I’d like to nominate Sir Ed Davey for an arse licking of the arse lifters cunting.
Sir Ed Davey is typically a Lib Dem MP and has decided to fast for ramalamadingdong in sympathy with British Korandathals during this holier than thou month during lockdown.
As far as I’m aware, the cunts spend all day between sun rise and sunset abstaining from bacon and sausages, then, as soon as the sun disappears over the horizon, fill their beardy mouths full of sheep guts and the like , to the point of near Mr Creosote proportions.
This cunt Davey had the options of fasting for Lent, or the Hindu Navratri, but no, he typically navigates to virtue signalling by pandering to the peacefuls in the hope of votes down the line.
What an utter cunt this useful idiot is.
Nominated by Cuntington Smythe
A Schadenfreude-laden nom for the Lib dems.
Not content with humiliating themselves during the general election, or taking funds from manufacturers of hormone blockers to support the trans agenda, the virtue signalling geniuses have taken to social media to show solidarity with the muslims during Ramadan by fasting or, as they would put it, ‘OMG i’m like giving up western stodge for like, Islahhhm, or whatever. Islaaahhm is just… am-aaaazxing’
One of the more gifted councillors, Cambridgeshire’s Ian Manning, signalled his virtue by posting his last pre-Ramadan meal of… eggs and bacon.
I’d like to think they arent all this thick, but i personally know of several Lib dem councillors and supporters on the South coast who have the collective IQ of a tin of beans and barely a part-time job between them. They are utter cunts and thicker than pig shit.
I knew another activist when i was at university who was incapable of finding her way around campus, yet always had an inane grin and was full of idealistic liberal crap.
One of my lecturers (old labour who hated Blairites and had conservative mates) referred to her as one of the many ‘fuckwits’ on our course.
These people are just gigantic shits wearing human skin.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Apparently, as from today you can play sport together as long as everybody participating are from the same family, so Sky Sports are to televise a hastily arranged friendly between Norwich and Ipswich….
JR, you’re a light in dark times.
What the fuck is this twat. How the hell do visible morons get elected to such positions. He is evidently enfeebled and effete. What kick do these people get out of being servants to a big political overlord cunt? How and where in the ‘humanity’ part of their brain was it switched off? All politicians are either psychopaths or narcissists, although you could place a match-paper between the two.
So Scotland, Wales and Ireland are to stay at home.
What is this, a pandemic or the World Cup Finals….
We should form a celtic union and leave England to it. In our favour, none of us have cities yet overrun by the moose limbs.
Give it ten Years.
Then you take back all your Jocks, Paddies and Taffies. Followed by the people of peace soon afterwards.
Never been to Cardiff?
Cardiff hasn’t quite yet tipped the balance, and as our own Cuntry, one of the rules would be that the slimes can only stay if they agree to be sterilised after 2 kids (which for the male variety doesn’t refer to two 13-year old white girls).
Bit late to this but why why why is this rodentoscoper CUNT a “Sir”?
There’s some absolute cunt who’s got a large Lib Dem poster permanently in his window which happens to be next to my local pub , obviously as the pints disappear he often becomes the object of our ridicule, to make matters worse he has a BMW X3 with a green peace sticker in the window making him a self identified two time CUNT……..
Like when bored housewives used to leave boxes of ‘OMO’ on the windowsill to signify ‘old man out, on my own’. Except in this case, his fenestral adornments mean ‘I’m a cuck soyboy who loves a good pegging’.
The man is as welcome as shit in ypour pants. !
Korandathals, i like that its so desciptive….
a bright and sunny morning cunting for this lardarse cunt