You and I, fellow cunters, along with all the other “just numbers” on this planet, are required, by the Globalists / NWO / Governments / Establishment / Call The Cunts What You Will, to live our lives in perpetual fear. We always have been.
When my Mum was little, the fear was Pneumonia (still is, actually, with CV19), then Smallpox. When I grew up in the 1970s, it was Rabies, then Nuclear War between USA and USSR, then AIDS, then Ebola. More recently it’s been Global Warming, then Leaving the EU, then Climate Change and now Coronavirus.
It’s a control mechanism for the insignificant, contemptible, little people.
Religion has always worked the same way – As long as you’re shitting your pants about not getting into their fabled “heaven”, you are controllable.
I’m getting thoroughly sick of being obliged to shit myself – even if bog paper is once again available and my arse is getting red-raw from constant wiping…
Nominated by Cunt Reviled
Yes they all like to pile on the fear – especially aided and abetted by the press and the BBC. You are more in danger if you are a child, but you are more in danger if you are over 50 (Warwick University), you are more in danger if you are obese, you are more in danger if you are male, you are more in danger if you are female. It’s a bit like dietry advice magnified – this can give you cancer, that can give you cancer, if you don’t get cancer Alzheimers will get you instead.
There are too many experts, with too little to do, and too much time to do it in – all of whom have too many broadcasting hours to fill with opinion, prejudice, or theory rather than genuine facts. I really think 24 hour broadcasting ought to be scrapped and a few good hours broadcasting of well balanced fact and entertainment broadcast instead.
An excellent nom this. To paraphrase Napoleon “fear is what stops the poor murdering the rich in their beds.” (He said religion not fear).
I had a interesting chat with Mrs CMC about how our lords and masters feel about us plebs. I said ‘hate’ but she thought ‘contempt’ was better.
Great piece CMC. I wonder if your list of enemies is as long as mine? Rather appropriately, on this thread, I think both you and your Mrs are wrong……..fear is how they feel about the plebs and the way things are going they fucking should be afraid.
Loved the twitter video, that should be played on all the MSM outlets.
the govermint now acknowledges it is using public money (our taxes) to shore up the british media – so that they can all tell us what to do – this is criminal in my estimation and makes all of them cunts
I also remember the fear of the IRA bombs and the oil running out. Coming up to date, besides the Chinky Plague we seem to have forgotten about peacefuls blowing us to bits on buses and trains, running over us in hired transit vans or randomly stabbing the shit out of us in the street. Yeah, i’m fucking scared, more scared than I can ever remember. Fortunately i’m a massive cunt and I ain’t planning on dying. Let the thick wankers die not this cunt. When they start easing off this lockdown Freddie will be staying firmly in his pond. Let some other cunt be the guinea pig while I observe. I’m old enough and experienced enough not to trust a single fucking word that comes out of a politician’s lying fucking gob. You cunts can die if you want to, not this cunt.
I suppose fear is an essential part of the survival mechanism. I suspect that even the most battle-hardened veterans will admit to feeling fear when in a truly life-threatening situation.
Personally,although I certainly don’t look to put myself in danger,don’t particularly fear death (as long as it’s quick and painless)…it’s going to come to us all sooner or later. I’d much rather live my life and die early than spend my time constantly worrying and ending up living past the point of having any quality of life. I suppose the fact that I don’t have any family about whom I give a shite to succeed me also means that I have less need to worry about what will happen when I croak.
People,in my opinion,need to balance the possibility of danger against living a full life. Yes,we could all wrap ourselves in cotton-wool and hide away…and for those truly in peril..well.fair enough,but if the fear of getting knocked down by a bus means that you can never cross a road….well,it’s gone too far.
I’m sure that when my time comes,I’ll be less blase and regret some of my actions…but I hope that I don’t. I’ve made my choices,enjoyed my time and regret very little.
Having strayed into fucking self-indulgent and maudlin territory at an exceptionally early hour even for me. I’ll say that people have to make their own choices and decide themselves what is “safe” and whether ultimate safety is worth the cost.
it is more than natural to be scared, it is not so much conquering your fear but controlling it (that is where the problem starts, because it comes back and bites you on the bum later) .
Sometimes after prolonged exposure, people take the next step, the 100 yard stare where they do not actually give a fuck and become a danger to themselves and others.
