Entitled Cunts

Entitled Cunts


Here we have some trollop with 6 brats whinging because it took her 5 hours to claim online some 15 Pound child-benefit food voucher. The lazy bag has nothing better to do and it might give her something to do bar getting tupped by whoever offers her a bag of chips and a Woodbine. I can’t see why the bitch should get extra money on top of child benefit anyhow. What about taking some of the father(s) benefits and using that to support the children?

Fuck Off.

Top and bottom is that the slovenly slattern shouldn’t breed like a rat if she can’t provide for her whelps. Six fucking children indeed and no way of supporting them….let the good old taxpayer do it.

Sterilise the tart and probably best to do the kids too while they’re about it. Break the fucking cycle of Cunts breeding with no regard to consequence.

Nominated by Dick de Pfeffel Foxchaser-Fiddler

67 thoughts on “Entitled Cunts

  1. Nice one!
    I’ve been occasioned to phone Radio5Live from time to time for no other reason than to set the cat among the pigeons (which is ironic cos I fucking hate cats and pigeons! Cunt creatures!) and have raised this issue more than once, expecting to be shot down by follow up callers and text messages. Nothing of the sort, you’ll be pleased to hear. Thus seems to be a popular opinion among the cunts who call in seriously as well as for the sport of it.

  2. Six kids? Likes a lenth then.
    All foreigners in this country should be forcible sterilised as they jump off the dinghy.
    And any who’s been here longer than 2days.
    Whats she look like?
    No picture, you should get your feet under the table Dick!
    Shes sex mad, and bet youd mellow with some step kids.
    Take them on the donkeys in Blackpool.

  3. Her business closed due to Chink flu……

    Maybe she was a drug mule or just a fucking slag who bangs out kids she can’t afford.

    What a cunt!

    • I suspect that her “business” has been hard hit by her punters not being allowed to pull up on street corners and enquire of her… “how much to tongue your bumhole…you slaaaaagg”

  4. £15 a week for each child, that’s 280 a month she can’t afford, obviously poor at math, she’s es had six kids and still doesn’t understand she couldn’t afford the first one.

      • Synonymous with early Casio. Strangely enough, they were also black and often wrong.

      • Ok cunts…put your pens down and face the board….now a bint has six cunty kids and wants to claim £15 per week. The equation for monthly chav claim is thus…
        6 x 15 x 52/ 12 = £390….carry on. CUNTS!

      • You seriously imagine this grasping bitch wouldn’t claim for day 365? It’s £391.07 for a standard year or £391.16 for a leap year. Ignorant fuckers.

      • For the uninformed, it’s ((6x15x52)+1)/12 (52 weeks plus a day=365), or ((6x15x52)+2)/12 (52 weeks plus 2 days=366).

      • Yes! Why try to convert to Months if it is a weekly handout? 6 x £15 = £90. per week. £360 for 4 weeks etc etc. Each MONTH has a different amount of days, therefore the calculation can ONLY be an average. Now fuck off the lot of you!

  5. She’s only a proper slut if a couple of those sprogs are coffee-coloured.
    And one is a möng.
    Or a bit of both, like poor Harvey Price.

  6. Brill. Might start copy and pasting some of these noms on my Facebook page so people think I’ve written them…

    • Haha, you might find yourself locked out of your Facebook account due to ‘unusual activity’

      Happened to me a couple of years ago. the trouble is no cunt at Facebook has the balls to write. ‘One of your fake friends disagrees and is offended by the following post and has reported you’

      Far too upfront for a snivelling millennial tech-flunkey.

  7. My old Man died when I was six leaving a Widow and a number of hungry children. She had to claim some benefits to pay rent and bills, and never stopped feeling ashamed of the fact. (But the crucible of depravation sure as hell makes you harden up and forges MEN).
    Back then it was not fashionable to be a single Mother, it was a stigma and a hell of a lot less well paid than now.
    My Mother worked labouring on farms, cleaning, and selling jewelry and Tupperware to make sure we never went hungry and had shoes on our feet, and from the age of 11 we all got cash jobs to help pay our way – an amazingly liberating feeling.
    A weird quirk of UK history called pride. Which is now self serving virtue signalling play the victim sh*te. No backbone, no balls, no graft – because our chavs and snowflakes have been indoctrinated with the mindset that it’s everyone else’s fault and everyone else should sort it, which has turned them into weak spineless self pitying b*stards.

