I fucking hate the NHS.
Everyone thinks it’s wonderful, but I see it as a front for big pharma which is why their go to options are overpriced drugs or surgery. Or vaccinations like the one they keep banging on about now. Big pharma is in charge – therefore there are no other options.
Yes the frontline staff might be wonderful. Some of them. But the thing as a whole is going to bankrupt this country and apparently there’s nothing we won’t put up with if it benefits the NHS. We’ll even meekly submit to indefinite house arrest, to protect it! And sod what that does to our mental and physical health, sod the impact it will have on the economy. As long as the fucking NHS is Ok, the rest of us can literally go to hell.
The fucking NHS, like the fucking BBC should be allowed to collapse because then we can rebuild it in its original image. No non essential or vanity procedures unless you can damn well pay for it yourself. £14bn debt written off! That means added to our tax bill. £14bn worth of stupidity and ineptitude, but don’t worry – the stupid, docile taxpayers will stump up. They always do, the thick cunts.
Nominated by Paul McCuntley
Certainly no more “fertility treatment” where some old trout of 60 can become a mum at an age when she should be an experienced granny. No “gender” bollocks, and certainly no more fucking clapping at 2000 hours every Thursday – where I live the little cunts set off fireworks as well, as the clap and the saucepan banging. I see old Kweer Charmer sees it as a photo opportunity. After Thursday’s performance he turned to a cameraman and said “did you get what you needed?” – in other words did I look like the oily obsequious cunt that I am.
English and work tier 1 , benefit cunt stop smoking and drug taking NHS will advise you , gimme cunt from all over the world fuck off trans benders etc don’t even ask ,
I have said for years we should have basic care and then insurance or private thereafter. Like Dentists. Back in 2002, my mate had a silicone breasts on his back ! As non a non essential procedure as you can get. He has been sectioned now, an ‘essential’ requirement by law. He looked fucking weird but he was always great to dance with at weddings.
“ Back in 2002, my mate had a silicone breasts on his back.”
I thought the way this started, it was going to be a JR Cuntley classic but I can’t think of a punchline.
It’s alright saying have insurance but a lot of people wouldn’t get it.Unless you fit in a specific box the insurance robbing cunt bastards won’t insure you.
Yep. Those who can afford would pay for the Insurance, to subsidise the feckless cunts boob jobs. At no cost to them. Cos I’m depressed about me tits etc……
The NHS is out of date and too fat and bloated to work anymore…it’s not free either as we pay for it through NI contributions.
I think emergency operations to save life and terminal illness can be free… everything else need to be paid via insurance or private.
Like the benefits system it’s out of date.
If I was PM with a majority that Boris has I’d sort this country aaaaht in two weeks.
Cancer? In you come.
Heart Issues? In you come.
Some Cunt calked you a small titted chav on fuckbuck? And you want new chest plates? Piss right off.
Another excellent nomination. Yes I would agree, that it is in the grip of Big Pharma. It might even be in the grip of Gates Foundation one day.
The original foundation of the NHS needs to be found and remembered and reinstated.
Also, I am sick to my stomach of how grateful we must be for all the black, brown, immigrant workers, not my cup of tea, and I am sick of hearing of BAME are four times likely to die. (Hurrah!)
I have cut back savagely on propaganda from Gov, Facecunt, and main news, it does your fucking head in. Millions of cunts.
Are you Welsh?
I visited one of Owains parliament places.
Thanks friend.
There is a stone circle memorial to the NHS at Tredegar.
About 10 miles from me.
I am no expert on the NHS, but it is quite obvious to the casual observer how much it has changed since it’s original inception.
We do need the NHS though, as ordinary people would struggle to pay for their own healthcare, if not fairly wealthy.
I take a bit of issue with the obese, alcoholics, druggies, smokers, etc, insinuating their selves onto to the NHS. Cheers
Lockdown drinking, got pissed on 7 x £1 strong bottles of cider, paying for it the next day.
We even have “minimum alcohol pricing in Wales ” now, like Scotchland
All immigrants banned from using the NHS
Backdated to 1995 with invoices for services due.
Non payment results in full oven.
Sort it out.
I agree the not having plastic surgery for vanity like those sex change, or breast enlargement operations. People that want that should go private for that.
But operations to help life threatening conditions, repair a disfigurement, someone suffering severe burns, or a cleft palate, blindness etc etc they should be treated by the NHS.
Agreed S, that’s what I was meant to say.
You lose a lot of weight and have lot’s of floppy skin, they won’t remove it. But they’ll give you some plastic tits.
If its Free take them Moggie.
Swap em if you dont like them.
If I lose the weight I want to I’d have more than enough skin for 10 pairs of tits, and no need for the NHS.
