Kevin Maguire [6]

Kevin Maguire

Unbelievably this leftist looney hasn’t been cunted in a while. Along with the other cunt Owen I think they should both be cunted on a daily basis.

Anyway the cunt Maguire last week on Sky News Press Preview strategically placed a coffee mug behind himself on the mantelpiece which stated “I STILL HATE THATCHER”. It wasn’t there the week before and I doubt his scruffy house with 1960s decor has been cleaned in the preceding week.

This vile man can’t even let his hatred go after the death of Thatcher from a stroke and her suffering with dementia. May be he just likes to abuse women that cant defend themselves. His IQ squeezing into double digits (above average for a leftist) would have been no match for Thatcher in her prime.

He is like them crazy lefties in the Spanish Civil war that dug up the dead nuns and put them on display. If he did that he would have to be careful though not to confuse Maggies corpse for his wife.

Ah well got that cunt off my chest can now enjoy a nice cup of tea in my cunting Nelson Mandella mug.

Nominated by JustAnotherScouseCunt

76 thoughts on “Kevin Maguire [6]

  1. Oh ho! Kevs my favourite to cunt!!
    I truly despise Kev im a way pakis hate indians, Palestinians hate jews,
    Its much deeper than that with Kev.
    Its not his boring working clasd hero bullshit while living on journo expenses
    His sulking if someone disagrees with him, no.
    Its his nervous tick.
    Rolling his eyes and throwing hisself about in his chair like Ian Curtis on stage, I nearly swallow my tongue in rage?
    Kev needs this sorting, and I can help.
    Tied to a chair everytime he rolls his peepers I cut a tiny bit of Kev off.
    Bet hed be right as rain before sun up.

    • They just don’t get it, and never will. Hateful childish jerk, part of the marxist gang of malevolence, the comedy haters.
      I had good reason to detest Thatcher, I lost my job in the mining industry due to her brutal policies and she created a Country of fuck you, everyone for themselves, grab what you can and damn those you slice up to get it – but she was a political leviathan compared to the snakes we have today and took no shit from the rodents at the EU (they were terrified of her, with good reason!).
      The Woman is dead, leave her be.
      Liking the therapy for Kevin the gerbil though MNC!
      (Actually if he was a gerbil he would currently be running around up Owen Jones’ arse!) ?

  2. Marxist cunt has a severe case of Lockdown haircut gone wrong. Who the fuck cut that? His wife, with a knife and fork? Perhaps she is blind and she needed assistance from her guide dog to cut his thatch.

    Two barks – snip left
    One bark – snip right

    • With or without shit hair he looks like a bell-end.

      I wonder if his wife is anxious about Covid-18? I mean, a Chînky virus mustn’t seem worrying after having this parasite inside you.

      • Covid-18 Captain? Is it backward mutating now? You can’t take your eyes off the fucker for a second!

      • Covid-18 was the failed 2018 virus that didn’t kill you but made you speak a rittle bit sirry and made you feel peckish whilst watching Batman.

  3. Ha ha – last time I saw Kevin Maguire he was being fed into Dick Fiddler’s super customised Greenmech wood-chipper. Extremely slowly, inch by inch, his agonised screams were music to my ears!

    Seem to recall Dick uploaded a video of it on FaceFuck. Or was it Pornhub?

    • Sir Fiddler mistook him for a rambler RTC! ? And had DF made it pay per view he would quite possibly become a billionaire!

      • There was no mistaking that irritating voice and smug rolling of the eyes for a mere rambler Vern. DF knew precisely who he was feeding into that wood-chipper.

        Besides, Dick had invited him round for tea. ?

      • Was his septic tank full due to unfortunate ramblers, carol singers, Jehovah’s Witnesses and lost townies?

      • Malice aforethought eh? Good work Sir Fiddler!
        Irritating voice, smug rolling of the eyes? Is he our favourite ray of sunshine Yvette “sugartits” Cooper in disguise?
        Detestable Woman that one.

  4. An utter shitbag who, unsurprisingly, writes for the daily mirror.
    Like the other foul old bastard Paul Routledge. Hopefully that particular bitter old cunt is dead by now…

    • Both cunts of the first order. Neither of them would have been a match for Maggie at her drooling pant-pissing stage, let alone in her prime.

