‘Racist’ Britain
People who claim Britain is racist towards non white people are cunts. Yes, there is racism in Britain, but it’s less prevalent than in most countries. In fact, places like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan and many African countries are much more racist than Britain.
A recent example is the notion that BAME members of society are more prone to coronavirus deaths because of racial inequality.
What a load of shite! They blame overcrowded housing on racism. Well, whose idea was it to have three wives and nine kids on the dole or on the scam that is tax credit? Not fucking mine, but blame me why don’t you? What are we supposed to do? Sterilise you so you don’t have 10 kids?
I was actually shocked to hear a black scientist on the BBC, saying that certain groups are more likely to ignore social distancing and meet up in community centres during the pandemic. She’s right, but the Beeb simply don’t want to listen. It must be whitey making them go outside for meet ups, right?
Other factors include genetics. Some groups are more prone to high blood pressure (black males in particular). Others have compromised immune systems due to vitamin D deficiencies (although this may be out of choice by wearing a burka rather than for genetic reasons in some cases).
Well, considering this, how the fuck is any of this my fault for being a honkey?
I recently read that Diane Abbott, someone who claims that Britain is racist quite often, had her son locked up recently.
Diane, who was educated at Cambridge in racist Britain and lives in a 1.3 million home in London, whilst serving as a safe seated member of Parliament in our racist country, was forced to call the cops for bizarre reasons.
Her son, privately educated and then sent to Cambridge University in racist Britain, got a job as a diplomat with the Foreign Office. No nepotism there, of course. While stationed in Rome, he became addicted to meth. That’s probably my fault too.
Then, on his return, he went on the rampage at Diane’s house chasing her around with a knife. He was also done for indecent exposure and biting and assaulting NHS staff and the police.
Yes, say sorry lads and lasses. Because it’s all our fault.
The simple fact is that as a honkey, there is no fucking way I could get a job as an MP or even a fucking vote in Jamaica, Pakistan or pretty much any non white majority country.
We are the absolute opposite of racist and some are just taking the absolute piss, by trying to take even fucking more out of the country by saying such a thing.
Until we see honkey MPs and equal rights for honkies in their countries, they can shut the fuck up. And the Chinese flu is a virus. It might be more likely to fuck you up if you have a gung ho attitude towards it. And there is fuck all anyone can do about genetic differences.
Fuck off.
Nominated by Cuntybollocks
Facts, logic, science and reason are also racist constructs designed to opress theses poor victims too apparently.
Oh and Happy “Jerry gets a pasting” day everyone…
(Also known as Eat knuckle Fritz-mas)
Wondered how long it would be before race came into this whole covid bollocks. As for that fuckin minter Abbott, fuckin words fail me. Disgraceful spade cunt!
How I wish Flabbot jnr. could’ve been found guilty of matricide…
A missed opportunity.
Superb nomination Cuntybollocks ?
All this crap about BAME groups being disproportionately affected by the virus has boiled my piss to Krakatoa temperatures ! …. & the fucking point of this scientific breakthrough is what, exactly ???
I have been one to sling mud at our elite government for various reasons in the past, but are these cunts really blaming HM Gov for the ethnic bias of a fucking germ ??
Maybe it affects asians more as the flu came from China ? or maybe eating bats infected with hen piss, rat vomit & sick chicken feathers has a propensity to create infections with anyone unhealthy.
As for shit-for-brains RH MP for lower cuntville, D Abbott, I couldn’t be happier if I never see her Cunt face or hear her Cunt voice ever again.
And for the people who think Boris & his crowd are doing a bad job about this virus….really ??? and what’s your alternative plan ?
Dame Qweer, ‘Shadow chancellor’ Dodds & the walking spuds that are the Labour party ? Fuck me, the PG Tips chimps flinging their own shit would be more effective.
Fuck off you peacefull loving, white bashing fuckwits.
The virus is racist…..(apparently).
and you can read this shit if you really want to piss blood:
Plenty of whiteys and coffee-coloured types queueing up on Twatter to proclaim their love for this no-mark as well I note, to hang their virtue-signalling flags high. “I love BAME people, me, aren’t I wonderful? Oh shit, can I use the word ‘people’ – is that offensive now??”
