Labour MP Naz Shah is definitely deserving of a nomination, and is possibly a contender for Cunt of the Year. We all know this nasty little shitweasel’s form. Quoting one of Winnie Mandela’s infamous ‘necklacing’ diatribes and retweeting the spoof Owen Jones tweet that read “those white girls in Rotherham should shut their mouths for the sake of diversity”. Well, on Friday she tweeted something that shows she’s either a monumental retard, or a truly nasty piece of shit.
As we all know, Friday (8th May) was VE day. And the nation celebrated 75 years since the end of the second world war. Shah decided it was a good opportunity to pander to the Indian, African and West Indian communities by tweeting about the sacrifice of colonial forces during that conflict. All well and good, many soldiers from British colonies gave their lives for our freedom, I have no problem with her doing that. Unfortunately for Shah, she showed her complete ignorance of those soldiers, and actually insulted them, by deciding to add a photo of Indian soldiers wearing GERMAN army uniforms. And from the look of it, at least two of them were SS (so it was taken late in the war, when the SS recruited Muslims and other non-Aryans due to so many ‘true’ Aryans having been killed by the allies). I mean, fuck me. How thick do you have to be to do something like that? To display that level of ignorance, it’s clear that Shah knows absolutely fuck all about the second world war. There’s an old Chinese proverb that is appropriate here. It is better to keep your mouth shut, and let people think you’re a cunt, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Ok, I’ve paraphrased a little, but you get the point. Naz Shah is a cunt.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Heehee, the poppodummy.
Thick, lazy, smelly Naz,
Flies wouldnt land on her shes that repulsive.
Fuck off out of my country you spicy cunt.
‘You spicy cunt’, lol. brilliant.
I believed the celebrations were all encompassing.
A celebration of the 75th year, and a tribute to all that participated in bringing this victory about.
To single out certain elements is cheap vote winning shite.
Had to look up the picture she twatted. Fuck me, I can’t say for certain whether SS or not. But I can spot a box heads uniform, even at 700yds through the iron sight of a Lee Enfield Mk3 I would hope.
The desperation of politics. Would love them to return to the days of debating policy and the future of the country, rather than pandering to the latest in fashion topic.
Debating policy and tackling the important issues of the day? Kids these days, don’t know they’re born l tell you!
But hang on a minute? How does an uninformed, virtue signaling intellectual Pygmy like this twat get elected to be a fucking MP in the first place?
Some smart person once said that democratic societies get the leaders they deserve, or something along those lines, so what went wrong?
Joseph de Maistre. Every country gets the government it deserves. (Thanks google).
In that case we are truly fucked.
Excellent Q. The umpire signals a SIX of a cunting. I deplore her and in fact anybody who’s name rhymes with Shah…..Hezbullah, Jimmy Carr, Shalamar. All cunts!
Kandahar, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Playtex bra (cunt to remove one handed whilst jean rubbing)
Jean rubbing you say ? Excellent, just like brass rubbing, only the paper needs to be greaseproof ?
The Empire Indian army was the biggest volunteer army in human history. A tiny minority when prisoners went over to the other side. The Gurkhas are the last remnant. Good luck arguing with them about loyalty to the Crown.
There was an Indian lad in the RAF. Bloody good chap and proud to be in the service. Used to wear the RAF cap badge in his turban. Always reminded us of Bernard Breslaw in Carry On Up The Kyber. Didn’t tend to mention it too much though, he was a fucking big lad.
On the otherhand a peaceful type just couldn’t get through basic, kept getting back flighting (retraining) constantly. No one else would have lasted that long, they’d have been sat down and asked if this really was their best career option. Never happened due to the need to tick boxes and fill quotas. Probably a fucking Air Commodore by now.
The Sikhs are a warrior class based entirely about a defence against Muslims. . We had two wars against the turbaned fuckers. Guess what happened. Mutual respect for wounded and prisoners. The turbaned warriors were and are great friends.
I like Sikhs Smug!?
