Speakerphone usings

Speakerphone using CUNTS

People who use the speaker on their phones in public spaces are cunts. Using the loud speaker instead of holding the phone to your head like a normal person, or getting a hands-free, when in public, betrays a basic lack of common decency.

There are very few conversations I want to hear that I am not part of and even half of those are a waste time. Being subjected to half a conversation while someone yaks away about whatever inane bollocks is bad enough -but putting it on speaker so I and any anyone else within range has to be subjected to full banality of both sides of the exchange is offensive. Don’t get me started on Facetime in public.

Same goes for those twats who go around playing music from their speakerphones. Buy some fucking headphones moron! You could be playing the most beautiful music ever written but no one would know it because from a mobile phone speaker, out in the open, it all sounds tinny and shit.. it’s just fucking noise.

To conclude, people who use speaker phone in public are cunts. If they don’t understand why -they’re STUPID CUNTS!

Nominated by The Recuntable Dr. Pig

108 thoughts on “Speakerphone usings

  1. If that half-witted sap in the title picture is anything to go by then inbred stupid cunts is appropriate.
    It’s a very big thing in some parts of the Middle East though, especially with the wimmin drivers for some reason.

  2. The best thing to do is start talking to the cunt as if your in their conversation. Works if your on a train and some cunt is shouting into their phone right next to you.Cunts

    • Join in. Brilliant! ‘Can I say that I think you are both cunts!’

      Fahkin’ wankers.

  3. Before the outbreak I remember sitting in a café and there was some bint on the phone to someone speaking loudly. She said her name, surname, date of birth, address, and told the person she’d be out until after 6pm.

    If I was of questionable morals, I could have left then and there and gone and done a job on her house. I’m constantly lost for words at how fucking stupid and dopey some people really are and broadcast every moment of their lives.

    So much for loose lips sink ships?

    • I am myself, a rather paranoid fellow. The sort of person who turns his phone off at night and hides it in a drawer in the spare room.

      Another thing I’ve been doing when I go for my daily exercise is not taking my phone with me, so my location can’t be tracked.

    • Take care there Harold. I heard her in the same cafe the other day.
      She’s got two huge ……

      • Not to worry Bertie. I’m not the criminal sort.
        Although it did make me think who else was potentially listening?

        On an unrelated note, I feel like MNC is becoming radicalised and I’m growing concerned for him.
        Has anyone on IAC done a Prevent training course and can they guide this wayward individual?

      • If these are your suspicions Harold, I think you have a duty to report him! ?
        Do you think the far right have influenced him?

      • I have it on good authority from that Armchair Expert Owen Jones.

        As we know Owen is an expert on all things.?

        Owen – who is a journalist, but has a degree in History and not Journalism…

      • Lads, im a man of passion, sometimes these nominations send me into a ‘Donald Duck’ style rage, but to be honest when left to my own devices im quite mild happiest tending the garden playing with the dog woodcarving etc.
        Besides I failed the far right entrance exam.

      • You sure he’s not a peaceful? He’s already admitted to being in possession of a big beard.

      • You have a dog woodcarving Miserable?

        Quite an artsy-fartsy radicalised cunt on the QT, ain’t cha? ?

      • Hehehe, told the dog, opposable thumbs never held me back, believe in yourself!
        She was up and running!
        As a radicalized far right skinhead might be hard to make friends on the art scene?
        David Hockney criticised my painting “Belsen by moonlight”….

      • Surprised this place hasn’t been labelled a far right forum and shut down.
        Too few on here to bother with I guess.
        We all see you MI5 ?

      • GCHQ are regularly on here UC.
        Say something inflammatory, see what happens?!
        Weve already mapped out our legal defence and picked our bunks in the big house.
        You drew the short straw,
        Your bunky is kravdarth.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly with this cunting… these people fucking piss me off too.
    People do it on site all the time, until I suddenly remember that I had some drilling or chasing to do, that tends to send them outside pretty quick.