Make the most of it, get them to fashion twenty nipples, quite a sight, get a job in a circus as “Twenty-tit Man”
This institution has become a place for useless old school tie pillocks to gain employment as administration whilst doing nothing but sap the resources we hope we will never need.
I agree absolutely with what the NHS was set up for, unfortunately the current regime isn’t it.
I agree with Paul McCuntley that the debacle needs to be torn down, ripped up, and replaced with what the UK tax payer expects.
Take note foreigners. Pay up front, fuck off back to your own country for treatment, or best of all, drop dead.
It’s too late any political party that tries to sort it out properly will never get into government for a generation, it a sacred cow.
Not only is it untouchable but the human rights brigade are constantly fucking it up, every cunt now gets fucking pointless crap thrown in.
It really needs a revolution to kick it back into gear but it’s going to get worse because of chinky flu, the money pit will just get deeper and deeper.
Nothing wrong with nurses and doctors but the system is a farce!
Boob jobs, ears pinned back, tranny ops and IVF can all fuck off. But you can see the backlash in the press now:
“Woman with large breasts longs for breast reduction to ease constant back pain. This is the fault of the Tory Government.”
“Little girl just wants her ears pinned back in a bid to stop bullying.This is the fault of the Tory Government.”
“Man goes to Thailand to get sex op and comes back mutilated. This is the fault of the Tory Government.”
“Woman longs for a baby. The heartless Tory government denies basic human rights.”
That “having a baby is a right” bollocks, most often spouted by Labour wimmin really pisses me off. I mean her no disrespect (well no more than usual) but Mrs Boggs, like many other women, was a terrible mother. She really didn’t want to be one, and though I recognize she had post natal depression, she always resented our son for it. She doesn’t even want a dog or a cat – all she wants is her fat arse on the sofa watching Eastenders or Emmerdale Farm. I sometimes feelI was more of a mum to him than she was (and no I wasn’turned in the RN!)
It is a right WC.
A right pain in the arse.
My wife used to work in the NHS in procurement. And some of the the preferred suppliers use to charge astronomical prices for the most basic of items. For example a box are 60 watt light bulbs would normally cost maybe £5 in any DIY shop but from a preferred supplier it was more like £30. And yet when she raised this with management they just said it doesn’t matter
Yes, that’s one of the things I don’t understand about the NHS. The thing with suppliers ripping them off is well known, but instead of addressing it (by setting up purpose built factories to supply the most commonly needed kit), they continue to allow public money to be siphoned away. Its the type of thing which once spotted, wouldn’t be tolerated in the private sector.
Same with the education sector. Schools paying ridiculous amounts for stationary.
Plenty more on the money tree.
This is true.
I worked on a PFI hospital and the trusts employ the most cuntish of cunts as administrators.
£150k a year for some knobhead to turn up to a meeting with legal advisers and experts at £1500 per day and all to save £12 per day for a cleaner’s cupboard being out of action for two weeks.
And you wonder why your dear old Nan can’t get a hip replacement.
About 15 years or so ago, I was booked to go into the (then) new Norfolk’n’Naaarge Hospital. After waiting months, a clerk phoned me and asked if I was ‘mobile’… “Well, I’m not in a wheelchair or anything” I replied. “Oh, it’s not that… You’ll be seen a lot quicker if you go to the W Suffolk (Bury St. Edmunds)…
But at least the new PFI N&N was built in an” optimal site”… opposite the swanky golf club, perfect for the cuntsultants!!
This clap a thon can fuck off as well. I’ve had enough, will cunts still be clapping in December when we still don’t have a vaccine and they have to spend Christmas ‘Social Distancing’.
The same cunts who voted Tory (who voted to freeze the underpaid NHS staff’s pay) are aaaaht there clapping like the hypocritical cunts they are.
As RTCP said we need a cull abaaaaaht 20 million will be good.
I am sick if it all, GO FUCK YOURSELVES.
Afternoon B&W, and Boris will not be easing tonging of bumhole restrictions. Is there no end to this madness? The lovely ladies wont know whether to get their hair done first or get round to B&WC for a session.
I know LL, it’s a dreadful situation…I am genuinely worried abaaaaaht getting overloaded with female wanting a good tonguing/pounding.
I may need some help, I am sure I can rely on you to step up. ?
Of course B&W, we’re all in this together after all.
‘The same cunts who voted Tory (who voted to freeze the underpaid NHS staff’s pay).
Hear, fucking hear. And I’ll wager my gold-plated NHS pension they’ll do the same again. Hypocrites.
Stay home stay safe and help the NHS.
Next it will be: we are keeping all pubs and clubs closed as drinking alcohol is very very bad for you so we’re helping you to stay safe and healthy and help the dearly beloved NHS.
