I’d like to nominate Sir Ed Davey for an arse licking of the arse lifters cunting.
Sir Ed Davey is typically a Lib Dem MP and has decided to fast for ramalamadingdong in sympathy with British Korandathals during this holier than thou month during lockdown.
As far as I’m aware, the cunts spend all day between sun rise and sunset abstaining from bacon and sausages, then, as soon as the sun disappears over the horizon, fill their beardy mouths full of sheep guts and the like , to the point of near Mr Creosote proportions.
This cunt Davey had the options of fasting for Lent, or the Hindu Navratri, but no, he typically navigates to virtue signalling by pandering to the peacefuls in the hope of votes down the line.
What an utter cunt this useful idiot is.
Nominated by Cuntington Smythe
A Schadenfreude-laden nom for the Lib dems.
Not content with humiliating themselves during the general election, or taking funds from manufacturers of hormone blockers to support the trans agenda, the virtue signalling geniuses have taken to social media to show solidarity with the muslims during Ramadan by fasting or, as they would put it, ‘OMG i’m like giving up western stodge for like, Islahhhm, or whatever. Islaaahhm is just… am-aaaazxing’
One of the more gifted councillors, Cambridgeshire’s Ian Manning, signalled his virtue by posting his last pre-Ramadan meal of… eggs and bacon.
I’d like to think they arent all this thick, but i personally know of several Lib dem councillors and supporters on the South coast who have the collective IQ of a tin of beans and barely a part-time job between them. They are utter cunts and thicker than pig shit.
I knew another activist when i was at university who was incapable of finding her way around campus, yet always had an inane grin and was full of idealistic liberal crap.
One of my lecturers (old labour who hated Blairites and had conservative mates) referred to her as one of the many ‘fuckwits’ on our course.
These people are just gigantic shits wearing human skin.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Koranderthals, I like that!
Head Gravy is obviously mental, doesnt stop me sentencing him to hang at his trial for being a traitor to his people.
Fucking cunt represents our borough, I didn’t vote for him.
I’ve just had a look at Ian Mannings tweet (since deleted). The magnitude of cuntiousness in this intellectual colossus is utterly hilarious, what a cunt.
Then, in true Lib-Tard fashion he chose to gloss over and ignore his idiocy by stressing that it was all about the fasting and his food allergies giving him limited options.Really? No other options to bacon? No porridge,fruit,cereal,toast or a host of other choices then, Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
His political opponents should be putting pictures of him, his rosette and his tweet up on public display in the entire constituency. Live that one down you sanctimonious poseur.
Thanks for bringing that to my attention Cuntlestiltskin, absolutely fucking hilarious.
Could you imagine if Tommy Robinson had posted that!!!!!!!
Waaaaayciiiiisssst, I told you he was Waaaaaayciiiisssst.
I have to say I conflicted on this because why on earth anyone should feel it necessary to apologise for posting a picture of their breakfast is ridiculous but that said this is exactly the sort of shit that libtards will increasingly have to deal with in years to come as they reap the unintended consequences of branding everyone and everything they don’t like as waaaaaycciiiistttt.
So these shit cunt bastards have created themselves an environment where some cunt that looks like he’s just started shaving posts a picture of his breakfast which contains an ingredient that is just that but then is forced to apologise because it may have caused offence to Muslims???, note no Muslims were offended in the making of his breakfast.
Why in the name of Alibaba would a picture of bacon cause offence to a Muslim unless it depicted Mohammed with a bomb in his turban whilst having it force fed……. Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Mohamed of Mecca, fuck you, you reap what you sow.
I’d have thought Veggies would have potentially found it much more offensive so where’s the apology to them?
But alas they asked for this, they just didn’t realise.
Oh and Ed Davy is a cunt.
Pictured at the exact second the hamster he thought was dead wakes up and tries to claw its way out of his ringpiece.
His last meal was bacon and eggs?
“Hey Muslims, I’m with you man. Look at me eating my bacon!”
I’m sure that will go down well at the mosque.
What a thick cunt.
Thick Cunt? Or thick delicious lumps of bacon. That he could use to bait the shit eating hamsters, out of his much abu5ed ar5e hole? What a fucking cunt.
