Kehinde Andrews is a cunt.
The professor of black studies at Birmingham uni versa ee claims that more black and Asian people are dying from covid because of RACISM. I kid you not. He said so on C4 tonight.
The good prof is certain that the cause is not genetic. After all he couldn’t blame old whitey for that. No, the BAMES are dropping because they are poorer, less well nourished and not looked after properly. And why is this? Because UK society doesn’t care about them and thus it is racist.
I’ve seen this guy on Question Time and his answer to every issue is that whitey is racist. Funny that, given his pompous academic title.
Nominated by Lord Helpuss
i always find it strange that the biggest racists in our society are actually people like this. It is sort of like the black equivalent of a champagne socialist. They are all Cunts anyway.
In fact, my PC-immune fellow-cunters, men are twice as likely to die of Covid as wimminz. (Actual FACT) This is clearly a sexist conspiracy by the feminist hegemony to maintain the whip hand over cis (but not trans, obvs) – gendered persons. And then again, one of the biggest risk groups is fat bastards…denied by the evil thinnists all access to quinoa, mung beans and whatever the latest Islington food fad is.
He’s not even black but of mixed race. A mulato. In the past mixed race people often tried to identify with their white ancestry. Now they regard themselves as purely black it seems. What say you BWC?
Whatever his colour or shade he is a nasty, hate speech spitting racist.
White English people are the least racist on the planet, and our tolerance is being used against us by shit like this.
For now.
Just emailed this to Kehinde Andrews:
Dear Mr Andrews
would you be kind enough to explain to me why there is no Professor of white studies at Birmingham University?
And why Birmingham University are being so racist in having a Professor of black studies but no Professor of white studies?
We need to call out the ghastly spectre of racism wherever it rears its ugly head so I await your response with interest.
I await my response with interest.
Dear mr V.Fox,
I read your letter with horror that for a minute youd dare to question a person of colour!
Any/all dissent or questioning is racism!
Once id been lured down from the curtain rail by Johnny Morris, I calmed down long enough to contact the police.
You sir will face the full force of the law, impartially found guilty of hate thought and pay reparations.
Professor K. Andrews ???
Dear Professor Andrews,
I am glad you pointed out my dreadful waycism – here was silly me thinking it was free speech, thank goodness we have upstanding pillars of the community like you to call out these abhorrences, gawd bless you guvnor! I am, as ordered, currently bleaching my brain to get rid of my despicable notions – I clearly need to “check my thinking”!
Your sizeable compensation cheque is in the post, and as the Basildon Bond on the accompanying letter is white I have added some “brown smears” for purposes of equality and diversity, and if you sniff it closely you will get a strong whiff of what you talk! ??
Kind Regards
Jonhnny Morris is long dead, so he needs to call in Sir Terence Nutkins. Er, hang on…
Is Tony Soaper still around?
It appears so PM – born in 1929 so I imagine currently sat in a piss stinking nursing home awaiting the arrival of the corona reaper! ?
Just checked out Tony Soper’s website. 91, but apparently the old boy is still very active. Supports my argument all along – a big part of it isn’t how old you are but how frail (or not) you regard yourself.
Liked old Johnny Morris Paul, didnt you?
Nowadays hed be villified for giving the animals funny voices, demeaning wildlife or something!
Some exstinky rebellion type would throw paint at nice old Johnny and call him a cunt.
Roderick the Rat, Hammy the Hamster and Wise old Frog, Hornets and Mushrooms were brilliantly voiced by Johnny Morris. Pity Greta wasn´t around in those days to go on the boat trip with them.
I always recall old Morris in his zookeeper’s outfit, usually ushering some giant elephant turds around the enclosure floor with the aid of a stiff broom and a hose.
If he is a professor of black studies, who marked the cunts exams and course work. I have had a bit of a search and can’t seem to find any others a bit older than him, who may have taught him. Anyway he is a race baiting cunt.
