The Rich

Rich cunts

‘The Times’ rich list is published this weekend; a time when the uber rich sit back and see if they have made the top ten. Remember them jock cunts who won £165 million on the lottery, they don’t even make the top thousand even though they have more money than they could by their own admission possibly need.

This is what fucks me though. These uber rich cunts with billions not millions have furloughed loads of their staff, even though they have billions in their accounts they still feel it’s ok to charge the UK taxpayer with their staffs’ wages. How much money does one need, a few billion is not enough and these cunts are crying to the govt for help. Help for what you cunts. How about you dip into your own pocket and help your staff out instead of relying on the tax payers. Cancer of the eyeballs is not good enough for these cunts. Why don’t those climate change wankers protest about this shit? Nope too busy worrying about fucking over the working man just like these uber rich cunts. I swear they, Greta and the uber rich are one and the same. CUNTS.

Admin sorry but I have had a few so if this gets nominated please help me out.

Nominated by Cuntsince1066

27 thoughts on “The Rich

  1. All ordinary people need to do to change things is stop buying from people they don’t like. They don’t, and won’t so forget it.

    • I’m going to try my best to avoid any crap these cunts peddle. Same goes with goods from the bat chefs.
      Going to be almost impossible I know, but the intention is certainly there.
      Any company with healthy accounts should not be burdening the tax payer with their wage bill. Greedy cunts.

  2. Sounds crazy but I’m beginning to think the über rich cunts set the agenda i.e. trans, climate change etc. Don’t they all meet in Davos and that place in the woods in the USA to decide what they are going to foist on us?

    • Bohemian Grove, it’s called. The world leaders all attend a giant råpe-fest and wear masks so they never know who’s bumming whom. It kinda resembles the blindfold scene in ‘A Serbian Film’.
      Never watch ‘A Serbian Film’, fellow cunters. It’s the 3rd most disturbing film I’ve ever seen.
      Boris goes there wearing a carved wooden owl mask and makes twittwooo noises whilst the president Swaziland sounds his unlubricated back passage whilst Peter Mandelson looks on, sweating inside his duck-billed platypus mask.

      • Ah a bum session, is that all? I thought they ate babies or summat.

        Boris and Mandy aren’t rich enough to go. And if they aren’t rich enough then Flabbot isn’t there either dropping sweet corn as she walks.

      • I remember the Alex Jones documentary on channel 4 about 20 years ago. I’m not a fan of his, but that was fucking weird as fuck. He was hiding in the woods near the event filming it, if memory serves me right.

  3. That’s capitalism……..the constant pursuit of more and more by whatever means you can get it. Now if I were those Jocks with £165 million i’d be sitting on my arse laughing just like them. How much money do you need? But a capitalist would want to turn it into 200 million by the end of the month, double it by Christmas and wouldn’t care who’s windpipe he stood on to do it. That’s why i’m not a capitalist, not rich and never will be.
    If a capitalist like Branson or Murdoch dropped a 50p down the drain he would dig up the whole street to get it back. (using taxpayers money to do it, obviously)

    • Afternoon Freddie, thats just exactly spot on.
      You have a habit of nailing it on the head in your posts like this.?
      Theres never enough slop to feed these types, £50 billion?
      Why not £100 billion?
      If they owned the planet theyd have one eye on mars.
      Greed is as ugly as laziness, as being a traitor, of lying,
      And while I want a better life for my family, money in the bank, a car that runs etc
      Only want them by earning them.
      Not by fucking over others.

      • “If they owned the planet they’d have one eye on Mars” – that’ll be Elon Musk you mean MNC?

  4. It’s when these fuckers start to manipulate the system we have to worry. Take that pinnacle of cuntery George Soros as an example.
    The problem we’ve got is trying to avoid these megalomaniacs. Almost everything you buy, or make use of, is supplied by a company owned by one of these cunts that you’d rather punch in the mouth. They asset strip anything of worth, and leave the workers who made it worthwhile up the creek without a paddle.

