Lloyd Russell-Moyle M.P.


Nobody loves a fairy when he’s forty, but nobody has bothered to tell the queen of Brighton Kemptown that. The plucky duckie attention seeking drama queen has been shooting his mouth off again, accusing the government of “killing” people and threatening to “rout them [Conservatives] out” of his manor – no doubt by pinching their bums and hitting them with his handbag:-


Well, Dame Kweer wanted his shadow cabinet to be full of effnics and irons, but it isn’t a very good indication of his judgment of character. Perhaps he should get Mrs Laurence, the part time epidemiologist to have a quiet word with him, as she is clearly the answer to Labour’s problems.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

72 thoughts on “Lloyd Russell-Moyle M.P.

    • Even before reading a single letter of the text, I could tell from the photo above that this cunt is a raving iron.

  1. Anyone who tries their best to look like that arsehole Ed Sheeran is a TOTAL cunt.

  2. Good Morning

    This cunt is the epitome of everything that is wrong with modern politics. Brighton is ill served by him and Caroline (BBCunts have me on speed dial) Lucas.

  3. Fuck me, what happened to the Labour Party? Founded to promote and protect the rights of the working class and we end up with the fucking Elephant Man! “You wanna be more sociable mate, you’ll get yourself disliked.”
    And then they wonder why a bunch of toffboy, public school Tories can kick their electoral arses from pillar to post? If I can see it why can’t they? Since when was I Brain of fucking Britain? We are fucked.

    • Yes, the Labour Party is a million miles from what it was in the 60s and 70s. Wilson was a slippery sod but he had tough decisions to make and whilst many were wrong you could see why he made them. Jim Callaghan’s attack on modern education and his abandonment of pure Keynesian economics in a speech at Ruskin College in 1976 was bold and correct.
      The Labour Party now is full of cunts who have no morals but live from one sound bite to the next. They know as much about ordinary people and their aspirations as they do about Martians.

      • BTW , are any of the rest of you following the antics of the newly elected Nadia Whatshername MP? She self isolated before Chinky Flu had got its boots on and on her re emergence went to work in a care home to a fanfare in the local press. After eight shifts in seven weeks she was asked to leave following criticising the care home on social media.
        She is 23 years old ; we have five more decades of her to look forward to. Thank fuck I will be playing poker with Satan and most of the rest of you long before she decides to hang up her gob.

  4. ‘pinching their bums’

    Dictionary definition-

    ‘Moyling. The act of the pinching bottoms and flouncing off’.

    ‘Moyling, to moyle’.

    ‘He slapped his FCE snd flounced off’

    • The word is derived from s confusion with mauling.

      The strict definition is rushing up to someone waving your arms about as a diversion to pinching their bottom.

    • Bravo Miles…bravo. I too have a double barrel name. Interesting finding out about our surnames. Russell-Moyle. “Russell about in the bushes and Moyle passers by”

      Very good! Daz Lynch-Mob

  5. A rabbi who removes foreskins is, I think, a mohel, which is pronounced moyle. Is Krav about to confirm?

  6. Terse cunting indeed W.C.

    He seems to have modeled his ‘look’ on that four eyed gob shite, Chris Evans. The sooner Mr Reaper doth stroke each of these vile toilet loiterers with his boney index, the better. For then the world will take a step closer to being a more harmonious place. CUNT!

    • He seems to have modelled his look on Harry Potter characters – all the cunts rolled in to one. Give him a cloak and he’ll be ready with his wand: “Anus Stretchimus!”

  7. Not that I’d object to the occasional bit, but being forty and a fairy doesn’t bother misanthropic me. As for this carotid, carroty carbunkle however, here’s hoping he plays ‘Chinese Chocolate Starfish’ roulette and loses.

