I would like to cunt cunts in the media and cunts who phone in to radio shows who keep parroting the words “we will get through this”.
How the fuck do they know?
Already tens of thousands (apparently) have NOT got through this – I bet a lot of them were told “we will get through this”.
Then again, the pandemic is probably all a hoax anyway, like what Orson Wells perpetrated in America in 1938.
Or maybe a conspiracy cooked up by God, the New World Order, the blessed virgin Greta and her uncle Tom Cobley an’ all.
We may never know.
Either way, it’s time to call a spade a spade again and make common sense legal once more.
Nominated by Ruff Tuff Creampuff
It’s evoking the wartime spirit RTC, politicians prefer to give us mindless slogans over giving us facts.
Hopefully many people invest time in looking past the slogans and finding out what solid facts are available.
Considering the access available to both communications and knowledge, it’s a fucking scandal how little we actually know.
I’ve always believed in calling a spade a spade. Call out bullshit when you hear bullshit. Yes, these are strange times we are living in, but fuck me! I think over the past decade or so left and right wing politics have sort of muddied.Whatever your political stand point these fuckin cunts are just winging it. Bullshit at every turn, no fuckin responsibility for such shit response anywhere. I know this coronavirus is a cunt and nobody could have foreseen it 6 months ago, but UK government is that the best you can do? Pitiful and embarrassing
We will, we will, maybe not together and only on the basis that the majority will be fine and those less fortunate are fucked.
The witch-hunt is now on for the care home ‘crisis’, old people are dying, what is going on!
Excess deaths is the latest way to disguise the the figures, the 2017/18 Winter caused close to 50 million above the average, so it ain’t that bad.
Remember, we are all in this together. Keep calm, clap your hands and everything’s gonna be alright.
When Chinky flu is gone, buried, under control….. that’s when the real Crisis will start.
Yes, a perceptive last sentence.
Perhaps this is the doing of the remainers – make sure to give old people the least amount of protection from the virus so they all end up dead!
That way a new referendum can be called with a good chance the remainers will win with all the old Brexit lovers dead and buried.
It all makes perfect sense now.
Good cunting RTC….The current state of hysteria is bullshit to the depth of the Mariana Trench. Common Sense is now outlawed , and no one may have any opinion that is different to the Global Speak Trumpet!
Common sense, and rational discussion is desperately needed, and if left to the raby brigade, then revolt will almost certainly occur.
Excellent nom RTC – we WILL get through this together.
Together we will say “my opinion is valid, how fucking dare you call me a n*zi”.
Together we will say “who the fuck do you think you are calling me a r*cist for disagreeing with you, cunt”?
Together we will say “while I appreciate and respect all the efforts and sacrifices being made to keep us safer I WILL NOT be ordered to perform the four legs good two legs bad seal clapping by virtue signalling bullies who could not give a fuck about the NHS etc six Months ago”.
Together we will call out the “liberal left” and expose them for what they are – the fanatical far right compromising of bigots, r*cists, f*scists and n*zis pretending to represent democracy whilst simultaneously doing everything they can to destroy it – and not by intimidation and violence like they use, but by exposing their narrative for what it is – illegal, swivel eyed hate speech, and their remit for what it is – the violent suppression of dissent.
Together we will shout, more and more of us, and louder and louder that we have the RIGHT to free speech and our opinion without being arrested at work for alleged hate crime, because free speech is the cornerstone on which a democracy is built, and I will fucking DIE before I surrender that right.
Together we will get through this, because we are British, we are proud, we are brave and we have paid for our rights, freedoms and democracy with our blood, toil and pain – to be betrayed, again, and again and again.
So, yes, we will get through this together, despite the efforts of all our detractors, because kicking someone makes them even more determined to get straight back up and kick back – and payback is a BITCH.
Winston Churchill once said of an evil menace “we will fight them on the beaches”, this appears to have been misinterpreted lately as “we will invite them on to the beaches”. But things change, and we are a volcano of justifiable anger – Politicians change nothing, the people can change everything.
Rant over, feel better now! ?
On other news, I really want to pork the blonde girl who works in my local home bargains!
Gotta get thru this Ruff Tuff
Good evening
It’s a meaningless flag-waving phrase, not unlike the vacuous David Blair-Cameron’s “we are all in this together” only some are more “in it” than others.