One of our colonial cousins with a chip on his shoulder. Who’d have thunk it.
I was nearly as surprised to find out it rains in Yorkshire!
But not today, beautiful sunshine and I’m off out to test the new mountain bike!
(If anyone hears “Fuck off” and a loud gunshot I may have accidentally strayed onto Sir Fiddlers estate!) ?☠?
This fucking ticki tacki has no fucking idea what real racism is, and nor do most of them, they would be shocked if they could mind read, last time i checked you couldnt get arrested for racist thinking as long as you dont make the mistake of saying it, i told a taxi driver a while ago he was a thieving cunt and to stop taking the piss or i was going to chin him, and due to the fact he was of a shade darker or ten than me, he pulled the racism card… what in that sentence was racist i asked him and why do you cunts always like to play the victim, if you want me to say what i would love to you fuckers would be stunned and then you can cry racism victim, till then shut the fuck up cunts….
This fucking ticki tacki has no fucking idea what real racism is, and nor do most of them, they would be shocked if they could mind read, last time i checked you couldnt get arrested for racist thinking as long as you dont make the mistake of saying it, i told a taxi driver a while ago he was a thieving cunt and to stop taking the piss or i was going to chin him, and due to the fact he was of a shade darker or ten than me, he pulled the racism card… what in that sentence was racist i asked him and why do you cunts always like to play the victim, if you want me to say what i would love to you fuckers would be stunned and then you can cry racism victim, till then shut the fuck up cunts….
Great cunting by the way, i have no argument with fix bayonets and release the dogs oops did i say that or just think it, be gental officers…..
I reposted cuz the first one wasnt showing and now x2
I’ve wanted to cunt this cunt for a while but was either to busy or too drunk, Lord Helpuss, I’m sure other people (I’m too angry and drunk so I’ve gone straight to reply) will have pointed put that this mother fucker is from Birmingham CITY University, i.e. Brum Poly. He’s a thick cunt with a PhD in ‘ Sociology and Cultural Studies’. Fuck off, cunt. I’ll take my Batchelors degree and raise him. One BSc in Physics is worth millions of your rubbish PhDs. And I will not call you doctior, you fuck-off-space-cadet cunt.
Doesn’t ‘decolonising’ mean removing someone’s colon? If so, bring Kehinde into the operating theatre, the (soon-to-have-no) cunt.
‘Black Studies’?
Isn’t that racist?
The guy is a blatant racist. End of.
Do the Chinese have Yellow studies? How many more of these cunts are there? Suckling on whiteys tit talking shit but grobbling up all those wages, allowances, free health care. Bet the cunt wouldn’t turn down a kidney or heart transplant if the donor was a whitey… That would be the teller methinks; of course as it would be free on nhs cunt would wouldn’t he. Enough shit in this World without this utter hypocritical cock wrangler adding to the impending implosion that must be along soon.
Does that mean I`m high-risk?
I doubt that you’ll see the end of the week.
Farewell ! You cotton pickin’ cunter.
You brought a little colour into our lives !
Mammy ! ( For Krav )
He should be told to Fuck Off in no uncertain terms, before being fired out of a rather large cannon.
Get To Fuck.
I’m surprised that the the new Royal family of Britain – i.e.the Lawrence family haven’t blamed the virus for killing there son, they’ve blamed every one else!
Ask them who the zingers gang was and who was in it!!!
What a tedious little racist this appalling monster truly is. One day its dream will come true: it’ll be kidnapped by KKK halfwits and carted off miles into the countryside where it will be non-surgically neutered and painted white. Fucking horrible little turd.
I bet he joyously supports the Black Policemen’s Association, the Muslim Police Association and every other Blacks Only organisation in the land, but replace the word ‘black’ with ‘white’ and it will scream “RACISTS!!”. Fucking hypocritical little cunt. He does so much to destroy the years of work we as a species have done to ensure that skin colour is irrelevant.
it could be lack of vitamin D is the real problem