I’d like to nominate Overton Windows, or more precisely the narrowing overton window of those who use social media.
Peter Hitchens made a good point about how social media creates a stifling political conformity where the majority silently accept that certain things must be believed and anything else shouted down, and that careers need to be destroyed because of political heresy.
One of the striking things is this default position of those on the Blairite liberal-lef that anything that happens that does not conform to the pro-EU, multiculti BBC liberal worldview is a dystopian develooment, and draws immediate comparisons to the very overrated series Black Mirror from snarky idiots on social media.
‘When will this episode of Black Mirror end?’
Fuck off and try living under the threat of nuclear annihilation, or religious persecution you myopic, pampered cunt.
The comparison with current events is a bit more understandable, but still a little dramatic, and the comparing of the election of Trump and Brexit only highlights the amnesia nd ignorance of so many ‘educated’ people, who seem to believe the world began after 1992 and the only thing that ever dared to disrupt their lives of liberal democracy, shopping for accessories, gormless John Lennon worship and surfing the web promised by Francis Fukuyama was 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis.
Basic bastard cunts.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Seems the internet has brought us more information and ignorance than anyone thought possible!
Beautiful cunting 😀
Social media has indeed given every windbag a chance to air their thoughts and the fact that so much of it is run and policed by the more “liberal-minded” who see much of what they find unpalatable as “hate-speech” does seem to mean that a minority gets to have more to say than the majority……luckily we on “….is a Cunt” still have a platform to spout that anything with which we disagree needs to be shouted down, and that careers need to be destroyed because of political heresy.
PS..Sorry for going of track so early, I shall return to subject…..don’t know about Overton Windows but the firm who fitted my replacement hardwood windows were excellent if a bit pricey….I can heartily recommend them.
We do get around,don’t we….from “Mental Birds” who enjoy being pissed on to “Overton Window” in one fell swoop…we’re nothing if not adaptable.
Also forgot to add the name of the firm who fitted my windows….they are,of course, ” Bespoke Windows for the Country Mansions of The Landed Gentry”…unfortunately they don’t do windows for the more “BarrattBpx” style of house,so are probably not of any use to at least one Cunter on here.
A certain someone who is reluctant to reveal his job title?
Perhaps he installs poor quality UPVC windows for a living?
Morning,Mr. C-E
Social Media??
What the fuck is social about any of it.
A hobby for those with no real life.
People prattle on about free speech then get someone they don’t agree with thrown off.
Facebook – made by a cunt for cunts.
If you think for yourself, why does ‘what’s trending’ have any meaning for you?
I could go on a rant here, but I’ll save time and leave it at that.
It all points towards the same thing inflated egos. self interest, ignorance of others and narcissism or as we prefer to say utter 24 carrot cunts. I’ve switched it off unless difficult to ignore there are very few social commentators worth listening to and when they do stick their head above the parapet they need balls of steel and the skin of a rhino it seems to deal with the hate fuelled venom or it’s so heavily censored it offers little insight. It’s difficult to see the light other than an uprising led by a character ready, willing and able to have a public character assassination in the media. It’s quite depressing utterly dispicable, semi fascist hate mob….a democracy on paper where the power brokers are dangerous megalomaniac cunts and we are little more than collateral damage. Someone explain the way out?
Far too intellectual for me this cunting…you will need to tease discussion.
Another policy change strategy is the old “Sideways Rope Pull”. Rather than joining a side to push the Overton Window north or south, you pull it laterally in a direction with no resistance.
Perhaps Compulsive Competitive Tendering (CCT) of leisure centres or refuse collection contracts in the late 1980’s may be an obvious example.
God I’m a boring cunt. With intransigence from both sides, one could look at more radical ways in which to move the debate or deliver value. Of course, with social media I would say you are always faced with the “Lets make this cunt famous SHARE!” if you put something out that is anything than, shall we say, ‘vanilla’. CUNTS!
It takes giant plums of iron ore for anyone in the media spotlight to move outside the ‘window’. Just look at Lawrence Fox, for example. At best, the lefties view his outburst and subsequent Twitter statements as ‘old fashioned views’ at best.
