Stewart Lee [3]

A cunting for that comic ”struggling for relevance’, Stewart Lee.

In a rather febrile article/rant in his beloved Guardian on three of his betes noir, poor Stewart decides to project his own diminishing comedic currency on the world-famous cultural institution Jeremy Clarkson, ‘a car man in idiot’s trousers’ (me neither) who has apparently been knocked into irrelevance by fast-moving online ‘incels’ (a popular but revealing insult of the lonely left) in a metaphorical Swastika-emblazoned Bugatti Chiron on the highway to the far-right.

Bogeyman of chattering liberals Boris Johnson gets dragged in because he’s a populist, but also a toff who once used the term piccaninnies, and populism means the awful proles have something they can get behind.
Hold the pomander to your nose, Dalston trendies.
Mr Lee then revisits his seething hatred/resentment for the son of a labourer from Reading, a man who has raked in vastly more cash and fame than Lee doing the same job as him, and in half the time, Ricky Gervais.
Gervais is described in the form of a joke, alluding to him walking into a bar with a pile of dogshit (gasp!) on his shoulder (his comedy set), as he monetises the outrage of ‘furious moronic c**ts’.
The irony here is unintended..

To top off his petulance is his long-standing unfamiliarity with historical fact, The former entertainer Mr Lee decided that Aborigines had lived in Australia at least 3 times longer than the archaelogical record shows, but then he’s not too sharp on who lived where and when. He has form in making false comparisons of the immigration of ‘beaker people’, Romans, Saxons and Hugenots to the immigration policy of Blair, and forgets to give the actual figures, the recent influxes being orders of magnitude greater than the historical examples he gives to his tittering hipster thralls.

If only more than a few dozen people read his column, and more than seven attended his symposia… comedy performances, there’d be more enlightened souls to share his profound insights and utterances with, but then space is limited in his Shoreditch haunts, being laughed at by peope who almost certainly delighted in Boris Johnson being hospitalised.

From the hatred exhibited by Mr Lee, it’s not hard to see the appeal he might have for these types.

From’ East London bars I stab at thee, Mr Johnson. From a feminist poetry reading I spit at thee, Mr Gervais.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

47 thoughts on “Stewart Lee [3]

  1. Stewart Lee? Saw something he did Years ago called “Stewart Lee’s comedy vehicle”.
    There was no vehicle, and definitely no comedy.
    Cunt. Bitter, spiteful childish cunt – but keep shouting your evil shite Stewart, like the dinosaurs your days are numbered – the people are clocking more and more the cut of the Emperors new clothes, and shouting louder and louder what they think of them.

    • I also had the misfortune of witnessing the multi car pile up that was his comedy “vehicle”. All the sweaty cunt managed to do was pontificate on the filthy Tories and rest his fat head on the mike like Jerry St Claire when facing students in the Pheonix Club.
      Yet the audience stood there as if he was the second coming, self flaggelating with rolled up copies of the Guardian.
      Owen Jones wank bank hero.

  2. It amuses me that Stewart Lee feels so betrayed by Morrissey.
    He cant bring together the fact that his Idol and lead singer in his favourite band has right-wing beliefs.
    It broke his heart.
    Still Vizs “Student Grant’ as a 50yr old bloke?

    • ‘Still Vizs “Student Grant’ as a 50yr old bloke?’

      Brilliant description MNC.

      • Good Afternoon GH

        You beat me to it but I was having lunch.

        I have never understod this cunt and how he and his dire performances have come to be revered by the left. The ultimate in pseudo intellectuals.

        I worked in Hackney and the surrounding areas for the first 25 years of my working life and some of the people there were just so funny. For instance walking down the Chatsworth Road one sunny afternoon and suddenly two bloody great black arms embrace me from behind and pin me up against the wall. I nearly wet and shat myself when a voice said “Wanksock all your worst dreams come true, mugged by a black man” it was one of my more humorous customers.

        You just don’t get that in Eastenders or from from Stuart Lee the absolute wanker.

