Lockdown Ignorance

“…pay more taxes?…”

I was spying on facebook and found this where two tarts are discussing extending the lockdown…..

Sarah…. It’s only 3 weeks – it’s not that long and at least you can stay as safe as possible.
Felicity…. Rather not be stuck in house for another 3 weeks ?

Sarah…. I know – it’s a bummer, but at least we can get outside in the garden and get some sun and fresh air. Plus we have wine.

Too many people think that this lockdown is some kind of paid holiday from which they will emerge to pick up where they left off. They fail to appreciate the huge economic damage being caused to the Country but will be first to whine when taxes are doubled while services are cut to the bone.

We now have some Ministers saying that lockdown must be maintained while others say that businesses should start to reopen….and even have the gall to suggest that some businesses should never have closed in the first place….considering the job they and the Police did of terrifying 99% of the population,did they really think that businesses would take the risk?

All these people who believe that lockdown is the answer are in for a nasty surprise when their “wine-drinking” paid holiday is finally over….the Virus will still be doing the rounds, the NHS which they so slavishly clap at the moment will be forced to make some hard choices regarding future treatment of ALL illnesses due to the inevitable cutbacks,jobs will be lost,services cut to the extent that Cameron and Osborne’s “Austerity” will seem like a Golden Age and taxes will go through the roof.

Talk about chucking the baby out with the bathwater.

Nominated by Dick de Pfeffel Foxchaser-Fiddler

128 thoughts on “Lockdown Ignorance

  1. ‘Lockdown’ was only ever really used to steady the pressure on the under funded NHS, Boris was saying we have passed the peak…well I have a feeling the second wave will match if not exceed the current wave in terms of deaths.
    The people will go out in the warm months and it’ll be back in August/September ready to mix with the seasonal flu.
    This really is a no win cunt situation and the damage has been long done in terms of consumer confidence.
    This will be the worst recession in history, and as you mentioned DF taxes and cutbacks will be massive.
    It’s a rotten cunt sandwich…and we all have to take a bite.

    • Far from being underfunded, the profligate NHS is overfunded if anything. Hopefully, once this pandemic is brought under control, people will demand the NHS be reformed to treat proper ill cunts only and cease funding cunts lifestyle choices and uninsured foreigners who have paid not a penny in UK taxes.

      They could get rid of 90% of hospital managers at a stroke, feckless parasites. The NHS would be awash with spare £££billions.

      PS: Recreational drugs to be issued free on demand to responsible degenerates like me and B&WC. ?

      • Very well said sir.
        The NHS can start charging an entrance fee for all foreigners, £2000 a ticket.
        Otherwise back in the dinghy with the cunts.

      • Point of order, Unkle Terry. I think you missed a couple of zero’s off the bill. No payee organ donation time. Win Win.
        the Liberal is strong in me today.

      • Indded ; “our dinghy is sinking, help” – right ho – here’s a roll of duck tap, & we’ll give you a tow…back to Iraq…. or whatever backward, medieval fucking cesspit you set sail from.
        Want a better life ? – don’t blame you – try the EU countries – they’recall supposed to be so fucking marvelous.
        Living in poverty ? try having less kids than you can afford to feed & clothe.

    • Fucking right ‘an all, b&WC. I suspect the coming recession will make the crash and depression of 1929 look like a walk in the park by comparison.

  2. Aside from your frankly worrying spying on ladies, and disconcerting stalking of women your right.
    people havent grasped the fact that when we call foe the bill its going to make our eyes water.
    Itll hit home when they start losing jobs homes cars etc
    When they dont go on posh holidays, when you cant buy the latest gadget because you need the money for food.
    Watch peoples tempers fray especially the young when they hear that most insidious of words…NO.

    • Miserable – this is because people have not fixed their roofs whilst the sun shone during the times of plenty.
      Eh? What do you mean the sun hasn’t shone since 2008?
      Er, well, maybe you’re right!

      • I always thought the plural of roof was rooves – like hoof and hooves ?

        Then again the plural of sheep is sheep and given it’s Friday evening and I’ve started the beer consumption….