We’re being played here i think.
Are you for real?
Absolutely. And the hand of the eco loonies is going to come more and more into play; live briefing has just said everyone should now walk or cycle to work to save the transport network…. what happens if you work 30 miles from home then? Plod will be stopping people in cars soon to ask how far you’re going.
I’d withhold treatment for those eco-cunts.
Anyone got Little Richard in the Dead Pool? Must have surely.
Ain’t that a Shame?
Yes Bertie, Fiddler nabbed him.
Sure is a whole lotta chokin’ goin on
Yes Iknow somebody had him on for ages. It’s Saturday night and I just got paid. Poor sod is going to Rip it Up no longer. LOng Tall Sally will be distraught, good golly Miss Molly.
Yes Iknow somebody had him on for ages. It’s Saturday night and I just got paid. Poor sod is going to Rip it Up no longer. LOng Tall Sally will be distraught, good g***y Miss Molly.
Edited as the name which applies to Roninsons jam is apparently trigger word.
A friend of mine (I say “friend” – more accurately a female acquaintance I really wanted to shag back in the day, never got past fingers and tops for some reason – hey ho) I have known for 25 years works at Lincoln hospital in admin. She handed in her notice a couple of weeks ago as the unrelenting pressure bosses were putting on all admin staff to balance the books was unbearable, putting a lot on suicide watch. Not clapping like retards for them are we??
Off topic I’ve just seen camp bummeroon little Richard has snuffed it; how long until we chalk that up to the racist virus I wonder
He was 87, but let’s have a proper tribute to him – if cunts can clap the NHS every fucking week, let’s have a filmed clap for my mis-spent cunty youth:
Healthcare in this country by the NHS and this unpleasantness has shown it up to be shit.
Has it? How, exactly?
The Building by Philip Larkin
Higher than the handsomest hotel
The lucent comb shows up for miles, but see,
All round it close-ribbed streets rise and fall
Like a great sigh out of the last century.
The porters are scruffy; what keep drawing up
At the entrance are not taxis; and in the hall
As well as creepers hangs a frightening smell.
There are paperbacks, and tea at so much a cup,
Like an airport lounge, but those who tamely sit
On rows of steel chairs turning the ripped mags
Haven’t come far. More like a local bus.
These outdoor clothes and half-filled shopping-bags
And faces restless and resigned, although
Every few minutes comes a kind of nurse
To fetch someone away: the rest refit
Cups back to saucers, cough, or glance below
Seats for dropped gloves or cards. Humans, caught
On ground curiously neutral, homes and names
Suddenly in abeyance; some are young,
Some old, but most at that vague age that claims
The end of choice, the last of hope; and all
Here to confess that something has gone wrong.
It must be error of a serious sort,
For see how many floors it needs, how tall
It’s grown by now, and how much money goes
In trying to correct it. See the time,
Half-past eleven on a working day,
And these picked out of it; see, as they c1imb
To their appointed levels, how their eyes
Go to each other, guessing; on the way
Someone’s wheeled past, in washed-to-rags ward clothes:
They see him, too. They’re quiet. To realise
This new thing held in common makes them quiet,
For past these doors are rooms, and rooms past those,
And more rooms yet, each one further off
And harder to return from; and who knows
Which he will see, and when? For the moment, wait,
Look down at the yard. Outside seems old enough:
Red brick, lagged pipes, and someone walking by it
Out to the car park, free. Then, past the gate,
Traffic; a locked church; short terraced streets
Where kids chalk games, and girls with hair-dos fetch
Their separates from the cleaners – O world,
Your loves, your chances, are beyond the stretch
Of any hand from here! And so, unreal
A touching dream to which we all are lulled
But wake from separately. In it, conceits
And self-protecting ignorance congeal
To carry life, collapsing only when
Called to these corridors (for now once more
The nurse beckons -). Each gets up and goes
At last. Some will be out by lunch, or four;
Others, not knowing it, have come to join
The unseen congregations whose white rows
Lie set apart above – women, men;
Old, young; crude facets of the only coin
This place accepts. All know they are going to die.
Not yet, perhaps not here, but in the end,
And somewhere like this. That is what it means,
This clean-sliced cliff; a struggle to transcend
The thought of dying, for unless its powers
Outbuild cathedrals nothing contravenes
The coming dark, though crowds each evening try
With wasteful, weak, propitiatory flowers.
You could get a surcharge on your membership fees for that lengthy spiel Miles.
Wonderful choice there Miles.
Little Richard is dead at 87 anyone have him for deadpool?