And im a right fuckin racist!☺
It must be the mutual respect of massive beards Miserable.
Maybe LL!
Always found them decent.
Obviously wouldnt let my daughter marry one.
But them and ghurkas are ok by me.
If i had a bandaged head injury id pass for one at the moment,
Im that tanned Doreen Lawrence sent me a card!
I look like one….brown as a berry from 10 weeks of sunshine and a wet towel on me swede…..small dagger down me sock…
I can confirm that the Sikh community are decent, tolerant, hard working and usually very honest. For foreigners, they are alright.
Four Times as many Muslim cunts joined Isis than the British army. Fuck not only Naz Shah. But all Shahs, Kahn’s and all the other Muslim cunts in and out of this country. Fuck your driver DCI cunt
‘‘Tis all one would expect from today’s version of politicians. Useless retard cunt grade 5
Grade 5? You rate her that high BB?
RK got me thinking about my rating, got carried away in the heat of the moment. Dumb arse twat just about qualifies as a 1.
A clanger of Flabbotesque proportions.
“Look at dese ‘ere photos of King ‘enry de ninfe a’ Agincour’ using Asian peoples in ‘is army, da rayyy-cist. I also go photos of his seven wives coz he don’ like wimminz neiver. ‘e ‘ad ’em all killed in the Tower of Canterbury or summink.
True dat. Swear down, bruv. Mate’s go’ de DVD
Possible rewritting of history she saw, whilst watching Olivier in Henry the V. Admittedly a heavily dubbed re-release at the Bradford Odean.
Odeon. Cunt this phone.
She loved in Olivier in that, especially when he asked, “Please sir, I want some more.”
Fuck me. Just coughed me Stella. And fuck knows it’s reassuringly expensive. You owe me four quid Sir.
Hopefully poofters and foreigners/effnics will finally do for Dame Kweer and his rotten Labour party, and the public ill see them for the band of charlatans they are.
Four things difficult to believe in:
Father Christmas
Easter Bunny
The Bogeyman
Shah’s apology in the House of Cunters of her anti-semitic comments.
Too be fair it was probably a picture of her grandad in the ‘Indiche frei corp’ but saw it remiss for either of them to bring it up in the country that gave them and their families a home.
Fucking hell, what a monger… If I didn’t know better I would have said she was a bloke, I’ve seen prettier warts…
Shame the locals don’t have a proper MP instead of the photo fit identity driven turd ?
Just proves that most of these Labour fuckers have pig shit for brains and that’s being generous. I dont think they measure IQ in the negatives but if they did this cunt’s would be as low as the deepest ocean. It’s frightening to think that this brainless fucker along with many of her equally brainless left wing, anti white, anti british shitehawks could potentially be in government one day.
Think she got away with It, Coronavirus can hide a lot of shit.
Peaceful MP init. Voted by the peaceful, for the peaceful.
MP…..Bradfordistan West…..peaceful……Labour………hates infidels……..hates Jews…….raaay-sist…….thick as a plank. Yeah, it all fits.
Got a store of candles for the next mass slaughter of the infidel.
Perhaps she would like to remember Kriss Donald. Nicely hushed up by all concerned. What sort of fucking country have we become?
By the way, Angela Donald was never ennobled.
Nazi Shah is the Corbynista dipshit who went on Facefuck to suggest Israel should be relocated to the United States, comparing Israeli policies to those of Hitler. She even included a handy little map showing where they could go.
Top cunting QDM.
Well i’d like to relocate the 3 and a half million peacefuls to the USA (or anywhere else for that matter) but the Orange Man would nuke us out of existence before that happened.
And quite rightly too. You’re not going to stand around and let some cunt dump a lorry load of shit in your front garden are you?
Makes me wonder if some Sikhs and Hindus get a little tired off fuckwits like Shah creating an issue where there isn’t one. Shah and her ilk create more aggro, tensions and ill feeling than anyone but are too stupid to realise it. To Shah “You’ve got nothing to say and are saying it too loudly, so bollocks”.