        Aah fuck it, I’m off outdoors at 8pm to give Sir Fiddler the clap for this nonimation

      • Rooves is dated Seymour but not incorrect. I, myself use the spelling roofs because I am more hip and up to date than you.

      • I’m 57 in August you know…

        My schooling / education was thrust upon me in the 70s – Back when education meant something !

        You, Sir, are a most trendy cunt !!

      • @SG I’ll be 57 in August too. If I live that long. I may get crushed in the crowd when Asda get a bag of flour delivered.

      • Some interesting plurals in our v irregular language…
        Mouse /louse>mice/lice
        BUT Grouse>grouse, NOT grice!
        House is same, NOT hice…

      • 57 in August? Me too! The 5th actually. Golden times perhaps but the more I think of it now the shitter it seems. Still, at least we’re all still here. Maybe we could have an ISAC party?
        Nah, fuck that, too many cunts.
        However, ISAC has raised the spirits in recent weeks, and thanks to you all for that. A film perhaps?
        Carry on Cunting.

  3. It’s one of those holidays where you go away, have a great time but when you return you find the house has been turned over.

    I do think some businesses jumped on the furlough scheme very readily, the government only ‘closed’ shops, pubs and the like, general industry could keep going and quite a lot did carry on.

    Whatever happens we will be well and truly fucked for a long time to come.

  4. Back to an Orange and a lump of coal for Christmas presents then. Suits me.

    • Luxury!!

      No Orange and nick your own coal from t’slag heap. A clip round the ear, if you’re lucky!

      • Coal from t’slag eap? You lucky bastard. We ad to dig mud from t’banks of t’Ebbw, dry it out and use for t’fire. Except in Welsh.

      • A full clip round the ear? All to yourselves? Mud? All your own without having to share with 17 Siblings? (There were 28 of them but some died of t’ diphtheria and some got eaten – we never dared fall asleep in case we woke up basted in lard and locked in t’ oven!) Never have I known such vulgar Christmas excess!
        How the other half live..?

  5. Never mind Dick. Good news! Hancock has just announced a priority – the resumption of fertility services. Anyone who’s been firing blanks for the last month will now have the opportunity to be replumbed. He’s obviously been calculating what tax shortfall will have to be made up in the future.

  6. Off topic,but…

    Mrs Hewitt.

    Ha,ha ha bitch.

    Round 1 to the press.

    The silly little tart needs to fuck off. Very soon she will be working a corner on Sunset Boulevard doing hand jobs for crack.
    Skanky bitch.

    • Why not try and get on topic, the cunting is minutes old and you want to hijack it.
      You really are a raasclaaat.
      Evening Kravdarth.

    • It’s only a partial victory, just a ruling on the terms of the claim.

      Hopefully the rest of it will go the same way and we will never hear from miss sparkle ever again.

    • Excellent advice to the splosher might also be:
      “Fuck off & suck off”

  7. Just watching the daily briefing, the media wolves and labour cunts must be so upset, Hancocks target has been met, in fact 121000 tests yesterday.

    The press questions will have to hastily rewritten ???

    • Which sounded great, until it was revealed that a third of that number are not tests completed, they’re test kits which have been sent out.

      • Correct Allan – the phrase lying b*stards springs to mind.
        As always.

  8. I don’t want to be here if tax goes up to 83p in the pound. Pass me the shotgun.

    • Sorry Cuntologist, theres a queue, youll have to take a number and wait in line.

  9. The 1918 virus killed 250000 . When it came back in 1919 it killed 50 000 000.
    Just saying. Cheap flights are over for years. Toynbee will have to drive to Umbria the cunt.

      • Spanish flu actually started on a poultry farm in Kansas. When it came back it had mutated to a more deadly form. They didn’t have the science to do anything about it though.

    • They reckon that started in China as well now….I will dig out a link I was reading about it the other day unless RTC has it to hand.

  10. Mr Fiddler, I have an idea.
    How abaaaaaht setting up a holiday home/hotel type thing up there in Northumbria?
    Flights and foreign holidays are off for age’s so people will have to holiday here in Britain.
    I have many high end friends who would pay big money for an all inclusive stay.
    I promise only 10% will be dark keys.

