Pritti Patel is a cunt, isn’t she.
“Crackdown on illegal immigrants… blah blah…stronger measures…blah blah….tougher security…blah blah blah…”
They’re swarming in via boats and it’s not even Summer yet. Escorted in, processed, not checked for Chinky Flu, housed, fed, and given benefits, phones, ipads. What signal does this send out: “Make an attempt, you’ll be welcome.” We might as well put this up on a flashing neon sign in Calais.
Yes, yes, Pritti, cheeky smile, voluptuous, slaps on the lip-gloss… but is she doing her job? Over 500 assiduous immigrants just since the lockdown began. They’ll be distributed throughout the country so expect to see them walking down your road soon.
We are told every year this will be dealt with and sorted. Every successive Home Secretary churns out the lies disguised as tough talk. Either return them to France or use gunboats. Even if it wasn’t going to be the most economically precarious time, these potentially rampacious cunts shouldn’t be arriving to further bleed the system.
On a personal note, Patel has ballooned in the past couple of years and consequently would no longer receive a magnanimous blast of man-yoghurt. Nonetheless, what concerns me more than the increasingly Flabbot-like arse is the Flabbot-like lack of action. She’s wearing her trousers fat, but the public’s patience is wearing thin.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
Where is she?
She hasnt been seen in ages, would think during a significant event like a nationwide lockdown we would of seen the Home Secretary? ..nothing.
She was in the Commons yesterday introducing and debating the new immigration bill.
Morning Ruff, didnt see that to be fair to her, but hardly been a ‘visibly presence’ of late.
You obviously don’t watch the evening briefings Miserable, which she occasionally gives – she flings off her briefs at the end of it to rapturous applause.
I’ve gone right off her, partly because of weight gain and also how she speaks. She’s greatly afflicted with
Rigbyitis – dropping the ‘g’ at the end of her words.
I find her elocution impeccable Bertie. It’s one of her most endearing and attractive qualities, that and her jizzable facial features and a penchant for reintroducing capital punishment. ?
Maybe it clashes with when the Simpsons is on?
No surprises the cunts wont enforce our borders.
“Nearest safe haven” for refugees is the rule every cunt ignores.
A run of the mill decades old national disgrace.
Perhaps a weeks notice to fuck off or its the oven is better.
High and low vermin.
There are plenty of aircraft lying idle just now – repatriate – job done.
I suspect human rights laws will tie our hands until we properly Brexit.
I’m sick of hearing about this group and that group being given free housing, with slope flu as an excuse. Time for the reckoning.
Something tells me that even after Brexit bugger all will be done to rid ourselves of these pests. ‘Talk big ,Do nothing ‘- that philosophy is embedded into the minds of all decision makers these days.
Boris has proved that no matter how many lies you tell or however big they are, you’ll always get away with it because your supporters don’t care about being lied to as long as you pander to their prejudices and the lies support whatever they want to believe is true.
Is that some sort of crater between her voluptuous thighs? I cannot unsee it now…
I heard Priti does enjoy a piping hot coffee on a morning, she’s tried other enemas but they just don’t have the ‘clearing’ capabilities. Get a grip Priti and stop letting these smelly robbing drug and people trafficking cunts in! CUNT!
And what the fuck is Samuel L Jackson doing over her right shoulder in his pulp fiction attire. You can fuck off out of the Country as well Sambo! CUNT.
That’s not Samuel L. Jackson that’s Black and White Cunt stalking her. You can see him greasing up his tongue in preparation. I recognise him from that video on the Tube, pissed up and abusing our Eastern European and peaceful friends, the raaay-sist.
Are you sure it was B&WC Freddie? – I did not spot a gold plated BMW with “Laaarvly” in the back window anywhere in the background! ?
Of course i’m sure. Look at the way he is furtively looking around for the CCTV. He’s got “experienced pervert” written all over him. Obviously the cunt will say he knows nothing abhaaat it but he always says that.
You can take my word for it.
That was the impact that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. If she can’t cut the mustard fuck off.
Just a thought, Boris hasnt ‘got to her’ has he?
The sudden mass weight gain, dissapearing, etc
He cant keep his cock in his pants and breeds like a fruit fly, maybe Priti is discreetly carrying albino babies?