“How the fuck do they know?”
Indeed! In fact only in the last few days, the WHO have warned that Coronavirus may never go away.
When interviewed, Roger Daltrey said “.Why are you asking me? How the fuck should I know? I do know It’s an ideal time for a quick one” (while it’s away.) The only thing I can add is “Get out and stay out.” “My Generation“ is particularly at risk.
Baba O’Riley told me we don’t get fooled again!
He was wrong.
Just As Voltaire said. ‘All is for the best, in the best of all possible worlds!’ How the fuck do you know, you daft twat? How many worlds have you visited, then??
It wasn’t Voltaire who said that, it was Dr Pangloss, a character in Voltaire’s satirical masterpiece ‘Candide’, whose over-optimistic sentiment and logical fallacies were the main target of Voltaire’s ridicule.
PS: Before anyone tries to claim their £5, let me make it clear I am not CS.
The giveaway was your writing in English.
I Voltaire wrote it, that’s near enough!
Just like George Orwell said: “two plus two equals five.”
I couldn’t give a tuppenny Fuck whether they get through it or they don’t…is a pretty fair bet that there’s nothing I want off them,so why should I care what happens to them or they care what happens to me?
Fuck this “We”…it’s “Me” that I care about.
Fuck Off.
Great nom as always Ruff!
Get through what?
Wish you wouldnt panic so much!
The only thing I want to get through is the boozer doors.
Fuck right off !
There’ll be a hell of a lot of Pubs that will never reopen….still, as long as everyone is “safe”….that’s what counts.
Wonder if they’ll have a “clap the dole-office workers” day in the future?…They’re certainly going to have plenty of work on their hands.
Probably not TBH DF – shed loads of them will get made redundant so sleepy Boris and our hardworking and trustworthy Government can outsource it to Capita!
Didn’t mean to sound like I was panicking MNC. Far from it.
Not sure what I was really trying to say with this nom, except that at the time of writing I was so sick to death of hearing countless politicians and MSM commentators continuously spouting the phrase “we will get through this”, it drove me to distraction.
I mean, talk about stating the bleedin’ obvious!
I would have left it there but I knew Admin would require more than that to post the nom, so the rest is more or less random stream of consciousness gobbledegook.
What does slightly panic me is the way the economy, including millions of jobs and livelihoods, is being sacrificed on the altar of saving life at ALL costs, keeping a few thousand cunts alive, most of whom are almost dead anyway.
Statistically speaking, 91% of coronavirus deaths have been people with serious underlying conditions. 88% have been people over 65 and the number of deaths of people aged under 50 is so small it barely figures.
Besides, we need a cull in this country, 20 million being a figure I previously posited – maybe it’s Nature’s way of helping us out?
Fucks Sake….I’ve just seen some appeal from a foodbank….apparently this week they URGENTLY need sponge-puddings,tinned meat and ketchup (57 varieties only,no doubt).
A fucking menu of what is “acceptable” indeed….they’ll wait a fucking while before I spend my money on luxury items to keep them in the style to which they have become accustomed….the Cunts should try getting a cheaper mobile-phone or cancelling Sky Sport and use some of the saved benefit money to buy their own fucking treacle-puddings.
Benefits Budget
Mobile/Broadband top up
New 65” TV
Clothing – Primark online.
Food (food bank)
Rent (council)
Council Tax (council)
Gas/water/electric (they can fuck off)
Sugar tea jam and flour was enough for soldiers and explorers. Give em that and tell them they’re fookin lucky.
The first pint will be the best MNC! (the other seven will also be acceptable!) ?
Im honestly in danger of weeping when finally go the pub, built it up in my mind like a bloke in the desert does over finding water.
Just been our chippy, queuing outside, but felt nice doing something so ‘normal’ getting a chippy Tea.
Evening Miserable, we all need a bit of normality at the moment. I’m sure Fiddler is at the kitchen table, shotgun stripped and parts cleaned at this very moment in anticipation of the warm weather, easing of lockdown and unsuspecting ramblers. The first “Oi, get the fuck orf moi laaaand” will have never sounded better.