Bravo old chap…..I am not racist. I fucking dislike everyone. Then I got thinking what would you rather be a Parky or a Turk? Blick or Welsh? Zip Head or a ginger Jock?….Spik or Wap? Fucking hard isn’t it?….think I just have to be very grateful for being English, white and an utter cunt!
Also if we are all supposed to live in perfect harmony how come sentient animals dont. You dont see lions, tigers, hyenas and fucking zebra all hanging about together …….. only time I expect to experience multicultural Britain is when I go to London working. Only white people in our village with the exception of 3 Banglashi who provide Indian cuisine…..
I hate everyone also, but I hate peacefuls more. And gyp cunts. Filth of the planet.
The quickest way to end racism is to deport anyone who’s parents or gandparents arrived here after 1946.
Ok, it may not stop us taking the piss out of them, but it will prevent us from hearing the constant whining that YT is racist in his own country.
If you don’t like it, leave.
I am racist but it wasn’t Britain that made me that way, it was dianne abbott. …and sadiq Khan.
Oh and the knife crime, rapes, murders and terrorism helped…..
…and the constant whinging. If you don’t like it here please feel free to fuck off!
If this country is so racist and horrible why does every other race in the world want to come here?
That fucking hog really boils my piss!
I do not consider myself to be racist but from what David Lammy has been saying recently regarding the need for an investigation as to why Covid-19 is affecting blacks more than white folk, rather suspect he might be.
What a fucking white hating arsehole.
PS- Just in case you weren’t already aware, he had a friend that died at Grenfell.
Frankly, it’s a fucking shame he wasn’t visiting at the time.
Everything that David Lammy doesn’t understand has to be racist.
David Lammy is a complete spoontard.
You can probably see that the problem isn’t the rest of England. Its David Lammy.
Odin, I prefer you refrain from using such language ‘spoontard’ and refer to him as cutlery challenged haha 😀
Oh feck, I thought it was a bus driver.
They all look the same to me…
As I was saying at the Aryan Brotherhood meeting, I can’t abide racists.
Strange that the whitey hating wanker has a white wife. Nowt so queer as folk eh.
Racist? Who defines what’s racist? I gave up caring long ago. If resenting then country being flooded with the third world and then being expected to embrace them whilst watching my own culture corrupted I’m racist. Throw in xenophobic while you’re at it.
The new definition of racist and Nazi is ‘anyone who does not agree precisely with your opinions ‘.
And people of colour cannot be racist, only whitey.
We’re being played for mugs as usual. Britain is probably the least racist country on the planet.
I knew things were changing culturally when my son was a nipper. Him refusing to stay with Daddy in the local M&S, I shouted down the fresh meat isle “Come on yer little shit or else a black man will run off with yer!”. He shit himself and came post hate but the looks of distain from other shoppers, staff and the young black couple was palpable…CUNTS!
The likes of Flabbot and Lammy-cakes make fine livings for spearheading accusations of racism, wherever and whenever they can.
Other than providing dramatic accusations of racism, what else do these over nourished fuckwitts actually do, which is of benefit to the constituents they serve?
Yes, that’s right; the square root of fuck all.
The only problem with Britain is cunts like abbot and son being financed by us…..
Do these utter cunts not realise, if Britain truly was racist these cunts would never be given a platform to berate the indigenous population?
If racist would they be allowed to sit in our houses of representation and be well remunerated for the pleasure?
Fuck me. When is this country going to whip the soap box from under these wankers? If some cunt broke into your house spat at you and called your family scum, yet refused to leave you’d deal with the issue. Is this country not our natural home? If the answer is yes, I’m sick of the visitors pissing on the carpet.
These types are the professional victim and this country just panders to the cunts. Reason more die? Genetics, pure and simple, oh and dirty habits.
Why not try and find a general cure for the virus? Fuck me these cunts would only be happy if they could encourage it to kill more whiteys. Then we could all be equal. Joy to the fucking world.