    • I have been meaning to ask him if his ‘Midsummer gala and garden party’ will be going ahead or will be cancelled. Its the highlight of the Northumbrian social calendar, the great and the good from across the county attending, Ant and Dec, Jimmy Nail and the cast of Geordie Shore will all be there.

    • Great Idea, it could be one of those holidays where posh boys and girls go away to used and abused by simple country folk.
      Oo arr

    • Evening All.

      I’m afraid my magnificent exclusive Masked Balls are off the agenda for the foreseeable future….. as one of the leading-lights of Northumbrian high society I have decided that it would be inappropriate to be seen gallivanting at this difficult time.
      Remember Cunters….Stay at home,protect the NHS,bankrupt the Country.

  11. Dick – I’ve noticed a current theme with your noms lately – lighting the blue touch paper and fucking off never to be heard of until the next one. e.g the nom about football returning! Is this a deliberate ploy?

    • No Bertie. You should know by now that I don’t hide when the fuse is lit….I like to be on hand to add some petrol to the flames.

      I’ve just been busy putting a new road in across the fields…grounds dry and weather good. Had a bit of a disaster the other day with a ride-on vibrating roller that I hired. The lad wouldn’t use it…said it was fucking lethal…unfortunately my hubris got the better of me and I said that I’d fucking show him how it should be done…jumped on,set the hand throttle to “max”,engaged the “vibrate” and pushed the lever forward…this was when my troubles began. The fucking thing shot forward like a scalded cat onto some bigger rocks that hadn’t been blinded..as it hit the rocky patch my arm must have jerked on the lever and the damn thing went off even faster..I was fucking airborne bouncing over boulders and all thoughts of pulling the lever back to stop it had left my head as I desperately clung on to the mechanical version of a rodeo bull. I remember thinking that if the inevitable roll-over didn’t kill me,my guts being shaken out of my arsehole undoubtedly would. Thankfully as I briefly bounced back down to Earth the fucking thing kicked off to one side and attempted to bury itself in the fresh dug drain alongside. I bailed out and as soon as I did,the fucking thing stopped rolling….Once the lads had managed to stop laughing they explained that it wasn’t some demon-machine intent on killing me…apparently if there is no weight on the seat it automatically stops.
      Had to pull the damned thing out with the digger and admit that the laddie was right…the fucking thing is lethal and not for the likes of us.

      • It’s a relief you’re OK Dick. It could be a message that you’re not getting any younger and it might be time to slow down a little! Farming can certainly be a dangerous occupation.

      • An old Romany woman told me years ago that I would live to a ripe old age and die a happy man…done some plain foolhardy things looking back…but, hey-ho, I don’t need worry.

      • In other words, the hounds ate your homework.


        Evening Dick. ?

      • Dick, get down to Alnwick brewery – they’re giving free beer away. I kid you not not. The only snag is you need to make a charitable contribution to the NHS.

      • I don’t make charitable donations to any Cunt, Bertie.

        People shouldn’t get me wrong about this nom…I really do greatly respect the NHS and other Emergency Services….I couldn’t do their job for love nor money. My constant carping is more about balancing the future with the limitless spending of today….my total lack of empathy also means that I genuinely struggle sometimes to understand the “humanitarian” aspect of things.

      • I think I’d probably forego all my principles for free beer!
        Mmmm! Duff.

      • Weigh the troublesome machinery down with dead gypsies.
        Handle like a dream after that.

  12. Cyber stalking eh Mr Fiddler?
    Didn’t have you pegged as that sort. ?

    On another note Dick – have you ever thought of setting up a ‘School for Scoundrels’, a bit like the film with Terry Thomas and Alistair Sim?

    • I love spying on people’s facebook pages, Mr.Steptoe. I even joined…used a false name and have never posted anything but it allows me to see what a lot of the village incomers have planned…they don’t think that I know about Facebook and often discuss their “family fun-days”etc….it gives me time to think of ways to ruin their enjoyment….they also often mention some “miserable old bastard”….whoever that may be.

