Prince Andrew (4)

Prince Andrew
Honestly, what a card that ‘Air Miles’ Andy is, a proper, honest-to-goodness duckin’ an’ divin’ diamond geezer, ain’t he though.
He’s not content with remaining embroiled in the sleazy Epstein affair, with the Feds breathing down his sweaty neck. Oh dear me, no. He’s only gone and gotten more lawyers on his case now, and he’s got his chancing sidekick Fat Fergie in tow on this one.
According to meeja reports, the Dodgy Duo is being sued for £6.7 mill. with regard to an unpaid bill that’s months overdue on a 7 bedroom luxury chalet in Verbier. My, how the other half live. The original owner, who retains a share in the pad, is said to ‘have run out of patience’, and started court proceedings to get Randy and his bird to cough up what they owe him. It now seems that they’ll be ‘reluctantly forced to sell’ to meet the debt obligation, as their ‘income streams have dried up’ in the wake of the Epstein scandal.
Well it looks like another p.r. car crash for good ol’ Andy. Perhaps he just forgot about it; after all, £6.7 mill. is a mere bagatelle, and the poor boy’s had a lot on his plate of late. By his own admission, he’s ‘too honourable’ for it to be anything else.
I find it appropriate to be writing these words having just observed the VE Day two minute silence in honour of the gallantry of that generation all those years ago. I’m sure that they’d be proud to observe that their spirit of sacrifice in the service of the nation lives on in our very own selfless Prince of the Realm. What an example he’s set us all for so long with his tireless devotion to duty.
I’m sure that his dear old Mam (Gawd bless ‘er) is equally proud. Erm, well, perhaps not THAT proud if truth be told. I suppose that at the end of the day, a mother has to love her child, but speaking for myself, I find it hard to feel anything but profound contempt for this selfish, charmless waster. If this oafish tosspot was my son, I’d have spent the last half century regretting the fact that I didn’t pull out sooner on the fateful night.

Nominated by Ron Knee

36 thoughts on “Prince Andrew (4)

  1. Andrew and Fergie – what a revolting mixture to conjour up just before lunch. In my view Andy is a bumptious, up-his-own-arse, flyblown heap of useless shit, who thinks he is better than everybody else. He should concentrate on the job he was born for – becoming Labour leader and dictating to the little people while he sneers at them.

    • Prince Andrew as Labour Leader? Well, he’s almost rich enough to be a committed socialist.
      This Man is the very worst of the Human race, and a very good indicator of everything wrong with the society we live in.

  2. £6.7 million? Is that all?. I’m sure us taxpayers can put that together and the whole embarrassing affair can be quickly forgotten.

  3. Irrelevant cunts. We don’t need him or his ex sow. He should be sent to face the FBI

  4. Not that unusual, I had a client go under (and take it) because they did some work for a royal.
    The site of the work was of historical interest so every time they stuck a shovel in the ground an archaeologist stuck his nose in.
    Total of about 9 months delay on the job, equipment just sitting on site dormant and guess what, Client felt that they should not be paying so much and they folded.

    • If handy Andy is feeling the pinch maybe he could tap up little Hewitt, I know poor little Harry is down to his last 34 Million and fried chiggun isn’t cheap but surely he won’t see dear old Uncle on his well padded arse.
      I always pay the bill bang on the nose when staying in mansions so I can take the moral high ground on this one! ?

      • It’s rich big brother he needs to tap. Charlie’s paying the security bill in the States for the Halfwit so that the Hewitt’s can pay back the Frogmore money.

      • As punishment, Andrew should be transported for his crimes. Transported to LA and be on enforced lockdown with those two other vacuous, vain freeloaders The Hewitts as a babysitter to the little orang-utan.

  5. Randy and the actress previously known as “The duchess of pork” were in the news shortly after his Oscar nominated play on the Al.Beeb.

    Packing boxes of “gifts” for NHS workers. Absolutely vomit enducing, pisspoor attempt at getting the commoners back on side.

    Needless to say I doffed me cap, gawd bless em etc.

  6. What the enduring attraction is for that revolting fucker Fergie i’ll never understand.
    Looks like what goes around has finally come around for the honourable Duke.

    • She wants to get back on QVC peddling her shite.

      Or perhaps author a few more “Podgie” the fucking helicoptor books.

      Have it paid off quicker than you can say “fuck it’s the feds”.

  7. There are slime-moulds infesting the anuses of dead dung beetles that I hold in higher esteem than this man.

    • Yes at least those lowly creatures have their role and perform it without fucking it up

  8. I fail to see what use Prince Andrew has ever been. Aside from being a consummate mummy’s boy, Andrew is about as useful as a Kawasaki to a goldfish. A right Royal grasper. Money, young girls, alleged dodgy business deals. if its on offer, Andrew is omnipresent – like a rat up a rhodedendron.

    Great nom; many, many folk would lobe to see this supremely arrogant arsehole take a serious tumble.

    • Cross decking lads in South Atlantic in 82′ I hear, apart from that fuck all…I said decking!!!

  9. They are all the same. Parasites, except some hide it better. We now have the baldy one banging on about mental health, as if he is furloughed or fired. And of course dear late, lamented mummy gets a mention. Well, it’s what she would have wanted.

  10. Have a look at the caricatures of fat bloater George IV. The English have always taken the piss out of the Royals they despise. What a great free society we used to be. Prince Andrew is a cunt. Every cunt knows that. Everyone is allowed to say that. Who are we not allowed to call a cunt. What ideas are above the crown?

    • Some politicians have suggested it should be illegal to slag them off.

    • Well Megs, Harry and Andy provide us with endless entertainment, I’ll say that for the cunts.

  11. While we are all trying to rid the world of Covid 19
    Randy Andy’s holed up at Buckingham palace with Bethany 14

    I’m here all week and I’ve got my coat

  12. “Pauline! Can I be a fireman”?
    “Well make your fucking mind up – yesterday you wanted to be t’ pool attendant ’til you found it was mixed classes and no under 18’s”!
    Must be nice to be rich enough to be able to afford to not pay your debts – perhaps the British Bolshevik Corporation can assist with a nice well paid documentary for “Handy Andy”!
    We pay for this?

  13. Evning Ron, Prints Andrew is a weapons grade treble cunt, im not loving the royals these days, what they need is a time machine and a xl box of condoms , the best part of that pmpous cunt ran down his mums leg, or they should have drowned the prick….

    • Evening Fugly…
      ‘the best part of that pompous cunt ran down his mum’s leg…’.
      A thought to conjure on this lovely evening!

  14. A new definition of MOT –
    Massively obnoxious twat.
    Easily the most expendable royal, along with the ginger minger, and their two geeky offspring.

  15. Cathedral City cheese.. must be a Mandela effect but I never remembered this stuff in supermarkets until a few years ago. Tastes like plastic.

  16. Apart from Big Liz and Phil the enforcer they can all do one for me – parasites, remove all funding and let them pay their own way – they have taken enough from me.
    And give me one of those castles! (Not any of the cold ones in Scotland though!).
    Not too much to ask, surely!

  17. I’d lick Fergie’s twat and arsehole.
    I wouldn’t suck her toes though, I have my standards.

  18. Prince Andrew……

    A load that should have been swallowed!

    (does HM the Q go for that sort of thing?)

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