The film “The hurt locker” is probably the best explanation of this that I have ever seen.
My grandfather’s brother went down that road.
The Somme seemed to have removed all fear from him.
He wasn’t a particularly big guy, apparently, but had learned how to fight and couldn’t seem to stop. My gran was always worried when my grandad went out for a beer with him. There was a better than even chance he’d get into a scrap.
Drank himself to death. Died in 1925.
Good cunting. The mainstream so-called news outlets are in truth the Ministry of Propaganda and they know how to both spread and use fear to steer Joe Bloggs in the required direction.
10 O’Clock news last night and the BBC started wittering on about C-19. I fucked off to brush my teeth and when I came back they were still painting the picture of doom and gloom….I turned it over and watched an equally depressing doc on The Shadows & Cliff. My god he was shit.
I recorded that Shadows docümentary…. thought it might provide a little light relief over the weekend…. Oh well.
I watched the Simpsons.
The special guests were Cheech & Chong!☺
Don’t Cheech & Chong hate each other now? To the point of recording their dialogue in separate studios…
Not sure BB, sort of covered a falling out in the episode so sounds. Possible.
Liked them as a young un.
Fuck me RTC, 60 odd years and you didn’t realise Cliff was shite?
Now that is scarey!
I knew Cliff was shite back in 1962 Constance, when I was nine years old. And he’s got ever more shitty from then onwards.
I recorded the programme for The Shadows who Recorded som great stuff up to about 1965 when they too became shite.
Fucking Hell!!!!
Cuntstable, not “Constance”, fucking spellcheck! ?
I’ve had enough of today already – joggers everywhere puffing and blowing their disease in my face without a by your leave, not to mention the Lycra clad cyclist who insisted on forcing me off the pavement. Cunts all.
Morning Ruff Tuff,
Agree The Shadows were ace up to about 1965 . Then Wank Marvin went on to do Musical covers and other bland shit. What a waste of talent.
Morning Fenton ?
RTC – They were ok…just that Cliff fella. Worth a watch – better than the News
Yeah, I thought as much Daz. Cheers.
When all this C19 shit is over and done with, you can bet your last penny ITV or BBC will bring out an action-drama series called “Killer Virus” and starring the usual woke profiles.
Inevitably, the virus will have been created in a top secret government lab in the UK, at the behest of a right-wing gammon, middle-aged white male.
The virus was somehow compromised by some White Pride far-right terrorists, acorrding to the Met Police (about as far right as Del & Rodney, in reality), and that millions of people across the world died because of them (mostly BAMEs + David Lammy, because they have to be the victims for every fuck up in the world)
A special tactical police force led by a couple of munchers, three BAME trannies and 2 non-binaries come to the rescue and kill the murderous white terrorists – who were only sitting in their local boozer, reading the Daily Mail and talking about Brexit. Which was sufficient and damning evidence enough to shoot the shit out of them!
The End
And the ringleader Tommy Robinson (real name…) exposed as a p*edophile, Owen Jones stormzys in and no platforms him – Tommy tries to retreat to his safe space but it’s too late because secret WOKE agent Laura Bells-Palsy downs him with a crushing blow from her overloaded money belt, David Lammy runs in and shouts “He started Grenfell – he’s no friend of mine” and then the Muslim Council storm in to “suggest” everyone converts.
And mad old Jeremy is in the corner in a pool of piss smelling of piss and cabbage shouting “help me Becky”..
This shit writes itself! ?
I saw an ad for a Piers Morgan prog last night, with Bruce Jenner. Didn’t realise the thing was that old.
Didn’t watch the prog, either
The MSM have a lot to answer for.
If it’s not reporting everything at a level aimed at 5 year olds then it’s second guessing any decision they turn their revolting eye to.
They can fuck off and take our great leaders with them.
I’d rather the country was run by a hologram of Field Marshal Montgomery.
“There shall be no more retreats,if we cannot stay here alive then let us stay here dead.”
Backbone over bullshit.
Dick, I think you put it well. I am wondering – talking of wrapping ourselves in cotton wall – when the lockdown ends and people can resume working for a living, just how many willeither – genuinely or otherwise – refuse to leave the house because of the fear factor, also little Johnny – will mummy be happy for him to go back to school? – I see the government is pre-empting this because Gavin Williamson said yesterday he “would not rule out” fining parents who refuse tosend their kids to school.