‘meekly submit to indefinite house arrest, to protect it! And sod what that does to our mental and physical health’
Get a fucking grip and try to get behind the Government. They have always followed the science just as any Government would have. The reason the death toll is so high is there are too many people on a small island and the ‘lockdown’ has not been strict enough. That is my only criticism, we should have had a lockdown similar to Spain and Italy.
What we have had is a few weeks off to go cycling and watch Netflix. Any remaining survivors of WW2 will be pissing themselves laughing. It was called flattening the curve. And it has worked because the original herd immunity idea would have seen the NHS not be able to cope.
We should have screened all tye foreigners coming through the airport right at the start of the lockdown, and as for the cunts and the rubber boats in Kent – no more welcoming committees – let the bleeders drown.
They don’t necessarily just “follow the science” they are advised by appointed advisers on how to proceed, those said advisers are often not in any way, shape or form an accredited scientist versed on the matters they advise upon.
Now, our particular adviser who was trusted upon to come up with our Kung flu action plan was Neil Ferguson, the same adviser who once predicted that Bird Flu was going to kill over 200,000,000 people, when it didn’t even reach 1000. The same adviser whose models predicted that corona should have killed over 250,000 people by this point, but as you ought to know, we arrived no where remotely close to that figure.
So, our own plan maker, with a long history of getting it spectacularly wrong, dooms us and our entire economy on another complete whim, throwing out completely speculated and most likely exaggerated figures and happily taking an inflated salary to do so.
Surely then he would be the person that you could most rely on to follow his own rules, right? Except no, now, it’s “fuck the rest of you, rules for thee but not for me” He’s happy to be just going around flouting his own lock down rules to go and engage in adulterous sex with another man’s wife.
Indeed, I can’t see why anyone might question him and his imposed laws.
Now you claim we ought to have had a lock down plan to mirror Italy or Spain? You realise they were hit as hard as anyone right? This alone makes me question if your entire comment was sarcasm, but I’m guessing not by the particular wording. The reason why we were hit so hard though, is not just because we didn’t go into a complete shutdown, and not entirely because of overcrowding, although that’s not totally wrong in either. It’s more because we continued, and still continue, to allow unchecked travel and migration, often illegal, into this country. Particularly the mass migration of Chinese people in and out of China for Chinese New Year.
Just take a look at Sweden and their policy, which is essentially “life as normal”. In doing so, they have almost an exact carbon copy of our “R rate”, so evidence seems to suggest that lock down has little to no effect on infection rates. Combine that with countries like Vietnam, having the largest land border with China and still remaining all but unaffected, and Japan that were sensible enough to restrict and check incoming travellers and now being hardly hit.
All in all it suggests that our advice being given might not be the best advice at all, and indeed, the predictions that poverty and lack of access to healthcare will kill more people that corona infections will, seems a lot more likely.
Load of old rubbish. The lockdown is killing more people than the virus, even with all the fiddling the figures.
The Govt are following the advice of “experts”, yes. But they are quite choosy about which ones to listen to. There are plenty of dissenting voices out there. But Neil Fergusons ridiculous figures are the ones they went with. Even though his doom and gloom predictions have NEVER been right before!
A few weeks off? An awful lot of those people won’t have jobs to go back to.
Enjoy your time off. Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out to be permanent.
Boris, is that you ?
If you don’t love the NHS you’re effectively saying that you want people to die, of coronavirus.
The other day 2 little girls, neighbours kids asked me why I dont go outside and clap the NHS
And why I wasnt sitting in my front garden for VE day street party.
The parents had obviously talked about since its happened Id not gone out clapping.
Like its compulsory or something, didnt have the heart to say I think you parents are cunts and wouldnt share a lifeboat with them.
But people had noticed.
Fuck em.
Nothing against frontline workers, or nurses, doctors etc
But always feel uncomfortable with hero worship!
The streets are covered in chalk here,
Kids drawing rainbows and ‘I ? the NHS.
Alright, stop fuckin mithering about it ffs.
Always strikes me MNC these sorts of cynically orchestrated displays are more about getting attention for the clappees than the clapped. Makes a nice instagram/arsebook/twatter etc. post…. “oh look little Shanisa has drawn a shit, wonky rainbow on the neighbour’s car – quick fetch my phone”
Indeed Cuntan
Near where I live (Chorley) on a new small middle class estate, I say that because of house prices and location, at the entrance to the estate there’s a sign that’s been erected to direct you to a company called Oldfields Log Store, they owned the land that’s been built on.
However some utter utter cunt that obviously lives there has had a very professional looking sign made up in the NHS colours / branding saying ‘From all the residents of Moss Lane we cant thank you enough’ or words to the effect.
Every fucking time I see it my piss boils, whoever the cunt was that made it doesn’t speak for all the residents of Moss Lane, no the cunt wants North West Tonight to do a feature on it and let it slip to some cunt that it was he/them that did it so they’ll come round and interview the ‘unwilling’ interviewee.