  8. Another sad indictment of the homophobic policies persuaded by successive Govts….We are prepared to bankrupt the Country over a touch of ‘flu and yet have failed to tackle The Gay Pandemic which blights so many of these unfortunate creatures existence…I suspect that the Govt. ditched the idea of “herd immunity” regarding “WuhanFlu” when they studied the results of The Gay Pandemic….the more you allow it to flourish,the more widespread and virulent it becomes.

    Where are the hastily constructed Quentin Crisp Hospitals to treat The Gayness ?…why aren’t we on our doorsteps applauding the “All Gays Go To Hell” visionaries ? where is the bill for Alan Turing’s family,he was the original source of the outbreak and his family deliberately underreported the severity of the disease? where is the furlough money for the normal people frightened to use public toilets for fear of being molested by a rampaging mob of The Gayness sufferers ? where is the safety equipment of unpulldownable boxers to prevent transmission of the virus by anal injection perpetrated by a ravening Gay-sufferer?

    No, I’m afraid I can’t condemn Mr. Russell-Moyles any more than I can condemn a sufferer of any sickness…he is a victim….plus the poor Cunt is a Ginger too….life has dealt him a cruel hand.

    Shame on you,Mr. Boggs…shame,I say.

  9. I understand our ginger friend is the Shadow Minister for Natural Environment and Air Quality. An impressive title.
    Well Lloyd, your natural environment is the public toilet of a Brighton gay bar………as for air quality , you are stinking the place out you AIDS ridden shitweasel. Now fuck off and stop pretending to be a grown up you soppy little cunt!

  10. I saw in the Union magazine that the inaugural meeting of the LGBT Society at Fiddler University was disrupted by the foul-mouthed ravings of a Vincent Price lookalike screaming ‘Release the Hounds.’ Apparently, some are suggesting it was the Chancellor of the University.

    I wasn’t on campus as I may or may not have been digging in the grounds of Fiddler Towers looking for the Reichsbank gold.

  11. No idea who this cunt is, and won’t even give him the time of day to find out what he’s whinging about. But he seems to be yet another Twitter-attention-junkie, who loves to shout from the sidelines but without having to worry about making important decisions, or being held to account when things go tits-up.

    I suppose if this Rinky Dink flu had happened under Labour’s watch, not one single person in the country would have died (or at least no one of importance – ie. BAMEs, the Alphabets and Remainers et al)

    What a cunt!

  12. Whilst I’d normally leave the pedantry to other esteemed cunters, surely this is the above-nommed cunt’s 4th “outing” ?

  13. I do believe our very own Prince Harry Hewitt might be morphing into Mr Russell-Shithead. A bit more hair on his bonce, a pair of Buddy Holly glasses and he could be his twin brother. More importantly Harry has adopted his limp wrested, save the planet for the gays, I love the poor people, woke champers socialist, pretend I give a fuck politics. It’s only a matter of time before the boy Hewitt has one of his wife’s gay friends sitting on the royal cock.

  14. Does it surprise anyone that this ginger tail gunner is representing Camp Brighton. Brighton needs to be cut off from the mainland and wait for natural erosion to take it’s course. Norman ‘fatboy slim’ Cook playing his final set just as the town falls into the sea. The first settlers in England were believed to have lived in Brighton and they were homo-sapiens.

    • Perhaps Brighton can be saved with mass conversion therapy Rob?

      The 2001 Spitzer report showed that after intervention, 66% of the Gays had achieved “Good Heterosexual Functioning”. This is about the same rate as GCSE A passes in this country……The Psychiatrist undertaking the study also had a double barrel name Robert Spitzer-Roaster. Good lad!

  15. In December 2019, the British people gave Labour its biggest cunt kicking since 1935.

    Lloyd Russell-Moyle’s response:


    “The Conservative party have an aim to break up our country. They aim to destroy our NHS and we will say no. We will fight them in the parliament. We will fight them in the courts. We will fight them in the workplaces and we will fight them in the streets.”