  13. An excellent nom Sir Fiddler – it genuinely astonishes me that these utter morons cannot or will not see the devastation coming down the line – but wait for the horror and the “end of the World” if the launch of the new iphone is delayed!
    The train of pain comes down the line, listen to the snowflakes whine.
    I think we have come from a background of hard knocks and get the realisation that the only person in the World who can do anything about it is the one looking back in the mirror, I do not think our current generation of mardy piss wet little b*tches have the faintest idea of what’s around the corner, and by f*ck are they in for a shock.
    On the plus side – these useless f*ckers will be dead easy to mug when I inevitably turn feral! ??☠

    • You ain’t seen nothing yet. The Nightingale hospitals weren’t commissioned just to cover the initial outbreak. There’s something about this man-made virus that we are yet to be told about. Let’s see what carnage ensues after Ramalamadingdong finishes. You won’t find many Aryans being tended to in the Nightingale hospitals come the end of June. Right, I’m off to put the kettle on and make myself another tin foil hat.

  14. Couldn’t agree more. These dumb cunts think 3 months off on full pay then back to it. How many companies are going to pay the furlough whilst its available. Then invest in a book of stamps for the redundancy notices? Thick fucks.

  15. I went to a weird place while on a short break in the west country. Was having a drink at the bar when suddenly, partially clothed people resembling eighteenth century Cornish copper mine owners got on stage and began gyrating suggestively around a plinth.

    Poldarking club….

    • I like the idea of “partially clothed” WPOs. Makes a change from Plain Clothes.

  16. 2 mates of mine live in Scotland – One in Fort William, the other in Ullapool. They’ve not seen each other for over a month.

    Scotial Distancing apparently

    Who’s had me fucking anorak ?

    • What a load of balls Seymour. I’d say it was more like
      “scrotal distancing.”

  17. In other news, I’m gutted to see that the Markles’ court case has got off to a shit start….


  18. Will.the tax on spirits go up ?
    Could Ramadanadingdong get some sort of fierce poll tax instead?
    I think so.

  19. I for one don’t believe for a single moment that looking at the continuing large number of deaths each day we have reached anything the peak of Coronavirus infections and feel that lockdown should continue for the next few weeks.

    Still loads of fucking morons out there walking the streets. Mrs Stroker and I made a return journey on foot to our local supermarket. Twice we walked past couples who made no attempt to walk in single file as we passed them.

    Thick wankers.

    • Well said Willie but I fear we are becoming the minority. To me, the analogy is of a car journey where the kids on the back seat are saying “ are we there yet? Are we there?
      Adults can be just as impatient. Of course lockdown has to be eased but it has to be in stages and most crucially applied at the correct time.

      • Willie, this happens to me every time I go out. And you’re right about the lockdown. If the virus gets passed on through someone being in close proximity to a carrier, what’s the alternative? One of my cousins died from it on Monday. We weren’t close, I hadn’t seen him in years. His wife told me he’d been in hospital for three weeks and he told them he didn’t want the ‘tent’ which was there to give him more oxygen. He’d had enough. They did what he asked, they took it away and he died later. Brings it home to you how close we all are to this danger.

    • I had a similar experience this morning. Interestingly enough it tended to be mostly dozy women walking side by side, with me (presumably invisible) having to keep dodging into the road to evade their stinking oxygen thieving carcasses.

      • Happens all the time where I live – a barked “F*CKING MOVE” works well, the locals know me and know what happens if they don’t.
        Mean old rotter I am! ?

    • Unbelievable, did you report them to the police? I would have done.

      There’s a bloke on my street who’s been to the shop three times today. He’s got blood on his hands, a picnic and a bag of wotsits is not essential.

    • Although I agree about ignorant fuckers not following social distancing rules (I have always preferred people stay the fuck away from me, especially in Supermarkets) I find this whole social distancing thing a load of fucking bollocks.

      Apparently scientists have found that Covid-19 viral cells can be projected for 2 metres hence the 2m distancing rule…… but scientists have also found that Covid-19 viral cells can also hang in the air for up to 3 hours.