I’m not making this up but in his youth, he worked for a time at Pork Farms pork pie factory – look it up.
It looks as though the cunt has received a lifetime supply of free samples for Mr Porky scratchings since then.
Slowly inserted up his backside, complete with sharp bristles. By the look of that photo.
Davey and that horrible Moran trollop look as if they have escaped from a loony bin. Both of them have visions of leading the LibDems when their next leadership election comes along next year. That must be music to the ears of Boris and Dame Kweer.
Davey is another one of these cunts with a knighthood awarded for for ‘political and public service’. FFS – Boris is the only party leader without one. Something’s go to be done about this. Don’t forget to sign the petition.
I wonder if these liberal and labour fuckwits truly believe the utter woke tripe they spout or are just doing it to be paid for being in opposition?
Already done Bertie – and I have started another to reduce The Prime Ministers workload – some days he only gets 14 hours sleep!
And waving your hands about whilst talking Latin and lies must be so very tiring – but luckily we have capable and hard working individuals ready to step into the breach and fill out the expenses forms, gawd bless em!
If the fasting at Ramadan was total and lasted 2 Years that would be helpful, and fat bastard Davey looks like it wouldn’t hurt for him to go without meals for a Month or two.
And always remember – we pay for this shower of shit.
What a fucking embarrassment. If these cunts think sucking the peaceful cock is going to make them the friends of Islam they are deluding themselves.
You are an infidel so you must die. It’s just a matter of timing and opportunity.
The Lib Dem’s are total cunts, and these cunts pandering to the (I like the word) korandathals are a disgrace to Britain and the British way of life.
If we didn’t have the camel shagging, carpet kissing, child molesting cunts in the country there would be no interest from Davey and his cult.
The irony of of all this arse kissing of the followers of the religion of peace is that they would have no qualms about stoning the Lib Dem’s to death if they were the majority in UK and were implementing their medieval laws.
Davey is a cunt, does he think by fasting the peacefuls will think any better of him, not a fucking chance, liberal values, yes take those to the mosque and see how far you get….Wanker!!
And if fatty Davey loves mudslimes so much perhaps he won’t mind them babysitting his Daughter.
Child grooming report still being suppressed by Piggy Patel? Thought so.
If your “religion” tells you to kill people, start with yourself.
What petition?
Sign that many, not sure which your referring too.
Fake news Miserable!
You should read stuff more carefully Miserable, that ‘petition’ on decriminalizing public nudity was actually signing away your right to inherit the Fiddler Estate.
Dick woildnt stand for it LL!
Im the son he always wanted, he sees that the solicitors will get a visit off a angry Fiddler with firearm!
As im Fiddler surrogate son surely he should be of been paying some form of family allowance?
I suspect he saw you growing up from afar….and growing…and growing…and thought this might get expensive.
Hmm maybe, know you lot think hes tight as a ducks arse, and he can be, but ive seen a warm generous side to Dick hes uncomfortable showing.
Once he ran over a young chinese lad, must of lost control for a minute and swerved on the other side of the road hitting the young chinky badly,
Do you know, he couldnt bring hisself to put the kid out of his misery?
Had me do it with a shovel from the boot of the truck.
He was obviously in shock as was giggling as we drove off.
I have genuinely thought about leaving a few acres near the village to the Gyppos….won’t matter a fuck to me what they get up to when I’m dead and I love the thought of those incomer Cunts having a Pie-Key encampment on their doorsteps….bet they’ll rue the day that “miserable old Cunt” died then.
@ ” surely he should be of been paying some form of family allowance?”……I fucking have been…that’s my quibble…I’ve had to cough up for every snotty-nosed brat in the fucking Country. People chose to have kids…I chose to have hounds and horses,,,where’s my taxpayer money to keep them?
@MNC…..you can’t be mine…what’s bred in the bone comes out in the flesh…..you are resolutely Common….I am not. Were you mine you would have instinctively known to poke your pinkie finger out when drinking only from the finest bone-china “Hunting Scene” tea-cup…I suspect you drink from some chipped mug with “Property of Butlin’s Holiday Camp” written on it,stolen on your last “Free with 5 Sun coupons” holiday.
Hahaha! Yep, common as shite.