    Talking of George, that reminds me. Does anyone have any idea where banana gob Miller got her funding to challenge our democracy from?

      • Makes you wonder why they want to remain anonymous if they feel that strongly about it.

      • The usual left-wing hypocrisy, talking about ‘transparent, honest and democratic’ whilst being underhand, deceitful and undemocratic.

      • The pigs turning into humans, eh? But the humans are shit too.

        What we want is standards in public life.


    • Uncle George has his withered old fingers stuck in many pies.
      He interfered with Brexit via Gina Miller because Georgie boy doesn’t like countries making their own decisions.
      He markets himself as a philanthropist but if there’s not a dollar at the end of the day he doesn’t give a fuck.
      Talking about being in control: Old white men get an absolute battering from the libtard media but Soros is left alone and he is the oldest and whitest bloke in the public eye. What’s all that about? He must be spending a fortune paying off the likes of the BBC.
      It’s the same with the head honchos in the EU. They’re are old and white so why don’t they don’t get a kicking.
      George is 90 this year so he hasn’t got too long left to fuck up the world. I just hope there’s enough of it left for us to rebuild our societies.

      • Just checked, and a couple of people have the cunt in the dead pool.

  5. The only time rich cunts piss me off is when they lecture people about hard graft and responsibility after inheriting most of their wealth, or the Bransons who virtue signal while stealing taxpayer money to furlough their staff.

    Other than that i dont mind them.
    The genuinely wealthy talk a lot se sense and like chatting with whichever trades are doing up the place.
    It’s a break from all the toadying cunts in their social circle.

  6. I know that if I was a billionaire I’d do the same…why pay yourself if some other mug’ll do it for you?….might not be a nice attitude but how truly altruistic are people really?… There’ll be plenty of people taking advantage of this furlough scheme who don’t really need the money…indeed many of them will be better off than the lower-band taxpayers who will end up footing the bill….wonder how many of them have said “…we can manage…there’s people worse off than us…let’s not claim”?. I’m sure I read that something like 40% of people admitted to actually being better off while this shit was going on…not many of them have turned down the chance of having the taxpayer subsidise their paid holiday,have they?
    What these billionaires are doing is disgusting but no more disgusting than anyone else who is greedy ( as most of us are)….they are just doing it on a bigger scale.

  7. The banks effectively own the governments through debt excepting China which own the same way but for different means. When times get tough for banks they get governments to bail them out by borrowing more from banks to pay banks off. Banks and the like own goverments and society.
    Rich cunts are owned by banks as are the poor. It is all an illusion.

  8. The Sunday Times Rich List isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

    Back in 1998 I worked for a company that was wholly owned by the 38 year old who started it when he was 18 and who then sold it to a massive American Corporation for £48m cash!

    Back then that got you in the so called ‘rich list’.

    However because he kept away from the media and kept his wealth private and operated under the radar the lazy journalists that compile this wank couldn’t see it.

    Back in 2008 the so called Rich List had Simon Morris (One time Leeds Utd owner) as one of the top wealthiest on the under 30 list, problem was though he was a fraud and didn’t really have a pot to piss in.

    The cunts that write this shit really don’t do their homework.

    They think if you’re company turnover is a £100m then that’s what you’re worth.

    But when did journalists ever know about what really happens in the real world, unless of course you’re called Marie Covin.

  9. I don’t like rich cunts, if I was one of them maybe that would changes

    • If I was a rich cunt I reckon I’d hate myself too. But I wouldn’t care because I’d be rich.

      • I too wish to be a rich hypocrite, preaching diversity and multiculturalism while living in an isolated compound.

  10. I’d tax and asset seize the fucking lot of them to sort out the National Debt.
    Of course they’d want to up sticks and fuck off to Luxembourg but that’s impossible if you’re in a concentration camp.
    Special Forces tax avoidance team in full effect.
    Branson the cunts hard.

  11. hasn’t Bezos made a mint out of the ‘plandemic’ ? – and amazon are still delivering and pushing out the opposition o them as i write $$$$$$

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