Proper fucking get fucked.
I have a feeling the sign will be vandalised before too long.
Put a swastika on it!
Or a nice “Kilroy was here” and a big cock with a few gobs of jizz out the end
I’m uncomfortable with the clapping. Extremely. A lot of us are. You get the Johnnies and Private’s who love it, mind. I don’t go out, it feels like blowing your own trumpet. I agree with parts of this cunting, but not with others. Too many manahers and pointless ops. You ask the cunts that are clapping if they mind paying more tax so NHS frontline can have a decent payrise, (if you can get it past the cunts in power who cheered when it was voted down last time. That’s right, the motherfuckers in power, now), and see what response you get. To all the detractors, have the courage of your convictions and tell the nurse/dr in your NHS hospital your feelings. You’ll still be given the best treatment they can give you despite you acting the cunt. Me, however, can be a right cunt. Morphine for that pain? No fucking chance. I can always find a contra-indication and my paperwork’s always water tight.
This is why DCI that I’m always in awe at everything you do for us. I know that literally you hold my life in your hands! You must know by now that you’re just not responsible for your job but every fucker that’s worked in the NHS, past present and future.
My shoulders are broad, Bertie? What irritates me are know-all cunts that know fuck-all bar what they’ve read/seen on the idiot box that slag off the NHS but can’t wait to use the ‘facilities’. They love to chip in with snide comments, more than a couple of cunts like that on this fine site, but would soil their pants if faced with some of the situations we see on a daily basis. We hold nothing but contempt for them. Personally, I think they’d dreamed of being a paramedic but have been turned down numerous times. Even the Johnners wouldn’t have them, hence the bitterness.
I would go along with what many people say in that the NHS is badly organised and will need completely restructuring. It just won’t survive in its present format otherwise.
However, this does not justify those who are taking cheap shots at NHS staff at a time when they need all the support they can get.
This just demoralises them even further and I can see so many quitting, that even a restructuring will come too late.
I can afford private healthcare but unlike some, I can put myself in the position of those who can’t.
And I don’t mean health tourists, gimmigrants and money wasters. I know many decent, ordinary folk, many working who couldn’t afford private healthcare.
Wise words, Bertie, wise words indeed.
See, if the nhs monster wasn’t busy guzzling up all the money and pissing it up the wall you could have your feckin pay rise without us having to fork out ever more cash for “our nhs”.
If the country survives this “crisis”, it won’t survive the national bankruptcy that the nhs will lead us to. And where will the nhs be then? In the dustbin of history.
How much do you pay for the NHS? Have a look at what you get for that. Pay for BUPA? (Other private healthcare companies are available). How much is that per month?
You have an accident, get a baddy toe or are seriously ill, it’ll be a NHS ambulance crew (9.5 times out of 10), that do your initial treatment when you dial 999. If you’re that seriously ill or injured, it’ll be a NHS HEMS team, if we call them, that will fly you to a NHS hospital and it’ll be NHS drs and nurses that’ll treat you. You may be transferred to a private hospital AFTER your life’s been saved. By the NHS. How much is that worth? How much would YOU have to pay, per month, into private healthcare for that? That happens all day, every day, somewhere in the country. And that’s just the bit I deal with. A small part of it. Totally agree with the amount of money wasted, but, be very careful what you wish for.
This will probably be in the wrong place.
How much?
£130 Billion a year, give or take.
Roughly the same as the national insurance tax take. Which is also supposed to cover the rest of the welfare state. Obviously it doesn’t.
You’re talking about value for money. That’s a very short term outlook. Try to take a wider view. Insane, out of control spending can’t lead to a good outcome*. I feel justified in describing it like that because of the £14.6bn debt write off that just happened (courtesy of that tory, btw). Does the nhs even have a budget if it can exceed it by that crazy amount? It certainly doesn’t have accountability.
* How long could we get away with crazy overspending at home before credit gets cancelled and the house is repossessed?
Right place?.
I’ve already agreed that spending on procurement, management vanity ops, cunts that abuse A&E, etc, is too high, but approximately 19% of GDP is spent on the NHS and don’t forget what else you get from it. I’m questioning your ‘I hate the NHS’ tagline. I hate Sky I hate The Daily Mail, The Sun and lots of things. I have, and will have, nothing to do with them. To do so would make me a hypocrite. All the NHS detractors will still use it. I’m not saying the NHS is perfect, but, when it works, and it does in the vast majority of cases – saved the lives of both my parents – it’s the envy of the world, and I for one am proud to have the logo on my uniform. It’s pretty good value in my book.
