Lazy World Leaders

‘Lazy’ World Leaders

Now, I write this nom, having watched the news coverage of the VE day commemerations. Nothing wrong with remembering VE day & those that sacrificed so much for their countries – Nothing at all & no complaints from me.

However, watching world leaders at these events :-

Cheezy Macron – ‘laid’ memorial flowers at D’Arc de Triumph … really ? seems to me 2 lakkies carried the floers in & Macron touched it with his hand ?

Reichsfuhrer Merkel ‘laid’ a wreath of flowers ….. the wreaths were already in place & positioned….Merkel walked up & stroked the ribbon ? round of applause for her hard work.
Oh, and bowing to ‘public’ pressure calling for Germanys first publc holiday on VE day, Merkel made a generous gesture of a day off in Berlin…not the rest of Germany mind you. If London had a bank holiday & the rest of the UK didn’t, there’d be riots…but then Germany has always been a country led from the top without much consideration for its sheep , sorry, I mean citizens, ..but I digress…

Pwesident Elmer.J.Fudd.. sorry… I mean that intellectual giant, Donald Twump – attended some ceremony & saluted….I mean……WoW ?

and our own dear Boris… sort of …read out a poem … erm ..yes.. well…

Nominated by Lord of the Rings

63 thoughts on “Lazy World Leaders

    • I believe they call it “Seventy five Years time and we run Europe Yah – that will teach ze Tommies”!
      We really should have had bought VW when we had the chance at the end of the war.

    • Tag der Befreiung.
      I have come into regular contact with a few cabbage crunchers in the last few years and they have been alright. It’s their globalist leaning elite we have to worry about. We have Teflon Tony and they have Mutti Merkel. Two nicer people you could never wish to meet.

  1. Vlad the impalers not lazy!
    Riding horses (shirtless)
    Hunting bears (shirtless)
    Wrestling sailors in oil (shirt+pant less).
    Donnie Tangos not, hes full of energy +fizz!
    Kim dong rong of North Korea is a mountaineer and sportsman for a morbidly obese square head hes nippy!
    If Boris has his full 15hrs he can play croquet!
    And slimy graverobber Macron looks fairly fit.
    Merkel though looks like a deflated bouncy castle, your right there!
    Fat shiftless gormless bitch.

    • Merkel is the most ruthless politician I have ever known – truly dark is that one.
      Boris is the sleepiest.

      • Ive never raised my hand to my missus or any woman, but! An this sounds awful, can see why some blokes do and Merkel id struggle not to, that dopy hangdog face the type whos always apologising or breaking things through clumsiness.
        I couldnt help myself and would feel really guilty when id finally stopped jumping on her head.

      • Yes Miserable! Merkel does have the sheepish look an Old Basset Hound (apologies to OBH’s) who has just had a sneaky crap behind the TV.

      • LL she strikes me as the type who says
        “Sorry ill pay for it”
        “You never told me to pack a parachute”
        “I dropped the scalpel in his chest cavity, im sorry!”

  2. Cannot be sure about lazy.

    Corrupt, incompetent, lying, egotistical, self important, ambitious, greedy, thick skinned, hypocritical, public hating, uncaring, undemocratic, grandiose, out of touch with reality, psychopathic fucking scüm who cannot be trusted for sure.

    • The rancid Panzer of the fourth Reich.
      Every single thing I hate in a Human.
      Soon to be sitting in her own piss dribbling sauerkraut in a private nursing home wondering where the fuck she is.

    • What about him in the Philippines? Deturte or something?
      Used to shoot drugdealers an rode a motorbike?
      He seems nice.

      • “You are one fart away from disaster” to a corpulent senator is my favourite quote of his.

  3. The Germans call it “freedom” day. In other words when the good folk of Germany were freed from the dictator Hitler whom they didn’t really want to follow did they? Like feck they didn’t! Have you seen the old newsreel films when massive crowds manically cheered his every move? They loved him while he was winning and ignored the evil things the Nazis were doing behibd the scenes. Only the brave few protested.

    As for draft dodger Trump, he cut short his visit to the D-Day beaches a few years back because it was raining! Oh the hardship.

    I agree these leaders pay lip service to the trials of the war generation who were left to die in care homes.

  4. I’m genuinely intrigued, LOTR…..just what were you hoping for at a Commemoration Service?…A lively tap-dance routine on a coffin perhaps?…..a display of pole-vaulting over The Cenotaph ?…a display of break dancing by The Chelsea Pensioners to Fatboy Slim’s techno-mix of The Last Post, maybe?

    The idle bastards.

    🙂 .

    • Imagine the jangling of the Rolexes and the snapping of the hips!
      Good to see a Frenchman walking forwards as well as backwards though!
      Non! Emmanuel has not surrendered (yet) – he’s just pointing upwards at the rusty pylon, sorry to get your hopes up there Angela!