Project fear has worked well, but perhaps it will have worked TOO well and we will get all the snowflakes and soyboys refusing to leave their duvets.
We are living in interesting times, and as the year goes on it will become ever more interesting.
To be frank I am starting to ignore fear. Don’t go out, don’t use public transport, but fuck it, some of us have to use it because we have been banned from driving, and our wives are too busy watching old soaps to do Tesco themselves. Now I laugh when I see old dark keys and Parking Stanleys wearing enormous cricket boxes over their vacuous faces. Fear can be dangerous.
Morning, Mr.B.
Like you,I believe Project Fear has worked too well. Fair enough shielding the most vulnerable,but we have now reached the point of abandoning people in care homes while paying people who have very little chance of taking much harm to sit at home.
There will never be a point where everyone is completely “safe”…we must be realistic about that. How long can even the least likely to take harm be allowed, even compelled, to stay home before we might as well ALL just stay at home because there’ll be bugger all left to come out for?
Cunts over 65 should continue to follow lockdown rules; everyone else should take sensible precautions but get back to work pronto. If the NHS adapted to only treat proper ill cunts and not waste resources funding lifestyle choices it would be able to cope.
Totally agree. Anyone categorised as especially vulnerable to covid 19 should remain in isolation (over 70s, people with heart conditions, underlying illness etc etc). Everyone else needs to get back to normal. Life is full of risks, but you can’t spend your whole life hiding in a germ proof clean room, in fact its probably better if you do expose yourself to new germs, let your immune system overcome them, and then just get on with things. I hope when the next superbug hits the UK we won’t overreact in the same way.
I’m in my 50s with perhaps another 30 years of “fear” to look forward to. Although quite frankly I would rather croak it much sooner than that because Project Fear isn’t going to go away any time soon!
It has come to something whereby you’re not even allowed to have an opinion without being flamed by some self-righteous groups – a clear case of conform or be cast out!
The internet generation, or more pertinently, the social media generation are going to be the next “Fear” to worry about. They have already started their cleansing campaign via Twitter, by demonizing anyone who doesn’t share their own views. And that freedom of expression only works under their rules, with no one with any influence standing up and challenging them for fear of being tarnished.
The older generations – the Boomers and Gen Xers – will find themselves ever more isolated and pigeonholed as being “the enemy”, and that the world’s ills are our fault – according to cunts like Greta Thundertits.
As one gets older and more cynical its best to think “Fuck it!, let them get on with it, and it won’t belong before they too will be fucking up the world. But that’s okay because I won’t be here to see it!”
Ironically I was listening to some Blue Oyster Cult the other day. “Don’t Fear The Reaper” they chorused. Too fucking right: bring him on!
That’s a top track Technocunt, forgot abaaaht it and gave it a listen, what a guitar riff.
We all have in built fear, to some degree it’s what keeps us going and drives us to succeed.
Fear of losing your job and lifestyle…so we work near or to our best level
Fear of cancer/ and other illnesses…so we try to look after our diet/exercise etc
Fear of the new girlfriend telling her mates you tongued her arsehole…so you get her super drunk first so she doesn’t remember too well
Fear of rejection when you spot a nice bird and start talking to her
Fear of shitting your pants when you’ve had a few too many drinks the night before and you want to fart but know that watery alcohol shit wants to fire aaaaht
Fear is inbuilt and nobody is fearless, although some are less fearful than others. Some use their faith to balance that fear of dying and some simply don’t worry abaaaaaht it.
Fear is great thing that can push is to succeed when channelled the correct way, it can also be our downfall when allowed to take over and stop us living to our full potential.
What a balancing act eh, as is life in general.
Fear of being anally raped by those Freemason weirdos B&W?
Have you considered that by any chance?
No Freddie, but we chant your name whilst killing the Goat in lodge…seen any Goats whilst dreaming? ?
Goats are for peacefuls, not for the likes of you and I, surely?
Curry goat roti washed down with plenty of Red Stripe, what’s not to like FtF
Curry Goat we have here isn’t even Goat it’s Mutton, lovely with white rice and roast breadfruit.
We should wait more Goat Freddie, quality meat and under rated.
I bet one of them big arse black women you like have cooked you some weird shit before?