Naw, sat in a tin bath in front of a open fire eating a Cadburys flake,
the hounds licking his plate of fray Bentos pie clean on the floor,
The radio blaring out Smooth fm while Dick sings along out of key.☺
The first pint back in the boozer will be like John Mills in Ice Cold in Alex. Drinking in the house is not the same. Miss seeing the regulars in the local, taking the piss out of one another, having a laugh and a chat. It will come MNC, pray that locals come out of this shitfest unscathed.
Yeah Bob, have 2 pubs I go in, one with the family, one with the lads.
In the one with my mates
I like being cheeky to the barmaids and shouting banter back an too, the jukebox is there is great?
Never any trouble, no kids, no meals its for drinking only.
Cant wait to go on a spree!?
Tuppenny fuck ? Either inflation has failed to reach your neck of the woods or she looks like my ex.
Ruffers old son, all I can say is ‘stay safe!’.
That could be difficult for him Ron as only just today, it’s been revealed that there is evidence that the virus can be passed on by cats. There is a warning not to kiss your cat. RTC has about three pussies he has to kiss before he goes to bed!
Three pussies to kiss before bedtime…
We can but dream…
I don’t want to alarm you Ruff but cats in New York have tested positive (fuck, they’re testing cats in the US and we can’t even test people.)
Just take care is all I’m saying and don’t involve tongues.
Evening Bertie.
As the great philosopher Alfred E. Neuman said:
“What, me worry?”
There’s only one cunt in our neighbourhood who reckons he’s had covid-19, and he’s no longer infectious. Happily he also lived to tell the tale.
Besides, our cats rarely venture beyond the Manorial border, and certainly not as far as New Yawk!
Not been bringing in any bats at night? Bats can travel great distances.
Dont think bats do transatlantic flights Bertie!
We add those bats to our wild mushroom soup. ?
I can sort his cats out.
No comments from the peanut gallery.
How long before some cunt says
“ we will fight them on the beaches “
Which nowadays would be more relevant for the ice cream vendors who want £ 3.00 for a cornetto on Brighton beach ( cunts)
Lucky we’re not in a real war as this country’s loaded with lord haw haw type quislings who would quite happily run up a white flag and throw themselves at the enemies feet ……..
Some good news …. apparently Barnier and his EU fuckwits aren’t happy with Brexit negotiations………..
Not to worry Quizzers, we will get through this, albeit over four years late.
Evening LL
I’ve been waiting since that utter cunt major signed the Maastricht treaty, reading the conditions It felt like UK had lost a war ………
The U.K. had lost
The U.K. …… FFS ?
Apparently we won’t roll over and grant unlimited fishing access, and the acceptance of the EU rulebook and primacy of the ECJ.
It’s just not cricket!!
They needn’t worry, the government will roll over when they think the public’s attention is focussed elsewhere.
I suppose when Churchill said ‘We will never surrender’ he couldn’t actually be 100% sure. I suppose Hirohito said something similar before he had to ‘accept the unacceptable’. I remember Botha saying for years there never would be black majority rule in South Africa. Ian Paisley often said ‘no surrender’ and he ended up in government with Martin McGuiness..
The world could end tomorrow. You just don’t know. Anything can happen.
I think this virus is Mother Nature’s way of telling the human race to Get To Fuck .
Maybe we all will.
Settle down now.
Little yellow bastards.
We should all go out and take our fucking chances now , I’ve had enough of this Bullshit. The figures are skewed to make it look worse than it is. No cunt dies of Pneumonia or heart attacks and strokes anymore, its this Covid19 bollocks . We can afford to loose 30 – 40 thousand cunts in Britain anyway as long as its not me. Stupid fuckers walking around with masks on, and has this lockdown really saved any lives ? if this Virus had never been mentioned by the Government or the media do you think anyone would have noticed anything different ? Its unbelievable how scared people have become and why ? The Hospitals have not been overrun and the Nightingale Hospital had less than 20 people in it earlier this week. ENOUGH NOW IT’S GETTING SILLY.
Amen Brother.
‘if this Virus had never been mentioned by the Government or the media’
I don’t know about Pandemics or viruses but a tiny thought in the back of my mind that they have to ‘run their course’. That it would weaken over time naturally.
That our modern media ‘awareness’ of how to counteract is prolonging the agony.
Or summat. I don’t know.
Evening RTC.