  5. sorry off topic but is anyone else constantly having their piss boiled at the moment by that fucking meme of the Africans dancing with the coffin to dance music?
    The first time I saw it I let out the narrowest of narrow smiles, now I’m seeing it everywhere and it’s doing my fuckin head in!
    …or maybe I’m just back to being a grumpy cunt now I’m back at work.

  6. The worst perpetrators of this are on the train. They know they’re in a confined space either blasting the worst Hip-Hop (if that isn’t an oxymoron) or the conversation, “Yeah, well me and Tracy just told ‘im to fuck off coz, like, we was there first an’ if ‘e don’t like it, ‘e kun just fuck roigh’ off coz ‘e don’t know nuffink abaat me and Dave an’ if ‘e tries to start anyfin’ ah’m gonna proper fuck ‘im up so ‘e better wind ‘is fuckin’ neck in an’ fuckin’ do one, knowamsayin’?

    I always keep some nasty rick on my phone for these moments or Ludvig Van’s 8th symphony depending on the mood. The scowls one receives are astonishing.

  7. They are just ignorant loud mouth attention seeking cunts who deserve to have their phones ripped out of their hands and thrown into the traffic, hopefully to be pulverized by a bus and then you give them a look like their next and watch them shut the fuck up, these wankers cant survive without their phone,,,,,sad cunts

  8. I hate hearing the pathetic ‘love you’ ending. ‘love you too’. For fuck sake..just say ‘bye’ or ‘see you later’.

    • Although I am happy for them and their new baby I cannot forgive Carrie referring to Boris as ”Babe’. ‘Get well soon Babe’ in a tweet.
      Like Gemma Collins uses it with friends when she’s ‘struggling’, ‘To be honest Bibe, I am struggling at the moment,’, ‘I know you are Bibe, you’vereally been through it with Arg lately’, I know I have Bibe’.

      • I am now adopting the Amereican way of not saying anything at the end of a phone conversation. Iv’e noticed they always do it in films, a simple silence and end the call. Its far too polite all this bye/goodbye.

    • Fuck ‘bye’ or ‘see you later’, appalling waste of phone credit. Just cut off.

      Evening Miles. ?

  9. I get annoyed with cunts on their phones full stop…
    Yapping away abaaaaht a load of shite. Iv’e noticed twice whilst in the supermarket cunts wondering abaaaaht the place like lost cunts yapping away to their partner probably asking what to bring home whilst totally lacking any spacial awareness.
    As for cunts playing music on their tinny phone speakers is a a cunt alright, pisses me off that Sound Engineers like myself record super high quality (24Bit/96KHZ) for it to bought by consumers in shitty MP3 files that are 10% of the original data file size, CD quality was ok, MP3/You Tube is shite and playback on a phones shitty ‘Speakers’ is aaaaaht of order.
    Storage is cheap now so why we still have these shit compressed data formats is a cunt.
    Piss off.

      • Sorry Allan, spelt your name wrong.

        Can’t blame it on the spellcheck this time, cunt I am.

      • Other people’s conversation is shit. Keep it private or fuck off. Not having a go, just making a point.

    • Bwc want a trick that stops it?
      Sing along.
      Theyll stop. Think Your a nutter, who gives a shit?
      But it stops them.
      If its a track you dont know just make up the words.

      • Your an unlimited source of handy tips for any social situation in avoiding potential faux pas, Miserable.

      • Arent I?
        Like a far right book of social etiquette!
        “Something to offend for all occasions”
        Waterstones £8.99p

    • Hi there B&WC, fucking nice one – that’s the first time I’ve ever heard anyone (outside of an AV forum) mention uncompressed files!
      As an audiophile (not a pretentious, snoory one, mind), I do gently try to encourage people to invest some money in some decent gear, but it falls on deaf ears.
      Occasionally, I have someone round my house and they get to listen to my Meridian setup…then they’re fucking amazed that music can sound that good.
      Are you an AV nerd, may I ask?

