Madonna (8)

Just when I think that it’s impossible for that old skank Madonna to make herself look an even bigger cunt than she already has, she surprises us once more. Deja vu all over again.
I could wax lyrical on her capacity for self-obsessed pretentiousness, but her words on her latest ‘noir’ style Instagram ‘Quarantine Diaries’ save me the trouble. Here are some extracts for your delectation;

” I think it’s quite significant that the paper I’m typing on just caught fire”. (Wtf?).
” I am so confused in my own confusion, so bewildered in my incapacity to express my disappointment… because I know the futility of it, and yet I want the satisfaction of being known, of being understood”.
“I took a test and found that I had antibodies. I’m going for a long drive in the car, and breathe in the Covid-19 air. I hope the sun is shining”.

Blows out the candle next to the typewriter, and gets hot wax on her hand…

For fuck’s sake, how is possible to shove your head so far up your own arse without disappearing altogether into a parallel universe?. Just add this guff to her preening ‘candles in the bath’ effort and it’s undeniably clear. Madonna is a preposterous poseur of monumental cuntitude, who possesses the single saving grace of giving us all a horse laugh in trying times.

Nominated by Ron Knee

48 thoughts on “Madonna (8)

  1. Adrenochrome withdrawal is sending the ugly old cunt round the twist. Imagine what her minge looks like…fuckin butchers bin. Boak!

  2. It happens to a lot of slebs, they get so fucking rich and receive so much adulation they start believing their own bullshit publicity that some cunt, much cleverer than them, has carefully constructed for them.
    I’m sure old Madge really believes she is some kind of profound philosopher and literary genius.
    Don’t forget to wash your hands Madge.

    • Yep. Amazingly, we ain’t heard much from gobshites like Bonio, Stung and Looby Mong of late.

    • How right you are comrade, an army of sycophants praising every word that drops from her lips. A collection of brown nosing bastards feeding on each thought as this great mind ponders the universal problems. All money can do is buy loads of cunts to say how great you are. Can she not just retire and fuck off.

  3. She’s a low-on-talent, high-on-ambition whore who became lucky. I cunted her last month for her weird bath video complete with waxy facelift-gone-wrong visage. People like Madonna don’t care whether they’re being insulted, as long as you’re talking about them. Once you’ve git your rat out for the 1000th time, it’s all a bit dull, isn’t it? If this syphilitic hussy wasn’t famous she would be imbibing buckets of warm vomit on youchoob for attention or having búkkake showers on Xvideos.

    Kiss my piss.

    • You’re bang on about that face job. She looks likes a candle that’s just starting to melt.

    • “People like Madonna don’t care whether they’re being insulted, as long as you’re talking about them”. Good point. I was watching a TV program about modern “music” and one commentator said that Madonna was one of the first to see herself as a “brand”, i.e. just a product to be sold, that had to be repackaged every so often to give the impression that it had somehow been improved.

      • She’ll soon be on the Wall and we’ll have to ogle the old tart’s waxy face every day.

  4. Clinging on to the good ship Relevance, with her bony little shit-stained claws!

    She knows she has nothing new to offer, so she has to resort to being some kind of shock jock in order to get noticed.

    If it wasn’t for social media she’d be in a care home, pissing in her pants, dribbling down her chin through lack of teeth and years of sucking cock; and wittering on about nothing at all.

    Perhaps she needs to bring out a new record as a tribute to “Like a Virgin”, and call it “Like an Old Cunt”

  5. A disgusting human being and a copper bottomed self serving slag.
    She was born a cunt and she’ll die a cunt.

    • Don’t be surprised the day she kicks the bucket there will be a global outpouring of faux grief!

      Crowds of griefjackers will take to the streets as the Y-shaped coffin is towed down the road on the back of a rag & bone cart. And social media will go into meltdown blah blah blah

      Not long now!

  6. If there didn’t exist the hordes of brain dead, can’t-think-for-themselves followers she’d be mumbling to herself.
    Another case of the shepherd leading the sheep.
    Fuck ’em all.
    Happy days.

    • Never understood the appeal of the gap toothed harridan.
      She definitely beleives her own publicity, surrounded by yes men and brown noses shes completely detached from the real world.
      Poor Mad Donna shes slowly being consumed by her biggest fear that money cant help stop, getting old.
      Admin should of had this as a joint nom with the last, because shes one foot in a old peoples home now,
      See you next week popstar!

  7. Dennis Pennis masterful take down of Madonna when she was at her shitty peak is still hilarious. “you’ve had most of you anatomy photographed. I wonder of you’ve thought about bringing out a book and letting us see a few internal organs. Possibly your kidney, fallopian tubes. Madonna, you’ve had your navel pierced, do you think you could have your head pierced. “. Madonna walks off the press conference. Fucking funny. Madonna has been a cunt for at least forty years.

  8. Without her “wax face” facelifts, I reckon her face and neck would resemble a turkey’s ballbag.

    Even Sir Cliff would have fewer wrinkles.

  9. A ridiculous twat lacking any humility or self-awareness.
    She needs a better hobby than posting bollocks on social media, as do most peole on social media.


    • I’m still trying to figure out what the bit about the paper in the typewriter catching fire is all about. Are we to assume that it’s metaphorical, that her words are so profound that they cause the paper to (figuratively speaking) catch fire?
      What a fucking arse.

