Religious stubbornness of Covid is a cunt , isn’t it.
People the world over are being reasonable about the Chînk virus, distancing socially, staying indoors despite the boredom, and exercising within reason. It’s a collective effort.
Oh, except in certain areas.
In Iran fundamentalists have been storming shines. In Pakistan, 53 clerics recently warned the Government AGAINST the ban on religious congregations.
?It’s Gameshow time on IAC ?
An old cleric/religious nutter died in Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh. What do you think happened:-
1) They held a closed ceremony and postponed any eulogies until after the Covid-19 pandemic.
2) They televised the small, private funeral and live-streamed it via the internet for personal mourning.
3) They allowed 50,000 people to defy the ban on mass gatherings during the lockdown and congregate sans masks or distancing.
Ram it Home, Ramadan.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
Perhaps the highly intellectual, Her Majesty, The Sainted Lady Doreen Lawrence of Clarendon (& Arabia) might want to review these kinds of activities & behaviours when she’s analysing how whitey released the Covid virus on the poor blameless BAMEs…
I’m expecting a completely unbiased and non-racist report from Ms Lawrence.
I can see it now, with her describing white males as making the covid disease out of murdered babies, puppies and kittens. All while cackling away with their evil cackling voices on releasing this BAME killer onto the world.
To be serious just for a moment, have any of you got any idea how Doreen Lawrence has achieved such an influential position in our society?
Something about her son and Eltham. She nor the media have gone into details though…
Well I would say GOOD but as soon as they get sick they’ll be launching a dingy armada to get their stinking foreign arses into the International Health Service.
Don’t forget to clap that.
The IHS already has over a 1000 new patients – that being the number who’ve been released into the ‘wild’ now that immigration detention centres have been closed.
Boris says that easing lockdown will include 14 day quarantine for those arriving on aircraft but made no mention of the dinghy flotilla. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
On VE Day 75 I have to say that I am pleased that my dear old dad who was conscripted in 1940 is not around to see the shambles we have allowed to happen.
Ahh but look how the Police deal with Religous disobedience in Bradford.
If only…
De comoon-it-ee got a bit naughty in London last night – suffering from Ramadamitis:
Good to see our peaceful cousins exercising the effnic skill of ‘social distancing for cunts’ ie not at-fucking-all.
They need some Snickers…mine’s got nuts ?
Like the photo of Bradford High street admin!?
Im all for the muslims being exept for social distancing more the merrier I say!
Cram in as many as possible,
Shut those windows! Airs getting in!
Put the heating on full lets get sweaty!
And it seems to be working. The numbers of them getting the coronavirus is high,
But hopefully we can double this.
I have never seen so many brown faeces in one place.
Give it another couple of generations and that will be the norm in every town and city in this fucked up country.
Ho ho ho !
Bloody hell Jack. Are you masking up as Santa already?
Should be great being a Santa this year. Shouldn’t have to get too close to the greasy little cunts. Each of ‘em will have to shout their orders from 6 feet away.
I don’t think I’d make a very good Santa, Bertie.
Leering at the yummy mummy’s.
” Just look at my big bulging sac ( k ).”
let em embrace and hug and weep and pray ,then allow all to Mecca for some bingo. That’ll thin the fuckers out.
Galalala, galalala, hey hey hey…SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU QUEER GAMBLER CUNTS!
What a load of cunts…why would you congregate like this when you realise what the fuck is going on with the Kung Flu?
Thing is if it wipes out 50,000 of them they would be replaced within a year, the breed like rats cunts.
Go fuck yourselves.
Some of my mates that still live and work in Londonistan have reported that the ROPer’s are still piling into mosques in large numbers everyday without any reprimand or sanction from the Police/authorities.
I doubt that will surprise any of you cunts, though.
If any BAME gets the chinky flu it’s Whiteys fault nothing to do with the behaviour of the think useless cunts.