      So whilst you are avoiding some cunt who may not even have the thing, you are walking clean through the thing from some creature who coughed potentially 3 hours ago. Right, got it, makes perfect fucking sense.

  20. Very well cunted Dick.

    To put it in perspective, this lockdown is costing the country £2.5 billion a day… That’s £98 billion so far, since full-scale lockdown began on March 23rd.

    Almost as much as the £108 billion that idiot Johnson has committed to spaffing up the wall on HS2!

    Makes the measly £1billion a month we pay into the EU look like spare change.

    And it’s only just begun. I would not be surprised if this doesn’t double or treble the already £2 trillion+ National Debt before we’re through. Not to mention all the businesses going under and mass unemployment – the economic devastation will make the early 1980s look like a golden age, plus all the mental health issues involved… which for once will be genuine.

    Fuck them*.

    * © Dick Fiddler

    • Need to dump HS2 – a ridiculous white elephant which enables city c*nts to get to their £150,000 a Year jobs 20 minutes earlier from the dirt cheap houses in the sticks they have stolen from the locals.
      Need to trim unnecessary costs across the board – no International Health Service after December 31st should be the first thing done – the NHS has plenty of money to operate well if we stop giving free treatment to every parasite on the Earth.
      Fuck them, fuck them all – we need to prioritise US from now on.

      • Unbelievable that the Government would give the official go ahead for HS2 just 3 weeks ago, knowing full well the financial quagmire this country is venturing into. Could they think of no better use for £108 billion?

        Lord Adonis, the cunt responsible for dreaming up the eye wateringly profligate white elephant tweeted:

        “HS2 is now beyond the point of no return. The key construction contracts are signed. Virtually the only good thing in public policy this month.”


    • Where does the Government borrow all the money from RT? The banks? The IMF? Genuine question.

      • About 30% of the debt is owed to UK pension funds and insurance companies.

      • At the moment it, or more accurately the bank of England creates it from thin air. It then uses that money to buy government debt.

      • So the bank of England creates a billion pounds from thin air. It then gives it the government to spend and the money and the government then owes the bank of England a billion pounds.

        Hey presto free money. That’s how fiat (Latin for let it be done) currencies work in a nutshell.

      • Ask Komodo – He’s well up on the subject of debt as “money” – he’s put up some great links to YouTube vids in past nominations but I’m fucked if I can remember which ones….

      • Komodo often says he is against ‘funny money’. Also that the financial market is just a huge ‘Ponzi scheme’.
        But I never really understand. Never will.

      • I remember during the subprime crash in America there was something called ‘toxic debt’.
        I thought of Chris Morris and ‘Good AIDS’, ‘Bad AIDS’.
        ‘Toxic Debt’, ‘Benign Debt’.
        We should go back to bartering.

      • You might not be far wrong but probably with central Bank crypto currency added to the mix so they know what, where and when you spend it and can turn it off when they want.

      • There are also financial investments called “gilts”. These are issued by the government, and investors can buy them with a ” guaranteed” return specified for 4 or five years in the future. When investors buy gilts, they are (sort of) buying government debt in return for a promised profitable return in the future.

  21. I will wager that almost every cunt who is putting up all that rainbow shite and clapping every Thursday at 8 do not give a fuck about November 11th. Neither will they wear poppies or give a second thought to those who lost their lives during two world wars. Not to mention the Falklands, Ulster, Iraq, Afghanistan etc…. Guaranteed…

    Not a fucking sausage and no flags in November for that. But now every street is rainbow town and full of performing seals. Fuck that…

    • Aye, Watch the caveman discovers fire looks on the faces of these clapping cunts when you tell them about Douglas Bader, Colonel H Jones, Robert Nairac, Simon Weston, Ypres, Normandy, Port Stanley, Londonderry and so on.

      Pride in Britain, my fucking arse.

      • You think we’re clapped out. Spare a thought for poor North Korea. If Kim is no more and sis takes over there in for hours and hours of clapping. It truly is like a clapathon over there. Always clapping. If you watch them they do it unthinkingly. Mind from if reports are right and you don’t clap enthusiastically enough you are literally thrown to the dogs. To be torn apart. I think I would be clap enthusiastically if I knew that would happen. The punchline go like the clappers.