  5. Another Mirror cunt is Nigel Nelson, also to be seen on paper reviews. This cunt speaks with a pseudo posh accent, raising the intonation of his voice on the last word of each sentence. “Doesn’t heee”. Just speak proper you cunt!

  6. You can only reflect on experience and I liked Thatcher. She raised expectations for me.
    You can be a shareholder in a PLC.
    You can own a business.
    You can break from the shackles that have traditionally bound you to a predictable life of living in a similar house to your father. Doing a similar job to your father. Drinking in the same pub as your father. Killing a pet tortoise like your father.
    I guess I was slightly embarrassed about my working-class upbringing and wanted to distance from it. Thatcher also sank the Belgrano in 1982. The only ship to survive Pearl Harbour, sold to the Argentinian Navy and Thatcher had it scuttled. What a girl!

  7. It must suck having politicians living in your head, rent free. Even deceased ones.

  8. Never heard of the cunt but:
    Looks like a cunt
    Seems to talk like a cunt
    Stupid posturing slogan on mug
    Applying Occams ladyshave – therefore must be a cunt.

    • The fact that you’ve never heard of Kevin Maguire gives me the horn.

      • Afternoon Ruff one. I’ve never met anyone who gets the horn so readily as you!
        Take care when you sneeze.

      • RTC is literally a horny handed son of the soil. Inappropriate horns are his forte.

      • Thus spake the horny pot calling the kettle black!

        Afternoon chaps. ?

  9. Just another twat that just has to hate ‘tory scum’ as they are all toffs don’t you know?
    Why did so many northern/midland working class vote for them i wonder, Kev?
    And sort your tic/ rolling eyes problem as it makes you look a fucking moron.

  10. It’s that sigh of disdain coupled with the eye-roll that does it for me. A cunt of the highest order is our Kev.

    • Absolutely. But he’s also got the sort of face you could never stop kicking once you started, even without the sigh. Bit like Owen Jones, and, dare I say it Miriam Gargolyes – although she looks as if this happens to her on a regular basis.

  11. Here is a question,

    If you had Kevin the cunt and Owen the cunt stood in front of you and you were only allowed to punch one of them in the face, who would you choose.

    My choice , Owen Jones

    • Stand one right behind the other, punch the one in front very hard in the face and his head will jerk back and, hopefully, breaks the one behind him’s nose.

      • Just call them waycists Moggie – their self pitying tears will soon be high enough to drown them both.

      • Id use Owen as a club to beat Kevs skull into something resembling a dropped lasagne, the little twitching twat.

  12. The problem with these moronic cunts is they haven’t realised they are irrelevant. The fuckers , like the bolshies in 1917 or the National socialists in the 1920 and 30s need chaos and mass unemployment to further their ends. I recon Boris won’t give it to them and the working class of this country have never supported the cunts and never will which is why they link themselves to Muslim cunts.

    • The peaceful vote is easily bought Smug. Just ask George Galloway, allegedly.

  13. I’m sorry, I can’t empathise with the cunting of blind hatred of politicians. I shall loathe Blair until my dying day and well past his should I survive the cunt. Not that keen on Thatcher either, actually, whose policies Blair was happy to continue. Fuck them both.

    • Teflon Tony’s mantra was “education, education, education”. And we have more people in University education than ever before, have had for the last twenty Years but still apparently need to ship in people from around the planet to cover one of the biggest skills shortages in the western World.
      In the Country we live in education is now indoctrination.

      • That’s exactly what he meant by ‘education’ back in 97, and now we’ve had 23 years of it, the results are clear.

        I’m not religious, but if I were I’d steadfastly refuse to believe that Blair wasn’t the Antichrist.

  14. What I like about Kevin Maguire is he’s still really angry about a woman that hasn’t governed for 30 years and has been dead for 6 years.

    Get fucking over it you cretin.

    I suspect he was abused by someone who reminds him of Maggie and that’s what’s stoking the anger.

    That said he’s heading for a Stroke.

    If that were to happen I’d gladly become his carer, I’d enjoy taking him in his piss stained wheel chair to the voting booth, delicately placing a pen in his hand and them gently ‘help’ him cast his vote, for the Tory’s.