I hate what it has become. It has become a monster that is devouring the resources of this country, and will continue to do so until there is nothing left.
I hate that we’re supposed to believe in it whole heartedly. It’s practically a religion. NHS staff are all angels, and any criticism is taken as a criticism of them. It’s not. But these angels will drag us all to hell. I hated the Olympics ceremony with all the dancing nurses and spinning beds. WTF has the NHS got to do with the Olympics? I hate the was the Govt and media have been referring to it as “our” NHS for the last few years. It’s like they want us to take the blame for it.
I hate that we are in the process of destroying our economy. Why? Bottom line – to protect the NHS. That’s why we can’t go out – just in case we have an accident and need to access the health service. Meanwhile, hospitals are quiet because the virus just hasn’t done what Neil Ferguson and the Govt said it would.
You say that detractors will still use it – Of
course they will, they have no option! I steer clear as much as I can. I have a back problem. I go to an osteopath. The GP says that osteopathy doesn’t work. Yes, it does. What does the GP know? Which drugs to prescribe. The only reason to go there is to get a referral to somewhere else, or a sick note for work.
The NHS killed both my grandmothers back in the 80’s. They both went into hospital with fairly basic problems. One of them had a broken leg. She died in there after contracting various infections which led to a thumb being amputated and an eye sewn up. They were both in their 60’s.
My uncle has a history of mental health issues, but he was stable until he contracted pneumonia about 10 years ago. While he was in ICU, they changed his meds and massively over prescribed them. He became extremely unwell and tried to hang himself a couple of years later. After a few more years of relative stability, the wise doctors changed his meds again, and last November he threw himself in the river. Back in hospital, and once again they accidentally tripled his dosage! He became a zombie, until they discharged him early because of the virus. Again – no therapies or treatments except drugs. Incidentally, the overdosing only came to light because his wife is very on the ball, and questions everything. He, on the other hand, thinks the NHS can do no wrong.
I have other personal examples, but this is already too long.
No treatment except drugs. Or surgery. Left to rot unnoticed by the wonderful staff. Who wouldn’t hate the fucking NHS?
A&E is great though. It’s a shame that people use A&E instead of the GP, but that’s because the GP is only interested in pushing some drugs at you and getting you out of his/her office.
In my experience.
Didn’t see the Olympic thing as I’ve no interest in it, however, it was a celebration off British things, I assume as the Mini was in it, too?
I just don’t agree it will bankrupt the country and the reason you were told to be careful is that there isn’t an infinite number of ICU beds. People who go to ED for trivia are cunts regardless of whether they can see a GP or not. End of. GP’s? Some are great, some are cunts. I go to a GP surgery to pick up a ‘chest pain’ and find out the GP’s not done an ECG. We do one in the truck and discharge the pt in the surgery car park. We Rightcare it but fuck-all’s done and we know that the same thing will happen again. You’re family has had some bad experiences, mine hasn’t. It’s all about perception. My granddad had some bad experiences with the Japs. Didn’t stop him buying a Nissan.
I think we’ll have to agree to disagree.
Only on your planet.
idiotic non sequitur of the day.
Yeah, that didn’t come out where I wanted it too.
Return to Sorrento-Spike Milligan
I must go down to the sea again
The lonely sea and the sky
I left my vest and socks there
I wonder if they’re dry?
The NHS is a behemoth, there are many dedicated hardworking people inside the NHS. There are also many people building mini empires, faceless bureaucrats looking for ways to justify ever larger budgets. There are extremists who believe the NHS should be able to dictate people’s lifestyles.
An open honest review and discussion of the NHS is badly needed, this crises has been used to give the NHS as an organisation the glory it feels it has always deserved. Doctors and nurses, porters etc deserve our gratitude but the organisation as a whole deserves our scrutiny.
Tell these libtards who sing eulogies to our dusky skinned brethren who’ve forgone their exotic,luxurious lifestyles in the 3rd world in order to bless our sick with their munificence and succour that there is now less skilled medical staff in a country that sorely needs those same staff.
Blank looks and silence prevail.
Cuntos extreme.
The NHS is a huge, bureaucratic, top heavy, over managed, pointlessly target driven mess.
The A&E 4 hour target, probably introduced by that cunt Blair, is particularly stupid. Serious stuff gets seen. Nonsense and cunts who should go to doctor or fuck off back to Pakistan should not be counted. Or seen. A time limit does not discriminate between these.
They have more managers than clinicians. Patient food is free. Why? The whole system is now shackled to over-expensive PFI schemes, introduced to cook the government’s books.
It needs shaking up, thinning down and starting again.
Targets? I go to a CAT 1, get there within 8 minutes, pt dies, a success. I get there in 9, save them, it’s a failure….