      • Spot on Norman, in six months time or a year, the kids will be back at school being taught to hate their own country and ashamed of its history and the elderly will be back to being forgotten and willed to fuck off and die to save on resources.

  22. Mongs who have people round for birthday drinkypoos in their front garden during lockdown?

    Spazmotrons who order barely edible shit from Dominos Pizza during a medical emergency?

    Fucktards who live across the road and let their uncontrollable kids run riot?

    Village idiots who disregard the two metre distancing rule and gossip at their gates?

    Backwards arseholes who jog past you every (and I mean every) fucking time you venture out for a newspaper or a loaf of bread?

    Yeah…… Them cunts….

  23. We need DF in charge of lockdown supervision – a 12 bore cartridge full of rough rock salt should sort them! (F*ck does that hurt!).
    Common sense English solutions ?

    • Theyll need to put up family allowance for a start! Its a pittance at the moment, should double it.
      My kids are mid 20s now but still get it!
      I’m saving it up for a rambling holiday but some I donate to the “right of way action fund’.
      Ramble on!??

      • Hahaha, thought youd like that Dick!??
        Good nom by the way,
        And joking aside doubt any of us realise quite whats coming, doubt anyone will walk away unscathed, people will start to get tough or sink.

    • Bob, only in a soft touch country could this scümbag get away with doing that to a police officer.
      Some countries hed go on the missing list for that.

  24. I was under the impression that you had been banned, as such let us get a few things straight.
    Your gay, we do not give a fuck.
    Your Jewish, again we do not give a fuck.

    You are not particularity funny in your comments, yawn.
    You like to bait other members, we start to give a fuck.

    This is your hint, I will take it upstairs in future.

    • What’s this all about? Since when was Krav Darth banned? (Or am I woefully out of touch with ISAC goings-on?)

  25. Fuck me there’s some right miserable, depressing cunts on here tonight. I’m off up the boozer………………❓……Oh………. BOLLOCKS ❗️

    • You know that smell Freddie, of a boozer?
      Spilt beer etc
      When I think about the pub I can smell it!
      Driving me mad, when this shite calms down the first pint I have im going to savour it.
      Some cracking pubs hope theyre still there when lockdowns over?!

      • Evening MNC. Same here, the feeling I used to get about 3pm at work on a Friday, looking forward to savouring the first pint on a Friday night. Having a laugh with the regulars and having a chat. I know there are more important things in life but to me it’s important. It’s getting you out of the house, seeing friends, having a laugh, all good things to help with mental wellbeing. If there are any local boozers left after this shitfest, then that first pint won’t touch the fucking sides.

      • Know what you mean Bob, pubs have always been more than just about drink, they’re important to communities, hubs.
        Love pissed up laughter, stories, etc
        The pub is best of British,
        Somewhere a man can relax after work, escape for a little bit,
        King for a day!!??
        Well drink the bar dry when this shites lifted!!☺

  26. There should of never been a lockdown for obvious economic reasons.
    Hospitals have not been overwhelmed. Anyone who dies of pneumonia etc are diagnosed with Covid19 . I suppose the Government has to keep the figures high to save face. Ok they had to be responsible at first and take the necessary steps to protect people, but a few weeks on and the lives that were predicted to be lost just hasn’t materialised.
    The Government need to have the guts to admit that and end this madness.
    And sheeple need to stop reading the mail and Express with their constant scaremongering .

    People have lost their jobS and income. But it’s ok because the Government has saved you from a virus with a survival rate of 99.9996666666%

    • Evening Fenton. Not to sound patronising, great post. The lunatics are indeed running the asylum.

    • In complete agreement with you FF. Isolate the elderly and vulnerable and people with pre-existing conditions……….. job done.

    • In fact, they even had an NHS spokesman on the news the other day saying that they were concerned that not enough people were coming to A&E, and that they were worried that people may be staying away because of fear of covid 19. I couldn’t believe my ears, thought I was suffering an auditory hallucination.

  27. Absolutely Two,
    The longer this carries on the more likely people will rebel.

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