    • RTC, Intelligence is usually supposed to be creditable. He starts off quite sheepish…then gets louder, before shouting in some futile bid to convince even himself, of the latent shite he peddles…..

      • It says a lot about Labour’s attitude to democracy. And Sir Kweer’s judgement in appointing such a petulant fuckwit to his shadow cabinet.

      • It says a lot about Labour’s attitude to democracy. And Sir Kweer’s jüdgemént in appointing such a petulant fuckwit to his shadow cabinet.

    • Fight, fight, fight! Like a childrens playground scuffle, although I suspect children could easily beat up that chap in the nom.

      I thought it was Adam Whatshisname from Mythbusters at first glance.

    • Ooh he’s bossy isn’t he. If Owen Jones currently has a botty vacancy…

      • Owen ALWAYS has a botty vacancy. He is a socialist…….he never says no to the poor and deprived.

      • Owen Jones and Russell-Moyle, twins hatched from the same sulphurous egg fertilised using a turkey baster full of gay bükâke jizz collected from Dickie Branson’s gold plated toilet seat.

    • ‘Cause in sleepy London town just aint no place for a street fighting man’..sang some rich old skeletons once.
      Russell daydreams of leading the masses in a uprising against the oppression of evil Tories,
      Shirt ripped revealing his little freckled chest, his orange hair blowing in the wind, “follow me comrades, strenth in unity!!”
      The mob swells in anger and charges the police…

    • The fucking little prick will go into meltdown if someone dares suggest that fucking childish squeaky voiced rant resembles a prepubescent Hitler. Apparently he’s 33 years old so one would have thought his tiny little bollocks would have dropped by now.

  16. There was some Labour bint, deputy leader apparently, on the radio saying how Boris has it all wrong and the money tree should be shaken for a few years more . Kweer doesn’t seem to have had much impact on these loons does he? Never heard of the creature above but looks the sort of horny handed, working class son of the soil that Labour now specialises in.
    Brighton, what does anyfucker expect?

    • I heard that dipshit too.

      Angela Rayner, deputy leader of the Labour Party.

      The Government has already borrowed an extra £350 billion since lockdown started two months ago. On top of that the economy is losing £2.5 billion A DAY in lost productivity.

      And she wants this to go on for another year?

      I heard another thick as pigshit Labour cunt on LBC this morning say “it’s only money”.

      • The same useless bitch who was shadow education secretary promoting a move to get kitchens in every English primary school – but had no idea how many there were, how many had kitchens, how much it would cost or where the money was coming from. It was funny seeing Andrew Neill eviscerating her, what part of the hiding they have just had do they not understand? (She is not called “Angela crayons” for nothing!)
        Fucking nutcases, soaking up our taxpayers money to promote communism and lunacy.
        Get rid.

    • Yeah, when he says “fight” he means mince about and cry like a girl. It’s gay talk. Different language.

  17. His high pitched, girly ,skreaching speech at the election was truly hilarious. “We will fight them in the streets”. What a mong.

  18. Another excellent nomination.
    I’ve never heard of the wet gay ginger ponce. If Brighton is the bender capital of the UK (Europe?) then maybe they should have a massive bender to “govern” them. (sic.)

    I don’t believe in homosexual politicians. Politicians should be Right, Bright, and, White.
    I don’t believe in black, brown, immigrant politicians, or silly little women.

    What kind of electorate votes for a ginger bastard that takes it up the arse? What kind of electorate votes for black/brown young immigrant women in their early 20s.

    Politics should be about, having power of influence, the big match temperament, experience, intellect, etc. Some of these new politicians are still wet behind the ears. The ginger gaybum is still wet behind the arse flaps? Does he socialise in bumming saunas normal for queers. Some of the new politicians are still wet from the banana boats they just rolled in off.

    Labour are a fucking laughing stock. They are only any good to have a a laugh at.