I’d like the Waffen SS to cart this pile of shit off for a good dose of morale boosting.
Human garbage.
Fuck right off.
#metoo Terry.
They knew how to deal with types like Naz,
Shed come out the oven smelling like tandoori ribs!
Fingerlickin good!?
Liked those cheeky chaps.
Once upon a time the Labour Party relied on their Scottish seats for a majority. Then the Scottish Nazis came along and fucked them. In 1997 (the year of the Great Blair) they won 56 seats, now they have one.
How long before the peacefuls realise they don’t need the fucking Labour Party telling them what to do? They have their own constituencies, their own schools, their own shops. Why not their own Party, run by the Imams? Watch it happen. Watch the Labour cunts cry their eyes out when their “friends” turn on them.
A C Who C’s C’s, you had me sold at ‘Labour MP’.
Shadow Minister for ‘Community Cohesion’ indeed. Labour/Peaceful speak for ‘Country Infiltration’.
Get back to your zenana and choke on a banana.
Holy fuck, how has this minging mong Mudslide kept her position as MP for Bradford?
Didn’t see this (or any of her previous) reported on the BBC. Not like the great impartial broadcaster to miss the stories that count ?
For Fucks sake, why hasn’t she fucked off back to rag head land? With any luck she will get a pia flight back , with any luck it would crash into the red sea, lots of sharks live there, if they don’t vomit looking at it
I understand with incredible sadness that our Naz apparently was injured in a hit-and-run collision in 2010, which has left her with ongoing periodic severe nerve pain which requires hospitalisation. Incredibly sad because the fucking cunt survived.
This tinted dipshit is the Shadow Minister for “Communidee” Cohesion. What a fucking colossal splodge of chimpanzee wank. The perhaps unintentional revelation of her title is that a tinted, sky-fairy worshipping stooge is needed to cream off the votes from the peaceful types who see her as their political voice. More ZanuLabour pandering to effniks.
According to her Wiki entry she hails from a broken Joe Daki home. No formal academic qualifications or real-life work experience. Both as qualified and with as much expertise and life-skill as a marzipan dildo, AKA Andrea Rayner.
The word meritocracy means fuck all to the likes of Labour – as long as you have a large gob and are the right shade on the RAL Chart, the sky’s the limit.
Naz Shah – not even bright enough to be able to correctly bag up the poppadoms and onion bhajis in the local Indian takeaway.
Quality Lady. Shah was responsible for activism and racial profiling only a few years ago in her support of Eastern Terrorism against the State of Israel. I have some knowledge here , a nasty bint, product of “diversity” in Bradford Mother convicted of Murder, attempted Murder, Forgery and “uttering”. I recall her mothers imprisonment, and the efforts of the little shit to use the powers of Parliament to spring her.
Google her “arranged” marriage in Pakistan, and how much dosh was raised and for whom and for why. If that little shit isn’thigh on the observation needed list, then I fail to understand why,
Is she a cunt? Nah, just an evil Jew hating nasty piece of treacherous shite….no friend of the west, and a cunt that needs kicked in to the briny.
Gas it and turn the whole family out at gun point.
Then gas the cunts and their apologists.
Naz(i)! Naz(i)! – here it is, moustache girl – Unkle Terrys home cooking or Fox airlines.
Fuck off back to paki land, leave Humans in peace.
Dirty inbred paki/commie cunt.
Fuck off back to the third World Naz, don’t ever come to MY Country again.
Rotter I am, but up for war.
Paybacks gonna hurt.
These Quisling cunts undermine everything decent.
One day I hope the gloves come off and proper medicine is given to this trash.
Like a pakîstani Trojan horse.
Take her to some peaceful shithole and you couldn’t get a camel for her. A couple of broken down old goats maybe.
Whatever happened to jazz hands?
Fascists! Fuck off.