For a start I’d be charging for every visit to the Doctor….get the idea that the NHS is “free” out of peoples heads. Nome of this shite about exemption for those on benefits etc…they’re the very ones who are always running along with their snotty-nosed brats and “mental health” issues.
I would also,of course, charge The Dark-keys,The Gays,The Obese,The Vegans, The Ramblers and those with children extra….they are the authors of their own misfortune. I would exempt smokers and drinkers because we already pay enough in taxes to fund our treatment.
Fuck Off.
Afternoon Mr F, I trust you are well and enjoying an afternnon beer?
You might be amused to know that I got the only fat cunt who works at my place fucked over on Thursday. Last summer we unwisely employed a fat bastard because he had a decent C.V.
I voiced my objections because he really was fat and he had a orange-tipped mohican. He constantly took time off sick, whilst posting on Facebook that he was enjoying a day off playing video games. His work was shit too, forcing others take up the slack.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I overheard him calling me a callous cunt for pointing out how glad I was that the Chînk flu had bumped off mostly đarkīes (even if that’s not actually true).
So I managed to talk nicely to him and convince him that it would be a good idea that he (as a vulnerable person, being obese) should apply for furlough. So he went to the doctor who signed a letter saying he needed to be off for 12 weeks. He presents the boss with this letter he referred to as a ‘shield’ and goes off home, all smug assuming his 80%. The boss puts him on statutory sick pay of 80 odd quid a week! For 3 months. He can’t get a new job cos there are none in our line of work, or claim benefits! Ho ho, what a spiteful cunt I am…
Excellent work Mr. Cunt-Engine…you must now press home your advantage….order endless takeaway pizzas to be sent to his address while anonymously ringing him saying that you a researcher for “My 600lb Life” and wondered if he would like to appear. Ring the Police and report him as a morbidly obese woman sunbathing naked in her garden without a pass…and you think that the lazy Cunt ignored the “clap for our heroes” order.
Hopefully a couple of weeks of that may persuade LardLad to “do a runner (waddle)’ permanently and you will be free to return your programme of casual racism and sexual harassment of the female office staff without the shadow of Tubby blighting your enjoyment.
Ho ho, indeed! He did text me asking for my opinion about a tribunal. I said he should turn the whole affair over to ACAS as soon as possible and that he should definitely take our boss to court. I said everyone would be behind him and that I would vouch for him personally if required. Sometimes I worry about how easily the lies tumble from my lips and how much I should continue to “help” him (dig his own oversized grave).
Maybe he’ll commit suicide when poverty really hits home and he’s made redundant in 12 weeks, then homeless. He was rather highly strung, the fat turd.
We can but hope and pray Thomas….Post a 6 foot length of steel-core rope through his letterbox and instructions on how to find a reinforced anchor point….plus a sketch of The Michelin Man balancing precariously on top of a kitchen stool…Hangman-style.
Best continue to pretend to support him…you never know,he might leave you his collection of ” Fat Mama” wank mags in his will.
I’m currently watching ‘Escape from New York”. That Adrienne Barbeau has the hairiest fanny in America, no question.
Did Gemma Arterton ever respond to your letter asking her how hairy her bush is?
Blimey you’re in my wheelhouse there Thomas – Adrienne Barbeau in her pomp wanting a proper fucking and no mistake. Not the prettiest face but them titties….. John Carpenter was a lucky bloke
Sexy voice in ‘The Fog’. Fucking great film.
Absolutely DCI, underrated by most people when held up next to the thing, Halloween etc. Still shit me up when I saw it on TV when I was about 7
Carpenter know’s how to do tension. Funnily enough, it reminds me of Christmas as the first time I saw it was around then. Shit myself! Still think of it when driving through fog!
I might just download it and have another watch, not seen it for ages. I always remember that white fog slowly rolling in towards the shore… always thought JC’s skills as a music composer a bit overrated but the score for the fog was perfect
Respond….the cheeky Minx did better than that….although how the fuck B+WC managed to shoehorn his way in there is a mystery.
I suspect that she’s falling for my wooing….although I suspect that she’ll gasp and wince when she sees the size of my dick after only ever having experienced the “more modest” proportions previously encountered.
Fucking Hell,Mr. Cunt-Engine. I just looked this Adrienne Barbeau up….she’s fucking 74 years old!!…. Are you now also a gerontophile?
You’re an utter disgrace.
What’s wrong with that, Dick? Many a good tune played on an old fiddle, plus, she wouldn’t be able to run away as quick.
Adrienne gets the twins out in Wes Craven’s “Swamp Thing” but make sure you find the extended cut of the film…
……there’s “old” fiddle and “coffin-dodging” fiddle DCI…..
🙂 .
