Elon Musk [2]

Elon Musk calls for end to lockdown.

Demand for Tesla’s electric cars held up in the first three months of the year, despite upheavals caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

But Tesla said forced shutdowns and limits on deliveries had clouded its forecast for coming months.

“Frankly I would call it forcibly imprisoning people in their homes against all their constitutional rights…that’s my opinion,” Tesla boss Elon Musk, who has been opposed to the lockdown measures, told investors in an earnings call on Wednesday.

Of course he is against lockdown. Like most ultra wealthy selfish fuckers putting profit ahead of peoples lives. After all, its not like he’s going to do any work on the factory floor or come into contact with anyone whilst any of his 7 properties worth over $100m.

The wanker has actually said recently that he is running low on cash. Perhaps we should all have a whip round or start a crowd funding as Bloomberg has just estimated he is worth around $23,700,000,000.

Selfish cunt

Nominated by willie stroker

42 thoughts on “Elon Musk [2]

  1. Hes got a screw loose Musky hasnt he?
    Something not right about him?
    End up a full on Bond Villian with a base inside a volcano if hes not careful.
    Can see Musky getting assassinated before long,
    Upsets people, wealthy as god, names his kid weird barcode name, calls cavers saving children “pedo guy’.
    Be found dead you watch, Deadpool winner.

    • A typicle money worshiper & psychopathic cunt, yes “WILL” be dead soon, ! Before or after Rottenchilds & Rockerfellas ? I don,t know but they ALL will be dead !

  2. I can forgive him for being a cunt because like Trump he proper winds the screeching lefties up. Also, he’s right about lockdown to an extent – various state governors in the US have changed the rhetoric from ‘flatten the curve’ to ‘stay indoors until there are no new cases’ or until there is a vaccine. In addition to that the smaller, less densely populated states like Wyoming and the Dakotas never really needed lockdown in the first place.

    • Dream on. The only people getting wound up are racist right wing nutjobs
      like Trump.

      Elon Musk winds people up because he is a wanker. An arrogant know it all who is actually far dumber than he likes to think.

      Trump is a wanker because he’s killing lots of Americans yet claims he’s “winning”.

      His supporters are wankers because that’s all they’ll ever be.

  3. There is some consolation that his barcode named child was co spawned with a spectacularly weird fugly CUNT with the attractive name of โ€œGrimesโ€.

  4. Thanks for cunting this greedy cunt Willie.
    When I’m finally forced to give up my gas guzzling, fun to drive modes of transport, I’ll remember not to add to this wanker’s bank account.
    His overpriced, underperforming heaps of scrap will be superseded by the bat eating nation’s knock offs anyhow.

  5. On the one hand he uses/steals the surname of perhaps the greatest inventor and mind of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla.

    On the other he names his child with some retarded geeky gobshite.

    Verdict: Autistic cunt.

      • Autism is a medical condition, narcissism and being a jerk is not, and anyone who falsely accuses someone of being a child molester (which Elon Musk did, and slid out of it using money, influence and pricey lawyers) is utter dirt in my book.
        (“Fuckin’ p*edo” is the insult of choice amongst the chavs where I live, and although I would of course never condone violence some fool who did it to the wrong reynard recently received a missing tooth and some stitches for their trouble – there is no insult I can think of that angers me like that one).

      • What is this, a safe space?

        Autistic people can be genius or savant level, but they can also be irritating or just a pain in the arse.

        For example, he accused that diver of being a nonce through twitter. He may well be, but you better back that shit up son. Only an autistic cunt would do something like that.. you can call your mate a nonce but slinging that at some random guy for no reason can fucking ruin his life. If he said that to his face the diver would have water boarded Elon in his breakfast bowl of cocopops.

        I’m not exactly socially graceful myself at the best of times, but I can’t be dealing with that shit.

        I’ve listened to him on Rogans podcast. His ideas and dreams for humanity are cute if he were still 15, but this is a fully grown adult with billions. Sorry, but he’s not someone i want anywhere near the buttons of power or social influence.

        Fuck him.

      • No real issue here with what you wrote, BCC, provided Musk is actually autistic, do you know if he is?

        It wouldn’t really be sporting if you are labelling him autistic, when he isn’t, just to slur him. And of course, autism doesn’t necessarily make one a cunt.

        That’s all.

      • I assumed he was autistic from both my impression of the man, what I’d heard/read from others, and from his persistence in making success in tech.

        Quick google suggests he’s had no formal diagnosis though, so my assumption is misplaced. Still suspect he’s on the spectrum somewhere though. So.. a visionary cunt? Billionaire tech bro cunt? Cunt all the same, just not an autistic one perhaps.

        Tesla was possibly autistic, and he was a good chap from all accounts. Autism is certainly not an automatic cunt prognosis.