In other news, Crap For Carers seems to have died its ineluctable death around here. A few car horns and that was it tonight. Be still my beating heart, sanity beckons.
No fireworks!
Still slack jawed clap like im told types, but its definitely dying off.
I saw a pakistani man today.
This coronovirus was meant to wipe them out wasnt it?
I wrote my MP.
Just remember that fuckers like this are the enemy within??????
Agreed GWB – but paybacks a bitch.
On other disappointing news, Lady Fanny Fiddler has broken off the engagement as she considers my good self to be “lower claarrss” (and me a fucking Lord!).
And Sir Richard Fiddler DFC OBE was a tad rude TBH – running me orf the estate, setting hounds on me and accosting me with an antique Holland and Holland – a complete cad and rotter Sir!
(Lady Fiddler kept the Fray Bentos pies dowry by the way!)
I can assure fellow ISACers that there will be no invitation to “Lord Reynards friends of Stalin” gin tasting evening for Sir Fiddler or indeed Lady Fiddler, harumph!
I see we had our first hijab wearing judge appointed yesterday as proudly reported by the BBC. (Other quisling news outlets are available)
Let’s hope old Krav doesn’t appear before her for not paying his tv licence. Fucking hell…….a bent Jew!! She’ll have the black cap on and the cunt dangling from a rope before he can get his make up on!
I believe they prefer an orange jumpsuit and public beheading, in a democratic stylee! ?
On other news, given the length and volume of my now fucking enormous beard (it’s RED not g*nger you rude and horrid rotters!) I officially declare myself the werewolf of ‘t North!
Think you’ll find that title is taken my good man.
You two have a ‘beard off’ and decide who’s Batman and who’s Robin.
Some music for the brave men of our ‘ Viking Division ‘
….. Devils with beards ……–bR8
Meanwhile, Bertie ‘ Widdle ‘ Blunt, is bringing the ‘ Devils in Skirts ‘ into disrepute, again.
He’s a disgrace.
Thats what we do Foxy!
A ZZ Top tribute band and play the ISAC xmas party.
You well Jack?
Ive loads of work on, its been good to me this coronavirus.
Wont hear a bad word against it!
I am well, thank you, MNC. Good to hear you’ve got plenty on. Good to hear about the Nissan plant being kept open too.
If the one in Barcelona had been kept open and the one in the UK had been shut down, it would have been down to Brexit, and would have warranted an hour long special on the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
The Japs must think the UK is a better bet than the EU.
Ho ho ho !
Who’d have thunk it ?
Fill yer boots !
Special offer to all ISAC readers.
Tired of looking suave and sophisticated? Want that just fell out of a skip look? Then for only £99.99 + free delivery you too can sport the ginger cnut look of Mr V Fox. Send cash only to B&WC Int’l, Lagos and you will become the proud owner of this high quality chin muff made from the finest nasal hair provided by H Hewitt Industries (Canada).
Don’t delay. Stock limited. Max 2 muffs per order. 1st come first served.
(model kindly supplied by MNC Ladyboys-r-Us agency, Stockport)
Before we start, pass us that black mask we’ll be needing that!
No matter how hard I try, I just can’t get Naz to rhyme with ” Fuck off to Pakistan, you fifth columnist gargoyle”
Don’t despair, Jack. Your free verse poetry is coming along nicely. Just let your deepest, innermost, whimsical thoughts flow and before you know it the Arts Council will be chucking cash at you like theres no tomorrow, book deals will follow, interviews with Melvyn Bragg etc. The world could be your oyster.
I don’t think it would be wise for me to be put in close proximity to Melvyn Bragg.
I can’t stand the smarmy, patronising cunt.
It would be better if they just sent me a Very Large Cheque, and left it at that.
Good evening.
If I may-
Shah (Naz)
Fuck off back to Pakistan as soon as.
No need to thank me.
The spirit of the Bard lives on.
These fuckers never class themselves as British they hate us I always ask myself why are you here if you class Pakistan as your real home The Enemy Within ????