I wonder if there’s a slime Lodge ?
I honestly believe that you never feel more alive than when you are taking risks, be it going on a massive bender or driving your car at 120mph+, or doing something risky. Breaking ‘rules’ or being in a high risk situation where your fear and fight or flight response is in overdrive can really make you feel alive and although it’s not good to be in that constant heightened state we do need to live and experience life in the fast lane to some degree.
Who want a boring, monotonous same old life? I don’t and I intend to live mine as who knows when our time is up…there are no guarantees and that in itself makes it exciting.
Keep rocking and rolling and keep that fire burning inside.
The spirit of adventure. ?☠️
It’s when ordinary folks’ fear of death becomes fear of life that our betters have fucked us right over.
Personally I do not fear death, it happens and it is inevitable but I do have some reservations as to how I get to that final destination.
I worked in one area where the toilet wall faced enemy positions, so when I had a shit there was all the protection of a toilet sisten and a terracotta brick wall.
I used to have visions of some cunt with an RPG taking me out and my body being found with my trousers round my ankles body peppered with ceramic shards, that was a very rational fear in my mind, but I am sure the letter would have read the same.
sorry to inform you………..bravely died in combat………
Not, last moments spent dragging what was left of him over a shit strewn floor, cut to ribbons by an exploding toilet with his trousers round his ankles.
Good cunting CR!
Fear as a construct when used by governments, governmental bodies, world organisations, corporations, MSM etc is a Ponzi scheme control mechanism to help them control the masses.
You as an individual either buy into the Fear Ponzi currently on display or you live your life to the beat of your own drum, sheep or shepherd that’s for all of us to decide.
I’ll happily continue to live as a shepherd like a lot of you fellow cunters as it’s not fared too badly for me to date.
I’m not a reckless cunt, I’ll take calculated risks on my terms to do what I need to do to survive, thrive and to get my kicks, if it’s my day to die then so be it, at least I’ll be living life on my terms
Fuck living in fear like the sheeples, continue cunting the cunts of the world (growing number by the day I know!) and live life to its fullest!
Fears something all life has, its natural, keeps you from becoming lunch.
Stops you doing silly things,But…cant live your life trembling and cowering, fuck fear,fuck coronovirus, and fuck the government.
The wolf does not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.
Historically fear has always been used as a distraction to make you look past the fucking obvious.
I have been and worked in some “Fearful places” and strangely enough you do no not use fear to get the message across other wise it all breaks down, try these directions.
” When you get to the railway crossing, run across singly and at random timings, form up on the ditch on the other side”, That is what was said.
This is the truth, ” There is a fixed GPMG on the railway crossing (The guy dose not have to aim just pull the trigger and wiggle left and right) and there is a spotter on the building over there somewhere, and if they see you cross they will open up”
Now if I had said that I think only the stupidest of cunts would have crossed that road.
But on the other hand there is always hope too, that’s just over the horizon, I know you can not see it but it is there, so keep going.
Just read on msn.com (origin the Telegraph) that the government is thinking of loosening the 2m rule down to 1m when they start to open eveything up because the scientists now say that the virus does not transmit effectively over 2m………. but up until now they said it does but also said the viral cells can hang inthe air for up to 3 hours rendering the 3m rules in supermarkets largely pointless.
They pretty much scared the shit out of everybody for no good reason (other than to see how the plebs would repsond).
meant 2m rule, not 3m rule. Doh!
I think it’s just to keep scared people passive. In reality your likely to catch it from things you touch and it is airborne. I read it can be coughed over many meters, rendering the 2m rule useless. All bolocks in my opinion keep em scared, keep them passive!!
They just think this shit up as they go along!
If they were all experts in their particular field you would think they would all have a consensus. But they don’t. So how the fuck can they be experts if they have different opinions?
Ah but ” the science” says!
There is no such thing as “the science”.
Neil Ferguson’s model is not science, it is a guess. It’s no different to you or I taking a punt and a nag at the bookies based on the form/distance etc. And just in the same way as most bets I place lose so do Neil Fergsuon’s model and predictions turn out to be bullshit.
Lord Benny, I think you should write a book of memoirs. There must be hundreds of anecdotes and stories to tell (names and places can be changed to avoid any OSA limitations).
