the Beeb caught on.
      Now that smoking is banned everywhere the new fashion is to have the smoke machine running with everything a washed out pastel colour.
      Enter a room that has been sealed for decades – mysteriously, it is smokey.
      Wonder what the next gimmick will be?
      Every scene like a Vettriano painting?

  7. I blame that cunt who played Don Corleone. He started it. And mumbling, with his mouth full of cotton wool balls.

    • Merlin Brandy?
      Nutter an degenerate.
      He fiddled with Richard Pryor. (True.)

      • “My father made him an offer he couldn’t refuse, Creampuffs Rupert Bear 50p coin investment opportunity”, (P&P not included, T&C apply).

    • I watched “The Wild One” the other week….ruined due to the fact that I couldn’t help but think that Marlon Brando was dressed like a refugee from some Gay Pride event.

      • Speaking of Gay Pride…I hope Krav returns,I rather liked the appalling Cunt.

      • Lee Marvin stole that film in my opinion.
        Marlon looked like he should of been in Judas Priest.

      • Brando does look massively camp in his sweet little “Blue Oyster Bar” leather cap DF!

      • Afternoon Dick.
        I could never take this film seriously for that very fact.

    • He did the same fucking thing in Pucker lips now. The horror, the horror

  8. I don’t like films that are too dark.
    Or have dark keys in them a lot,or as heroes.Dreadful.
    The disgusting cunts.

    • Not arsed about them whispering as I won’t hear them for Mrs Terry asking me what’s going on now every 5 minutes.

    • But, but – they saved the World against evil whitey! Ask anyone! (In Hollywood).

  9. Nice nom, Mac. I thought I was the only one who got pissed at this, thought I was an anomaly!
    Fucking mumblers seem to turn up increasingly in tv drama, as well as badly lit scenes. The film makers seem to think that they’re generating atmospheric effect, but often they spoil it because it’s just hard to make out what’s actually going on. BBCunts get loads of complaints about this apparently, as if turning everything into ‘woke’ shite wasn’t bad enough.

    • The last time I went to the cinema there were only about 20 people in there, the other half and I went to an empty row about halfway up. The film had just started when a soy boy type and his girlfriend came in, headed straight for our row and asked us to move. This was annoying but we let it go,anyway during the next two hours they must have got up ten times to buy junk food or go to the bog. Eventually I lost it and asked the thick cunts if they wanted to stand on my fucking feet again before they left. I thought the bloke was going to cry and he says but but its like a long film so the other half loses his rag and shouts “if you are incontinent you should sit on the end you fucking twat” . It amazes me how many people just cant sit still and shut up for an hour or so. The time before that there was a fat cunt who looked like he came from Royston Vasey shaking an empty carrier bag about the whole time,strange business!

      • Sorry about that Mary!
        Id just nipped in for a quick wank, sorry if my moaning in seat 43 ruined your viewing.

      • Essex University in 1979 – there was a showing of ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ in one of the lecture theatres.
        13 of us spent the whole day getting stoned and drinking , and made it in time to get good seats in the middle of the 8th row.
        Using contemporary ‘Sparkwhip’ dispensers. We slowly dispersed laughing gas into our mouths , as the film unfolded.
        After 30 mins we were all giggling like schoolgirls , and later , just as the pillow went over Jack Nicholson’s face , my friend nudged me in the ribs and grinned – fuck , then we were openly cackling like geese. This spread along our row.
        Fuck knows how much laughing gas we had let off in that confined space? But an enraged lefty , bearded student type jumped up in the corner , and screamed “You Bastards” at the top of his lungs. – and the whole fucking theatre erupted with gales of laughter , as Jack’s feet were twitching their final dance!
        Surreal as fuck.
        I still laugh about it now.

  10. Whispering and filming scenes in near total darkness.

    Lighting and sound mixing; two lost arts in film-land.

    • I’ve stopped adjusting my TV. Some programmes are so dark that I used to turn up the brightness then I’d later change channel and think I was looking at a supernova.

  11. There are so many things in films that irritate me, I wouldn’t have the space to list them all in just one thread. But here are some examples. Actors who make noises when they’re eating food or drinking something, actors who make slurping noises when they kiss, actors pretending to stutter – I’ve never heard one who sounds realistic. And actors pretending to smoke when it’s obvious they don’t normally touch cigarettes.

  12. Or growly voices. It was ok when Clint Eastwood did it (you could still hear every word, somehow), but when anyone else tries it, you have to turn the volume right up. Then a piece of music, phone ringing or baby crying kicks in on the film or TV show you’re watching and almost deafens you.

    Actually, unanswered phones and babies crying annoy the fuck out of me if they happen in a film or TV show I’m watching. Directors who sanction such scenes should be shot in front of their families.

    • People screaming for help in a film annoys me, screeching, have some dignity!
      Funny because although it annoys me in films I can completely ignore it when its one of the neighbours at night.

      • You’d love the film ‘Amy’ then.
        Couple lose their daughter , and spend the next 90 minutes screaming “AMY”.

  13. Whispering and mumbling on TV really pisses me off. I always had to put on the subtitles when Ripper Street was on because all the cunts mumbled.

  14. I remember watching that film, The Horse Whisperer. Robert Redford. He whispers to a horse.
    When it got near the end, the horse after being polite for so long finally gave up. “Speak up! I can’t hear what you’re saying!”

    • And if Robert Redford had found a lozenge the film would have never been made! ?‍♂️?

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