Cunts like these who don’t make any effort and there’s cunts like one I had the misfortune to encounter in the supermarket who had a meltdown because a couple of people got what he considered too close.
These extremes have one thing in common, someone else does their thinking for them.
Allah isn’t going to protect you from a virus and if your in a supermarket being 2 meters away from everyone else isn’t going to protect you if an infected individual coughs or sneezes 20 feet away.
The way people are dealing with this crises perfectly demonstrates we have the leaders we deserve.
When this has gone, what’s the bet it will be “Allah be thanked, God be praised” as if they’re responsible for ridding the planet of Covid-19.
They’re in for a wait. Covid 19 is here to stay for a while, especially given the anti-vaxxers.
Nowadays I just say ‘good, you stay indoors forever, and I’ll have your dose as well.’
Fuck Muslims and fuck Ramadan and fuck Tesco with their current TV ad promoting barbaric halal chicken….
The UK farm and animal welfare council have been pushing for this form of slaughter to be banned immediately but no one is listening.
Wonder why…?
And neither do you hear much from the libtard left or the vegan brigade about such barbarous animal cruelty. They’re too shit scared to upset other cultures bar our own.
Hypocritical cunts
EVERY ad on tv at the moment is pissing me right off; if it isn’t the banks telling us how cuddly and caring they are (see if they feel the same in six months time when every fucker’s on the dole and they want the mortgage payment – don’t think Vindupta in her fetching pink veil will be quite so chummy then) or various charidees telling us how the lion-dodgers could do with some more of our hard-earned in this time of need, to supermarkets informing us that they’re not concerned about profits at all really and are just here to help. And of course the trained-seal, Big Brother NHS CLAP OR YOU WILL BE OSTRACISED shit goes without saying. Fuck all a y’all cynical, chink-flu bandwagon-jumping cunts.
Morning Cuntan, the Polacks and Roma will be out in force today and raising a can of Tyskie for VE Day in Bostonagrad? Actually from your observations, that could be any day.
Hi LL, I’m starting to think the Roma vermin are actually outpacing the Easties here now; what with their renowned breeding fortitude (never see one signing up for IVF do you?) it was a matter of time I suppose
Spot on Cuntan.
It’s piss boiling stuff.
The one that grated me is the ‘couple’ reading a rhyme about lockdown and how it will all be a memory and how they will have to put off their wedding bla bla bla but it’s ok because their love will only grow stronger.
Wtf it’s for Nationwide Building Society.
I was a bit pissed the other night and shouted ‘yeh he’s going to go on his stag do and get a dose and give it you on your wedding night you stupid bint’.
My girlfriend was none to pleased as her 15 year old daughter was in the room.
Fuck them all the same.
Oh and not that we buy oven chips but I specifically instructed she never buys McCain ever and if you’ve seen their latest shit fest you’ll know exactly what I mean.
Oh fuck how did I forget “two daddies” Tomlinson and that simpering grauniad-baiting jizz fest that is the McCain ad, that makes me vomit blood every time i see it. With all those “real” couples – like the white octogenarian married to a parking Stanley!!! Fuck off – anyone of his generation would have fucked her on the sly, then put her to work picking his tea leaves and stitching him a tiger skin rug
I didn’t think anyone could out virtue signal that Gillette ad that sent their profits through the floor but it would appear they have.
It’s fucking sickening but as the Gillette ad proved you can go too far, let’s hope McCain suffer a similar treatment.
Utter utter cunts
They’d have to ban Kosher for the same reasons and that would be anti-Semitic.*
* Though quite how anyone can be anti language baffles me.
It’s just semantics Cuntle. ?
‘two daddies’
To think he was a left wing firebrand Cuntan. A martyr in fact. He was sent to jail wasnt of the original something ‘3’ the docks I think…
Before that he was a member of the NF originally.
Then switched. Then became a luvvie.
All over the place.
You can’t imagine Red Robbo or Mick Mcgaghy turning so.