I must say I’ve seen very little in the way of ‘togetherness’ round my way. Not so long ago hurricane Harvey really fucked the area where I live now. We were living in Minnesota at the time and watched the awful events unfold on the telly. We were struck by the camaraderie, helping one another out and going the extra mile for people you didn’t know. In the few years since Harvey, that ‘togetherness’ has completely disappeared. Round here it’s ‘I’ll do what I like and you can just put up with it’. There are days when I really hate the Yanks, especially the cunts in my street.
In other news….more Yank fuckwittery to report.
Yesterday there was fucking uproar in my street. The cause? A long convoy of perhaps 20 or so cars and pik-erp-trerks all honking their horns while the demented occupants waved signs and banners. It was a god awful din. What the F was going on, I hear you ask? Apparently, it was the end of the school year and a bunch of brats had ‘graduated’ from high school. Apparently, you can have a flag made with your stupid face on it and some shite like “2020 High School Graduate” printed on it. Then you stick the stupid flag in your front lawn to advertise the fact you’ve reached an age where you stop going to school. Apparently in Yankland that’s the grounds for a celebration and attracts the honking convoy to blast their horns at you as they drive by at 5 mph. Hmm…not the kind of drive by I’d have preferred. You’ll be pleased to know that upon hearing this fucking cacophony, I went outside and yelled at them to fuck off. Cunt neighbour to my right was outside with its two ‘graduates’ waving at the cars and didn’t look too pleased. Good. He can fuck right off too. Bastard cunting piece of trailer park pond life.
Last time I checked, in order to be a graduate you needed to have acquired a degree. Ergo…you can’t actually graduate from high school. Yanks are so thick. Sometimes you just have to laugh at them. I’m off for a piss, after which I shall be graduating from the toilet.
Come home IY. You’ve obviously had enough!
However, I can think of no good reasons for doing so!
Is there no safe haven you can withdraw to? ?
Evening Sir Bert. Well, back in Jan/Feb we were gearing up to move by looking for new jobs in the Dallas area. We’ve found an estate agent to sell our house and were working with an estate agent in Dallas who was looking for the right type of property we want and could afford.
And then the world changed. As the major bread winner (when I’m actually working which I’m not right now) it’s more important for me to find a high paying gig. Mrs Yank could do an internal transfer to her company’s Dallas office if push came to shove. But the slow down in hiring and the collapse of the housing market (nobody’s moving) has left us stuck somewhere we don’t want to be. Thanks China!
It’s only a matter of time before things swing back our way, but in the meantime it’s grim. I’ve not been in this position before of absolutely hating where I live and hating everyone who lives around me. Better days ahead, but for now it’s a waiting game.
Never mind…I’m off to the shooting range later this afternoon. Booked myself a private lesson so I can learn how to handle my new firearm, a Smith & Wesson 586 (357 Magnum revolver). I will be thinking of my neighbours each time I squeeze the trigger. ?
You’ve got a plan. You’re halfway there!
Yeah IY blow those punk neighbours away!!
Wish I had a magnum!
Next time I went rambling I could shoot back!?
The Dirty Harry of Stockport.
Yes indeed, Sir Bert. The plan hasn’t changed – just the timing. We’ll get it sorted and to be fair, we’re not as badly off as a lot of folks.
The range trip went well. New range employee Tony asked if he could join in with my private lesson. No probs Tone. Turns out he’s a 30 year military veteran from the US equivalent of the UK’s SBS. What a fantastic bloke. Stories you wouldn’t believe! My S&W 586 is fun to shoot, but still a bit scary. I made mincemeat of the bullseye…….from 3 yards. ? But I did make a target headshot from 18 yards later in my session. Not bad.
No neighbours were harmed during the live fire, but they were all imagined with extreme prejudice. Cunts.
Evening I.Y.
Thanks for the letter from America.
Btw, how’s your cat(s) doing?
Arf’noon RTC –
I like to report on some of the absurdity of Yank life. Lived here almost 20 years and still don’t really fit in. Hahaha.
My cat is doing well. He’s almost 16 now. He’s actually sitting on my desk purring his head off as I type this. I think he wants my lap to settle down on. He had a dental a couple of months ago (just before Flu Manchu came to town). He did great, but it was a little sad to reflect it will probably be his last one. He’s in great health though. Flies around the house like a kitten and has a ‘get off your arse and feed me NOW’ attitude a mile wide.
