Naz Shah (3)

Labour MP Naz Shah is definitely deserving of a nomination, and is possibly a contender for Cunt of the Year. We all know this nasty little shitweasel’s form. Quoting one of Winnie Mandela’s infamous ‘necklacing’ diatribes and retweeting the spoof Owen Jones tweet that read “those white girls in Rotherham should shut their mouths for the sake of diversity”. Well, on Friday she tweeted something that shows she’s either a monumental retard, or a truly nasty piece of shit.

As we all know, Friday (8th May) was VE day. And the nation celebrated 75 years since the end of the second world war. Shah decided it was a good opportunity to pander to the Indian, African and West Indian communities by tweeting about the sacrifice of colonial forces during that conflict. All well and good, many soldiers from British colonies gave their lives for our freedom, I have no problem with her doing that. Unfortunately for Shah, she showed her complete ignorance of those soldiers, and actually insulted them, by deciding to add a photo of Indian soldiers wearing GERMAN army uniforms. And from the look of it, at least two of them were SS (so it was taken late in the war, when the SS recruited Muslims and other non-Aryans due to so many ‘true’ Aryans having been killed by the allies). I mean, fuck me. How thick do you have to be to do something like that? To display that level of ignorance, it’s clear that Shah knows absolutely fuck all about the second world war. There’s an old Chinese proverb that is appropriate here. It is better to keep your mouth shut, and let people think you’re a cunt, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Ok, I’ve paraphrased a little, but you get the point. Naz Shah is a cunt.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

80 thoughts on “Naz Shah (3)

  1. After many veiled threats from “A large Stockport chap” (ooh – the brute!) I declare myself the werewolf/tramp of Yorkshire, as opposed to the North! ?
    In my defence I put my temporary mental accostation down to a Mr Bon Scott and his schoolboy sidekick Mr Young!
    Well, let’s face it – it’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll!
    Off to hide now ?‍♂️ (in a convenient local skip!) ??

  2. Sadly, she shows what happens when MPs get elected purely on their race.

    You end up with thick cunts like this. The window lickers and shoulder munchers on the green council buses have higher IQs than this retard.

    I’d laugh but she’s an MP with clout. It’s fucking ridiculous.

  3. I remember at uni a lecturer asked us all if we wanted to visit WW1/2 battle sites and graves…to honour the nonwhite soldiers who fought for Britain. Am I grateful for their efforts? Of course I bloody am!

    The fact they were leaving out MY family’s efforts made me say no to the offer. If I were to go to these sites, I would like to go in memory of my family who were there. It was a high up in the armed forces trying to ‘engage’ the diverse with this trip idea, by the looks of it.

    I did chuckle though, when not one of the ‘diverse’ students signed up to go. Not one.

  4. Arranged marriage? Imagine being the groom and having to force yourself to have wedding night ‘relations’ with this highly unpleasant and repulsive ex cast member of the Monster Munch TV ads.

    She has a complexion like the moon.


  5. Fuck off and get a bath you stinking pile of rancid cat shit, though she’d probably stick any cat in a curry!

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