I was sat here thinking i have nothing to say that has not been expressed before and thus nothing to contribute apart from piss boiling and b.p. rising. I am tired of this white baiting shit,so tired and weary. But it then follows this is where they want us,muted,silent and psychologically castrated. Where i live there are no bame types,none zip nada; so you may say i have no need to be racist,and i am not. But if directing my anger about this means pushing back at the drip drip of white baiting so be it then i am a racist. So no, just fuckin no i will not be quiet ?
Whitey (generally) is not the problem. It’s some of my lot insisting you are, and the soy boy, trans-lovers, Owen Jones-is-a-hero-and-not-an-utter-fucking-cunt lot who agree with that bunch of cunts that are the problem.
An example of racism.
Opportunities depend on skin colour by law.
Emergency relief due to coronavirus goes to certain skin colours.
Black Africans from northern countries (kwerekwere) attacked and murdered daily.
Certain skin colours have a quota for boardrooms, regardless of merit.
Farmers and their families murdered daily.
No, not Apartheid S Africa but SA today. The skin colour is black. And that is why it is sinking under the weight of violence, corruption and stupidity.
Not racism of course because the Kaffirs are ‘previously disadvantaged’. Although they are no better off now after 26 years of Kaffir rule.
Admin. Are you able to tell me why my post on the religious stubbornness nom was at first moderated and then disappeared altogether. It was about the grooming gangs petition. Is it because I wrote it on House of Commons notepaper?
Can I take it that I’ll be receiving a visit from MI6 sometime soon?
Have you been a naughty boy again Bertie? As if I need to ask… ?
Afternoon Ruff. What seemed to be an innocuous post turned out to be obviously not!
I’m hoping Admin might be able to shed some light on the matter in the interests of freedom of information.
I can’t tell you any more as I might have to kill you!
Afternoon Bertie.
You had a couple of posts deleted, didn’t you? I’ll see if Number Two knows anything abaaaaht it.
Not that he’ll tell me anything, the cunt.
Every person on earth is tribal. Skin colour or being a Chelsea fan is all the same.
Not me. I’m tribal in neither department.
Chelsea fans are some of the biggest cunts on the planet.
Amen to that Bruv….
I could not possibly comment.
I’m afraid the only racists in Britain are the blacks!
Nope, the Indians and muslims are well up there with the blacks. Whites may well be racist but they are also mostly tolerant whereas the oven-cooked variety are totally intolerant of anybody that disagrees with them and doesn’t place them on a pedestal, this also includes the white left-wing.
Agreed. My lot (Hindus) can be just as racist as your local Klans member. I used to have African and West Indian mates when I was at primary school that my parents wouldn’t let in the house.
BRAVO CUNTYBOLLOCKS. The über-cunting of the YEAR. Fedu up with race being dragged I to everything. Can we actually say egg-white without being called waaaaycist, or must we now only call it albumin? Is a preference for white eggs now waaaaycist with them being banned & replaced by brown eggs? Don’t even mention that race-baiting moron Lammy or the sour-faced melanin obsessed tosspotress Dawn Butler, race agitator for Brent.
Boris. Racist. VE day. Racist. Chinky lab virus. Racist.
I know this because those fair minded level headed non racist people like Flabbott, Ashu Hirsch and Lammy told me so on many occasions so must be true then.
I don’t know if anyone watched Question Time last night but it boiled my piss so this morning I sent a complaint to newswatch, I know it makes no difference and it will be ignored but if more people told the BBCunts what they think…..
Anyway here is the email I sent
I would like to complain about Question Time broadcast on the 7th May.
One of the questions from the public was about the possibility of lifting the lockdown at different times and/or different measures Geographically.
The panel members gave their views but when it came to Afua Hirsch to comment Fiona Bruce deliberately shoehorned in the BAME, no previous reference made.
Why? Why didn’t she ask this question to any other panel member, why wait until it came to Afua Hirsch, well of course we got the usual stuff from Hirsch, race baiting, White man evil, why has it taken so long to do this or that!