Thanks for asking. What cat news from RTC HQ?
Is it true a lot of tech firms are looking to relocate to Texas because California is turning into a high tax dump?
Yes,we will get through it. Eventually. But it won’t be any time soon if the people I see in the shops are anything to go by. They don’t appear to be able to think of more than one thing at a time, if they’re contemplating which tin of fish to buy, all this two metres separation goes right out of the window. They’ll walk straight at you like you’re not there, the fucking idiots.
Allan – you need an improvised ( but also a dummy) explosives belt for your weekly Tesco chop!
fuck- it should be shop!! but probably best left as it was!
A Freudian slip Bertie! ?
My iPad knows me so well Vern, it operates on predictive pun not predictive text!
Women are the worst. Half of them make no attempt to socially distance. I took a walk in the park today and the number of dopey women coming toward me in twos and threes refusing to walk in single file for a few seconds thereby forcing me to veer well off the path was very noticeable. They probably don’t give a fuck cos they believe it’s mostly men that are at risk. Ignorant cunts.
Ruff just calm down!
Your hysterical!
I told you before Miserable – NO comments from the peanut gallery! ?
Sorry Ruff!
Good nom RTCP. Every so often that very nice man Dave Lewis emails me personally about how Tesco’s is saving the country and finishes with the vomit-inducing slogan, ‘Together we can do this’. I suppose he means ripping thousands of people off whilst his repulsive company makes millions of pounds out of the Bat Flu hysteria. I concede that The Orange One is madder than a box of frogs but he’s actually right about something and that is that the World Health Organisation is not fit for purpose. Their latest load of bollocks is that the virus is ‘here to stay’ – so a bit like influenza, cancer, the common cold, breaking a leg, and wanking. Best everybody stays locked up safe for the rest of their lives then.
I bet there’s a wanking pandemic, since the outbreak of The Yellow Fu Manchu Bat Flu Peril.
There should be a daily briefing on the wanking pandemic, complete with government ministers, charts, graphs, and ‘ experts ‘ wearing long mac’s, offering sweeties.
Stay at home ( with your hands tied behind your back ).
Protect the internet
Save X Hamster.
—– BREAKING NEWS ——- Northumbrian internet services crash, local farmer arrested !
Good evening.
Bar graphs? Oh dear…
Brilliant Jack, just brilliant.
The lies and fear tactics are slowly falling apart.
Always keep the proletariat slightly afraid, much easier to manipulate.
Anyway, back to the war on Eastasia.
The WHO also says eating red meat leads to cancer.
It’s so convinced by this finding it has to commission a new study every other year.
America? Terrible – going to school until you are 35 then straight off to Vietnam to munch burgers in a military base! (Unless of course you are George Walker Bush – he saw a film about something called “the war” and how our American saviours turned up 3 Years late to ensure their loan from the first World War could be repaid but due to his “limited” grasp on figures he decided to turn up for the draft 30 Years late!) ?
“The divided States of embarrassment” as a Mr Mathers once described it.
You’d think they went to school until their 30s given the casting of most of their teen soaps and films.
The sad truth emerged with the advent of the web cam and camera phone; American teens are largely moon-faced or potato -headed misfits, usually with learning difficulties or addicted to some sort of prescription drug,
We’re in deep economic shit together, nationally and globally, that’s for sure!
Will we get through it? Probably with a ‘new normal’, world order, bracelets or chips or something biblically shite.
2012 should have been the dawning of the age of aquaman or something. I was fully expecting to be rolling around naked with angelic bitches high on the universal ether by now. Instead we’re still just swirling the toilet bowl, turds getting closer from all directions. Fuck sake.
The new normal? Tracked, watched, spied on and permanently monitored with the helpful Covid19 app – and eventually any refusing to download it will be denied work, benefits and medical treatment.
1984 – and the gurning seals clap as we are being slowly annihilated.
Need to take more soma.
Hell yeah. Never in human history has so much bullshit been put into the public domain by so many vested interests.
BTW now is the time to sell your whoopee cushion futures and buy very cheap airlines.