They shall be named Beef and Wellington.
The clues in the fucking name isn’t it!
Pretty Pat Hell?
Three card monte ..
Someone’s happy ..
They’ve got us pegged as simpering helpless idiots, they may have a point.
Sign of the times when the Home Secretary is one of them, oh and the Chancellor, is no one else seeing it ? Give it ten years and the entire cabinet will look like a Calcutta market. I still have 20/20 vision. As for shagging it….I’d rather have a wank.
Me too. She’s much too hefty for me. And a lot has been heard about her attitude toward her ministers, it’s about time we saw her directing it towards the dinghy invaders.
The tasty bit of young pussy has turned into an ugly fat cat now that she’ sampling the good life on the Government’s Front Bench.
Loving the lavish lifestyle of public office, expenses and 7 course dinners, all of her principles have been flushed down the bog like a dodgy-curry-turd!
Is she turning into another Flabbott one wonders?
No wonder the Palace of Westminster needs a £4bn renovation with those fat cunts wobbling about,
Two problems is how I see it. Firstly the meeja don’t like to cover this for risk of being labelled ‘extreme right wing’, so this pops up on very few radars.
Secondly, we have far too many skidmarks like Cherie Blair who would be only too happy to campaign for the cause of what are illegal economic migrants, and not refugees/asylum seekers as they disingenously insist on them being referred to.
Patel needs to grow a pair of nuts, but yes perhaps the more liberal parts of the cabinet are leaning on her and it is possible she doesn’t want to give ammunition to that Walter Softy, bald ex Civil Serpent twat who will shortly be taking her to an employment tribunal for being beastly to him.
Boris is notoriously pro immigration. If she went against his wishes by taking a stronger stance he would not hesitate to hang her out to dry* using that employment tribunal as an excuse to sack her.
* He’d need a priti robust washing line though.
Quite right Paul. If these rubber boat invaders got treated as they should be treated we would have Dame Kweer and hkis pansies and the Guardian all gunning for the government. I still think though the only way the coastguard ought to help them would be by deflating their boats.
To think, we kept back the mechanised, highly trained might of the Third Reich. But we can’t stop a rag – tag rabble of the world’s filth from crossing the English Channel in rubber dinghies, aided and abetted by the Cunt French.
Utterly pathetic.
Good morning.
We had balls back then.
And the population was behind it. We now have far too many Guardian-reading, lefty, Walter-the-Softy types among us who would relish the chance to run down the ‘beastly and heartless’ Tories.
So fucking true it hurts
Isn’t it funny how they can find a flotilla of boats, and cunts to man them, when they needed the to patrol Britain’s beaches to stop two or three cunts going for a walk on a deserted beach, yet they can’t find them to stem the flow of these dinghy raiders? And, those boats that they do send are only to pick them up mid way and bring them here like fucking free water taxis! They obviously don’t want to stop them, and worse, are actively encouraging them.
Britain….where entering the country illegally is rewarded….
They could chuck her on every dinghy that comes over the channel, give them all a nice new home at the bottom of the channel.
No one will ever stop the influx no matter how tough different politicians talk.
It’s their ‘uman rites innit.
That will never really change as the leftie types successfully infiltrated every single institution years ago and they just ain’t going anywhere.
Her dating profile will probably say, ‘bubbly and headstrong’.
In other words, fat, argumentative psycho beeotch.
Conservatives conserve nothing, welcome to the phony two party system where libs tories pretend to hate each but are effectively the same party. Blame it on the rain for all it matters but this is a result of liberalism and crony capitalism
Corona virus put more of a stop to immigration and globalism then lying two faced cuckservatives could ever do maybe the wuflu aint so bad praise corona chan
The truth is, nobody knows what’s happening. It’s all being done discreetly. We don’t know how many have landed as it’s not talked about. We don’t know how many are returned except for a figure of 3% which is not accurate and seems frighteningly low. They are quickly taken to a place in Croydon which is screened off from the media and from there is anybody’s guess. All we know is that the boats are arriving every day and every night. Not Patel’s fault but she should stop talking tough and pretending she’s doing something about it.