      • Evening TTCE, I am audio connoisseur.
        I get pissed off that the quality of consumer purchased music has got worse instead of better.
        Without getting talking too techy (which I love) I could understand the need for compressed audio files when digital storage was expensive (ipods) and also internet download bandwidth was limited problem but nowadays they are no longer limitations.
        Its all abaaaaht the converters and speakers/monitors…I love playing music through my Studio set up (Audio interface with 124db Dynamic range on the monitor outputs) its amazing what you can hear what you didn’t hear before on another system and stereo imaging etc.
        That Meridian gear looks very nice have’nt heard it before.
        Glad there is another Audio connoisseur here, dont you reckon audio quality comes second place to Picture quality when it comes to film productions, broadcast and obviously TV’s?

      • Unfortunately so. But as 4k tv’s have gotten the best they’re going to get (8k will fail miserably), at least studios appear to be upping their game with audio. Atmos is sweet as fuck and can really freak people out if they’re not expecting creepy sounds coming out of the ceiling! Have you experienced Atmos?
        Meridian stuff is pretty good, all digital with just a CD player and speakers (3 amps in each speaker).
        I keep my audio and AV stuff entirely seperate and have Waterfall glass speakers for movies, running a Denon amp with a 9.2.4 output. Makes the entire house shake like it’s going through a japanese earthquake.
        No wonder I have tinitus!

      • Meridian amps, Linn Sondek LP12 plus Mission/ KEF speakers and Trichord Genesis CD player – sound good in my den :0)

        Meridian have a place north of Huntingdon where you can listen to all the gear it’s like a luxury hotel that you don’t want to leave

      • You can count me in Thomas. I just wish I had a bit more dosh to really go to town on my hifi. Nowadays all my music comes through a Yamaha receiver and out through monitor speakers with a Yamaha active sub.
        900 watts of room shaking pleasure.

      • I have to agree about shit MP3s & compressed crap. How many cunts spend a fortune on streaming try own nothing, or download low quality lo-fi compressed shite
        Me, I buy what I want on vinyl or CD.
        Nothing beats the sound of decent HiFi, oh, FM using a proper aerial makes DAB sound like shit, FM is where the BBC excels, otherwise they’re cunts.
        Being a cunt, I like playing real HiFi to MP3 freaks & really pissing them off as to how is should sound.
        Linn LP12, Yamaha C-50 preamp, Meridian M2 speakers, HHB CD800 cd-recorder.
        Had the first 3 over 30yrs & still love the sound.
        My daughter want the HiFi when I come out. She’s got a fucking long wait, I intend to live to 386 just to piss of the pension company.

  10. The guy in picture is saying ‘I’ve got the glasses, the stupid hat and I’m holding the phone like a fairy, what else can I do to make myself look like an even bigger cunt’

    • He looks like he works in a Hipster coffee bar where employees are required to wear blue tablecloth shirts, Richard Ayoade specs, and Dick Emery hats.

      • Don’t forget the obligatory wanker-beard and fucking stupid top-knot. The wimmin usual have stupid coloured hair and the obligatory snot-hanger-nose-ring. All self-absorbed and either think they live in a vacuum, or are so fucking arrogant, don’t give a fuck for anyone else. CUNTS to a person.

    • Wear one of those “Time is Running Out” t-shirts with Greta’s window licking face on it?

    • Nothing wrong with that, depending on your circumstances. If, like me, you have a fucked up prostate and bladder and have almost no control over which direction the piss will go, then sitting down is a reasonable solution. It’s that or carry a mop and bucket with me to tidy up afterwards ?

    • I sleep walk so at night i sit down piss, took a while to teach myself, and to answer the next question I have woken up naked in hotel corridors, I also fell down a flight of stairs fucking myself up quite badly, fortunately we had a downstairs toilet too.

      • I thought it was just me, I bought a bungalow, I gave up explaining why.

      • Sorry chaps, thats from my forthcoming book
        “1001 ways to offend”

      • Hahaha, no worries Miserable. I was just adding a counterpoint that it’s not only cuk soyboys that adopt “the ladies” method. ?

