The Welsh Government

The Welsh Government

Why am I, a proud Englishman concerned with whatever this rabble are up to?
Well, as you know, the Welsh Government is Labour controlled and has been in complete control of all things Covid in that fair country. Queer Stormer has become quite vociferous about the British government’s handling of the situation. Fair enough, that’s what any decent opposition should be doing you say. However, he and his cronies don’t like telling us what they’d have done had they been in power.

If anyone would like to know how a UK Labour controlled government might have fared, then a brief look across Offa’s Dyke might give some clues as to how effective they might have been. The English government were too slow to act and made mistakes but compared to Wales, they are a model of efficiency.

Over the last week the English government have carried out 90 to 130,000 tests each day. In Wales it was between 950 and 1420 each day. That’s roughly one hundredth of those in England with a population of one eighteenth the size(3.1 million). This is a total of 55,000 since the pandemic began – roughly half of the TOTAL each day in England.

Until recently, tests in N Wales took a day to be sent to Cardiff for the results. This is despite a super laboratory, little more than an hour away in Cheshire and which the Welsh authorities refused to use. At the start of Lockdown, people with symptoms were advised to ring 111. This is despite much of N Wales having no 111 services set up!! Our PP equipment store was very poor but Wales’ was abysmal with not one gown in their stockpile after 2016.

Once again, England’s record on testing in care homes and returning Covid patients from hospitals to homes was disgraceful but worse in Wales. England extended testing to all care home staff and patients on the 28th April. In Wales only 11 staff had been tested by the first week in Wales and still doesn’t test if a home contains less than 50 residents.

This is Socialism in action and a warning to anyone who thinks a Labour Government would have handled things differently. Fuck off Starmer, Butler, Campbell etc. and especially the Welsh Government. All cunts of the highest order.

Nominated by Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt

26 thoughts on “The Welsh Government

  1. The cunts in Cardiff, like the cunts in Scotland, have happily played politics by deviating from the U.K. government policy in extending the lockdown, hoping to look more caring. This has unfortunately gone down well with civil servants whose jobs are safe, and increasingly with the furloughed mob, who are predominantly happy, enjoying getting pissed every day in the sun, and seem to be in no hurry to go back to work. Get rid of these stupid assemblies, a big money hole, and another reason to despise Blair, as he had a hand in devolution, the cunt.

  2. Labour closed more coal mines than the Tories but the average labour voter believes dogma over facts.

    I’d say fuck Wales but they already fucked themselves electing socialist cunts.

  3. As a miserablewelshbastard I think you cunts should know that we are nothing like those blue arsed morons over Hadrians wall. The SNP equivalent is Plaid Cymru which is regarded as a joke outside of serious sheepshagger rural communities. I am against devolution based on country – there is no fucking reason on earth that Wales or Scotland should have a layer of political cuntitude inserted to appease the anti English. Why not Yorkshire, Lancs? Fucking Rutland.
    Welsh Labour are incompetent cunts but I don’t think it would matter who was in charge. The narrow divisive mindset of devolution would ensure a shitshow.

    • I agree. It used to make me laugh that some wanted an English Parliament or more regional government. Devolution proves conclusively that more politicians means more expense for no gain, usually the opposite. I have, and continue to vote for anything that puts less politicians between me, and my wage. Never mind too many cooks, too many cunts.

  4. A nice cunting Bertie. Like you I have my very own, personal, Welsh Dragon. Having said that I do love them, particularly those in the South West. There has been a slow realisation amongst the Welsh that devolution, voted in by a narrow majority was a mistake. The Wuflu crisis has made it all the more apparent.

    That despicable cunt, Mark Drakeford, in the midst of the crisis passed a law, on a Friday, allowing 16 year olds to vote in the Welsh assembly elections. I am close to someone who has had recent dealings with the twat over supplying PPE to the Welsh NHS. My mate said he wouldn’t give him a job cleaning lavatories.

    My wife’s family live near a well known beauty spot where the car park has been closed, this week the barriers have been removed and the car park re-opened. The Welsh government will not be able to enforce prolongation of the lockdown.
    They are absolute cunts, who have betrayed the fine people of Wales.

    • Some interesting points Wanksock. There will always be some hope for the Welsh whilst they are able to interbreed with English nobility!

    • I live in the south west, and I can confirm the response and attitude of those down here has been nothing short of complete cuntishness. We’ve been VERY lucky the virus hasn’t hit us as hard as others because the aging population here would have been fucking decimated, and this coming from a historical Labour voter. The Welsh Assembly is a complete joke.

    • They love burning things, the French don’t they? Especially saints.
      Morning RTC. I would imagine Portmeirion will be looking at its very best this sunny morning.

      • Only one word for it Bertie: glorious!

        Might take a walk on the beach later. Rover might not like that though, need to watch out for that cunt…

      • BBTC, I think you will find we did that, I once got myself in some trouble with a French bloke, It was morning and I looked at the camp fire that was littered with burnt bean tins, I looked at it and said “Who does that remind you of?” he looked puzzled and I said “Joan DeArc” he was not amused at all.

      • I’ll bet that smelly Frenchy didn’t want a fight over it though! ?
        “Come out of ze cellar Claude – it was just a car backfiring”!

      • To be honest, I would not want too, he pretended to be Swiss to join the Foreign Legion, very apt soldier and the only person I have ever seen who could kick ceiling light bulbs out.
        Very brave and fanatical man, (also taught me hand to hand so I would defo loose).
        He did whiff though, alternating between food and cologne.

  5. The welsh are just like us,
    People led by fuckwits.
    Just a bit moodier.

    • There’s fuck all moody about me. It’s PTSD after I accidently spent a day in Stockport.

      • You want to try going for a quite ramble in Northumberland, I was picking buckshot out my arse for a week after.

  6. I used to work with a fat Welsh bitch, she stank. Quite good at sucking cock though so swings and roundabouts.
    Labour, whatever accent it speaks with, is a cunt.

  7. Anything thats set up or organised by labour either fails miserably or runs out of other peoples money or both.
    It’s because they refuse to accept that they live in a dreamworld of equality and riches for all.

    • Equality for some. Equality works when all are equal.
      But we now have “selective equality”.
      As I believe has been said before – the acid test for any democracy is “can the people speak freely”?
      We, the people, can not – what does that tell you.
      The Welsh Government could not organise a piss up in a brewery – but would insist on sending us the bill.
      Piss poor clowns, that we pay for. As always.

  8. Go to a Welsh NHS hospital and queue up in outside in your ambulance. Nearly all fucing day.Got caught once. Never again. I shall be taking the cunt to an English hospital thankyouverymuch. Savages.

  9. A Welsh government?
    What a load if shit.
    Without our money they’d be fucked.
    Commie cunts.

  10. Interesting and informative cunting there Sir Bert.

    Goes to show how out of touch I am – I didn’t even know there was a Welsh ‘government’.

    Must run, I’ve got some buildings to set on fire and lots of rioting to do. Then tonight it’s looting-time once again. Yep, it’s a another full day for IY just trying to blend in with the locals. ?

  11. I love Wales ( beautiful country and coastline ) I like the welsh as a people. I hate the guts of their politicians. End of.

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