My old Granny though had impeccable manners, had worked in service down in London, met my grandad who was a tall dashing Coldstream guard, swept her off her feet.
What she didnt know was once out of the army he reverted to type,he was like steptoe!
And as you say Dick blood runs deep, im like my old grandad!
I have a massive mug like a old pint pot and it has 2 hares boxing on it, no one’s allowed this mug, but sometimes I do like a brew of earl grey!
Only thing of any refinement I like.
To late to change now,
So when do I get my family allowance??
I wonder if the libdumbs will take a pop at the mooslims with regards halal meat, and its barbaric killing of animals without being stunned first!
These cunts are bigging up veganism while denouncing meat eaters and the controlled/humane killing of animals for our meat. And yet they seem strangely quiet with all things halal. Is it because they don’t want to cause any offence to a particular religion?
Two-faced cunts!
I’m amused that a soap dodging Lebanese meat works in the state of Victoria is a Kung flu hot spot, 88 associated cases thus far. I shall enjoy my pork belly whilst the slimeys worry about the tenderised goat rump they just ate. Yasur be praised for this waaycist disease.
Apologies for going a little off topic but I have just switched on the TV for the daily Covid update (aka bullshit) and there was a BBC report on how schools in Denmark were operating under the Chinky flu.
A class of seven year olds, two immediate observations.
1, They were all WHITE
2. They all spoke English.
Something never to been seen again in the UK!
Many Danes are more English than we are! They don’t particularly like the Swedes who’ve surrendered to the will of the hordes.
Danes are Great. (Titter.)
Some programmer will be getting a bollocking for that error SoI.
My thoughts exactly
At the BBC ‘where are the little black ones you racist bastards’
Davey is a Limp Dick cunt if ever there was one. A stunningly worthy cunting CP.
That Layla Moron tho, phwooaar! Quite possibly the world’s sexiest bit of crumpet. I’m sure she’d fancy me, as she seems to fancy anything (inc. pans).
What a weak, dingbat cunt. If he truly wants to empathise he should:
• wear a white sheet like it’s Halloween
• take a job as a taxi driver/barber
• believe in magic like flying horses/preaching ghosts/Paradise etc
• start getting stabby about….now, actually
• schlop around in shitty sandals with an arse-like odour*
*being a Liberal unDemocrat he might already do this.
He is already ahead of the game in terms of mugging off the taxpayer and dressing it up as expenses rather than benefit fiddling.
Afternoon El Capo
Evening Cap’n.
You missed the bit about abusing underage white girls oop north…
Just seen his birthday is on Christmas Day, surely his new fasting buddies wont mind….
I call discrimination against the Pastafarians. Come on Davey, get that collander on your noggin.
Evening amigos.
All I can add is this. Whilst watching the odd CV19 brief, which I avoid like the fucking plague “no pun intended”. The cunts were saying “and our sympathy to anyine celebrating rum.a dum.a.dog.sh1t who may have lost a close family member” Fuck me which one? Old aunt stink.a piss? You know the one? Looks like a Dalek with a bloody single duvet thrown over her head.
Stop bringing religion into politics, concentrate on what matters. Cunts.
The dumb cunt just doesn’t see slam for what it is. The cunts would cut his throat and he’d be on a permanent fast.
I’ve never read the corn-naan. But on this one I’d be with them. He’s a horrid little cunt.
None of the Lib Dems are the full penny.
If they owned a full penny they’d toss it to a dinghy pilot toward bus fare to the dole hole.
A piss short of a bucketful. They’ve been ditherers for over a century while their policies are as clear as Elton John’s back passage.
Yet another classic case of feeding the crocodile in the hope that it eats you last.
Reminds me of the “select” red coats, at a certain Polish holiday camp 70 years ago. Think they were told the same thing.
Is that the same holiday camp that laid on a one way free train journey and shower ?
That’s the one! Fuck me. Every time I’ve £9.50 spare and a few newspaper clippings I expect Murd0ch to recreate it for me. Every year shit weather and the showers are all fucked.
Maybe next year eh?…
Yep. Try to recreate it each year with £9.50 and a couple of Murd0chs funny Sun vouchers.
Close, but the on-site Crem is shit. Shame took mum and dad last year.
