Sudden Gayness


Sudden Gayness voice

An ‘ooooh get her’ cunting please for sudden gayness voice.

Each to their own, if somebody wants to cover their bellend in another man’s shite then that’s up to them.

What pisses me off are those blokes that seem straight and have a normal voice, accent and mannerisms. Then, they ‘come out’ and all of a sudden they’re full Larry Grayson or Graham Norton.

I worked with one of these twats years ago. He was a ginger and seemed straight. Talked about the footy etc. Liked a beer. Then he came in one day and announced that he was a bender. We laughed and thought he was taking the piss. He wasn’t. Fair enough. Each to their own. If one man wants to suck his own feces off another man’s nob, who am I to judge?

What annoyed me was that over a period of about 2 days, he became more and more filled with ‘the gayness’ , to the point he was flapping his arms about, rolling his eyes, bring overly dramatic and saying things like ‘Ooooh don’t be such a bitch.’

Gayness voice is fake news or something. Fuck off.

Nominated by Cuntybollocks

68 thoughts on “Sudden Gayness

  1. Good nomination ACWCC, I’ve often seen this fast track gayness scheme.

    A lot of people feel the need to act as stereotypes, possibly because they have no personality of their own.

    If you want equality (which you have, but let’s not get mired down with that) and to be taken seriously stop mincing about like you’re there for a cheap laugh in a 70s sitcom.

    The same applies to women, just grow the fuck up.

    • Put the cunts straight in the oven.
      All of them.
      Any drama crush their hovels with an armoured brigade.

  2. Maybe once their out they feel they can stop pretending and reveal their inner campness.

    Maybe they do it to seem less threatening to heterosexual men? I don’t know the psychology of it all.

    As long as gays do gay things in places where gayness is to be expected I really don’t care. I don’t believe gayness belongs in schools or non gay public places.

  3. Once had a manager like this. Infront of clients a perfect English gent. When normal staff in the office, a raging phufh. Could turn it on and off like a pink light bulb. Must be some chemical compound in all the sphunk he’d ingested “at the weekend”.

  4. And yet, gays don’t suddenly acquire new found ‘normality?’
    I wonder why not?
    I must look up D Fiddler’s treatise on “ The role of ice- pick lobotomies in Conversion Therapy” although Fiddler, in his acknowledged body of work does maintain that there is no cure for The Gayness. Very similar in fact to Covid-19.

    • I’d love to see someone who was a lifetime anal assassin come in to an office in the morning showing all the signs of ‘sudden straightness’
      Fellow worker : Morning Tristan. What did you get up to last night?
      Tristan : Went out for ten pints with the lads. Met this gorgeous bird and took her out for a meal before going back to her place and shagging the arse off her. Still had time to go and see the Chelsea game with the lads.

      It was only hearing the last bit that would convince you that some turd burglaring traits just can’t be changed.

  5. I have some to accept the faggots, as long they are not the mincing shirt lifter types, I can’t stand those cunts….

  6. Good cunting Cuntybollocks,
    I notice this soft, gay voice on a lot of middle class cunts as well. The type who are pro feminists, like there moisturiser and get their arses kicked by the Mrs…who they tell everyone ‘Is the Boss’.
    Sad wankunts.
    The kind who order a Latte in a gay voice, and think that because Gays are supposed to be accepted think they can make Gay innuendo and its all a laugh when truth is they would love it if you have them a pounding.
    Fuck off…women are the greatest creation and I want to fuck most of them.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  7. That ghastly Alan Carr creature, camp, limp-wristed pansy screaming queen seems to be the standard they aspire to live down to. Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP seems to take lessons from him.

  8. I don’t mind people being infected with The Gayness! However, Gayness should always be out of sight, with fines and on-the-spot beatings for those who mince in public! In fact I wish there was an epidemic of such, then women wouldn’t be so fucking picky!

  9. As Ronnie Kray once said “I‘m not a poof, I’m omosexual. I’m a giver not a receiver. I’m not a faggot”. Ronnie wasn’t afflicted with Sudden Gayness and disliked effeminate woofers. One who did criticise his gayness got his head blown off. “Interesting” as Ronnie would have said.

  10. When I read the title of this nomination, Sudden Gayness, for some reason I envisioned the loch ness monster dressed up as a drag queen.
    David Attenborough narrating, “If we’re quiet…Any moment now…yes…I can see it suddenly, gayness!”

    I’m confused. Someone whom is heterosexual at some point decides to be homosexual but in doing so adopts clichéd, stereotypical mannerisms and behaviours?
    I know plenty homosexuals whom do ‘mince about’, singing Village People songs, and ‘bitches’ with the ladies about ‘last nights trade’ but there are plenty that don’t do those things. At all.