He is unlikely to to find work for at least a very long time.
Savvy com,ment Paul…..All employment applications now require total embracement of all matters liberal and right on .
Frankly I marvel that someone telling someone else off on a piece of software could grab so many headlines.
Personally I think they are all cunts.
I dont have a fuckin clue on this, eh…the cunts?
MCN Me neither – i had to get my 14 year old up out of his pit for advice and direction so i don’t look a complete cunt…..
“Hey lad ….what are overall windows?”
“Fuck off dad……”
Ive reread it Daz, still no idea.
Sure its a good nom, but not sure Ive got the jist of it, in fact, I’ll ask the bloke down the road, hes a window cleaner he’ll know.
Here you go for a better understanding
The Overton Window is an approach to identifying the ideas that define the spectrum of acceptability of governmental policies.
In other words policies that the governing bodies thinks us plebs will react to by classing it as.
I think that’s what it means er um give us a clue.
Do you think it’s meant to be Offerton Windows Miserable?
And very good they are. One of the first home improvements I had done was to get them to install double glazing so the kids couldn’t hear the ice cream van any more.
When I see the name Blair, whether Lionel or his sister Anthony I always feel downcast. We might have hoped that those two old pansies were an aberration of the past. Sadly, I think Starmer will out-do even that heaving streak of shit. All the indications are that Kweer will tick even more boxes, stuffing his shadow cabinet with poofters, lezzies, misandrists, self hating male feminists, darkies and BAMEs.
Unless of course, the constipation gets him. Poor old Kweer looks and sounds as if he is suffering from the worst case of constipation known to medical science. I am sure we are already at the teethmarks on the lavatory door stage. The last act of the Labour tragedy might be enacted on the khasi.
Former president Ronald Reagan once said “ if fascism ever comes to America it will come in the name of liberalism “
How prophetic…….
I think Eric Arthur Blair was of that view as well.
Excellent cunting CP
It’s a sad state of affairs, democracy and free speech are on their knees , and in this tyranny of the minority if you step out of the line it carries career ending possibilities……
Fuck them………
Overton is village just the other side of Wrexham. Don’t think there’s a double glazing firm there though – Just as well or they might sue.
Great nom, CP
I have heard that the people of North Wales prefer to board their window frames with 18mm ply wood rather than to glaze….then to graffiti in trope of metonymy and the metaphor “Boris shags convicts wives” and such mischief.
HMS Overton named after it I Believe .
Nice place Overton and Waverton
Timely cunting, today we learn that without the single market we would be suffering food shortages.
How this country managed before 1973 is beyond my understanding.
This shite-nugget bought to us by… ta-da – the EU…
Are Overton Windows any good for defenestration?
I am as thick as pig shit. No fucking idea what this is. Sounds like an up his own arse actor – Overton Aloysius Windows.
Perhaps it’s something put out by Microsoft that actually works.
When Microsoft makes something that doesn’t suck, it will be when they start making vacuum cleaners
I thought it was that company Ted Moult used to advertise on telly before he popped his cork.
Anyway, according to wikipedia “Overton Window is an approach to identifying the ideas that define the spectrum of acceptability of governmental policies. Politicians can only act within the acceptable range. Shifting the Overton Window involves proponents of policies outside the window persuading the public to expand the window.”
Or summat.
Do they do conservatories as well?
Just asking…?
Overton windows, I think I need a therapist….. the lockdown is causing me so much stress….. fucking media!
Covid China flu has warped the window, the UK political establishment has been forced into big state without the big state principals, it’s going to end in tears
Tina Turner wrote about the problems with condensation after using Overton Windows.
Tony Joe White wrote it MNC.
A pedantic cunt. Me not Mr White.
Tony should of gone with Ted Moult.
Fit the best
Don’t know what it’s got to do with fenestration, but the body of your dialectic sounds like you’re referring to cunts, so yeah I’ll go along with that.
Excellent cunting C.P.
Social media allows everyone’s voice to be heard.
This is in no way a good thing.
Is the heading the name of the latest Shitdows 10 update by any chance?