  6. At the moment I’m currently 2 years into a 3 year contract with Tesla Motors, albeit not directly, it’s via a design bureau in the US, then via an Industrial Designer friend of mine.

    Twice during a Microsoft Teams conference call between Tesla Motors, ourselves and Kuka Robotics, he joined without warning.

    Each time, he was stuffing his face with something, first time it was Krispy Kreme doughnuts, we knew this because he apologised for it. No doubt he had the munchies ๐Ÿ˜‰

    He’s a strange dude, and whilst I largely agree with the cunting, he did compliment me personally on my work contribution and also, I have heard stories that he has used his own money to help random strangers, so he can’t be ‘all’ cunt.

    • I’d happily eat as many doughnuts as I could manage if my metabolism would allow it.

  7. The Tesla’s safety prowess is somewhat questionable. There have been reports of lithium ion battery fires. One apparently burned a man to death and rescuers couldn’t open the door of the car. It is alleged that the door design prevented the doors from being opened, which could have prevented a man’s death.


    Elon Musk – sounds like some cheap 70s lady’s perf-yoooom.

    • Paul, I remember there’s Jovan Musk. But I’m not sure whom makes it.

    • I can attest, as a qualified automotive engineer, than Teslas are indeed of poor build quality with shit panel gaps, outer door panels rubbing on inner ones, taking off the paint. They have the air of a mid-level appliance.
      But having driven a couple of the quick ones (for work)…holy fucking shit, are they fast. In ludicrous+ mode, it’s like being shot out of a cannon.
      My colleague then drove it and we raced it against my old GSXR1000. Up to a ton, it was neck and neck. Above a ton, the bike pulled away, but still. It was astonishing.

      • How the fuck Musk manages to get shiity aligned panels and British Leyland sized, uneven panel gaps today when the likes of a cheapy like Kia can get a reasonable fit and finish.

        I suspect they bought some of the tooling from the old Morris Ital production line?

  8. Psychedelic drugs, a bit odd to start with and throw in a few billion dollars and people like Musk and Bill Gates. They are dangerous cunts.

  9. If you want a laugh, type in Elon Musk and Hair Thatch to whatever search engine.


  10. So much money that there is no space for sense in his life. A right cunt of biblical proportions.

  11. And whilst on the subject….only the most arrogant of cunts sends up satelites to make a string of pearls in the sky.!

  12. He seems to be autistic but via Mexican steroids crossed with LSD.
    He’s in a class of betters like Gates and Branson.
    I’d keep the Musk and oven the rest.
    A mental cunt for sure but an interesting specimen.

    • ‘..Mexican steroids crossed with LSD.’

      Magic beans?

      What are mexican steroids? Are they concocted in a bathtub with homebase supplies and a shitload of tequila?

    • LSD should be put in the water supply. It would make this country great again.

  13. Elron Musk or Evel Scent as a famous author you’ll all undoubtedly take great delight in calling a cunt called him (or at least a character based on him) in his latest novel.

    anyway he’s (Musk) a right bellended cuntox of the first order

  14. He’s got a fucking daft name, that makes him a cunt in my book seeing as he’s decided to keep it. Elon Musk, sink estate chav would have had the ire of all his school playground against him.
    He sounds like some sort of deer syndrome.
    Fuck him. Billionaire out of touch cunt.

  15. Not a fan of this cunt since he called a cave rescuer a peeeedo for no reason. Bit of an arrogant cunt too.

    However, he has a point on lockdown. How long can it continue? Seriously? Before we’re all living in that book/film, ‘The Road’.

    My solution is to mass produce face masks and hand sanitizer. Then to make sure everyone can easily get a supply. At any time. I’d isolate those at a high risk and everyone else to go back to normal.

    Can’t see what other option there is. A vaccine might take 2 or 3 years. It might never be made too.

    • He’s a complete twat and he should never have won that court case. A clear case of slander in my opinion. Even if he’d lost he would have bought his way out of it. Thinks his money allows him to say anything he likes. Disgusting cunt.

      • Technically as it was written as opposed to spoken it was libel Allan, and an utterly disgusting thing to say about a genuinely good Man.
        I would not cry if someone broke Elon Musk’s nose over that one.

    • All that shows me is what absolute self important cunts the Twatterati are.

  16. There was an unusually objective program on Radio 4 about how mining for lithium in Argentina is ruining the environment. Lithium is required for electric car batteries. The middle class cunts who say that battery cars are the way forward turn a blind eye to the environmental damage they cause.

    Hydrogen is the way forward but we’ll battle on with Betamax for the time being.

  17. His hyperloop idea seems like a fantasy, and a dangerous one.

    He should stick to his electric cars and space vehicles.

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