Should have stayed a left wing wing radical or reverted to being extremely right wing. My point-anything but a lgbt defending luvvie LIBERAL
Good point Miles, I’d forgotten about that!!
I would ban any non humane slaughtering in the U.K..However, I would permit the import of halal and kosher meat subject to a 500% tariff. The U.K. is a country where animals are generally respected. Want to live here? Learn to live within our value matrix.
There is no such thing as humane slaughter.
Possibly not but there is barbaric slaughter. A question of balance methinks; I do enjoy an exchange of views.
Gunshot to the head is pretty humane ?
Of course, we’d all be pissed off due to lead in our food.
Oh JC, the three cunts in their immaculately-groomed beards…
(can I say “groomed”??…)
Ram the cunts in,as crowded as those Nip bullet trains.
A mosque full a day is a jolly good start.
Any mithering from the fuckers run them down with armoured cars painted to look like ambulances.
Filthy rats.
Watched a History Channel program on Vietnam the other night – showed the USAF & USN dropping napalm at Khe Sanh.
Beautifully indiscriminate & so effective, the perfect weapon for mass gathering re-education sessions.
Khe Sanh, that was interesting. As I understand an attempt to draw the gooks into a traditional battle. USMC took plenty of casualties ; the gooks many more. The fire base was abandoned not long after; the poor bastards had served their purpose. A timely reminder on this of all days.
I read somewhere that in India (1.3 billion), they’ve only had a few thousand deaths. Doesn’t it affect the Hindoos?
It’s just that there’s so many of them that when a million of them die, or even just vanish, nobody notices.
It’s also not fair because they’re better protected. All the Hindoo women and Moslem women already wear facemasks.
Morning Cap’n. Morning all.
Great job by Admin here, digging out a picture of Cannon Hill Park on a sunny day.
PS Sorry Cannon Hill Park’s in Brum for all those not familiar.
I would have gone for Small Heath Park.
Theres a group that i wont worry about to much if they contract yellow fever….
Let us not forget VE day and that we have been in isolation now longer than the French fought the Germans at the start of the war…..They sat inside doing fuck all as well..
There was a program on late last night that I just had to watch.
I think the title was on the line’s ‘The worrying rise of hate crimes’.
It should have been called Them worrying rise of the Far Right who are attacking the religion of Peace because they are racists end of’.
Now there’s a couple of contradictions in my title and that’s done on purpose.
You can’t attack a religion and be called ‘racist’, religions you can choose and race you can’t.
The bastard cunt that out this program together was without question the biggest closet racist on the block.
Whoever it was saw Islam as a Black/Brown religion when we all know those slaughtered on mass in the mid 90’s in the Balkans were very much white.
But hey, minor details.
The focus on the rise of the ‘Far Right’ was apparently in response to some terrorist attacks that were pretty much glossed over, i shit you not they just referred to the terrorist attacks of 2017, but then went into detail about the horrific attack at the Finsbury Park Mosque.
At this point the alcohol was giving my Tourette’s a serious boost.
Could it get any worse, yes, interviewing some lovely young Muslim women she stated ‘that she felt like she could be murdered like Jo Cox’.
Now just think about that for one second.
Was Jo a Peaceful, No.
Did Jo have a skin colour with a funny tinge, No.
Was Jo wearing Muslim dress, No.
Was Jo a White English Christian woman, Yes.
What the fucking fuck.
Without question one of if not the worst pieces of so called journalism I’ve ever seen.
I can’t think of anything learned or witty to say. Let them die – if their 1.7 billion were wiped out overnight, we would wake up to an almost perfect world.
When I was younger my Grandfather gave me a 9mm Parabellum pistol round and I used to carry it about in my breast pocket for luck. One day whilst walking through East London an Islamic nut through a Quran out of a mosque window hitting me square in the chest. That religious book would have gone straight through my heart if it wasn’t for that bullet. Saved my life…..