  5. Politicians shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near these ceremonies. They are a fucking disgrace and just stink the place out. The sight of Mavis and Catweazle standing next to each other at the Cenotaph used to make me want to kill. Two massive traitors defiling the memory of the dead.

  6. Hehee, ?
    “Hello Paris!
    Youve been a great audience, now put your hands together for Emanuel & Boris covering Edwin Starrs WAR!..”

    • War! What is it good for – lots of fucking profit, say it again now!
      Dominic! Hurry up with your Hammond and shiny jacket – it’s time for your solo!

    • LOL
      Put yer hands together Nagasaki for Emperor Naruhito and his crazy houseband “The Kamikazes” while they give us their rendition of “Flash,Ban,Wallop”

    • Is she on the deck of a U-Boat there? Relaxing between sinking our ships the dirty Kraut whorebag?

    • Whayhey!
      Not seen that before, she looks a bit like a young Benny Hill with titties?!
      Looks less a sexy snap and more something from ‘true detective’ magazine.

    • Jeez! From Aunt Sally to Deborah Meaden in five easy decades!
      “Vat do you want to pitch to ze dragons this evening”?
      “A marvellous product that turns forward into reverse with one gunshot”
      “Ve already haf zat – it’s called ze French “army”! ?

  7. The fucking clapping mongs are out in numbers tonight. Some cunt thinks that he can sing soprano and is still singing and boiling my piss considerably.

    Wish he would shut the fuck up.


  8. I’d like to see any of these shits operate in the Chinese Virus when threatened with no work.

    Bunch of cunts.

  9. I once dated a girl called “Cessna”
    If truth be told she was a little plane..

  10. I’m bored, what a shite pile of cunt this whole situation is.

    • Do a jigsaw Bwc!☺
      Read a book, something innocent without taking substances or doing depravity to nude ladies.
      Never bored if you have paper and crayons!
      Angela Rayner told me that.

      • Don’t really take substances anymore MNC, got to live healthy now I’m an old 41 year old cunt, hardly drink either…maybe I should convert to snackbar…(after I’ve eaten the bacon in the fridge though). Haven’t got Sky BF, Gangs of London looks alright I refuse to pay them Sky cunts a penny though.

    • Thought you might be watching Gangs of London, B & W Cunt. Been good so far, enjoyed the shootout at the Gypo camp the other week.

      • No, got a new bird on the go at the moment RTCP. Getting a bit pissed off with the Whatsapp messages and generally bothering me all the time. One has to have a bird in these lonely, uncertain times. Nice and cheap as well, no wining and dining or going aaaaht and abaaaaaht. I’ll have to dump her soon when the restaurants open.

      • B&WC, do I congratulate for having a new bird or wait until you bin her to congratulate you?

  11. Ich verstehe Sie nicht. Welche Sprache sprechen Sie?

    Just a cock, nothing to see here, all gone

    • That was for Caught Spedding but his comment has disappeared.

      It will be back, very needy person that one

      • CS is on the other nom chatting to Ruff, Bertie & Seymour, Simmy.

        Is he fuck Just nuked him!
        yours security admin

      • You nuked the rest of us as well Admin!! It’s as if nothing ever happened! ?

        I am afraid that answers To a deleted post disappear as well, not our doing, it is the way the system works other wise the thread makes no sense, I am sure it will be back, you have a good evening and carry on cunting.

      • Bertie@
        Wonder why CS doesnt just come on and be normal?
        Just join in and be one of us?
        He does for few days then goes all weird in his writing style!
        Hes obviously drawn here, so why do that?
        Think his mum walked into his room??

        Needs to be loved you mean? then gets all hateful? Probably a bedwetter late in years.

      • Evening Admin,
        Yes just noticed all his posts evaporate!
        Your quicker on the draw than the Sundance Kid!?

      • He’s not a complete waste of space. He could fit in if he tried but herein lies the answer – he’s probably never fitted in anywhere in his life. ?
        His enjoyment comes from being discovered. He has a distinctive style that he doesn’t want to change.

      • You niggle him, not sure why? But noticed he gets annoyed by your comments no matter how mild.
        Ive told him he stinks of piss, is a mummys boy, a bedwetter, and demanded money and pies off him, an he took no offense!
        You should of gone into HR rather than teaching!☺

        Easy, he is under the thumb of his wife/partner/ bum chum, he has a certain style and we can track him from place to place, when he gets to a certain location he shuts up, probably because it is all updates on tarquin and tabitha, then how the smithe-William’s are going on another ski trip and how come we are not, Daddy always said you would be a disappointment.

      • You need to keep a straight face when you’re talking to him!
        I think the fact my daughter’s a psychologist helps me understand him! ?

      • Ooh, I missed all that, it’s a low boredom threshold of mine, was it Honeydew melon or whatever he called himself?

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