It’s pathetic, what is the issue here, is it too many BAME people dying of Covid 19 or not enough White people.
Why is it when it comes to knife crime, terrorism, grooming gangs there is a wall of silence when anyone has the nerve to mention ethnicity but now when a few more BAME die in relation the White everyone and his dog wants to take about ethnicity.
It’s life, it’s tough, if you are Old or Fat white or Black you have a greater chance of dying if you catch Covid 19 and if you are MALE!
I tagged it onto Steaming Helmit because of the reference to. Afua Hirsch, the fucking bitch ?
She’s an utter cunt.
For all those of you who signed the petition asking the government to release the details of the grooming gang report and received a load of flannel in response …..well the petitions committe has just asked the government to actually give a reasoned response and not a load of bollocks. Nothing may come of this but at least the petition wasn’t completely ignored.
Oh, I forgot to say we’re all bunch of racists.
…. Not Ignored by the petitions committe that is. The government couldn’t give a fuck.
Fuck. I was sitting on the thunder box when typing my original comment and I wasn’t concentrating on my spelling.
What a cunt.
thanks for the info Simmy. There’s deffo some things in that report they dont want us to know.
If you noticed the BBC covered two white guys killing a black guy yesterday as a prominent story. His family say he was out jogging while others say he was running away from committing a robbery, and a scuffle between his ‘apprehenders’ ended up in a shooting. One of those who chased the guy was a retired ex cop. The other was his son.
Who knows? Probably didn’t deserve to get shot, but the truth isn’t known yet.
However, BBC all over this ‘racist’ execution. Who knows, it could be such a thing, but we don’t know yet.
Doesn’t stop the BBC though. And look at all that coverage they give to black fellas killing other black fellas?
Balanced, isn’t it?
If the deceased was the gun holder then it should be interesting (read frustrating) to hear the media slant on it.
I’ve just seen it was the USA so scrub the previous.
London by chance?….
Glynn county, Georgia. USA.
Turns out the ‘youth’ who got ventilated had previous for bringing a gun and drugs to school and threatening people.
Another bit of previous for shoplifting.
The two good ole boys who have been arrested tried to make a citizen’s arrest and the dindu made a grab for their shotgun.
As Georgia has the ‘Stand your ground’ laws, this is a simple case of self defence.
Obviously the mammy sow says Imz beez a good boi and imz dindunuffin.
The local pavement apes are now going to riot, loot their own stores for TVs and trainers and then burn down their own neighbourhood in protest.
I’m a darkey (can you tell?) and when that other darkey, Rachel Boyle, attacked Laurence Fox on QT for being a priveleged white male, my heart sank, only for it to rise again when he called that witch out for being racist herself. My folks came here in the sixties (we’re not ROPers, btw) and my parents insosted that everyone speak English at home, before I was even born. I fucking respect and love that. I am English (I was British but fuck the Jocks), I am a true cockney and I am Indian also. Abbott and Flammy can fuck off. Effluent Hirsch can fuck off as well.
Brown cunt and proud (praaaaaahd?) of it.
I have a lot of time for Hindus and Sikhs. They came to this country for a better life and have done a sterling job of fitting in.
During the Tottenham riots, there were a bunch of Sikhs in full ceremonial dress, carrying fucking huge swords to protect their Gurdwara.
Fair play to them. They have truly embraced the spirit of ‘an Englishman’s home is his castle’.
I felt incredible proud of them for standing up to the local rioting dindus, where the police just ran away and hid.
oh ffs loads live near me and they are total cunts! Only difference is that they like to act like slaves and sycophant all day long! Cringe! go visit southall, large parts of Birmingham and Liecster etc and you will see that the smelly Sikhs and Hindus are just as two faced, devious, racist (hindu caste system anyone!!?) and smelly as the blacks and peacefuls, if not worse! At least the others have a backbone and aint ashamed of who they are. Hindus and Sikhs drink cow piss and bath in in cow piss too as it’s considered sacred, which is why they;re not ever going to be very English like lol
Good for you. Identity politics is poison. It just divides us all. And the dominant culture should always prevail. Stereotypes aren’t always a bad thing. You seem to agree and one hopes you could persuade others. Because they don’t listen to us honkies, that’s for sure!