    Is it the conforming to a stereotype that makes a person feel accepted, secure in themselves?

    Goths, for instance, are so-called nonconformists, but they dress in a way which conform to goth culture and identity.

    I’m not sure where I’m going with this.
    Does that make sense? I’m not very wordy.

    • You’re doing OK Spoons! I remember when you first came on to this site and wouldn’t say boo to a goose(NIAGWYU)
      Now, with the help of IsAC, you’ve blossomed in to a fully fledged cunter!

      Oh! and before you ask, Percy has not returned home. He did send me a message, however, that he’s not returning home until he’s found love. He’s not found a lady parakeet yet but he’s had a cockatoo!!

    • Makes sense. we conform to group dynamics and association. Rastas wear floppy hats, smoke weed and play Reggae. Goths dress in black and mope about. The sudden gayness is so they and the rest of us a clear about which group they belong to.


    • Im not a hater of gay people dont mind them,
      Like the pink pounds they have due to no kids!
      Some are normal common sense people.
      Dont know whats the issue with the over the top flamboyant shite some do?
      I tend to find it irritating especially when im drinking, im less tolerant.
      But doing no harm,
      Theyll burn for all eternity in the pits of hell anyway.

      • “Theyll burn for all eternity in the pits of hell anyway.”

        Stephen Fry-ing tonight?

      • Infamy, Infamy, they’ll all stick it infamy.

        Kenneth Williams. KCB. VIP. HIV.

    • I suspect that some of them just feel that they need to conform to a standard as typified by some “celebrity” (sadly everything seems to be celebrity led these days). It is just a pity they have to conform to vulgar here-today-gone-tomorrow ephemeral “stars”. They need to know there is more to life than drag shows and butt plugs.

      It’s all to do with TV and social media, I expect. When I was in the Royal Navy years ago, it was no secret that some of the ratings were “that way”, but whatever exotica they got up to in private in their own time, they didn’t behave in a flamboyant and effeminate manner on duty, and as a consequence they were tolerated. If they had camped it up I suspect that the live and let live attitude would have crumbled.

      • Only celebrities I liked growing up were boxers really mr Boggs.
        Ali, big George Foreman, smokin Joe, or Dirty Harry Callaghan or Quint from Jaws.
        All mens men.
        I must go for the Butch type☺
        “Yoohoo sailor!”

      • I remember one CPO who used to look forward to leave in London so he could go to Danny LaRue’s club, and it’s all we would hear about till he went ashore, but he was as straight as a dye outside the DLR club.

  11. At least you know where you stand with cissy, lisping gays: with your arse against the wall.
    It’s the sneaky ones you have to watch out for. I’ve had a couple of the degenerates try it on with me when I was younger and looked significantly less like Gollum.
    Dirty underhand bastards.
    As ISAC self-proclaimed “most handsome man”, surely Black & White Cunt must have to beat the fruits off with a shitty stick!
    The bent episode of the Simpsons was always particularly amusing…:

    • Afternoon TTCE, I have noticed many a gay eyeing up my 6’3 muscular frame and admiring my good masculine looks over the years.
      Same with women, caught this lady in Boots eyeing me up, I caught her eye and she tried to look away like she wasn’t doing it…her bloke was behind her as well the slaaag. ?

      • You could’ve jumped on the “identifying yourself as something you’re not” bandwagon and self-identified as a man from the 1970’s and then slapped her arse…

      • I should’ve acted all gay and said I knew her whilst slipping her my number, or I could have said ‘Ooooh darling haven’t your tits grown’…whilst giving them a good grope. ?

      • Who knows, B&WC, perhaps after the Chīnk flu goes away and the pubs re-open, maybe birds who have been starved of male attention for months on end and are frothing like bottled Bass, might appreciate a bit of slap ‘n’ tickle like they used to in the 80’s…

      • One can only hope we return to those good times.
        I’m hoping the chat up line ‘I’d stick my tongue up your arsehole makes a comeback’.
        Although to be fair it never really made it.

      • I believe it would work if you broadened your horizons to include pubs that were more “cheerful”…
        Then your name could be Black and White and Bi Cunt!

      • Damn, that’s nice. Some of the munters serving in pubs round my way could’ve done that trick with a bucket, the fat-arsed monstrosities!

      • B&WC, you are one dirty cunt. I can only to aspire to the levels of cuntery that you are at. I doff my hat, sir.

  12. I remember being in Lodge and as Master was dressed in full regalia…I remember the new Gay initiate wteibg me up. To be fair I looked incredible, what a Mason should aspire to look like.
    Piss off.