Oh and yes, fear. Typically used as a control mechanism either by religion or dictate…take your pick.
I did think about it, 3 colleagues have (whoopie do I am in two books and a whole full page photo in one!).
Thing is I would end up debunking a couple of “Hero’s” who have done reasonably well for themselves, also upset a few people who wish me dead and probably think I am, My only saving grace is the fact that I always worked under an assumed name to prevent any repercussions on my family so a little difficult to trace.
I’d buy it, as I’ve said before. There is a matter of factness to your storytelling rather than heroics or bravado. Also, the humour that is needed to do the type of work you’ve done shines through. Keep them coming buddy.
The whole Bravo two zero thing springs to mind when you mentioned contradicting other books in a less flattering light. McNabs book was great when it came out, and he shared the glory equally, but Chris Ryan brought out his book and that contradicted a lot of what McNab had written, and came across a bit bitchy. Then that guy who was in the territorial SAS went to Iraq to write his book, and he said they were both talking bollocks, so who to believe?
With all those situations it is a question of who to believe.
There is what you believed at the time and what panned out.
All very different 20 years later, some demonised some sanitised.
If I was to point a finger at any one Rodney Morgan (despite being a Scottish nationalist) was without doubt the most valiant soldier of the campaign and the last to blow his own trumpet.
superseded by the media grabbers, never wrote a book a man of interest, not me, compared to him I am buck fuck.
Lockdown is sinister, but just imagine how much more sinister it would have been under Corbyn, or even those grinning apes Blair and Starmer (Blair Mk 2). “You vill do what ze party tells you to do”.
Adolf McDonnell would have been in his element – as would Goebells Campbell.
Agree, it would be Corbyns absolute wet dream to have us all at his mercy and told that any sign of you doing something that doesn’t help the ‘state’ will be severely punished.
For our own good ofcourse.
If I was non-white I would be in fear of the left-wing media fucking me over. The bleating about the Coronapop virus affecting a greater proportion of the non-white population is pointing to the fact that whitey has a stronger constitution ie. We are the master race. The BBC, Guardian and all the other libtard conduits of anti-white propaganda are inadvertently carrying on Hitler’s work. What a bunch of dozy cunts.
“First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” (Franklin D Roosevelt, 1933)
“A baby is born into this world in a state of fear. Total paranoia and awareness. He sees the world with eyes not used yet.” (Charles Manson)
“Fear is a man’s best friend.” (John Cale)
‘I will show you something different from either. Your shadow at morning striding behind you. Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust.’
T S Eliot The Waste Land
It’s impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror… Horror has a face… and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies!
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Marlon Brando: Colonel Walter E. Kurtz
Happy Days Ruff Tuff
I can hear Brando there….the best bit in the speech though IMO is when he comes to the word ‘judgement’ he turns his head and as if in revelation says-‘judgement…judgement that’s what defeats us…’.
‘Are you an assassin?’
‘I’m a soldier, sir’.
I’ve always been a worrier. Most of the fears mentioned in the nom are definitely relatable to me. I even worry about shit that other worriers wouldn’t care about. So right now, I should be curled up under the stairs, rocking back and forth, sucking my thumb waiting for the end. But I’m not. I even started to worry that I stopped worrying, but I’ve given in to it, and I feel great. I couldn’t give a fuck about chinky flu. Thanks to our shortcock cousins from the land of the flash fried rat, we have a new way to check out. And, it’s not going anywhere.
Limiting my exposure to the media has helped, as Covid is the only thing that is being reported on, and it is always the negative, worst case scenario, doom laden death figures that dominate the narrative. There is no balance whatsoever, the recovery rate, or those that get infected and don’t get ill are a non story, as they prefer to document the apocalypse with slavering glee.
I’m done with it. I respect other people wanting to observe the social distancing, but I don’t give a fuck if they don’t. The day the pubs open I’m going for a pint. That’s not bravado, it’s an acceptance that life must go on, because if everyone is going to stay at home shitting themselves, then that will be worse than any virus.
Am I stupid? Perhaps, but no more stupid than people who have seen someone die of lung cancer and carry on smoking themselves, or any of the myriad of contradictions that humanity justifies in order to do as they wish, in spite of the proven consequences.
Smoking is currently the best known defence against catching coronavirus.