I hope to get through ‘this,’ whatever this really is, but the birth certificate didn’t come with anything better than a lifetime warranty (think about it).
That was a very insightful and wholly correct first paragraph Komodo!
If I hear that, we’ll meet again or any other mindless fucking slogan one more time I’m gonna put the radio through the fucking wall.
Pathetic, isn’t it?
Sit at home watching Netfix or youtube,weed the garden, paint a Spitfire, make a big dinner and have a few glasses of red while waiting for my self employment support grant to be paid in.
I really feel like i’m in the trenches.
1, dig hole
2, 1/8 fill hole with water and effluent
3, climb in hole
4. start to dig forward to make a cubby hole to sleep in putting the earth in front of your hole.
5, eat cold food from tin
6, have people wake you at irregular times and have some one hit you over the head with a stick should you raise head above the lip of the hole.
That would be a reasonable simulation, better still if you gave the neighbours cart blanche to take pot shots at you with their air riffles whilst you are in it.
It’s the celebrities, the multi millionaire celebrities, entertaining us from their multi million pound homes that’s got me through it.
A special thank you to Miley Cyrus whose been twerking from home….
Tesco staff have t shirts and sweaters with “we’re all in this together” printed on them. The Pigfucker’s words, no less (ugh!)
Tescos also came up with all the propaganda posters about social distancing very quickly, almost like they knew in advance.
Getting paranoid? Me? Never.
Pass the tinfoil… ?
I was accused of being paranoid – I told them “it’s not me that’s paranoid – it’s the invisible aliens who hide in my bin and take x-rays of me – they’re the fucking paranoid ones”! No more invites for tea after that! ?
On other news I am using approved safety goggles with my new axe.
Slay safe..
The aliens aren’t in the bin Vernon. They’re hiding out in that secret nazi base in Antarctica. The one that doesn’t exist, or is just an abandoned portaloo with a swastika on it.
I saw the documentary on YouTube… ?
Tesco (among others) did know of the term ’social distancing’ in advance. The term was first used during the U.S flu epidemic of 2003.
However, experts prefer the term ‘physical distancing’.
The concept of social distancing has been around since the 5th Century BC. God’s best selling novel, The Bible, contains one of the earliest known references to the practice in the Book of Leviticus 13:46:
“And the leper in whom the plague is … he shall dwell alone; [outside] the camp shall his habitation be.”
“And the leper in whom the plague is … he shall dwell alone; [outside] the camp shall his habitation be.”
Great wisdom in the Bible RT?
Was it a misprint Miles?
Did they mean Leopards?
Hardly great, but it helped tide them over until Science developed a cure in the form of antibiotics. Just as it will be Science rather than Religion that will ultimately find a cure to overcome Covid-19.
Faith placates, science works.
Each to their own.
R2 been stating all day, that London now has the fewest new infections per day of the whole country, so should be allowed out of “lockdown” first… North East of the country has the worst numbers. Any cunt here swallowing those figures ??
WE will get through this.
Yeah, by WE they mean the rich cunts. Millions of us can keel over and they just import a load of fucking foreigners to take our place. It’s not as though they haven’t got form for this.
Look after your own, no other cunt will.
This fucking thing is going nowhere by the looks of things.
Unless a vaccine is found, it will be the end of globalism. Travel for leisure and work abroad will practically end. The at risk will have a choice of being isolated for the rest o their lives, or to live free, catch the disease and probably perish.
If no vaccine is found then the only way is to carry on as normal and hope for natural immunity amongst those who survive.
The world cannot lock itself up totally like this for good. The outcome of doing that would be devastating for everyone.
I’m all for giving the scientists time to find a cure for now (and carry on with restrictions), but that time is limited. In the end, it may mean we have to accept the deaths of over a hundred million worldwide to attain some kind of immunity.
Fucking bollocks “we’ll get through this”. Our Cunctil is already pumping out propaganda to employees about “the new normal”, ie conditioning us to the phrase, and trying to help us forget that there was ever a “previous normal”.
I’m sick to fuck of this whole pile of Corona Bollocks which is literally and blatantly a bare naked experiment in the limits that can be pushed of social control. I hold my head high going into the shops, one at a time like fucking schoolkids, without any PPE. and I love ignoring the Thursday evening pot-banging fest.