  13. Worked with a bloke who was gay, but you wouldn’t know unless he told you.

    Or unless you met his boyfriend, who was as camp as a row of pink tents. A proper ‘I’m a little teapot’ type.

    Sound fellow though. Minted, well dressed, well spoken and always first to the bar.

  14. Apologies CB

    Couldn’t let this go unmentioned

    Today is Saturday 9th May

    Headlines- UK airlines say they have been told the government will bring in a 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving in the UK from any country apart from the Republic of Ireland in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

    The new restriction is expected to take effect at the END OF THIS MONTH, more specifically the END OF MAY.

    Japan (population approximately double that of the UK) introduced these measures on 5th FEBRUARY, nearly 4 whole months earlier.

    Net result, Covid-19 deaths in Japan (next door neighbours to China) 590, deaths in UK (a long way from China) over 31,000.

    British government negligent by incompetence.

    • Totally ridiculous WS, I cannot believe the attitude of this Government.
      Stay home, social distance, only go out for essentials.
      But we’ll let any cunt in from most countries.
      They can go fuck themselves…I’m off to London later.

    • Incompetent is the correct analogy for the way the government have handled the crisis.
      I just hope Boris does not waiver and extend the transition period, if he does Kunt starmer will win the next election.
      No matter what the press say about us persevering , the feeling I’m getting is people wont tolerate it much longer.
      Incompetent cunts.

      • I think Rear Stormer will win it… Ok honestly do.
        The cunt.

  15. I’ve never understood why those poor unfortunate souls infected with The Gayness feel the need to publicly advertise it – perhaps it’s a symptom of the disease and they can’t help it. And what’s with all these cunts who ‘come out of the closet’? Surely if you are one of ‘them’, you would shut the fuck up and hope to fuckery that some normal blokes don’t find out and give you the right royal hiding which you so richly deserve. Live and let live, I say.

  16. Another 140 migrants caught crossing the English Channel on Friday.
    Brilliant, utter fucking brilliant.
    On a different story, Miriam Margoyles wanted Boris to die after learning he had COVID-19.
    This bitch then back-tracked on what she said…blah, blah, blah…didn’t mean to be so horrible.
    This Labour loving Jèwiśh fuckpig only mentioned yesterday on VE Day that had her ancestors (born in Poland) been born 100 miles further away than where they were originally born they would have perished, in the gas chambers. The fat cow should remember that when wishing people dead.
    She is one ugly fucking dyke, that is for sure.

  17. I dislike all the innuendos. Constant innuendos, even in a work place.
    I’m making tea, do you want one?
    Oooh, I wouldn;t say No.
    You know it, sweetheart.
    No, do you want any?
    Oooh, always, darling.
    Punch in the face?

  18. We could have had some expert info on this, if the Bumholian newsfeed hadn’t dried up.
    A sad blow for ISAC diversity.
    Good afternoon.

  19. Two gay blokes used to rent the flat above one of my shops, one was normal the other was like an extra from a panto.
    Any way panto boy started taking like minded friends home whilst the other was at work, got caught and it all went pearshape.
    I noticed that after panto boy had gone the normal one started to develop the “Accent” himself so I assume that it is some kind of covert advertising method.
    I am not sure, any way after the love nest was broken they went their separate ways.
    Dito I saw the Mrs’s cousin in town a few months ago (rotund very gay cherub in his 50’s) Went to say hello to him and the bloke he was talking too came across all gruff and embarrassed, very strange.

  20. Am I the only person here who can honestly say they have never had the misfortune of actually meeting or working with one of these. (Sorry, there was one guy who I found out was queer, but I’d been working alongside him for TWO years before I knew). To my mind the prevalence of sphincter-squirrels is way over-stated, although looking at the box, you’d think it was 90% of the population!

  21. Now if only there was such a product.!!!

    This is a brilliant sketch from Harry Enfield called ‘Clarkson Island’.

    It’s worth watching it all but if you want to get to the point fast forward to around 2m 30s and you’ll get it?

  22. I agree, Gay voices are truly intolerable and unnecessary. My solution is a bulk order of body bags. A bulk order of body bags is a surprisingly effective solution to so many of society’s modern day problems.

    Medically, sucking a dick which is covered in shit, bacteria, pathogens, virus’, shit,mucus, is in incredibly dangerous, stupid and health hazardous. But in the gay sex / casual sex / fucking bummers world this is quite normal for them.

    I would not have Gay Voices any where near me 100% unacceptable.

  23. Not a fan of campness in either sex. very few can pull it off…

    Stop tittering.

    However, I find Julian Clarey pulls it off with great skill.

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