  10. To quote the Marquis de Sade, “her cunt stinks like a beach full of dead fish.”
    My sincerest apologies to any who are eating their lunch, especially if it’s a tuna sandwich!

    • Shit, I was just eating a ring donut with a cuppa, and my mind’s made the leap of imagination.

      • If her fanny’s that bad, imagine the state of her botty! It must look like she’s been partying at Barrymore’s.

  11. Jimmy Joyce wrote that the Dead Sea was the ‘old grey cunt of the world’.

    I think it has a challenger.

  12. I don’t mind a few of her songs and they bring back a time I used to dance. She looks awful though. One of the Golden Girls. Don’t dress the age you want to be, sweetie, dress for your age. I feel sorry for the children. You can imagine her chomping frozen embryos as a post-Pilates elevenses.

    • I first became aware of Madonna in 1983 when she was on telly performing Holiday at some festival or other. I immediately warmed to her because my feminazi, soon to be sister-in-law started railing at the telly complaining that Madonna was letting the sisterhood down by blatantly selling herself as a sex object or some such nonsense.

      Anyway, I liked her stuff up until 1987, after which I went right off her.

      • Those poor children probably thought they had golden tickets for life until they saw the Golden Girl in her leotard inducing and assimilating them into her dodgy joóish Kabbaläh bollocks.

  13. Is she feeling alright? I wonder what an old folks home for so-called celebrities looks like.

    At least Tina Turner retired gracefully.

    • Tina Turner had talent and belted out some great tunes (not including ‘The Best’, can’t stand that). Madonna was always crap.

  14. They would of burnt the old witch years ago, off to Salem Satan’s slag.

  15. I like the multiverse idea that she’s in fact an inter dimensional traveler using a portal up her own arse to spread her pretentious and inane ramblings across all time, matter and space. As one Madonna disappears another emerges thus keeping this reality and all others in balance.

  16. I recall her ‘sensational’ sex tape when she was holding what appeared to be a gentlemans beef bayonet in her fingers which had just let go a batch of fish yogurt in her mouth.

  17. Madonna made an Instagram post announcing her “joining forces” with the Gates Foundation, yes that foundation, responsible for the death and sterilisation of girls via vaccination and the same foundation that wants us to have a digital tat and an RNA based vaccine against Sars-Cov-2.) Madonna was wearing a shirt with Satan on the cross. That was on Good Friday. It doesn’t take Professor Langdon out of the Da Vinci Code to see that she is sending out a lot of symbolic shit to do with Satan, not just in the Instagram post but her whole Madame X persona and the symbolically rich Eurovision finale she did last year, plus plenty more of her stage appearances have a Satanic theme with her in the role of high witch. She also takes an ice bath at 3am and posted a video of it. 3am is the opposite time to when Christ died which was 3pm. I believe she is an actual witch and the stunt in the bathtub, being surrounded by water, was some kind of witchy mumbo jumbo. I realise a lot of you here don’t believe in evil forces but I think she does believe in them!

    Her music after the Ray of Light album (possibly another reference there to Lucifer, she certainly had the one eye covered on the album cover and that is an occult symbol) is straight up garbage.

    • There’s a few like this slag, Cuntologist, a lot of symbolism and that kabalah shite.
      A snip from a Telegraph article titled the great Kabbalah con:
      Their tools, however, weren’t cheap – the bill was £860, including dinner that night. And guess who was coming to dinner? Madonna!

      Why does the material girl need Kabbalah?

      “She wants to understand how she works with her kids better,” Shouster told me. “She wants to understand how to control her mood better, how to be more happy. How to be more tolerant with her husband and to maintain the relationship.”

      Satan worship,Moloch,Baal etc. Dodgy bint for sure.

  18. Hold the corolla virus vaccine effort.
    Clone Vlad the Impaler and send him round to scrub her flabby back.
    And impale the demented old witch on an iron bollard.
    Everyone happy.

  19. At least she’s not Sam Smith or Adhell.

    Plus on that hippy ‘Live Earth’ concert a few years back, she caused grief for the BBC by letting rip a string of indeed ‘live’ and very pre-watershed fucks. So brownie points for that.

    • True; and brownie points for that time she was poncing about with all her boys on stage and went arse over tip. Hilarious, but she was game enough to get up and carry on, I’ll give her that.

      • Remember her foray into politics back in 2017 when she told the crowd at a women’s march that she thought a lot about blowing up the White House when Trump got elected? She dropped a load of f-bombs and said she was “angry” and “outraged” in the wake of Trump’s inauguration.

        “It took this horrific moment of darkness to wake us the f–k up,” she told the crowd.

  20. Let us not forget her dreadful, dreadful Bond theme for the shittest Bond film of all.

  21. Attention seeking superannuated rat bag. That picture of her in this nomination reminds me of that creepy dead spirit girl from The Ring and The Grudge. Just when the sane World believes she’s retired to her gingerbread cottage in LA to fatten up and eat the children of Trump voters for good. First it was ‘ooh look at her throwback hairdo’ during that shite ABBA cover and the MSM fawning ‘let’s copy her’. Then when I threw up my dinner when she kissed Shitney Spears on MTV awards. ‘Look at me, look at me!!!!’. Fuck off Madogga you reek of desperation and have long since had your day!

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