It appears so, contrary to the predictions at the beginning of the pandemic. I bet the sales of cigarettes have rocketed at that news. After watching a good friend die an agonising slow death from smoking related lung cancer, I’ll take my chances with the slope sniffles.
Great – I’ve been looking for a good excuse to take up smoking again after 37 years.
I saw this advice on this very website last week and I can report that it works! I smoked a pack per day over the past seven days and haven’t yet died of woohoo virus!
You are absolutely right. It is sensible to avoid dangerous situations, that’s a reasonable thing to do. People who are getting themselves into a state of mind where they are too afraid/worried to leave their own homes… I feel sorry for them, but you can’t allow fear to paralyse you, otherwise life is barely worth living.
FEAR. Top track by Brownie.
Fear. Used by the weak minority to control the strong majority. As has always been, as will always be.
Fear of terrorism, disease, poverty, abandonment, loss of lifestyle. All mechanisms used by religion and rulers to control us – because if (and IMO hopefully “when”) we rise the payback will be TRULY something to be feared.
Give them just enough to stop them taking to the streets, but never enough to progress and improve, and always the steady drip of fear.
When I was a small child I was afraid of many things, for very good reason.
As an adult the only thing I am afraid of is myself.
Good nom Sir Fiddler – it struck a deep chord with me – fear is hard wired into the brain of most Homo Sapiens, designed to keep us safe and alive.
And this same fear is manipulated to control the masses, always has been, always will be – because the elite are not just afraid of us, they are terrified of us.
With good reason.
Not my nom. I’m sorry to say Vernon…. Cunt Reviled’s work.
‘Tis a good un.
Hope you’re keeping fit and well.
Sorry DF – grovelling apologies to CR! ?♂️ – a grown up normally checks things before I am allowed near a keyboard! (Damn those pesky psychiatrists!) ?
I am indeed fit and well, as I hope we all are – ISAC is a little island of sanity and common sense in an increasingly ridiculous World.
On other news I am going stir crazy/ cabin fever/turning Japanese – time to hammer the pedals!
Cheers DF, VF and all other commenters – I’d respond more frequently but for some reason, every last thing I’ve ever uploaded to IsAC has gone straight into moderation – (this will be included) – No idea why and neither has Admin, bless ’em. Hey Ho !
Keep on cunting….
No Idea myself, take it from me I have viewed and admired your work, maybe you are close to a shitbag on you IP location
I’m not saying a little fear is a bad thing but as well as mental health, constant fear affects our physical health also.
“Living under constant threat has serious health consequences. Fear weakens our immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and decreased fertility. It can lead to accelerated ageing and even premature death.”
When this is all over, if I’m still here, I intend suing Kuntsberg, Peston, Rigby and the Daily Mail for every fuckin’ penny they’ve got.
having just queued for one and a half hours at the pharmacy to collect the Mrs’s medication I can reliably inform you that coughing is the new farting, I coughed once everyone span round and looked at me.
I waved my pipe and said “Smokers cough” and they let me off (Must be the equivalent too “It’s ok it doesn’t smell”).
Many fears are completely illogical. I’ve been seeing a counsellor for some time now who’s been treating me for the fear I have of ejaculating twice in a day. You can imagine my shock when I first told her this and her response was “come again?” We’ve worked on the problem together and I think I’ve ‘overcûm’ the problem. It was worth every penny in fees as I can now manage five times a day.
If it was “worth every penny” perhaps you’ll have enough pennies left over for a new joke-book? (Please,please,please)
🙂 .
? Afternoon Dick. I’ve had a good sort out and I’ve passed the worst ones on to Miserable NC. I’ve applied to JR Cuntley’s correspondence course but as you can imagine there’s a high demand with people having so much time on their hands.
The thing that most people are afraid of is not being accepted by others, that’s why they dress and act and talk in certain ways to ensure they fit in. They’re frightened of being regarded as different and much prefer the safety of being part of the majority.
I’ve always thought this way – do I want to be my own man or do I want to be someone else’s? So I’ve done my own thing, said what I thought, and annoyed a lot of people in the process. Fuck them.
I’m not afraid of being dead. A year before I was born I didn’t exist, so I’m only going back to where I was before. What frightens me is the prospect of lying in a hospital bed needlessly suffering for weeks because it’s illegal for the doctors to finish me off no matter how much I beg them.