Good riddance to the fucking lot
Nooooo. The sudden spike out of the blue is down to testing and erm…VE Day celebrations, yes that’s it.
Ramadan you say? Eid? Shhhhhhhhh.
Think back to when you probably signed the petition for the government to release the Grooming Gang review in full. The fuckin’ cheating, dissembling cunts in the Home Office are still trying to weasel out of doing so. Below is a copy of the letter sent by the chairwoman of the Petitions Committee asking Priti Patel to get off her fat arse and give a proper response.
Petitions Committee
House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Tel 020 7219 7614 Email Website
Rt Hon Priti Patel MP
Secretary of State for the Home Department 2 Marsham Street
United Kingdom
Dear Priti
5 May 2020
I am writing to request a revised Government response to e-petition 300239, calling on the Government to release the Home Office’s Grooming Gang Review in full.
My Committee considered your department’s response to this petition at its meeting on Tuesday 5 May, and agreed that it did not directly address the request made by the petitioner, and therefore did not meet the standard for Government responses that has been agreed with the Leader of the House.
Your department’s response explains the Government’s current work on child sexual abuse, which includes investigating the characteristics of group-based child sexual exploitation, and states that this work will inform the Government’s forthcoming strategy. However, the response fails to respond to the petitioner’s request for this work to be published.
My Committee has already received a significant volume of correspondence complaining about the Government’s response, and I am sure that your department has been receiving similar correspondence directly.
Your department’s response to this petition was also substantially late. A response to this e-petition was requested on 6 March, but not received until 24 April. It has been agreed with the Leader of the House that the Government will respond within 21 days, making your response four weeks late. I fully appreciate that the Government is currently under significant pressure, but it is disappointing to receive a late response that also fails to adequately respond to the petition.
I am therefore writing on behalf of the Committee to request a revised response that directly responds to the request made by the petition. This should clearly state whether the Government will publish its research into the characteristics of group-based child sexual exploitation. If the Government does plan to publish this, your response should set out in what form and when. If the Government does not plan to publish this, your response should explain the reasons for this.
I would be grateful if you could provide a revised response before the House rises for Whitsun, on Wednesday 20 May, given the substantial time that signatories to this petition have already been waiting for the Government response.
I am copying this letter to the Leader of the House, with whom the standards for Government responses and timeframes within which these should be provided have been agreed.
Best wishes,
Catherine McKinnell MP Chair of the Petitions Committee
CC: Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, Leader of the House of Commons
Moderated. Watch this space RTC and see if you can find the trigger word when it reappears. I’m fucked if I can see it. I suspect government interference!?
Got it! – “ars” in Marsham St! ?
Excellent work Bertie – if you don’t kick them they don’t move.
No idea why they would want to suppress it, no idea at all..
“at its”
There’s t1ts in there.
Vern – I think it might have been passed up to the top brass to take a look!
Bertie @ 1:19pm
You may have been moderated due to the inclusion of a Tel. number and an email address.
Otherwise, no trigger words there that I’m aware of.
RTC@7.05. Ah! I see.
Is that where I mentioned “suckyuoff at” Tel. Islington 3864792?
Penny Morfaunt’s got a fine arse, and she can face-sit me any time she wants!
Islam. As has been said before – the worship of shit by shit.
If it was just those stinking inbred f*ckers who got infected I would not care less, might even help them into Jimmy Saville’s living room, er, I mean, the mosque with a socially distanced foot up the a*se.
But this virus affects Humans as well, and our quisling apologist coward politicians led by Boris the traitor are causing us to die unnecessarily.
And I was sooo confident our “leaders” would sort it.
Is that yet another flight from Pakistan I spot?
Course it f*cking is.
“I’ve never seen so many white hats in one place”
Speaking of hats, has anyone seen Mahat Makoht?
Ramadama bloody ding dong. You would be hard pushed to make this up! Fecking eejits.
Ssshh. It’s nature’s way.