    Topping nom Sir Fiddler! ?

    And slightly off topic – figures released showing that working class Men are the biggest victims of Covid19 – don’t hear any wimminz groups or the MSM shouting that one from the rooftops, but it’s OK because we might, possibly, maybe, hopefully be quarantining visitors – from the end of f*cking May! (Unless they land on a beach of course).
    Boris is an utter f*cking clown – and spends 100 quid of taxpayers money a week to have his hair “styled” like a f*cking gippo!
    On other news I am going out for some milk and tea bags.

    • A nice insight there Vern into what’s moulded you in to the indefatigable individual you are. FFS – we need more Vernons to be running this country at the moment. All these cunts need to have gone through some hardship in life before we even entertain them as politicians. Keep going Vern. Your country needs you!
      ?? ??

      • He said in another nom that he looks like a werewolf and I’m not sure we need more of them running the country.

      • I promise to lock myself in on moonlit nights Moggie! ?
        Quite liking the beard though – looks like I should be jumping out of a longboat at Lindisfarne making havoc!

      • On reflection, Boris’s hair always looks like he’s been twatted with a tennis racket so a werewolf running the show may prove to be a welcome, and inspired, choice. I suspect there would be few detractors and any that are would be tasty.

    • ‘weak spineless self pitying b*stards.’

      that sums up nearly every scrounger I’ve known

    • My old gran was a single mother in the 1830s. She worked all her life, was always happy and never claimed a penny.

  8. “People shouldn’t be expected to sit and stare at a screen for hours to claim the voucher” cried the whingeing bint.

    As opposed to her usual routine of staring at a screen for hours watching Jeremy Kyle or Loose Women?

  9. Child benefit shouldn’t exist. People take advantage of it and why should I pay for other cunts’ kids? Fuck off!

  10. Funny irony nom by Fiddler fiddle is the operative word, chances are these poor sprogs will get fiddled with while mother (please not another) is getting someone to fill out yet another form to fiddle the system. Cunt hole someone turn the light on it’s as black in ere as the geezer at no 7 who gave me a chocolate one

  11. Spot on cunting.
    Non of these benefits should exist at all.
    Cut income tax instead and let everyone stand on their own two feet or rely on family.
    Council tax can fuck off as well,just because it can.
    Grasping spineless cunts.

      • Since becoming a social media influencer (this weekend) Ive got off to a slow but promising start!
        1) pair of hiking socks
        2) a hollands pie (still in date!)
        3) a english dictionary with a handwritten note saying “learn to spell” which I suspect was capt Magnanimous
        And 4) a can of bitter that wasnt still in date.(probably Fiddler)

      • You could advertise beard oil Miserable and rope in Vernon, I hear you have a beardy bromance brewing.

      • Its a subgroup on ISAC ‘the werewolves’ a far right extremist group LL.
        All the brotherhood should have a full beard.
        Only early days but spoons is a ‘prospect’ gotta prove hisself before he can be a full patch
        If you leave that George Michael stubble you were bragging about alone you can apply!

      • ‘The Werewolves’ eh? I’m in, do you do Viking re-enactments every other weekend with a pub lunch? Fiddler joining? He’ll need to grow out his 17th century Witchfinder General beard.

      • Fiddler thought his muttonchops bought him entry but its full beard or nothing, although his firearms would be handy.
        BWC argued that his Kid Creole spiv tash qualified but agreed to grow a afro simply because I like Thin Lizzy and hed look like Phil Lynott.
        We have a drink and bar brawl on a saturday
        And cupcakes at mine on a sunday.

      • Bertie’s Lord Kitchener moustache is rather impressive as is Creampuffs Otto von Bismarck effort but sorry lads, full beards only.