Sorry thought I’d been sent to admin.
Is there nothing the illiberal dumbtwats won’t stoop to, to try and desperately gain one more vote?
Starve to death for all I fucking care, and I shall indulge in sausage, bacon, black pudding, kidneys with a few eggs and fried bread.
How does anyone know if the fat, slimy cunt is really fasting anyway? He’s a politician, ergo a fucking liar. He’s probably hidden away in his mansion stuffing his lying gob with pork chops and jerking off over Layla’s tits.
Dirty bastard.
If that ain’t the truth then I’m a Flabbott’s uncle!
It is the truth – read the comment about him working in a pork pie factory. I can vouch for the voracity of his desire to eat pork products but not the veracity of the jerked pork! ?
Ramadama gone wrong, fuckwit eejit
I wonder if this fasting lark is the reason so many muslims are as tetchy?…I know that if I’ve had a big night on the drink and can’t face my Full English or Bacon,black-pudding and cheese stottie the next morning I too often get the urge to stab someone.
I shall write to The Muslim Council of Great Britain and suggest that they all start having a proper breakfast of a morning…non of this hummus stuff (whatever it may be) but a right good fry-up instead….I’ll even put a few rashers in the envelope to get them started…wonder if they’ll come round to thank me in person?…haven’t got stabling for camels and I just know that the hounds wouldn’t approve of any dusky people trying to visit. (they are appalling racist…take note B+WC and DKC)
Fuck Off.
My limited experience of hummus leads me to the conclusion that it’s a flavoured sauce containing 90% sand.
Noted, Lord Fiddler!
Good evening, may I please make a request?
If any fellow cunter knows of a solicitor they would recommend, would he be so kind as to let Admin know, then perhaps Admin’d be kind enough to email me?
I’ve got myself into a bit of hot water regarding a car accident that might end up costing me many thousands and I think there might be some holes/ get outs in the third party’s case.
I’m looking for a sort of one-man-band type of solicitor. Round my way, they’re all large companies who will charge a vast hourly rate.
Thanks and apologies for hijacking the thread.
I’ve got a good solicitor Thomas, but suspect you need a specialist in that particular area.
Good luck anyhow.
Thanks Mr F.
Maybe I should claim to be a trånšbumder traveller who identifies as a pėaceful?
Then any claim made against me would be labelled as a hate crime and the court would give me a small present by way of apology.
Get a specialist if it’s serious. I once was threatened with legal action over someone getting injured at work…it was just a bit of a try on and a shot across their bows letter from my specialist to their solicitor put a stop to it before either side ran into huge costs….it’ll be if they’ve got a “no win,no fee” firm that there could be bother…but they won’t pursue if they aren’t pretty sure of a win.
Either way….pay for the best you can get early doors…it’ll probably work out cheaper in the end.
Not too serious. Well, still 7 grand serious! And it turns out I was (sort of) at fault. Funny how how your mind interprets something one way and then dashcam footage (emerging a year down the line) drops you right in the shit!
Thomas. Never paid for the legal cover on car insurance myself. But if you’re not at fault, encourage your insurance to sort the issue. Always worked for me. The threat of online reviews etc, (or a thorough cunting) seems to up their game somewhat. Plus it’s their cash that sorts the issue. Seems to motivate the buggers somehow.
Cheers, but it turns out I am (sort of) at fault and it’s gone beyond mere insurance now…
Thomas check all your insurance policies, household motor etc, you may have legal protection.
Lots of policies include it without telling you even though it’s an optional extra.
Usually they cover costs up to £50k.
Worth a shot.
Good luck ?
Thanks CMC, I ought to give my old insurance documents another going over.
Agreed. You’d be suprised how many different policies have a bit of legal cover buried away in the small print.
Agree with the Squire though, sometimes a letter from a reputable firm may cost at first, but save a lot of cost and hassle in the long run.
In a weird way I’m kinda looking forward to the day when the goatfuckers take over (I suspect it will happen in my lifetime), just so I can see the look on these cunts faces when they’re dragged off to the dungeons first….