Well said sir! ?
Spot. on. So long as Mr. Reaper is greatly delayed, and when he arrives, his blade is extra sharp. That’s all I ask.
Am dying to get back to the real office, so I can cunt them about why they fucked up so badly, resulting in 11 month recruitment process.
Otherwise, I’ve all but given up on the “news”, owt but an endless blubbathon of incoherent mongs. With death around us, just put up a counter in the bottom corner of the screen. Most of us here know what it’s like to lose somebody, even before their time. I think the dictionary will be rewritten in a year or two; I reckon “dignity” will be noted as “historical” if not non-existant.
Excellent nom this. There is no doubt that governments etc worldwide have tried to install ‘The Fear’ into people and by and large it has worked. The problem is that they have listened too much to the advice of ‘experts’. However, as this is a new disease there are NO experts on it. All of their ‘advice’ is basically speculation and guesswork. Initially we were told that wearing face masks was of little use – now people are being told that they MUST wear them in public. The 2 metre distancing rule is so arbitrary it’s laughable. And the latest one is the so-called second spike – based on what exactly, there are absolutely no concrete facts to back this up, it’s just an excuse to keep people in lockdown. To a lesser extent The Fear manifests itself in the ridiculous bollocks of clapping like demented seals every Thursday – the fear of being berated if you don’t take part. And I have to say that it’s women who seem to buy into all this crap – I think men by and large are much more cynical and cuntish (esteemed fellow Isac members excluded of course!)
Sooner or later, businesses will open up later, regardless. Airlines will be flying to countries that have the intelligence to ease or end LD.
I think the gvnmnt would be hard pushed to do anything other than stand by and observe, possibly with some grumbling about irresponsibility. A tory gvnmnt is going to be aware of the economy, and the power that captains of industry &c. wield.
Fear is a survival mechanism and useful in certain situations.
However, most fear nowadays is irrational and has been pathologised as anxiety.
Really top notch nom this. Well done sir. I find you absolutely correct. Note, the fears you mentioned – and rightly so – are all of a magnitude which the individual alone cannot address by themselves. Hence, the people in government position themselves as your hope and saviour because they’re smarter than you, know more than you do and with your money and support can protect you from the fear du jour.
Apathy and a lack of intelligence on the part of the masses keeps these bastards in power. With the rise of soshall meeja, the masses have the means to communicate and collaborate quickly and in large numbers. Talking down to the masses or just ignoring them is no longer sufficient, so it’s been interesting to see how the tactic has switched to demonisation. Have an opinion which doesn’t align with the controlling or powerful classes? Then you’re a sexist, f@scist, 1slamaphobic, r@cist, climate change denier, etc. etc. etc.
Being called out, labelled, ridiculed and destroyed by these types of attacks is the new fear. The fact that platforms like Twatter and FecesBook condone this is breathtaking to me. I use neither and never will.
Brexit is/was a text book example of my point. The ruling classes bent just enough to let the masses have their say, believing they’d fall in line and agree with them.
Oops. The masses didn’t agree and a multi-year shit storm ensued. Leavers were called everything under the sun, including r@cist, xenophobic, bigots, far right nationalists, etc. All designed to denigrate them into submission and hence the calls for a second referendum.
On this occasion, enough people stood strong and will (eventually) get their way. The cost though will be, no UK government will dare risk another referendum about anything for generations to come.
I acknowledge a lot of the things mentioned above, however I understand that they are beyond my control. My biggest fear is what I see outside the house, namely chavs. Chavs are a cancer that constantly blight my life, I am all too aware of their existence, and my fear of them makes me question my ability to stand up for what is right. Thankfully I have been conscious to stand up to this cancer, and know I must do more to fight for my basic right to exist.
Without meaning to be patronising, be careful, Angryman. Scum like that are unpredictable. Pick your battles…you can’t win them all,so just stick to the ones that are winnable.
Best Wishes.
Without meaning to be patronising, be careful, Angryman. Filth like that are unpredictable. Pick your battles…you can’t win them all,so just stick to the ones that are winnable.
Best Wishes.
You aren’t being patronising at all. It is a case of picking battles, but eventually it gets to a stage where you have to defend yourself. This cancer is everywhere, and sometimes I feel I am the only one who can see it.