    • He’s heading for a stroke, a grope and maybe even a reach around if Owen Jones is lurking! ?

    • “Place a pen in his hand?” He wouldn’t know how to write with it!
      When the cunt’s on tele, he’s always got a pen in hand but only for tapping it annoyingly on the desk. That fuckin’ Geordie accent is laid on with a trowel. I thought it was hilarious a while back when he had a long bout of laryngitis and the fucker could hardly speak.

  15. Maguire and that other smug all knowing cunt that comes on SLY NEWS Stig Abel who sits next to Carol Malone with a huge sense of self superiority . when that cunt speaks he comes across as if he’s sharing his wisdom with us that is beyond question.
    As for Maguire, horrible fucking cunting Champagne socialist . I could never tire of pummelling his thick skull. Utter Bastard.

    Who the fuck would call there kid Stig ????

      • I only ever knew one ‘Stig’ and that was the character in Clive King’s book “ Stig of the Dump”. If you’re in the unfortunate position of having young kids, read it with them.
        Kids love it, cos it’s a funny, clever book.

      • No, Stigmata.
        Bleeding from the wounds our lord Jesus Christ would of suffered on the cross to save us.

        Pious Northern cunt.

    • People who can’t spell “cunt” call their kids Stig! The less relevant they are the louder they shout – and appear unable to grasp the concept that the World has moved on – nobody wants communism, especially communists.
      Wonder if sleepy Boris is out of bed yet – no need to rush anything though – with fuckers like Maguire around he will be guaranteed at least 2 decades in power.

  16. Fuck the lot of them, fuck sky for giving them a platform. I wonder how far left you have to be before you’re considered too extreme to be interviewed on the MSM?

    Thatcher was an ideologue, she suffered from the same problems of foresight all politicians suffer with, they see 5 years ahead and what happens after that is for others to worry about.

    Fuck them all, they will all crush you underfoot and see the destruction of your life as collateral damage for the greater good.

    I hate the left but what passes for the right only gets my vote to prevent the greater evil from gaining power.

    • Totally agree Sixdog.

      The ‘Left’ are very very angry and the more the public see of them I genuinely believe they are repulsed. The so call ‘Red Wall’ fell easily in December and it’s not hard to think why, unless you’re Owen ‘MGBGTV8’ Jones et al.

      Brits generally are a small ‘c’ conservative nation.

      The issues these cultural Marxists constantly spew mean nothing to the average person.

      The ‘Left’ need to get over themselves and even though I can’t abide that slob Michael Moore he was quite profound when talking about the Democrats and Trump when he said the sooner they realise Trump won the election and accept it the sooner they’ll get back on board with the voters.

      Let’s hope the ‘Left’ carry on though as they are as you say better to vote for the Right to prevent the evil to gain power.

  17. I have no idea who any of these people are but they can all eat my shit and then beg for another bowl full.

  18. What is it with the left and their inability to get over things? Could it be that they’ve got nothing useful or intelligent to say about anything current? Politicians are inherently untrustworthy but the left are fucking dreadful. And I would happily see Tony “happy marriage” Blair hung in Trafalgar Square. Not for anything specific, just because it would be a laugh.

  19. This 5th column cunt needs the tree and short rope cure.
    Wheedling little rat.

    • It’s nice Uncle Terry that you’ve switched from that nasty method that uses up valuable earth resources and have moved on to a more sustainable, humane method.

      • It was the email from Greta the sweater that did it! Watched Boris the traitor run away earlier at Prime Ministers question time, or whatever nonsense they call it – quality response there Boris!
        And Layla Moron and Rebecca Bongs – Daily did not seem too bothered about children missing valuable education time when they were skiving every Friday to listen to Saint Greta.
        (And leaving the unbelievable mess they made for the grown ups to pay for clearing).
        On other news I am just about to wire my new cooker in – if this is my last ever post assume I have been unsuccessful! ?☠?

  20. The Maguire cunt is still at it on this evening’s papers review. For Fuck sake man stick a fuckin’ sock in it. He’s got to be due another bout of laryngitis soon.

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