    • Sounds like he’s a devout Muslim.. Devout followers of their prophet sit to piss, as the “finest of men” sat down to piss. Naturally, being the “finest of men”, his most “devout” idiot followers do likewise.
      This is not a wind-up.
      If their Prophet had stuck a cactus up his arse, you can be certain that his more devout followers would do likewise and forceably convert infidels by sticking cacti up their jacksies.

  11. As per the pic above, why do these daft cunts hold the ‘phone like a fucking Ryvita ?

    Well cunted there, Dr Pig

  12. Chinks walk about holding there phones in front of them while on FaceTime or whatever. There wafting all there 5G chinky breath down the phone lines and spreading plague and pestilence to us all.
    Fuck those Charlie Chang bastards to Hell.

  13. When out and about*, I sometimes see people holding their phone up to their face, not their ear when talking.
    Sometimes, I hear people talking to themselves until I see they have one of those phone ear piece things.

    I talk to myself, but that is because I think aloud sometimes.

    *Aaaahhhht and aaaabahhht

    P.s people not looking where they are going because they’re too busy with their phone.

    P.p.s seeing people photographing themselves annoys me or photographing themselves with children lots of times until they are happy with the perfect picture for Instabullocks or Facefook.
    This for instance


    For fork sake.

    • Spoons, you’ve no need to talk to yourself.
      We are all ears!

    • My mum is always taking pictures of our cats (2. She’s not at the crazy cat lady stage yet).

      I tell her, ‘You’ll lose your friends if you constantly send them cat pictures. No one likes them THAT much’.

    • Influencers are cunts, but not as bad as the sheeple that hang on their every word. If you need some gormless fuckhead telling you how to live your life via Instawank then you need fucking sectioning.

      Morrning Spoons, morning everyone ?

      • Kiwi, get on the time scale of most of us. I’m just about to go to bed! ?

      • Night night Bertie. Its not my fault you cunts are all living in the past ??

      • ? I like it Kiwi. If you crack this coronavirus first, let us know! It doesn’t matter if you wake me up in the middle of the night!

      • By all accounts Bertie they have. Aren’t they saying it has been ‘eradicated’? Due to the severe restrictions imposed before a single case was reported. I am no fan of Arden especially her stratospheric virtue signalling performance in the aftermath of that Muslim massacre. But yes maybe Left of centre governments have performed better here. I am thinking of Boris and the dithering at the beginning about ‘our hard won freedoms’ and the initial reluctance to close the country down

      • Close Miles…..eliminated, not eradicated. Elimination means you can trace each and every new case and quarantine those who have been in contact with the patient.

        We’re at Level 3 and there are a fuck load more people around now than there was at level 4, but new cases remain at almost 0 (2 cases in each of the last 3 days). Hopefully, we will go to Level 2 in the next week or so, and that will be us up and running again, just with restrictions on travel

      • Evening Miles. Yes, that’s what’s been reported. It will backfire on them though, as it will only encourage more peacefuls over there for sanctuary!

      • Thought you were all tuckered out? Anyhoo, we only take around 1000 refugees each year and they are (mostly) entire families and not plane loads of twentysomething male “children”.

      • What was the attitude of New Zealanders to the draconian ‘severe restrictions’ KC I wonder…?
        The way it was done here was (AFTER seeing TV reports of Italy being overwhelmed) we were still talking about ‘having to bring in a lockdown’. I remember the Friday before the lockdown came in I thought I better go and visit my sick sister, on the way back walking through my home town the pubs were packed, like any other ordinary Fri night. Just makes me think. I am conscious of Ron’s Nom about ‘Armchair Experts’ or being wise after the fact.
        As always with me underneath it is criticism of capitalism. That we must keep the country open for business at all costs it seemed. That attitude has done for us. The debating point is the Left of Centre governments bias against free capitalism was beneficial.
        I think Spain is a left wing government so my argument doesn’t really hold up.

      • Evening Miles.

        In my opinion, the vast majority accepted the lockdown as a necessary evil. The fact we went from no lockdown to level 4 within a few days didn’t really give the public much chance to mull things over.