  12. I’ve always had sympathy for the kids who didn’t ask to be born.
    Up until now at any rate. Bollocks to it, bring back the work houses, and for fucks sake someone sterilise this bitch.

  13. Fuck me, have her knees met since puberty? What a slag. Fuck her, and fuck the welfare state. The dole scum are unaffected by this lockdown, none of them are worried about losing jobs, homes etc. It makes me despise the feckless filth even more, which I didn’t think possible.

  14. This country is well and truly finished, I mean SERIOUSLY fucked up. Thank fuck I didn’t bring any sprogs into the world.

    • I hope you’ve passed this with Ruff Tuff’s permission? Otherwise you’re in contravention of copyright law.

      ©️Ruff Tuff Creampuff Dated – year dot.

    • “Thank fuck I didn’t bring any sprogs into the world”.

      Too right Cupid – I’ve always thought that creating a “mini-me” is an act of blatant narcissism. I am an insufferable cunt – so why would I wish to inflict another version of me on the fucking planet ?

      • PS If so, can you rely on an army of moose limbs to provide you with a pension in your declining years?
        If not start spreading your seed before it’s too late!

      • I have a nephew, Bertie – He’s an even bigger cunt than me (so is his Mother). Were my pension needs reliant solely upon him, let alone any fucking mudslime, I’d be completely fucked either way.

      • Mind you Seymour, my whole premise is fucked! The new “normal” won’t include anything remotely resembling a pension. ?

      • Evening Blunters. Yes, I decided that whilst seeing more gusset could hold my attention for a short time, eventually I’d have to move on to the real thing !

      • I bought one offspring into the world partly for the professional curiosity of finding out if cuntishness is heritable. It is!

  15. This thread reminded me of that Harry Enfield sketch where Waynetta says “I wannabe like all the uvver muvvers on the estate…….I wanna braaaaawn baabee. For that I need a big black man. I’m sorry Wayne but you just ain’t a big black man.”
    You couldn’t get away with that these days no more than you could get away with most of the stuff in Little Britain.
    How times change so quickly eh? Think on.

  16. Sounds like your typical council estate slapper, on plenty of fish has had a mile of cock a, more pricks than a second hand dart board, snatch like a butchers dustbin, has spent so much time with her spread she will need a Y shaped coffin when she dies of gonarhia, and the best bit is we all pay for this sponging cunt to exist and then croak, and it even has the fucking nerve to moan about how long it takes to screw the fucking system, send the slag to Nigeria for a taste of starvation and brutality with no sky tv and benson and hedges and see how she does, it really sickens me that we have to support waister fuckpigs like this ungrateful cunt…..

  17. Another excellent nomination.

    The mandate is clear,
    Poor people who are reliant on state benefits should not have any more than 1 or 2 children. People like this fat cunt contribute the square root of fuck all to the country.

    Dominic has written extensively on breaking the cycle, of low life wastrels, just need to implement it.

    Working Class is a good thing, but nowadays below working class we have: criminal class, benefits class, chav class, reality tv class,etc. Need to stamp it out hard asap before it grows any more than already.

    Single mothers have oft been looked down up, children by different fathers, never married. Collecting up to £30k in benefits, maybe more. They do not contribute anything. Most of their kids will never amount to anything either. These wimmin and families are a drain and stain.

    For every successful professional person, their taxes go to support these fucking council slugs.

    Also, “Housing Associations” you’ve now got whole massive infrastructure companies (run as charities) with the sole express purpose of putting n’er do wells, slugs, into houses.

    Some of these bastards end up with 3/4 bed houses which are nearly new built and actually nicer properties than many working people can afford to buy or rent. The world has gone fucking mad.

    • Try 5 beds where I live. Built the cunts couldn’t sell them. So filled with filthy dole scrounging scum. Whores of the manor we name them. Couldn’t afford one of those houses in my dreams. Then again me and the missus rather foolishly go to work.

  18. I’m disappointed there’s no photo of her, as really lower class women give me a proud yet shameful horn.

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