At the risk of getting berated by the regulars on here…..UpsideDownCunt alluded to this sort of lunacy, amongst other things, by your government in his “Blighty” nom and was mostly pilloried for his efforts. Either some of you guys have exceedingly short memories or don’t like others pointing out the UK’s faults…. as seen by a fair chunk of the rest of the world I might add. Strange times indeed.
And no, New Zealand isn’t a Utopian paradise, not by any stretch of the imagination, but at least we, and most other nations, protect their borders a tad better than the UK (or at least don’t ferry the gimmegrant cunts onto dry land).
Apologies if that has trodden on any toes.
It is all about guilt, Historically as a nation we have treated riff raff harshly, so here in the 21st century we are supposed to be more lenient and civilised any direct action is viewed international as “Look the bastards are still the same old nasty cunts” .
Where as the white colony’s were our traditional dumping grounds for riff raff and criminals, so after being used as an open prison for some time it is understandable that your immigration laws are a bit tougher than ours.
Hope that answers your question.
Of sorts. While guilt may be an excuse for what is being allowed to happen to your fair Isle, I can assure you that international applause would be heard if you turned the tap off on free for all immigration.
You are talking to the converted, I personally think that the coast guard should be given pointy sticks and whaling rights on dinghies.
Right now they are just an expensive “Meet and greet” service.
Far fewer people trying to reach New Zealand though, mate. These zombies want to go where the money is.
Kiwis do have to put up with that cunt jacinda spouting all her snowflake bullshit though so whats worse?
She wasn’t my first choice for PM but I am begrudgingly finding admiration for her. The Christchurch thing was admittedly toe-curling, but she tempered that by being equally solemn and touchy-feely at the ANZAC memorial. She also seems to have the courage of her convictions when it comes to actually doing what she says she will.
No politician ever ticks all the boxes, for all the people, all of the time, but she is preferable (in my opinion) to a lot of others that masquerade as leaders.
What’s the opposition like in NZ politics Kiwi? You have many fringe parties like pro-NZ nationalists or Maori? We have quite a few to varying degrees of success.
Morning LL.
Basically the same setup that you have; 2 major parties, Labour and National (Conservative to you) then then fringe lunatics. MMP (proportional representation) gives rise to the hotchpotch bunch we have, which in theory gives a “balanced” government, but whichever major party is in at the time generally calls the shots.
Jacinda’s star is definitely on the rise here and the opposition (National) is imploding with another leadership coup on the horizon.
As I said, she wasn’t my first choice for PM (I’m a National at heart) but come the election in a few months time, I will vote for her.
Maybe Admin are tidying up my post for spelling errors again? No mention of moderation…..
Fuck knows, saying it 3 times did not help, I have put it back where it should be.
It was the word excéedîngly. It makes posts disappear. Try it if you don’t believe me.
Ruffy, I imagine you make excéedîngly good cakes particularly cream puffs.
Are you Mr Kipling?
Hee hee – don’t bother trying to claim your £5 Spoons.
Ruffy, I wouldn’t dream of claiming £5.00.
Perhaps a cream cake instead? 🙂
I used to bake excéedîngly good shitcakes… ?
Cripes, I’ve found another trigger word – shîtcakes!
Thanks RTC and sorry Admin. The post just disappeared and I thought I’d fucked up so I pressed send again. And again apparently…..
Fati Pratel
It takes the daughter of immigrants top speak out against immigration while those whose ancestral relatives were born here speak up in favour of the flood.
Funny old world.
You’re right RTC, that word isn’t acceptable.
Do any chav British scrounging and thieving cunts ( and we all know some of those ) ever go and live in an EU country which, in theory at least, they are perfectly entitled to do? No they don’t because they know this is the world’s haven for p*nces and criminals. Why would you uproot yourself and your family to live in a foreign culture unless you expected to have a much better life?
We have a political establishment that just don’t understand this, or don’t want to, probably because they don’t have to experience the everyday consequences of a country that is a magnet for the worlds trash.
The only cunt who wants to say anything about these dinghy cunts is Sir Nigel who, of course is ridiculed by the media and harassed by the coppers for his troubles. I suspect Priti is just doing as she is told as there are a lot of libtard cunts after her arse as well.