I know plenty of English/British cunts of Indian Hindu descent (my missus included) who see things similarly to Dark key cunt.
Just as there are many white cunts, mostly libtards and Labour Party activists, who appear intent promoting racism and poisoning good race relations.
“ The dominant culture should prevail”. I agree Cuntybollocks. However, it begs the question as to ‘ which is the dominant culture?’ Could it be the moose limbs even though they’re not yet in the majority? It’s frightening to think about 20/30 years hence.
I don’t think the silent majority in this country would ever stand for the moose limb Islamic culture becoming dominant… any more than they would stand for any religious fundamentalism, including Christian, taking over and telling them what they’re allowed to do and think.
It’s not the British way.
I wish I could agree…however, Lebanon was majority Christian in the 70’s and look at what happened there.
Now held together by a thread. If it wasn’t for the Shia lot hating the Sunnis it would be a Muslim nation now.
Racism. The hatred and jealousy of a superior race. I spend my days dreaming of the upcoming purge.
We have hateful racist c*nts in every position of power, and we have to stand impotently by as we get f*cked from every direction.
Bring back Enoch.
Racist Britain only exists in the minds of white libtards and professional race baiters like Lammy and Flabbott. They stir up racial strife and hatred for their own political reasons. I suspect for most BAMES they would rather be here than anywhere else in the world. If Racist Britain actually existed, as they would have us believe, why are cunts risking their lives crossing the Channel in rubber boats? What’s wrong with France? Or what’s wrong with the rest of the EU which, by some strange coincidence, these libtards and race baiters love with a passion? These cunts and their media paramours, especially the Anti British Broadcasting Corporation, are the real problem here. They have an agenda and Racist Britain is just a small part of it. Anyone who thinks they give a flying fuck about the plebs, whatever their skin colour, needs to wake up and stop dreaming.
” why are cunts risking their lives crossing the Channel in rubber boats?”
According to Wireless 4 news at 1300, another 140 set off from France overnight, brining this years total to well over 1000 – yet again the fucking coastguard, rescue services and helicopters are helping them ashore. I wonder if they present them with a gift box of chocolates when they bring them in – after all they are going to stay free in a hotel.
Those numbers don’t count the ones who have just legged it up the beach and disappeared. No doubt they are safely ensconced in Londonistan, Bradfordistan or Lutonistan driving taxis and eyeing up little girls.
Arguing with a libtard? Win instantly with “that’s racist” and make your exit while they ponder how they transgressed.
Also, throw the fuckers off by actually knowing what racism is. Said something unkind about peacefuls and been accused of racism? Point out that Islam is a religion and not a race, you are prejudiced, how dare they accuse you of racism?!
you’ll love this article in the DT – headed as follows
“The lockdown exit is being designed for men, by men” – find the links as I can’t link it without spam message
Diane’s son is quite a lad, isn’t he?. Spitting, biting, hitting people over the head with trays in a canteen (a hospital canteen) and indecent exposure (I hope he made sure old butch Jess Phillips and Sugartits Cooper got a good eyeful!). The little cunt has been a diplomat, and also meddled in Brexit – it seems he has a thing about “helping Italians” just as Mangledbum has a thing about “helping” the Chinese.
All this and he is a drug user – how the fuck did he manage to get into the civil service – especially in such a notoriously racist country?:
Poor lad – it’s obviously racist whiteys making up mean things about him!
The fact that she has a child suggests that someone other than Corbyn must have impregnated her. The only scenario I can imagine is that she somehow ended up on the wrong side of the Gorilla cage at London Zoo but, even then, surely Guy would have legged it quick smart?
Officially it was a ‘Ghanian-born architect’ called David Percy Ayensu-Thompson, plus the aid of a turkey baster.
In reality I suspect it was Robert Mugabe.
That photo, what the fuck happened to Robby Coltrane?