    • Morrissey? Unmitigated ruffian – should be tried for crimes against celery! ? – and a right wing type to boot (by definition clearly the spawn of satan – ask Owen!).
      Slightly off topic but I have just seen Layla Moron and Rebecca Bongs – Daily lambasting the Government about the poor lickle ickle kiddies missing out on their education – I don’t recall them saying much when children were truanting every Friday to listen to the deluded rantings of a Swedish tramp.

  3. I saw Lee live years ago at the Melbourne Comedy Festival and he wasn’t bad. A few years previously he’d done a brilliant sketch with his chubby partner about Braveheart which perfectly summed up the appalling, fictional Mel Gibson turd of a film.

    He then went a bit Guardian. Full Guardian.

    Last I saw of him he was doing a sketch against Brexit where people complained of the Huguenots “coming over here” which wasn’t bad satire. He then crawls back through history, the Vikings, then the Saxons, on he went, over-egging the minor gag. Then the Romans, then somebody else, then plankton, on and on he went, tramping the paltry metaphor into the ground until the audience were gasping for the interval.

    A tedious cunt who’s 2% funny and has no quality control.

    • Was it Richard Herring Cap?
      His chubby partner you mentioned?
      Jesus hes about as funny as your bollocks turning black.
      Reminds me of that Labour MP Johnathon Ashworth.
      Undiluted cunt.

      • That’s him. They did a few funny scenes, ones about Jesus saying, “Consider the lily” which was a brush with humour. At least he didn’t go all Toynbee, eh.

        Ha ha, “bollock turning black.” Good stuff. You’ve learnt how to use my dictionary present.

      • I don’t mind Richard Herring… in fact I quite like him.

        I’ll get my coat. It’s time for lunch anyway.

      • I regularly listen to Richard Herring podcasts.

        He can be quite amusing at times.

        Like former Cambridge partner StewartLee he can be extremely funny at times however I switch off if any derogatory mention of Brexiteers from either is made.

        To be fair to Herring he mainly keeps his political views to himself however some guests just can’t help them selves.

        Lee recently criticised the fact why the public were involved in the outcome of the 2016 referendum. Perhaps he thinks that comedians have the divine right to decide on behalf of us lesser mortals.

        Nish Kumar is a far bigger cunt for nominating whinging Brexiteers on Room 101

      • Picking the occasional word up out of it yes.
        Better than the jokebook off Bertie!

  4. That Sunday morning thing him and his fat friend did was OK hangover viewing, but that was a long, long time ago.
    Did this unfunny cunt go to university, and if so which one? Because I certainly can’t recall him ever mentioning it.

    • I did laugh at him once,when he described Adrian Chiles as looking like a Toby Jug filled with tepid piss

  5. This cunt reminds me of the 90s era of Mark & Lard, Shooting Stars etc.

    Reasonable at the time but now fucking gash, a relic of something that used to be amusing.

    Left wing marxist Grauniad reading cunt.

    • You’re thinking of the match-fixing porker Stephen Lee, yet another dull, snooker playing ‘personality’.

  6. I dunno I just read his latest article at guardian pretty funny got a few laughs out of it and its confirmation that Ricky Gervais is sometimes a cunt who thinks too highly of his comedy and is up his own ass despite being funny occasionally. Though to be fair gervais is a decent critic of celebrity cunts virtue signaling during this pandemic

    I’m honestly surprised guardian published it some of the jokes about pangolin smoothies and wuhan bat could be considered racist or insensitive to the chinese… His article also reminded me what a good album faust IV is I haven’t listened to that one in a few years tho I think Faust so far and dream syndicate are better albums. Hes right this civilization doesn’t deserve to be saved to many cunts in it too count

    • The ting is, if you are thought to be ‘of the left’ you have a licence to make racist jokes because your heart is in the right place and all that sort of crap. Did you ever see those 2 cunts from Little Britain, Williams and Lucas, in their follow up show Airport or Airline or something? It could have been broadcast in the 1970’s, there was hardly a joke which didn’t have some racial element.