Speaking of her arse it is just the ideal size for me. I like big, dark women. You wankers have no taste whatsoever.
I agree.
I’d love to slam into that with total abandon.
At least you know you aren’t going to break it.
Today , I witnessed Nigel’s Englich-channel video being taken down from LBC website , along with several others relating to the Covid and immigrant crisis.
But even LBC were in denial that anything was amiss – and it’s painfully obvious that Patel is incapable of doing anything constructive – for whatever reason.
Hands tied probably.
I expect hell to pay tomorrow , and Nigel won’t be taking this lying down.
Take them off the little boats, straight to farms, ankle chains so they can’t run, work the fuckers to death……
It’s our history and culture. ?
Jug ears Charlie wants us to go and work on the farms, no fucking way when we have these cunts washing up on the south coast.
Patel is fucking useless. While Bozza was in hospital she should have banned all flights into Blighty from China, Italy, Iran etc instead of just babbling crap about it. She is all talk and when this virus shit is over the Arndale Centre will still feel like Bucharest and Market Street will still be like a cross between The Congoi and Islamabad. She will do nothing and she is full of shit.
They all are, that’s the problem.
This is a hypocrite of the highest order but she probably feels a bit special cos twice she’s fucked up in Government and still deep throating Bo Jo. I’d have porked her at some point (just for a laugh) but fuck me you could use those hips as lifeboats.
Never liked this smug whore and as the cunt worked as a PR specialist for a number of years probably knows how to polish a turd or two.
What was the fucking point of leaving the EU to “take back control” when this is being displaced with a bunch of rag heads trying to get in instead!
I don’t mind showing humankind some humanity but some cunt that’s shovelling these ‘let’s get to blighty where we will be looked after’ on plastic boats is making a fucking killing.
Us peasants are having to deal with a lock down and these cunts are paddling across the channel, maybe it’s considered an ‘essential’ journey but I am sure the navy have a lot of boats sitting around doing nothing with their bullets going rusty, just saying – a few warning shots might see them speeding back to France!
Patel? Shit from shit. Immigrant traitor grunting and snouting away at the trough, fatter and lazier every day, fucking evil thick treasonous bitch, one in a long line of them.
If this fucking lot are the best we have and this is the best they can do then it’s time for civil action.
If we do nothing then in fifty Years time our great Country will be owned by the chinks and colonised by the muslims, and we will be a footnote in history, slaughtered out of existence.
And these traitor absentee bastards are too busy grabbing everything they can.
Enoch Powell was a wise Man who foresaw the future, and has been demonised and called a racist FOR TELLING THE TRUTH!
Enough is enough, we need rid of these bastards, the fucking lot, and if that takes radical action then so be it – because I would rather die with a gun in my hand than jabbed in my back, and I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
20 Years ago I was not a racist, but I sure as fucking hell am now – Winston Churchill was constantly called a racist for warning us about the n*zi menace, our sportsmen were ordered to perform the n*zi salute at the Berlin Olympics by spineless appeasers and there were many, many fifth columnists who supported the n*zis.
Lions betrayed by donkeys, as always.
WAKE UP GREAT BRITAIN! ????????????????
The useless cunts do make a chap revise his opinions.
I never wanted to napalm or oven hardly anyone til the borders of the UK collapsed completely.
Why does the dusky cunt always have a shit eating grin on her face ?
3D – All the taxpayers money in the World, an undeserved position of power and privilege, all the free food she can stuff in her fat face while we go to food banks, two free houses while our people sleep on the streets and the sure knowledge that as she is female and an ethnic minority not one person is allowed to challenge or criticise her – because that would be “racist”.
If I was pissing on us and laughing about it like gunga dim I would probably be smirking my fucking arse off too.
On other news, I am having a banana with my cup of tea – but a little worried if eating a banana is racism and cultural appropriation.
I would…
And I’d lick you clean afterward – just to get a taste of her.
I’ve had my eye on this dirty bitch for some time , and every pound she piles on – simply makes my throbbing erection stronger.
I’ve been taking blood-pressure tablets , but I fear my knob may well burst , if she continues to flaunt her luscious womanhood and strong , assertive leadership in the media.