“But I crawled on my knees and kissed your arse. I was a good boy, I helped you take over” bohooohooohoo……
Head Gravy (copyright MNC) is indeed a gargantuan cunt. What the fuck has he and that other unLiberal unDemocratic fucker Nick Clegg achieved in their lifetimes to warrant knighthoods? I remember seeing Gravy up before a House of Commons Select Committee when the cunt was energy secretary in the pigfucker’s coalition. The fucking stupid prick actually said that the energy market was working and implied it was a good thing. There was a stunned silence around the room as nobody could believe any non-mental person would say such a load of bollocks. Fucking twat, does he honestly think the fucking mud slimes give a flying fuck about his virtue signalling cuntitude?
The purpose of fasting is to focus the mind on higher things. The monks of the middle ages fasted all evening and night. Then in the morning it was time for ‘break-fast’.
In 3 to 6 months the economic impact of Corona is going to hit the third world hard, we are likely going to see hundreds of thousands of migrants flood into Europe, frighteningly that may be a trickle compared to the numbers that follow the initial surge.
I wonder how many will come before Ed and co say enough or will he just grin as he hands Europe to the hordes?
Islam invades, consumes and destroys. They have always done it, they always will do it, they are fanatics who hate us, are jealous of us and want what we have got and us gone, by any means possible – and they will never, ever stop.
Build those walls high around fortress Great Britain – because arse licking vote chasing clowns like Ed “the ball” Davey and their appeasing antics will only embolden the savages.
Build those walls high, and give the invader nothing but hatred and cold steel.
Because if we do not our great Country will disappear like a rainy footnote in history, and apologies for the somewhat truculent tone of this post but war is never cheerful and I just can’t stomach the quislings telling us there is no problem – the same quislings who would conscript the poorest of us in a second when it comes to it, which it will – while they hide whimpering in their mansions with their “Fortunate Sons”.
This used to be my home and my land, now I wake every morning to be ordered to apologise for breathing.
Am I being racist? Or am I just telling an unpalatable truth.
You’re telling a truth that isn’t unpalatable, but just bare-naked fact.
That ‘I’ thing is the number one cancer on the planet today. It needs to be stamped out, as brutally as required, and whilst I wouldn’t otherwise ordinarily condone revisionism, I want all reference to it gone with it.
These cunts can be in the first class carriage to the oven.
Bit bleak that.
Stuck between mudslimes and chinkys, great Depression, traitors who sell out their countrymen and own race…sigh?
Someone tell me summat to cheer me up!!
Dont mean your post Terry meant about mudslimes taking over.
In other more cheerful news I managed to wire my new cooker in without being electrocuted MNC! (Well it made me feel more cheerful anyway!) ??
And hard, the World’s hardest cat has reappeared, he is afraid of nothing, looks like a bengal mutant, dogs see him coming and run – he likes to hop in the windows and sit in the bay window sunbathing, occasionally shooting me a disdainful glance and wondering what I am doing in his house! ?
No idea where he is from, appears like a ghost – but he always cheers me up with his visits!
Haha, glad your alright mate, two things im wary when messing with, wiring and gas appliances!
Bengal cat? Weve got one, never shuts up moaning! Its mates with the akita, but the other one the black one, the dog hates it!
Dogs a racist.
And before you ask, the dog made up its own mind with no influence from me!
Electrics are not bad, I’ve done a lot of car electrics (f*cking Renaults, wires probably clogged up with stolen fish!) and the principles are the same – don’t go anywhere near gas though.
And rename the dog Enoch Robinson! ??
Mother in law has a cat that might take that cat on. Female, lived as a stray for years so a bit mental. Kind and soft with people, but other cats? Literally jumps on them and tears away screaming its head off. None of that pre fight yowling bollocks. Makes a beeline at full pelt and jumps on the heads. They never come back.
Dogs? Two loose Jack Russells got in the garden, went for the cat and she just jumped on one of the dogs’ heads and tore away in a blur of insanity. They fucking legged it, whimpering as they went and the cat was fucking chasing them off. Neighbours pissing themselves by all accounts. She sprays her territory like a male too, but definitely female she’s been spayed. Vet puts her behaviour down to her having a hard life as a stray and is just protecting her food supply and living space. Ghetto style.
Maybe organise a pay per view event between the two hard moggies? There’s no other sport on at the minute.
First class…That’d be the cattle wagon closest to the engine