        Its not been handled perfectly by any means, but given the unprecedented measures used to stop Covid-19, Jacinda and co have pulled it off remarkably well…..so far.

        How they/we deal with the looming recession and/or depression remains to be seen.

      • Two sides of the same coin, in my opinion, whether to keep business up and running (risk Covid overwhelming the population) or lockdown fast (business stalls but things can hopefully get going again sooner). Not a decision any of them take lightly, I’d have thought.

      • Miles @ 8.08pm

        The non-existence of Capitalism in the Middle Ages didn’t prevent the worst pandemic in history wiping out nearly 50% of the European population, did it?

        Presumably it was the Manorial economic system operating at that time which was to blame.

      • Trust the Grauniad to play fast and loose with the truth! Or maybe they were just being playful.

        It is true that Capitalism developed historically out of the previous systems of Feudalism and Mercantilism, but it wasn’t until Adam Smith, ‘the father of Capitalism’, formulated his ideas in the late 18th Century, along with the emergence of the Industrial Revolution, that Capitalism took off and became the predominant system of wealth creation in Europe and the United States we think of it as today.

        Incidentally, pure Capitalism hasn’t existed in this country at least since the war, we currently have a ‘mixed economy’, a mixture of Capitalism and Socialism, regulated by Parliamentary Democracy. That said, the touch on the tiller has probably been a little too light in recent years for my liking…

      • ‘formulated his ideas’

        There are no fucking ideas in Capitalism. The one thing it hates is an idea.

        BTW is a ‘touch on the tiller’ to do with interfering with someone?

      • I take it you’ve read ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiments’ and ‘The Wealth of Nations’ by Adam Smith?

        Clearly not.

        Sleep well Miles. ?

      • Bertie, I hope you all don’t listen to me when I’m on the toilet! 😀

        Universal C, I hope your mum doesn’t take a shine to moggie63 and decides to take him home, add him to her cat collection. Bless her. 🙂

        Kiwi, good morning. How is it in New Zealand? I’ve not been there. 🙂

      • It’s like any other country Spoons, beautiful areas, some decent areas and other parts you’d never want to set foot in. The big selling point is that there is only 5 million of us spread across the entire country, so crowds aren’t an issue ?

      • Sounds lovely, Kiwi.
        I’ll give New Zealand a visit some point after all this covid hoohaa has stopped and everything is back to normal. 🙂

  14. Some of these arseholes even do this when standing in a queue. No shame, no dignity.

  15. any one who knows me knows not to use speaker phone when talking to me, similarly I received one on one training on the mute button for conference calls.
    It is not that I have tourettes, I am perhaps too plain spoken and honest for some people.

  16. Don’t get me started on those cunts who do this whilst cycling and not looking where they’re going. Worst thing about it is that these cunts never have an accident.

    • Miles being a very cultured man I walked the dog today in Abney Hall where Agatha Christie lived & wrote “the adventures of the christmas pudding”
      I think shed of loved to see me trespassing in the grounds, the akita chasing squirrels and me pissing in the rhodedendron bushes.
      Probably have used me as a character in her books!
      Id of liked to of seen her at the windows, leered at her shown her my purple helmet and dissapeared into the undergrowth before the rozzers lifted me.

      • “That is the dirtiest comment I have read on ISAC for a very long time.”

        (Mary Whitehouse, Mrs. Deceased)

      • Evening Ruff theyve all gone to bed, only us young uns up!
        They not snakehipped cool cats like us.

      • ‘The Mysterious Case of The Shaking Rhododendron Bush’.
        I’d read that Miserable.

      • Me too.
        She used Abney Hall in her books under the name ‘chimneys’ she loved the place.
        Classic english country house.
        They dont like you seeing if the windows are locked though.

      • Abney fucking Hall. I always had you down as more Prestbury then Redditch.

      • Abney Halls in Cheadle.
        Redditch? You don’t mean Reddish do you?
        As in John Cooper Clarke
        “I dont wanna go to Reddish…”

  17. It’s always those filthy Chavs who play the videoes on their phone at full volume.

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