?? You make my day, sometimes!
We need a health service that treats just UK citizens , any others have to have compulsory health insurance bought from a UK provider which they have to carry on them at all times – this will also be very helpful in identification of “undesirables”, shall we say. Further, anyone coming here to live has to pay 5% extra in tax for the first ten Years of residence and up to that point can only claim the same amount of benefits as the tax and NI they have paid in – and no benefits, medical or otherwise, for the first Year of residence, take out private insurance and save up.
And no vanity procedures – you want a tattoo removing, a f*nny adding, no problem – go private, pay.
The NHS could run so much better if it stopped treating the World for free, stopped treating EU nationals for free because far too many of their parent Countries do not pay us for this treatment (and demanded the outstanding billions we are owed back in leaving negotiations by the way – hand it over I say or there could be some scuffling on the pavement outside and some f*cking bruises!) and stopped treating vanity projects.
The answer is there but I cannot think of a politician with the salt to do it – Boris certainly won’t.
Running the f*cking thing properly would also be very helpful too!
‘None of this shite about exemption for those on benefits etc…they’re the very ones who are always running along with their snotty-nosed brats and “mental health” issues’
I’ve known plenty of those cunts. Can’t hold their lives together so it’s always the responsibility of the state.
It was always funny when a Tory MP mentioned ‘magic money trees’ or people sleeping in and ‘moping about the house’ in the media. Those useless parasites used to go ballistic on Twatbook.
The anger came from their inner realising that the Tory in question was usually right, and for a few seconds made them consider ending it all.
The NHS as a concept is great but there’s no denying that as an organisation it has become extraordinarily over bloated and deviated a very long way away from what it was set up as. Major reforms are needed starting with free healthcare for native Brits (great grandparents and above) only and a cull of the middle managers and administrative staff.
Phew… Boris will just be able to squeeze in there then. His dad Stanley can take a hike though, not to mention first generation immigrant Prince Philip and his feckless sprog. ?
Stay Home, Help The NHS, Clap like a degenerate cunt….
Unless you happen to be a fornicating professor who is shagging some old married slapper and your dick is hard.
Prof. Lockdown was still chanting the same mantra in his last message to his mistress . . . . . . . .
* I’ll stay home.
* Save lives.
* You be the one who drives.
I note the Grauniad and friends are saying the right wing press are over-reporting Fergie’s stray todger out of spite and it’s a non-story…. bet they wouldn’t be saying that if Boris had broken lockdown to dip his wick
I go along with this post. I can never understand the “love” people claim to have for the NHS and why its existence always dominates every election campaign. I used to live in Switzerland which is probably the most egalitarian and politically stable country in the world and has no version of the NHS. Everybody pays into a private health plan and the facilities, staff and treatment are first class. People in the UK ought to realize you have to pay for a top quality product and not expect it to be available on tap free of charge.
I thought I did pay for it via my taxes?
Likewise me. Eight years in Suisse Romande.
Sadly, many people in GB treat the NHS as a religion, and we all know what problems lie buried there…
And I can confirm that the CH health service is bloody good, as is the Austrian one.
Elective surgery e.g. sex changes, silicon breasts, nose jobs, plastic surgery, etc, and the like, should be excluded from the NHS immediately.
Of we do need the NHS in some form. Situation in USA in intolerable. People of ordinary means cannot afford healthcare, and if you lose your job you lose your healthcare.
It is very shameful for the US for such a rich/successful country not to look after their own people.
My car park at my local hospital the Northern General in Sheffield is full of BMW’s, Jags and Audi’s. Asked someone once who works there if they were Surgeons and Doctors cars. Told me they were mostly Company Cars for the Managers and higher up pen pushers. One of the reasons I ain’t clapping like a seal on speed every fucking Thursday night. The NHS is a gravy train and cash cow for fat management fuckers who serve no discernible purpose. Really starting to get on my tits with this hero worship knowing how many billions of our taxes is wasted on this fucking money pit every year.
Yup, there’s certainly a lot of cunts who ‘work’ for the nhs
Your lobotomy was successful, obviously, so I don’t see what you’re complaining about.
Back under your bridge, Troll.
I’ve had many conversations with a good friend of mine about ‘ The NHS ‘
My friend is a bit of lefty and believes that the NHS needs a fuckin’ unlimited amount of money spent on it.
I counter that claim by asking him what the point would be if the whole thing is run by a bunch of fucking Gibbons (not a racial slur)
His response is usually along the lines of “I have family that know what’s going on, they work on the front line and can see what’s happening becuase of the Tory’s! You don’t understand because you’re a narrow minded racist!”
He’s a cunt, but he is my mate.
And that, my fellow Cunters, is why I genuinely fear for the future of the country.