      • True wanksock same is true for religion kinda like how stewart lee made fun of Christianity in his jerry springer play he wouldn’t think twice of doing that to Muhammad or offending islam but offending Christians is fair play

        I saw little Britain few years ago I thought it was stupid as fuck mostly just toilet humour and making fun of chavs never saw airplane or airline yet

      • Christians are akin to hippies – they’re unlikely to kick your head in if you point out the absurdity of their beliefs. Whereas Muslims are more akin to skinheads…

  7. I’d like to see a comedy vehicle in the form of an armoured car run him over..
    Cry baby cunt.
    Get to fuck.

    • And if the RTA fails in it’s primary purpose? Presume the oven will be up to temperature in the back? Just in case….. Always good to have a back up plan.

  8. Have watched him and his act is long winded and ‘knowing’. Like the rest of the cunts but fake ironic. Not as puerile as Khumar but similar content. Well suited to millenials in London, Brighton etc. Given his age it’s all a bit dad dancing.
    Have quoted this before but the best Brexit joke came from him though: – what goes down well in Cambridge will get you glassed in Lincoln.
    By the mayor.

  9. Cuntamus Prime, a very well constructed cunting, a piece of work that eclipses its subject.

    You flatter him with your attention.

  10. ‘Comedian’, left and Guardian. Nuff said. Rope!!

    • The guardian isn’t actually left, it has a fair share of libtard cunt writers and a lot of sjw opinion pieces I’ll give you that but its hardly a left wing newspaper its more accurately labeled neo liberal

      If there was ever a day of the rope I wouldn’t waste good rope on comedians tho theres a few I’d be tempted to send to the gallows and I’d at least be considerate enough to put em in a dungeon

      • Good thinking, yes a dank oubliette would do nicely. Only opening the trap door occasionally to throw in a sausage or piece of bacon for the the comics of the moose-limb persuasion.

  11. Sort of relevant When I read that article at the guardian at the bottom of says it tracks that I read sixteen articles in the last four months doubtful maybe I double clicked a few times because their site is fucked I have to refresh constantly and has the gull to ask me for a donation of a dollar fuck right off

    I’m not that hard up for news they must be getting desperate or losing at lot of subscribers recently to beg for donations

  12. They often adopt English 1st names to try and fit in. Lee is a good old fashioned Chinese surname and he can not hide from his Communist roots! Is he genuinely still going? CUNT.

    • Your right!
      Christopher Lee famously portrayed Dracula, a smartly dressed european nobleman!
      But I recognised him as Fu Manchu the general of the chinkys!
      Lee is a chinks name either Christian name or surname.
      All Lee’s are commies who eat dogs.
      Terrys oven.

      • Have you seen that post on the other channel about “ The Removal Man?” ( Holiday Cottage Cunts)

      • Yes.
        And NO it wasnt me!
        Although sounds like the sort of thing I might do..

  13. I hate Stewart Lee with a vengeance, him being a left wing cunt, and I’ve never even smiled at his routines, never mind laugh. His smug face as he waits expectantly for the forced laughter makes me think of Dark Ages tortures to visit on the cunt. I really hope that he soon has a fatal case of bat flu. I would laugh then.

    • That’s the worst part. Him standing there with constipation twisted visage. In the hope that at least one cunt will applaud and set the fucking rest going.

  14. Mr Lee thought it clever to say how it wasn’t just racists who voted for Brexit. Cunts did as well. Stupid fucking cunts.

    This is comedy for the intelligentsia, apparently.

  15. Never seen this cunt but he sounds about as funny as a urethal discharge.

    What was that Carry On film ? – Kenneth Williams gives his name to the Spanish bloke

    “Stewart Farquhar”
    “Stupid WHAT ?”

  16. Years ago when I used to live with a mate of mine, I was introduced to Mr Lee’s ‘comedy’, my mate claimed it was the funniest thing he’d seen; at the time and I still maintain it wasn’t funny at all. He basically stood on stage and explained why people didn’t find him funny compared to other comedians, and supposedly this self deprecation was actually comedy. Suppose being a complete nob head and telling people what is and isn’t funny and claiming your brand of comedy is indeed funny, even if nobody laughs at it???

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