  19. Must of been a terrible shock for his family when he came out as a socialist.

  20. I live in Hove ( next to Brighton) and I can say I am deeply ashamed that Brighton is associated with vile creeps such as this cunt. He is Queen of the Camptown area of Brighton which is also Caroline Lucas stomping ground.
    Because of these fuckers Brighton has become a dirty shit hole swarming with beggars who piss and shit in shop door ways and pitch their tents up in the main streets , used needles laying everywhere.

    • Dear Mr Fenton
      Unfortunately on this occasion your application for role of PR with Brighton Tourist Board has not been successful.
      Wishing you all the best for the future
      Yours sincerely, kiss cheeks.
      Russell Moyles MP

    • F.F. To be fair, Brighton has always been a dirty shit hole, the difference now is that the inmates have taken over.

    • Sounds like it’s going back to the state my dad found it in the late eighties when working for BT.

  21. Russell-Moyle is (was?) a dedicated Corbynite. Talking of Corbyn, the latest news is that he appears to have joined a 1940s revival band as a drummer. Here he and his mates are accompanying three singers – the middle one looks like Ratchel Reeves. The one on the left could be Mandy (Dick Emery’s creation). It could hardly be THE Mandy?………. I don’t know though – him and Adonis on drag night?


    • Oh come on……Jezza wearing an American Army shirt? He’d have to hand in his Communist Party card and his signed photo of the great Fidel!

    • Pete Jacobs Big Band Tranny Sound…they weren’t women. The name is in the “Jacobs” me thinks…..quite catchy though.

  22. Are there any labour MPs who aren’t pricks? Whilst you’ve got to be not quite right in the head to want to go into politics, at least the Tories have a few who don’t seem to be utter twats. But I’m struggling to think of a single labour MP in living memory who hasn’t been a complete fucking cunt.

    • Kate Hoey was an excellent Labour MP but driven out by Momentum. Replaced by a young Flabbott called Florence Eshalomi. (beautiful British name) No, I don’t know of a Labour MP who I could be arsed to piss on……hopefully somebody will put me right.

  23. I hope a retired Major from the Coldstream Guards kicks his fucking teeth in.
    Fuck off cunt.

  24. This weedy, arsehole-derricking, auburn-haired, pale turd is, apparently, now a air-quality scientist:

    “Telling people to go back to work and avoid public transport will lead to an influx of car use. This in tern (sic) will exacerbate our air quality crises which all evidence shows is an exacerbating factor for Covid. The announcement overnight is reckless to say least.”

    I suspect he may have been watching some gay porn channel when Boris made his announcement, as he clearly did not listen to what Boris actually said about returning to work.

    The only air quality crises is that caused by the hot air that dribbles from Moyle’s very homo mouth.

    What a limp-wristed cunt. I just hope Unkle Terry’s oven is up to temperature.

      • Excellent form Unkle Terry!
        Hope that oven is big – there’s a lot of work to do.
        Politicians change nothing, the people can but do not get the opportunity – nothing in our history has ever changed without civil unrest.
        In all my life I have never known such a useless shower of shit as our current plague of “politicians”. How the fuck did we let it come to this?

  25. For those who don’t know, this ginger bastard is not just an arsebandit but proudly announced in Parliament that he is HIV positive like it’s some kind of badge of honour.
    Well I suppose, in his world , it makes him a right stud…..prepared to go in bareback up shit alley. Filthy fucking degenerate.

  26. He is a bummy version of Frankie Boyles.

    Either one of those things is horrible.

    • Don’t know if it’s just me, but watching the cunt rant on as he gives his victory speech, he looks like Son of Corbynite to me.
      Is there something we’re not being told?

  27. Somewhere there’s a factory turning these cunts out. The sexual orientation is up to the customer, but the overweight speccy ginge with attitude is the base model of the range, and it really is time they were all recalled.

    • Yes like the feminist made internet-famous and dubbed ‘Big Red’.

      I think these people are grown in vats. Laurie Pennie is another.

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