The Electoral Commission
Arron Banks and Liz Bilney, the CEO of Leave.EU, follow in the footsteps of Darren Grimes by winning in the High Court against the Electoral Commission. Today (Wednesday 29th April) the Electoral Commission agreed terms of settlement over the Electoral Commission’s announcement in November 2018 of its referral of Banks and Bilney to the National Crime Agency for further investigation.
The NCA stated publicly on 24 September 2019 that having investigated the matters referred by the Electoral Commission, it found that there was NO evidence of any criminal offences having been committed by Banks or Bilney. The NCA further notified the Electoral Commission that its investigation showed that the monies Mr Banks used to fund the loans came from the group of companies of which Mr Banks was the ultimate beneficial owner. Today the Electoral Commission finally admitted it was wrong on all counts:
The Electoral Commission considers it was right to refer this matter to the NCA for further investigation, but confirms that it accepts (a) the NCA’s conclusions that it found NO evidence that any criminal offences have been committed under PPERA or company law by Mr Banks or Ms Bilney; and (b) the NCA had not received any evidence to suggest that Mr Banks or his companies received funding from any third party.
All that nonsense about Russians? Nyet. All made up.
The official Electoral Commission statement says
The National Crime Agency, after its own investigation, has (i) concluded that there is no evidence that any criminal offences have been committed under PPERA or company law by any of the individuals or organisations referred to it by the Electoral Commission; and (ii) has stated that it has not received any evidence to suggest that Mr Banks and his companies received funding from any third party to fund the loans subject to the investigation, or that Mr Banks acted as an agent on behalf of a third party. The Electoral Commission accepts these conclusions.
The Commission’s case was absolute nonsense. Parliament has oversight of the Electoral Commission, there must be a reckoning. It is not fit for purpose…
NO apology and almost certainly there will be no mention of it anywhere especially the BBC, Channel 4, Sky or any other media outlet who allowed and suggested impropriety by Banks and co.
Undoubtedly the thick as fucking pigshit Remainers will also choose to ignore this judgement because it suits them to do so.
The Electoral Commission. Another supposedly neutral organisation who showed themselves to be anything but.
Nominated by Willie Stroker
The Electoral Commission should focus on voting irregularities in London Boroughs.
Don’t hold your breath SMC or you could end up in your local ICU
Utter bollocks , if the rulings had gone against banks it would have been plastered all over SLY , channel 4 and the biased broadcasting corporation!!
Panorama special and the usual cunts popping out of the woodwork saying the EU referendum was illegally fixed and we should all be leaving our lifeboats and reboarding The EU titanic which is bow down with her arse just starting to lift out of the water……
FUCK all MSM ………
No evidence? Why didn’t they just make it up? Then I would have heard about this case as these “extreme right” criminals would have been paraded across the Anti British Broadcasting Corporation.
But, as you point out, ……..wrong result……under the carpet, never happened.
What about all the evidence concerning the bent result in the Peterborough by election? Oh no, the libtards won that one so under the bulging carpet again.
Establishment cunts!
Peterborough. Has demographic similarities to parts of London. Can’t think what it is…..
Allah works miracles. The peacefuls send in their postal votes long after they have departed for their 72 virgiin heaven. Alan’s Snackbar never closes.
Who gives a Fuck even if Banks was a Cunt?…He’d be going some to outCunt that genuinely sinster bastard George Soros who seems to have been behind much of the Remain side’s funding.
The Electoral Commission has a job to do…it should now move on to investigating funding for other well-known faces from both sides of the Brexit campaign…Gina Miler will do for a start.
I reckon to earn his money (Soros is nothing if not a hard businessman and always wants something for nothing) to receive money from him, Sugartits, the Soubry creature and the Gaylords all had to get down on all fours and suck him off, prior to getting a regular bumming. When did that old cunt never stop being a ponce.
Soros has has donated to ‘publicly edited’ site Wikipedia to keep them onside, ad have giant companies like Google and Amazon.
Unfortunately there is no one in the civil ” service” that isn’t a remoaning, corrupt cunt. So there will be no change. Cunts.
Lose,cry foul,lose again,sulk.
Funny bunch remainiacs are.
Youve got to remember theyre still with us,
And not given up they dont want to be British they want to be european, a wise man said
“A traitor can not be cured, neither reason, appeal, or patriotic duty can sway his black hand from the dagger of deceit.”
Who was that man?
Me! You cunts!?
“sway his black hand “… racist bugger.
Morning All.
Anyhow, Dark-Key’s hands aren’t all black…they’ve got pink palms….this is because they were on all-fours when God spray-painted them.
Morning Dick
Morning all,
Sort of meant black in a evil sense.
If it was black in a racial way would of been ‘black hand of theft.’
In a chirper mood today working and just got notice of my government grant, ?
Its like family allowance day!?
Well either that or the colour wore off as they swung around in the trees holding on to vines.
Now the pink palms are caused by da fried chiggun grease making the colour run.
The investigation wasn’t part of their plan anyway, the smear attempt was a success to some extent. All the thick remainer cunts believed that they were guilty before any investigation had taken place. None of these smear attempts are ever about actually finding the truth, they’re just to use the media to make it look like someone is guilty; which apparently is all it takes for the social media retards to decide someone’s fate.
Banks and co won’t be bothered, because they’ll have received a nice bit of compo, the electoral commission won’t be bothered, because they did as they were told, remainers won’t be bothered, because they still believe leavers broke the law. The only people this leaves a shitty taste in the mouth are the people who voted to leave, we’ve had years of confusion and limbo because of these dirty tactics being employed and in the end all the remain lies and deceit are swept under the carpet, seemingly no reprimand for the fact they just lied. Cunts can all fuck off.
What’s happened with that harridan Gina I’m the biggest re-moaner cunt Miller? Wasn’t Banks taking her to court?
Can’t seem to find anything about the case. Has it happened?
Bitch is probably spending her Soros money on property, jewellery, art and antiques etc……stuff that will hold it’s value. That’s what I would be doing if I was a rich cunt right now. The value of the cash in your pocket is washing away day by day.
Peter Bone didn’t hold back at PMQ
‘time this quango was abolished’
Replace the shit tip with General Franco.
Greasy little rats.
The Peterborough North by-election result from June 2019 was a stain on democracy.
Has said earlier in this post, why hasn’t that been scrutinised as closely by the electoral commission?
We all know the reason, unfit for purpose democracy denying cunts.
Shut the bastards down.
Probably by the next general election the P Stanleys will be allowed block votes.
At PMQ’s earlier this week
If you really want to see an absolute farce, you only have to look at Arron Banks in front of the Parliamentary Committee a while back answering questions about his companies and donations.
Every single one on the committee was a Remainer, and showed themselves up as being completely naive in every aspect of business and the thick cunts they are.
I have seen no greater example of a planned stitch up by the establishment, Banks totally slaughtered the panel with his responses.
If I can find a link I will include it in a later post.
I remember it welll.
Somebody showing these fucktards up for what they really are;
thoroughly supid and corrupt
If you’ve got a spare couple of hours here’s the clip. I watched from start to finish, the last couple of minutes are quite entertaining.
From the evidence seem at the inquiry I certainly know who I’d want on my side in a crisis. And it’s certainly mot the thick as pigshit MP’s.
Total bunch of wankers.
The Electoral Commission is yet another instriument of the “hidden people” who really run our lives.
Correct BR, and nothing will ever change. I have decided to call my new baseball bat “The Wat Tyler”!
Wat has sooo much work to do! And don’t forget – vote Fox! ??